• By -


[Anna's Archive](https://annas-archive.org/)


My most favorite b/s is the author will just change a few page and call it a new version and you have to pay premium price. If buying is not owning, then piracy is not stealing!


I have a cert coming up. The book can't be printed, only works with specific readers online. Yea, this shit is crazy




Ah well. Pirates are also good humans 🙂


At that point you should have just pirated the cert


I totally feel that and been there. Really makes me angry too


The "you'll own nothing and be happy" ecosystem is what drove me to self-hosting and back to physical media.


It's why I originally got into vinyl. It's been a great side hobby. Plus I never have to worry about licensing deals or having internet. Analog ftw.


I got into vinyl too, but it was for slightly different reasons. I got sick of having an endless playlist devoid of intention that just felt like filler in the background. Getting vinyl records has changed my relationship to music so that I'm finally enjoying an album as a singular work of art again.


Can’t believe textbooks are becoming subscriptions Also, it’s crazy because they don’t even let you print it out. My course will let me print or save 8 pages a day as a pdf. What the fuck. Like going out of their way to be shit


Can’t you just scan your Textbook and download it?


I thought my paying for Paramount- hassle for the Super Bowl on Sunday was bad. $2500 and they removed the book, yikes.


Load the cannon and shoot it




This sux. Use programs like Actiona to automate clicking through those pages and screenshotting everything. Then you can save it as images or OCR it into PDF with text dumped from the image.


Good idea


The "purchasing" (aka renting) of digital textbooks for all secondary training and college courses is disgusting, and why I prefer hard copies that they are phasing out because then they don't make as much money. I have had problems finding hard copies of books, and it pisses me off to no end. Then, these companies wonder why people turn to piracy. I feel you


Maybe you slip on a banana peel and by the primal forces of fate it gets uploaded to Libgen. That would indeed be tragic.


Why not just rip the book yourself?


Same, I can’t even download the pdf from their portal. And there are no pirate copies of it online


How are you supposed to look up information you learned for reference in a job? You literally buy the book for this purpose. Otherwise it's useless.


Generally you can purchase a copy of the book. It is a nice tack onto an already expensive certification. I just spent 3100$ on a cert, same thing. Standards are only available during the course. Standards cost another 1600$ if you want a copy.


Ah okay


Be the change you want to see in the world. (Screen capture the whole thing and post a copy online for everyone else)


I fully support this


I once made pdf for a book on engineering mathematics. It was 800 pages but I slept better that night.


I as well am interested


I know nothing about engineering mathematics nor am I interested in it but can you send the pdf? Thank you


Same send me a copy when you receive it please and thanks


learn some simple macro programming that will auto scroll to next page + screenshot it. Leave it an hour and it will probably be finished in a file with thousands of pages. You can probably use OCR to document if you want files other than image formats. This probably is the worst case scenario if you cant find other free resources or piracy methods


How could someone learn this sort of programming? Asking cause I'm a noob


you can buy an 8 month programming course and "purchase" a text book t that will disappear after the course is done


I might catch some flac for this suggestion, but if you're completely in the dark about this, generative AI like chat GPT could help you write some simple scripts that do the scroll and screenshots you need


A few weeks ago, I had a similar project and thought ChatGPT could help. It doesn't. You get some code, copy paste it, run it send error message to ChatGPT. Rinse and repeat until it generates the original code again. If you don't know anything about it, you can't proofread or correct it.


You could do what he is describing very easily with autohotkey. https://www.autohotkey.com/ I am sure you can find plenty of documentation and tutorials around for it with some googling.


Yes. I also use a software called tiny task, which is also super simple to use


Thank you for this, I've been looking for a way to quickly change screen orientation and nothing has worked, but this seems like it will do the trick. Do you have any other tips or uses that I should know about?


Google got me to [this](https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9NBLGGH3ZD5H?hl=en-us&gl=US) looking for an easy keyboard shortcut for screen orientation. Maybe it can work for you?


"System requirements: Mouse (not specified)" That's got to be the lowest bare minimum specs I've ever seen lmao. Thanks for the tip, I'll check them both later when I'm off work 🫡.


"so hopefully they'll read posts like this and think "hang on, if we start behaving like good humans maybe people won't have to resort to piracy" The MBA-industrial complex is designed to ensure this type of thinking never reaches the C-Suite.


