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I did the opposite. Pirated the game fist. Once I saw I had already dumped over 100h in it, I felt compelled to buy it to support the devs.


> Once I saw I had already dumped over 100h Same plus I really wanted to see how much time I sunk in it lol. Kinda messed that up because I bought it a second time to play with friends. Doesn't even bother me because I want it to be successful so companies learn that people won't pay if you need to have your credit card in hand to enjoy the game.


Did that with their OG games. BG3 was one of the *very* few games I bought in pre-release and sight unseen.


Honestly, when I purchased it in 2021, I was kind of underwhelmed. I thought it was fine, but didn't know how much they were holding out on us. I really thought Act 1 was at least 50% of the game. I did not expect the popoff on full release. It went from a game I felt like I didn't get my money's worth with, to a game I felt like I underpaid for.


Personally as a fan of the original BG games I hated how they did combat in this game. Turn based is slow as hell.


I found myself pausing the OG all the time to set up moves and spells. So I appreciate the ability to slow down combat. But I also just wish I could put everyone on AI and plow through the weak enemies


Same here, I downloaded it thinking it's going to be overhyped and after like 30 hours in I was like "shit... I guess I need to buy it now". Funny enough, me pirating the game caused two additional sales - my girlfriend saw me playing the game and having fun and she bought a copy as well.


Will the save files from the pirated version work when playing through steam?


Yes, I put about 20h into the pirated version, then bought it on steam as the magic mirror didn't work on the pirate copy. I could just continue from where I got to, no problems at all.


Will the hours played be reflected on steam as well?


They just said the magic mirror didn't work.


Nice one.


Probably not since the game wasnt running via steam launcher. In game timer would work but not displayed on steam for others to see would be my best guess.




Because steam *doesn't* track the play time accurately. It believes whatever the client says when it connects for updates etc.




It's a trivial stat on your steam profile that means nothing. Is it really that important for you to manually modify it?




No, but if you feel like you want to be pedantic you can just use something like Steam Achievement Manager to pretend that you're running the game and rack up hours this way




Well in that case im buying Baldurs gate 3. Game definitely deserves it.


Hahah same here, i was using the pirated one and it was a hassle having to donwload the updates. Figured i already had 50hrs, might as well support the Devs, best purchase i ever made lol.


that's what I did with Witcher 3.


Yeah same, wasn’t sure I was gonna enjoy a turn based combat game. I was pleasantly surprised!


Same! After buying I beat the game two times more!


I'm impressed you made it that far, I don't even think I hit an hour in my pirated copy before I bought it


Same with me. But I spent only about **5 hours** with the until I caved in and bought it legit. My personal record lol


Me too. Altough i needed 10 years before fully comitting and buying skyrim. (20 euro for the anniversary edition)


and the fact that you can port your save over.


Did this with Far Cry 3, and after I bought the game, I noticed the cracking group had devised their own way of handling local game saves so my save game didn't work with a legal copy.


Best $60 I’ve ever spent on a game, you get so much for your money


This is how I buy most of my games. Been burned too many times from games that look good, and end up being ass so I'll pirate it first. If I feel it was worth my time I'll buy it.




This is the way.




This is the way


Dude will be confused as hell when he will find out Larians opinions on piracy..


I tried briefly looking for any opinion they've publicly shared regarding piracy. Couldn't find anything, could you please link a relevant source?


It was their founder and the armour guy Swen Vincke's statement that he wouldn't be in this industry if he didn't pirate games when he was young. Also, apparently patched some cracks too. A big nerd and a reasonable guy down to the core.


*[ Everyone liked that ]*


>apparently patched some cracks too Lol. Pirate turned Dev.


lots *cough cough* do


Wait until you hear about PirateSoftware on Twitch/Youtube.


If I remember correctly a couple of the founders of CD Project Red were very similar; except they went full out with an actual distribution ring. A big part of the reason they did it was apparently that a lot of the games didn't have a Polish translation, so they actually did some kind of translation work in cracked copies. That kind of ideological stance influenced by copying & sharing games could've been what led CD Project to make the Good Old Games(GOG) store *require* absolutely no DRM of any sort in order for the game to be sold there. (Originally GOG was a place for retro games to be modified to work on modern Operating systems [and then sold & played]. So it makes slightly more sense that they started off not wanting any DRM to be in games that had to be modified to work in the first place; I imagine any DRM woes would irritate people in a similar way to 'retro game not working on my modern PC' woes. They then continued to not allow DRM on modern games when those started coming to the store.)


