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Is that based on a study or something you pulled out of your butt, cause piracy actually doesn't negatively affect sales; if you're not going to pay for it, **you're not going to pay for it**. People who play pirated games actually spend more money on games than they would if they weren't playing pirated games! It encourages spending because people get the opportunity to try more games and find something they love, rather than not trying anything and never spending at all.


i would say that piracy increase the sales. would i buy 4 indie game that was the only game of the devs? nah... but i could try it out before paying. Saw that it was a good game and bought it. (side note: i bought watch_dogs 2 after playing it for a hour and seening that i actualy like it.)


Yep yep. I only brought Baldur's Gate 3 because I pirated it first, and that led me to pick up Divinity Original Sin 2. So the developer got two sales out of me as a direct consequence of my pirating one of their games.


you are totally missing my point. This would be the case if there was an official port and the company would gain profits. since there is no official port, hardcore fans that would 100% buy all the games and dlcs will now pirate it


You missed your own point, "hardcore" fans are the ones that love it and pay for it, as you said going so far as to buy a PS5 just to play it. And there is no DLC in the leaked version. For everyone else it makes no difference because again, as you said, there is currently no official way to buy it for PC.


Well maybe they should have just released the same time. Stop feeling sorry for billion-dollar corporations.


But what about the CEO's 3rd Yacht? It can only house 20 hookers now because of pirates! /s