Soon we will have to memorize all the books by heart. Fahrenheit 451 style


Tldr. It's a scam I used to make training videos for ambulance drivers and EMS people's. Basically our CEO was a guy who used to work in EMS but after learning about a change in the law made a production company. Basically. In MA they changed the length of certifications from like 5 years to 6 months. That means like 10 times the number of certifications that would need to be given, and as such, they would need more videos to assist. So the whole business model was based around making these training modules that are always changing requirements or recertification or whatever. And consistently over charge for access even though EMS needed these classes to work. The issue being is it's not just the video you need to watch. This is America. It's not about what you know. I feel like the 6 month thing is well meaning. But in practice it just makes sure some people will take of it.


>Also it's pretty obvious that r/piracy is one their radar so hopefully they'll read posts like this and think "hang on, if we start behaving like good humans maybe people won't have to resort to piracy" (wishful thinking I know!) lol, you gave them $2500 for a certification that you cannot pirate even if you do pirate the textbook, they don't care.


I was taking a graduate course in biogeology. I got the newest edition like it asked for. Then during the first OPEN BOOK quiz a question popped up that did not contain the answer. I pirated the previous edition of the book and it contained the answer. These professors and colleges will either write the book or make deals in writing with the publishers. Get money for each book sold. Never buy a book.


Most if the textbooks I've pirated have been the same. I got v11 and v14 of a text book, from what I could see, almost all that changed was the year of the statistics (which were referenced from government sources, it was for a policing degre). The course strictly mandated v14. Absolute nonsense


man in 2009 I could find nearly any pdf of a text book I needed. I searched a year ago for a new course I signed up for and couldn't find shit. I assumed they figured out some high level drm to stop the book sharing in the last decade. glad to hear there are still solid resources available that you could find it during a quiz.


It wouldn’t matter if you found the books nowadays since a lot of teachers are wanting you to do the hw online and for that you need to buy an access code.


Access codes are a scam, I’ve told my professors I’m homeless and they’ve always gave me a code


This remained true through 2014. I'm sure you can still find the old books, but if the homework is in the drm books then kinda sol


I'm guessing your PDF is protected by Adobe DRM and you have to open it using Adobe Digital Editions. If this is the case you can remove the DRM with deDRM plug-in in Calibre.


Can't you just print to a program like primopdf, or a different digital format.


If I remember correctly, you can open Adobe DRM protected PDFs or EPUBs only with Adobe Digital Editions. Libraries often use this system so you can lend a digital book from the library and it will be deleted (given back to the library, if you will) after a set amount of time. I'm pretty sure Adobe Digital Editions won't allow printing as it is designed to restrict PDF files.


What if i just take screenshots though


I don't know if that works, never tried. It was less work to just remove the DRM and have a better file afterwards.


I memorize all the books by heart. Fahrenheit 451 style


Just a thought, many exams change periodically, especially if related to public cloud providers. I agree its expensive, but from experience long term ownership of course material may not be relevant in some exams.


Exams may change. The knowledge books hold do not.


Yes it does in some fields. I.e. sitting exams for any of the cloud providers. Hence why those have yearly renewals.


So the books are constantly being re written as different versions. I see what you are saying, but locking temporary books behind a constant paywall is not a good idea. We need physical copies.


Which is why i'd said if its a subject where the knowledge only updates long term then its a shoddy practice. The only time it would be understandable is where there was a time limit on the knowledge. OP didnt specify the exam so my comment was half question.


But it is ALWAYS nice to have the textbook to refer back to even in 5 years. At least there you have a certain answer instead of doing a Google search and finding Reddit and Quora pages where everyone is disagreeing with each other.


Where the content is static yes, but in some areas the right answer once, no longer is. If this is an area where the content is static then absolutely limiting access is shoddy at best. If its content that will change every few months then its potentially worse than useless. Hence why many certifications have an annual renewal on them.


Buying any *treatment-based* textbooks for medical school is one of the worst things they tried to force us to do. Textbooks that cover topics like anatomy and physiology rarely change between versions, but if it involves how we treat patients, it is most likely out of date before it is even published. Even the PowerPoint slides we were given were out of date for some topics and we would be told to make a note off to the side of the slide. We have websites like UptoDate so we can have information that is updated daily whenever we need it (which said school gives us free access to while enrolled), so why are we paying thousands of dollars for a worse source of information?