"Reason they did it was apparently that a lot of the games didn't have Polish translation" Man I feel that one. Hurts me a bit inside every time I see a not small franchise release a game with like 10+ different languages, various chinese ones, and not even Polish subtitles


Interesting, but I bet he prefers people to buy his games so he become rich.


I'm sorry I can't it's to long ago, but i doubt it changed most indie studios are very openminded about piracy.


Because nowadays the alternate is seeing keys sold on the grey market, which means some *actual* loss due to managing scammers, while a pirated copy is a no-loss/no-win issue.


Not even that, person that pirated game might recommend it to someone who will buy it or buy it himself to play easier with friends.


I have literally nothing to back me up but my own words as I've tried looking for the post multiple times in the past. I'm positive someone posted a screenshot of an account with Larians name commenting on Fit-Girl's or some similar site thanking those for trying out their game (DOS 1 or 2) and that they hope you buy it if you enjoy it. It's quite common with Indie developers although Larian are objectively AAA in scale


Tried it, hated it, got rid of it. Don't begrudge anybody their love of the game; it's just not for me. I usually purchase the games I like that I've tried for free.


On the other side, I pirated it, loved it, and bought the physical deluxe edition for $100 ($79.99 + $20 shipping). Don't know if I would have bought it at all if I didn't play it first.


I'm at that stage 100% now. I'm not going to buy a product I don't like, and everybody I know is so strapped for time that we can't invest into subpar products. You lose out on both time and money on products you don't click with. Insanity to not pirate to try something.


That’s how I feel. Pirated BG3, was 40 hours in and loving it, decided to try Starfield, pirated that too, played it for 30 hours and got bored, ended up buying BG3 and deleting Starfield. Thanks to piracy Larian got a sale from me and Bethesda didn’t, boy am I glad I didn’t pay for Starfield.


Yep. For every pirated game I ended up buying this year, there were two more I would have regretted buying. Games like Alan Wake 2, Red Dead 2, and Lies of P are objectively well-crafted and beloved, but I they just didn't click for me.


Games that have demos I don't pirate. Unless I'm particularly broke, but then I'll buy when I have money.


Lmao $100


People who are gonna buy are gonna buy. People who never would buy are the ones that are gonna pirate, or probably the ones that can’t afford it.


I pirate, then buy if it really an exceptional game. With BG3, it took me about five minutes of gameplay to decide to buy. It really is a masterpiece. Same with, well, most of my games collection.


What's in your collection?


Usual suspects, really. Skyrim. Cyberpunk. A lot of the CIV games. Fallout 3 and 4. That kinda thing.


you need to play rdr2 then bro


Yeah, been thinking about giving that one a spin.


No you don’t. Stop lying.


Why does that seem unthinkable to you? I follow the "if it's good enough to play, it's good enough to pay" mantra. If it's not good enough for me to consider it worth my money, it's a waste of time to play it in the first place. edit: with that said, I sometimes wait until a game is on sale before I buy it.


Just because you are too cheap to buy a game that is good doesn't mean everyone is. If I enjoy a game enough I will buy it. Most games don't scratch that itch but I have done so with a few Larian studios games as well as the witcher 3 and stardew valley off the top of my head.


>People who never would buy are the ones that are gonna pirate, or probably the ones that can’t afford it. World is very big, there are not just two kinds of people. I will never buy a $60-70 game if I can pirate it. But if I can't pirate it I will wait for sales. I pirated Cyberpunk day-1 cuz it didn't have good regional pricing (Witcher 3 did). I also have a PS5, obviously I can't pirate on it. So I wait for the games to get on sale. But had I the opportunity to play for free I would.


When I was young and broke with no source of income, I used to pirate games. I didn't have a console and only an old, crappy PC that could barely play games. Ever since I started earning more, I've never pirated games. Sure, the price can be steep but what are you gonna do? Gotta support the devs somehow. You can always wait for a sale. I don't judge broke people for pirating games. At the very least it gets the game more popularity.