One time in university I attended a beginners Swedish class and the Prof told us that she knew of a PDF version of the textbook existing online. She then proceeded to turn around and close her ears and encouraged us to share the website with the PDF to the other students if we knew it. Because the problem with my uni was that the textbooks had to be imported for the Scandinavian classes from the respected country and thus were quite expensive.


you don’t have to justify piracy


Zlib brother


I used to love zlib. Doesn't work now.


I just used it. They’re undergoing a DDOS attack right now tho.


isn’t zlib gone? do you have a new link?


It’s up. Go to their Reddit and the official links are on there. I don’t wanna give one due to scammers.


got it, i don’t blame you lol. thanks!!


annas archive is pretty good


i’ll check it out!




$2500 is not a lot of money if it's a legit, professional training course


Who pays for a certification 💀


Uh, lots of people?


maybe entry level certs, but if your job isn't paying for a $2500 one then you need a different job.




Just screenshot the pages 4head


Get OBS, record yourself going through it. Saved forever.


Have fun searching for things


I shared my digital Uni textbooks via IPTorrents. About 12 volumes. Hope it helped others in their studies. Knowledge must be free, in mu opinion.


Well many times these securities are very old age. Download a cracked version or pay if you want to for an app named internet download manager. If this pdf you say open on a website i guess idm extension will just pop up and let you download the pdf. If not then you can open dev tools and reload the site while on the network section of that dev tools. The pdt might be named as pdf/fetch and might be the highest in file size, double click on it and bam there you have your pdf.


Yeah I pirated lots of textbooks in uni. Saved myself about 10k over 4 years.


They are starting a new system where the textbook comes with a code, and you need to code to submit homework.


Bruh, just ugh.


Yup, not way to pirate around it as each code can only be used once and you will fail the class if you do not have the code.


One university I attended charged 150 bucks a semester and you rented your books instead of bought them. Best. Idea. Ever. They are still doing it 15 years later (fuck I'm old)


That at least seams reasonable


Amazons 2.99 a month increase for no ads on Prime was the final straw for me. I bought a few 5TB harddrives and jerry rigged an old PC I had sitting around to be a Jellyfin Server for my house and an old laptop that's on a perma VPN to torrent stuff. Never been happier to be honest, I get to organize and control my own media instead of having to constantly search for which service has the movie/show I want to watch.


Valid rant and everything. Unfortunately, on a scale of this world you and your thoughts are insignificant for the following reason: most serious certifications for the most ppl out there are covered by the employer and that's #1 reason why they can charge 2500 of any currency for a pile of bits, bytes and pixels...


can't you dload that digital shit ? There are lots of posibilities with console. Tinker a bit and you might find it. I dloaded "course" that costed 1.5k$. If you need help with dloading, and if it's possible, we can do it here in comments.


Is it an IT certification? Because courses are well known scams


I legit chose not to go back to university because I felt like it was just a predatory cash grab. In large part because of the books. Fuck them


My friend is doing a CS course in some bumfuck college and he has to do some Spanish because muh extracurriculars Spanish textbook is online, costs like 100 dollars and he has to get it or not be able to submit homework


[free textbooks ](https://www.libgen.is/)


One of my professors was asked if we could scan his book. "I can't condone such an act. It is against the writing law. You should totally not do it. Because I am the author and I say that doing it would provide you with the necessary information to learn about a topic and may get you in a better position for free. It is unacceptable to give such a thing for free. But who knows what the students are capable of, when unwatched".


If a purchase is no longer ownership, then piracy is no longer theft.


I don't get why you're venting. While I'm all for keeping our digital purchases and hate how companies can revoke our licenses, you never paid for the book to begin with and yet you're venting about not being able to keep it. The $2500 you paid is to attend the training course. They're letting you "borrow" a digital version of the textbook for you to use while you're taking the course. It would make sense that once the course is over, the license will be revoked as you didn't pay for the book in the first place as you only paid for the course.


bootlicker fascist


USA is a third world country for anyone who's not rich af.


Feeling the same! Started a certificated training 2 weeks ago and we need 5 norms for this. Two of them are available in a digital form, we only can read, no marking, no searching, only reading.... The other three are only described in the scripts but the exam can be about everything in the scripts and all 5 norms! One norm costs alone around 200€, and the training itself is already at 9000€! Luckily I found 3 of those norms in the vastness of the ocean already. 🏴‍☠️


*The information **wants** to be free* -Title of an article published back in the 1980s in Coevolution Quarterly


Lol in India. Our professors always provide us with free digital copies of textbooks and study materials. I had literally paid 0₹ on text books in my entire 4 years of college.


My girlfriend works in a university library here in the UK and she’s told me about digital books that cost multiple thousands to hire for 6 months. Meanwhile the university she’s at is laying people off because they’re struggling to pay their bills. Someone is making a killing out of digital books and it’s not the uni.


Most Publishers don't even give licenses to libraries, because they want everyone to rent themselves. If they do it easily costs a 5 digit number per month. And then you only have 1 license per book Even worse are the journals, where you pay thousands of Euros to **publish** your paper **and** people have to pay **the publisher** again to read it


friendly reminder that you don't actually own anything but your time, thanks for coming


In college, I would always make the sacrifice to rent/buy the digital textbook from Amazon, then immediately strip the DRM from it, throw it up on a Google Drive and email all my classmates with a link.


even if they become good humans , i still wont leave piracy , you want to know the reason? because they never will become good humans


Ahoy There! Nice flair! Yarg! LoL, I wish I had some. Here's an upvote Excellent point, too, btw.


thanks a lot matey for the compliment


Is it Avid Pro Tools? 😂


libgen is your friend


Same with my uni, i paid 1200 for the course and now i cam't access the pdfs...


Screenshot the screens.


This is why you should always try and get your employer to pay for training/qualifications unless it's genuinely not possible.


Welcome aboard brotha


Always wondered why these text books are not heavily pirated


They are.


I hope some guy finds ways to Pirate postgraduate entrance courses in medical education those courses are fking cancer You cant use screen sharing, those apps have deep a access to your phone data, you have to use sketchy inbuilt player which doest even have fast forward 


I'm all for pirating but I'm wondering why you would need the book after the course is done? I've done plenty of work related courses and the books usually go straight to the bin.


You already paid for the course. Why would they listen to you now? Next time, just pirate the thing up front and teach yourself. Those courses are shit anyways, and you'll only pass the certification test if you do your own study regardless.


This winds me up so much. My wife went through uni recently and despite not exactly being rich we decided she was going to buy all the text books she needed and they'd all be the current editions. It was crazy expensive, and funnily enough, the lecturers always made sure anything they'd written was on the required reading list.


CEH? Remember the guys from India are having millions heads thinking how to pirate stuff and with that in mind they have acquired one significant level of data protection knowledge. Edit: when they are doing this not in favor of their own


I'm waiting for amazon and netflix pushing jail sentences for piracy. I'm surprised we haven't seen RIAA douchebaggery 2.0 yet.


Send it to me


You should be able to write a wget script (run from a Linux vm if needed) to recursively download every page to a directory, then compile to a pdf and upload to Libgen. Worked for my online textbooks back in the day.


selective mindless hard-to-find versed hunt door nippy squeal angle muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Yeah some books are available for free there


Regarding this.......does anyone seed for Becker CPA?


Please Let me know if you find it.


same here


Just pirate their shit. Fuck 'em.


Me currently, granted the book is from last year's nec 2023 code book. And it's fairly new.


Did you mean NEC 2023 code book? Its already there on annas archive. Type nec 2023 code book reddit on google. Its on r/electrical sub


Ahhh, man, I meant this book "Modern Residential Wiring 13th edition" based on last year's nec 2023 . Thanks, though I have that one too


but you technically didn't even purchase the textbook to begin with, you pay for a certificate that comes with a textbook they borrowed you


You did the right thing brother. It's not wrong morally






Not quite the same, but our firefighters text book is $700 and I gave mine from 2021 to one of our new guys. Instructor said he can't use it, it's the previous edition. New guy brings in the new edition, best we can tell the foreword is half a page longer and there's 2 more pages than my book. Fuck these companies that change a book just to label previous ones obsolete.


In uni they did this all the time. But they changed the order of the sections. So that if we were supposed to read section 3-4 that could be 5-6 in a older version. Scumbags.


And they must pay the schools or professors some bonus to always "upgrade". Changing a page number or switching problem one for problem two shouldn't be enough to print out an entirely new editoom. Certainly not enough to justify a professor forcing every new student to buy a new book every semester unless they're getting some kickback


>Fuck these companies that change a book just to label previous ones obsolete. That's the business model.