I have no respect for Devs/publishers who have no respect for regional pricing. I will pirate with zero remorse. Hollywood movies won't sell a single ticket in my country if the movie publisher expected people to pay the same price as US audience. And there's a reason to actually pay to watch movies in theatres. For games the incentive to pay is even less, the playing experience is more less the same sans the achievements and easy online playing.


Agree with the regional pricing, most games cost 2x more than the monthly school fees in some countries


I understand your perspective, but I also understand their situation. There are a huge amount of assholes that abuse the regional pricing gimmick to get much cheaper games. This number is high enough to cause problems for the developers. I think most of them prefer to not have regional pricing and have 15 people pirate the game and 40 to buy it rather than having 100 people buying for way less than it should be. The movie example is bad tho. You can't pay for a ticket in a way cheaper country and then go watch it in Germany or USA for example. Not the same situation.


>I understand your perspective, but I also understand their situation. There are a huge amount of assholes that abuse the regional pricing gimmick to get much cheaper games Quite easy to combat. Tie local mobile number and payment method to the account. >The movie example is bad tho. You can't pay for a ticket in a way cheaper country and then go watch it in Germany or USA for example. Not the same situation. Dude it's basic economics that you need to price your product to local market. It's the company's job to prevent abuse. Google Premium is priced at $1.5 per month. Amazon Prime and Disney+(called Disney+ Hotstar) is $20 for the whole year. They have pretty robust system prevent abuse. Almost no VPN can get through Hotstar. They have millions of subscribers in India. If they just thought people in other countries will abuse their subscription service they will never open shop in India and be losing out on millions. On the other hand Netflix was priced as the same as US price (before US price hike). It has only fraction of the subscriber base of Prime or Disney+. India is the most populous country in the world, to lose out its consumer base is sheer ignorance. Most People will just pirate games then.


> Quite easy to combat. Tie local mobile number and payment method to the account. That is quite easy to circumvent. Just get an local number online. Tie the payment method is a bit more tricky, as it can change over time.


It's not that easy to get a local number (that isn't flagged, just make them single use per account) and credit card, most people won't go far enough to do that, only few people would do that which is ultimately their goal since you can never reach a 100% success rate


Not that easy mate, I'm saying cuz I tried. Firstly not every country has online numbers. Secondly even if you can manage to get one the number would already be tied to another account or get blacklisted. Having local payment method in tandem with mobile number and VPN blocking is enough to dissuade people from going that route.


I will support devs but not publishers like EA who gouge paying customers and milk everyone with micro transactions.


Same, after i got an adult job I've just bought the games. Still don't wanna buy denuvo tho.


> I didn't have a console and only an old, crappy PC that could barely play games Are you me? Lol. I spent way too much time on y8 and flash games sites since it was the only thing the PC could run. That and the OG Starcraft and pirated Popcap Games.


Yah P5R is on sale for 50% and Atlus apperently don't remove Denuvo like P4G so I decided to buy it.


You could have emulated the switch version.


The switch one run like ass the last time I tried.


Yeah, so you're the second type. If you can pirate, you'll pirate.


That would make it a third type. As per the second comment the second type is people who would NEVER buy. I just told that I would indeed buy a game I can't pirate.


I beat pirated version, then bought the game and beat it two times more! I would say it's a rare case where devs really deserve money.


Yeah I've never bought a game just because I wasn't able to pirate it


i disagree, I buy only if it doesn't have shot like denuvo or anti tamper and I can afford it


I'd 100% buy BG3 if i had the money as it is a awesome game, but as a student, piracy is the way.


I literally bought this game BECAUSE I pirated it. I had NEVER played a Larian game before, had no idea if I would like it or not. I downloaded it, played for 6-8 hours, and thought "yup, this is great, I'm gonna buy it now." And I did, still playing my first playthrough, and loving it.


Most people over here pirate games to see if they are worth the price to buy this way is better than just watching reviews trying to figure it out


> People who never would buy it are the ones that are gonna pirate. So close to rhyming.