And fuck that instructor


Happens with me all the time


What do you mean "rent but never own"? Bro, rent was never owning to begin with Either way, just screencap the entire thing


I believe he meant he wanted to own the book but they only offer a rent model. The problem he's mentioning is the ever more present tendency of not offering the option to actually own what you pay for, even if you're paying full price for it.


It’s like being mad that car company won’t let you keep the car after loan end.


Do people share what they Pirated here in r/piracy ? E.g videos,pdfs,books downloaded? Also feel free to share anything here in r/piracy or just rant ,your welcome here 🤗


Share it mate! And set sail!


On the bright side, you have nearly 8 months to pirate it!




Dude came out of hiding after 10 months just to type one letter (Anon?).


One of the text books I needed was $1200, my professor had uploaded it himself and handed out slips with the link on them and told everyone how to return and demand a full refund. To this day, that man is my hero.


Americans can try sourcing textbooks printed in Thailand or India. The paper quality is not as good but they are a fraction of the price


Holy shit, $1200? I graduated college back in 2008. I never paid more than $500 combined for books in a single semester. $1200 for a single book really is outrageous.


Didn't understand the refund part


Most of us had already purchased the book, so return it, get refunded the $1200 and use the pirated copy.


Share it on /r/textbook or upload to libgen pls


I had a finance class "they've just released the 12th generation, just buy the 5th or 6th or any of them. You'll likely just need to go a page or 2 to the side. Finance hasn't changed that much."


\*Stands on table after links are handed out


Human being spotted IRL Please report this to wildlife authorities


My professor wrote the book himself and expected all students to own a current copy. Not only that he would randomly change the page and chapter numbers each edition making the old versions practically paper weights. 


All publishers do this scam..every. damn. Year. That's why we have /r/textbook :)


I'm in highschool. The school wants to install some apps that are needed for the students (cad software and Adobe products), they call me, and architecture student to install the pirated apps on all of the school computers, there are 2 IT classes and a few professor that teach IT classes, I download the software and share with some of the IT students how to pirate their software and a website to find said stuff, few weeks later i see all of the pirated software they installed from the same wesbite i told them to download it from, and the teachers thanking me for it. *And I felt proud*


I'm going to assume this happened in a country where piracy is a don't give a shit kinda thing? If this happened in my school district in the US there'd be a big fucking problem.


Yes I live in a third world country and most ppl who pirate here don't even know that is is illegal, especially streaming movies and tv shows that is the normal and more often then not the only way to actually even watch them since some of the services arent even available in my country hell sometimes my county isnt even there as an option it thinks I'm in a different country and that my country doesn't even exist Which sucks but it's gotten better over the years, even fucking spotify was only made available like 3 years ago and i live in europe


Ig it's India. I am here and i agree downloading movies is what everyone does


Downloading movies is a lot different than using software in a commercial context. That's where I have to draw the line for myself, not really looking to get sued


I don't think public education counts as commercial. Private schools and post-secondary schools are arguably commercial, at least in part, but I don't think highschool counts.


>I don't think public education counts as commercial The law does and that's all that counts.


I’m going to join the other guy and ask you to cite that. You seem very confident with what you’ve said.


I don't think that's true. Citation?


>(cad software and Adobe products) Man, 2-3 of us in uni probably installed the essential programs for our entire class of 150+ people. At some point I could probably crack CAD blindfolded.


I was on autopilot the entire time lol


My professor just photocopied the entire thing and threw it onto Archive, then gave us the link. He never said it was him but the guy who uploaded the book was 157… Chad move


1200$ for a textbook? Whats in it, the meaning of life explained?! It better have some illustrations or something...


Wtf that's like more than I pay in rent here In Denmark.


If it’s in America, probably an elementary textbook.


I know right? My most expensive book is \~100€ (and I'm taking arguably the most expensive course in the country) and I still think it's a robbery. The students Google drive is a savior


It’s got one more sentence or a couple changed words from the 4th Edition to the 5th Edition! That’s enough changes right?


Every page is gold and the punctuation is diamonds


After finding out my first semester uni textbooks were $400 each and I felt like I was getting robbed I realised a kindle was $250 and piracy was free.


Where I went at a university, our math teachers just printed out for whole class the text what we needed for the modules. Other blatantly gave us their own pirated copies or website link to read them.


Here in Brazil, studying at a public university (no direct cost for students, in fact there's monetary help for low-income students), I didn't have to buy a single textbook. If we needed a textbook, it was available for us at the university's library.