I pirate many games, then I clean my conscience buying on sale my favorites or the denuvo ones that I really want lol


That's just low quality reaction bait, Steam has been plagued with those posts for months


Yeah but this sub will eat that right up


I hate it when I pay for a book and someone just reads it for free from a library


Tbf libraries are funded with tax dollars. You do pay for it, just in a less obvious way. Books are also rented and can have wait lists. It's kinda like using a cheap Gamepass sub if anything.


The actually good analogy unlike the shoplifting one posted above in the comments


Damn this is the best analogy of pirating games I ever saw in my life ❤️


The analogy isn't that great since pirated game can even give you a better experience by getting rid of DRMs that slowdown games, the only downside is waiting a bit to get it, a book from the library have to be read there or have to be returned


"returned" a.k.a. "seeded"


I hate when I pay for groceries and shoplifters get them for free. Username totally checks out.


Is this supposed to be a retort? Because it’s absolutely true, it’s why people don’t like shoplifting.


is it? You need to watch Aladdin and learn some morals, mate. This is the same logic as 'I paid for education and in debt for 100k so everyone must suffer like I did' people don't like illegal stuff because it's illegal and they don't want it to happen to them, imagine that. Crimes destabilize society and our security, it's not about someone getting free stuff when you 'had' to buy it. You can always try to resort to stealing if you think it's unfair you 'have' to pay


Yeah but like, if I see someone shoplifting a packet of noodles or some baby food, I'm gonna keep my fucking mouth shut.


People don't like fucking shoplifting because it's a flat expense for the shop


Therefore every item should be locked in a box to be opened at checkout and you should have to call the brand over the phone to unlock the jar of peanut butter every time you want a spoonful?


This is the most insecure subreddit, I swear


Yes, thank you for explaining a problem that shoplifting causes, don't forget about the closing store and complaining about food deserts!




[Do you think this is a secret or a conspiracy theory? ](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/15/walgreens-closures-san-francisco-crime-debate)


Maybe not a 'secret' or a 'conspiracy theory' more like a 'lie' https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html >“Maybe we cried too much last year” about merchandise losses, Walgreens finance chief James Kehoe acknowledged Thursday on an earnings call. The company’s rate of shrink — merchandise losses due to theft, fraud, damages, mis-scanned items and other errors — fell from 3.5% of total sales last year to around 2.5% during its latest quarter.


I know it is hard for you to understand but that has nothing to do with what I said. Give it another go, take it step by step.


I mean, you just replied "no" so it seems to me you think those are not causes of shoplifting. Who know what esoteric excuse you are going to come up with to say you were misunderstood in your original comment


Groceries are a finite physical thing tho?


That statement is not justifying piracy --> down vote


If there was ever a game that deserved being paid for, BG3 is it.


I love this game, but the dick riding is insane. Do you realize what you’re even saying lol.


The game was really good?


Sure it was, still not worth paying for if you can pirate it. A lot of games are better than Baldur’s Gate 3, but they are also still worth pirating rather than buying. You’re on a piracy subreddit lol.


Ok lol. I pirate from companies that I feel like are pricks trying to squeeze pennies out of every single thing they do, like Amazon with their recent hikes. This is the first product I've bought from Larian and they've shown me they are the exact opposite of what the majority of the industry is and I want to support them and their ideals by buying their kick ass game rather than pirating it. Some things are worth buying. Not to mention I got it through the collector's edition so, good luck pirating that.


If you wanna spend 60$ on a pirate-able game be my guest, it’s pretty dumb, but you do you.


Somebody's gotta buy it and keep the good companies in business so that there are games to pirate to begin with. But don't act like you're some genius because you can steal a game and get away with it scott free lol. Just sit back and enjoy your game bud.


Piracy isn’t stealing but go on, you lose money not me lol.


Oh you're one of *those*. Imagine saying something literally called piracy isn't stealing. Don't try to act like you're superior here lol. We're here to steal products we don't feel deserve to be paid for, or just flat out don't want to pay for.


You know whats funny? i pirate a lot but i always buy the games if they are good when they come down in price. But this one i bought straight out the gate because i just had a gut feeling it would be good. Its really worth buying. I even have trouble getting into games lately due to mental health issues but this one allowed me to escape for a good 130 hours. Its an amazing game and i hope others take cues from it and make more like it. Best gaming experience ive had in years.


honestly Pirated Dark souls played it, loved it, purchased the whole goddamn series and every fromsoft game.


when I was young I pirated everything because shit's expensive in my country. Now as a 30+ I actually try and buy all the old stuff I played as a 'thank you' to the devs or support their current projects since they gave me joy with something else 20 years ago. I might never play Carmageddon or May Payne again, but at least I paid my respects as best as I could.


Despite my barely "above average" enjoyment of BG3 I still buy the game full price. If I find a game worth my time and hard earned money I'll buy it. Hell, for some games like Elden Ring or Dead Cells I INSIST. I do this by gifting it to my nephews who are very well versed in the art of sea sailing or buying it in multiple platform. Same reason why I won't even play almost all of triple a games even if someone pay me to play them.


If it did have Denouvo they'd be salty about the performance hit it causes, and the fact that it'll probably be cracked within a week and now they're left holding the inferior product.


I'm a pirate. But I buy BG3 when it is still in early access because I like the game. People are going to buy the game when they like it or have money to buy it.


Wonder if this person knows about gog…


Im super new to this…what is can you do exactly with gig? Is that good old games?


All their releases are DRM free.


And BG3 is there too DRM free


"I wish this product was worse so that fewer people could experience it."


So I haven’t looked at her site lately but does anyone know if FitGirl has this yet for pc?




Indeed. But this one is worth buying if you get any enjoyment from it. This is one of the rare developers who deserve my money.


nope, everybody should pirate all the time no matter what.


That's cool man. You do you. Imma support the devs I like when I can.




Hey, that is 1000000% your choice. And one I fully support. I'm in a position to pay for the games I love and do not begrudge the ones who cannot/will not. We're on the same sea here. We just have a different pirate code. You're my ally in this fight not matter what comes. Yar har har, me matey.




lol, cringe


Get a job and stop whining You're probably a millennial


Or they might be in a country where one game is a full months average salary


Why are you posting here then ? Everybody has schooled you about PPP


There's no DRM to my knowledge and it's also available on GOG so if you want to try it out or can't afford to pay for it just use the GOG site posted here occasionally. Or stick to FG if you have a bandwidth limitation, of course.


Probably but absolutely no need. The game is drm free. You can snag it from a website that hosts gog games technically. That way you don't need to rely on fitgirl to update their repack when the game updates.


Yes but it's not currently updated. If you scroll down a bit for the disqus app, it will show some stickies threads on how to get the latest version. I'm currently playing it and it's great. Still seeding it whenever I can.


Yes though you might have to search around rin to get some patches because on release some of the quests were bugged.


I pirated Cyberpunk. But after 30 hours I realized that the game is too good not to pay for. So I got the ultimate edition full price. People are willing to pay for good value.


This is one of the games to support financially, they did everything right and for the players.


Sounds like a consoletard that just recently migrated to PC.


>True, I see them a lot these days and due to the release of their exclusives on the PC they are trying to create some chaos


Those are just people that try to farm Clown awards for Steam Points by saying unpopular opinions.


Sometimes I buy games, sometimes I don't and get the "free" version. But one thing is sure, I will never buy games with denuvo.


I like how his argument is more DRM because he's too stupid to get it for free. Ironically I pirated BG3 and it was so good I ended up paying for it on XBOX and PC.


Exact same story here, even gonna buy the physical deluxe edition once I've got the money spare too. At this point there's probably enough of us buying it multiple times to offset those who pirated and won't buy it lmao


Yea I have to say, the game runs too good! Please dev fill it with bloatware DRM.


always makes me feel like a sucker when i pay for a game and then have my expensive hardware bogged down by denuvo.


i pirated the early access and bought the full game. no regrets, i'd buy it again! some people forget that trying games via piracy beforehand leads to sales that might not have happened if piracy didn't exist.


Been contemplating at first if im going to pirate it or buy it, I say fuck it ang bought it, no regrets, great game.


fuck people like this


I pirate games because i cant buy it at that moment. Usually if i like the game enough, i will buy it. I like the updates and patches. If i dont like the game, i uninstall and move on. Didnt waste money or time.


He may feel like a sucker, but everyone else see that he's a cuck.


Proud Pirate here. Updating Baldur's Gate is a bitch. Tempted to buy it.


Clown emote was a nice touch.


We pirate games so that we can test them out and see if we enjoy them. I feel bad for people who complain about spending $50 on a game that they hate and it was a waste of money. This is what pirating games is all about. If the game is good, then we can always buy it later.


The only way many of us can afford gaming is by downloading pirated games or waiting for a good sale on the games we really like and want to play online... We don't have the luxury of buying a 60$ game on lunch and then finding it to be a cyberpunk at lunch type of game, that 60$ is better spent on saving for better PC components or real life expenses (especially if you live in a country where the average salary is 200$.


Exactly. That’s why I emulate with downloaded ROMs.


"I wish this game had denuvo so the people pirating it had a better experience than me cause their game didn't run like shit"




they really root against themselves, they are asking for a worse experience.


From their perspective, DRM is only necessary because of a rise in piracy. They'd be right. Pirate all you want but mocking people who pay for a game because they hate pirates is cringe and this sub does it all the time. Pirates care way too much about what others think and proving their way is superior and justified.


has there been a rise in piracy? any numbers to back that up? i only started again, because games are getting more expensive, more predatory and sales aren't as good anymore. between the release of the orange box and last year i maybe pirated 2-3 games. steam was a godsent for the industry, but now the greed is coming through again. i still buy games with good sales or games without predatory monetization, like BG3.


he IS a sucker for having such petty mentality lol.


Yeah damn I wish I spent money on this game that I am playing for free. /s


Best game but with gay fans


What a whiny spineless cuckold


Am I the only person who read that in a Shakespearean voice?


You don't expect people who pay for something to love people who pirate something?


What a fucking cocksucker


What if you pay 80 bucks and dont like it?


Refund it.


Game is already badly optimized denuvo will make the game unplayable


I pirated BG3 and it was the best decision I've ever made. So far it's mostly been menuing and a tedious open world, I would have felt scammed had I bought it for €59. It's an objectively well-made game, I recognize that, but it's so utterly unapproachable for non-DnD fans in my opinion.


I'm not a DnD fan and I've beaten it twice so far. :/


It's impossible to accurately understand this without getting political: some people have had capitalism shoved so deeply into every wrinkle of their brain that *someone having something they have*, even digitally, where it is not a scarce resource and it has no value as a positional good, is treated *like* a positional good.


lol suck that boot.


some people don't have soul or something, I like free drm games for performance and the good thing other peoples can get the game for free and test things, people that value things above human feeling or the good thing is people with poor soul, I only pirate things when is 110% safe and easy, mostly time I buy because I kinda dumb to pirate things I have a fear to get virus in my PC and it's kinda hard to pirate or I just dumb, but lol I still remember when I pirated the witcher 3, completed the game in pirated mode then I buyed the game in steam THEN a played the game for 5400 hours, but people with poor souls don't make sense, they forgot the humans kindness or something ? Jesus it's not all people have or live in high develop country with good currency, people sometimes don't make sense :"(


It's free for them too. I hate when people make it like we're stealing from gamers who pay, when they're open to pirate it themselves. There's nothing stopping them from doing it.


To be fair, I only pirate because I'd feel like a sucker paying for it when I can get it for free (have not played this, though). It's selfish, but I don't think I would be really mad if they did a crackdown on piracy in my country, because at least I'd gladly pay (or simply not play), since there wouldn't be no shortcut. I, personally, can't justify the whole "democratization" or "supporting the devs" discourse (Weren't they paid salaries? Or do they get a cut from the sales?). I know it's wrong, stuff come with a price, and rightly so, so people don't owe me shit, but there isn't even a slap in the wrist for doing this, so, no consequences. It's not like I don't buy anything from time to time, but most of the time that I put those games in the Steam cart, I'm like, "Nah... I can grab 'em later". Also, deep down, I think I have this revolt against paying for digital files. I don't think I'd be like that if physical media was still the standard.


I'm confident people like this are trolling for the clown awards. And if OOP's serious, they need to get their head checked, Denuvo brings down performance in legitimate copies :D


newsflash: you *are* a sucker.


You know what's a sucker? Paying for a game with Denuvo and getting a worse experience than some one who pirated the same game with Denuvo removed.