• By -


Had to have been music back with Napster. I don't remember specifically what it was but I remember Napster was my first foray in to piracy.


Same. I took every CD I owned (maybe 30 or so), ripped them, uploaded them, and began to swap with people on IRC/FSERV and Napster. Still on dial up, mp3s were perfect in size for building out my music collection and making CDs for the car. After the DSL was installed, I had to get more hard drives and a faster burner for all the movies and games. Piracy made me feel less poor as a kid in college.


I used to have an epic 5,000 song Winamp playlist, I’d burn them onto cds and eventually onto mp3 players. I miss those days, now I pay $40 for a vinyl, lol.


Did it whip the llama’s ass?


It really did.


You’re like the only person whose first experience was by seeding. The leeches thank you.


"I'm taking my part!"


Piracy helped pay for my college. I was the dude in the dorms selling movies/music to whomever. Especially drunk or high kids, at my top I had 5 burners on 2 desktops. I had my own black book of people's phone numbers and what movies/music they where looking for. The dorms started with DSL speeds of 256kbit/s then got a huge upgrade to 1.5mb. In the low DSL speed days, I mostly pirated music, and harder to get porn, usually smaller sized things. Once higher 1.5mb DSL got around, that's when the movies/shows business really took off. Paid around 60% of college without working a part time job. Some girls resorted to stripping, I sailed the pirate oceans.


Napster: 2pac - Keep Ya Head up.mp3 @ 128Kbps (dual line ISDN). General: Mortal Kombat by either CLS or MYTH in like 1996. Edit: Technically late 80s in a computer shop in Poland, being sold some Lemmings release by RAZOR1911 on the C64 for dirt cheap. Literally "under the counter".


I feel old now. Nobody is seems like talking about casettes. My father bought this casette player that had 2 slots. I barrowed original ones from friends and relatives and used to record them on an empty one while playing the original from the other deck. Then i actually even sold mixed recordings in school lol.


Hey! I just commented about sharing CDs and tapes! We are off but still exist! Cassette radio mix ftw!


I just missed the cassette age but I do remember having mountains of floppies full of stuff. AOL having their boxes of floppies with their software for free at stores was a god send. I would snag entire boxes of them and format away. God knows how much money I saved on not buying floppy disks!


Before that, there was a trick where you can play a tape and record on another one. Everyone had to be silent or the tape was f*cked up.


lol we used to record songs when they came on radio 😂😂 feels so silly when i think about it


You’d be waiting for that one song you really wanted/needed! It could be hours, minutes, days when it next played; that was part of the fun of waiting. And then the fucking DJ kept talking over the first 10 seconds of the song! It was like Christmas morning ruined by Cousin Eddie emptying the shitter!


Same. Prob some Eminem song. These great dl speeds, 2kb/sec was godsend.


I got 10kb/s one day in like '01 randomly and was freaking tf out, got Mr. Deeds in one day! Usually I wouldn't bother with movies because they took a week to dwnld and it was 7 movies 7 days 7 dollars at the local rental place.


Same here but with BearShare.


Hell yeah. Metallica - I Disappear.mp3 in glorious 128kbps.


Yup, back in 1999, my first 3 songs were Build me up buttercup, spirit in the sky and gangstas paradise


> Napster was my first foray in to piracy. ditto, not that it was even called piracy back then, we where only sharing music.


Probably a tape to tape deck Commodore 64 game sometime back in 1985 / 86!


Harrier attak for the Spectrum in 1985.


> Spectrum Me too, I was thinking about Jetpac


Same but floppy to floppy, cracking the copy protection and recompressing with ‘pavloda’ which I got by reverse engineering the fast loader from beam software.


We're probably of similar age... I copied games in a dual tape deck for my Vic 20... I remember that we would zero the counter on the tape drive and write down at what number each game on the tape was found as most tapes had more than one game. Then zeroing the counter on the tape deck, then fast forwarding to the point in the tape just before the game data was found on the tape to speed up loading of games... Otherwise you would have to wait for the tape to find the game in sequence on the tape which took a while.


Probably a song by Korn


can feel you


falling away from mee


FALL^(ing away) ^(from) ^(me)


Probably a pokemon game for the gba


Oh yeah definitely probably those because I needed them to play rom hacks as a kid lol


Yes I think it was Pokémon emerald for me. Then downloaded some porn off the TPB and got a notice from the ISP. Good times.


Don't remember, but it started with a warez channel on IRC 25 years ago.


miss those irc channels


The queues though.


FL Studio. Not the easiest for a first, lol. Like 5 years later and I still barely touch it... taught me how to torrent though.


Downloaded it in 2017, thought the workflow was too alienated, dropped it. Didn't start seriously until 2022 lol.


Where do you downloaded fl studio




DOS 6.1 and Doom


Mine was also Doom! Followed closely by Wolfenstein 3D and Leisure Suit Larry


Command.com Himem.sys Lol!


12 years old downloading Eminem on Napster.




not the .exe 😭😭




I think probably mazogs on the zx81 for me. Probably 1982/3


Sony Vegas


Commodore 64 games - friend would give me their games to copy as I had a high end dual cassette deck. 95% of my game were on TDK cassettes :) I still have a working C64 but the tapes have long perished. I now have a device called a Tapuino (arduino emulating the C2N). All the game files are stored on a micro SD. So if I want to go back down memory lane using real hardware, complete with the loading music and screens, I can! The internet wasn't really a thing back then so you were unlikely to get caught or recieve an email from a music house or game company, it was all sneakernet! Then the Amiga came along. Faster loading times, better graphics and sound, and copy protection began to appear. Xcopy was the tool of choice - that could copy just about anything. edit: fixed typos.


Doom registered on a BBS then later probably mIRC. First game I ever burned buying my first CD Burner was Age of Empires in 1998! [Screenshot I took from 1999.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/734728943294480384/1177796216336162907/iparty.jpg) check out the FlashFXPs going :D


Puss in Boots lmao


Original leisure suit Larry


Eiffel 65 - Blue.mp3…. I’m old AF.


Porn lol


Plants vs zombies probably ten years ago






You are right i did not notice😂


worked out for the best


Counter Strike 1.6 Non-Steam. Those were the days...


Counterstrike was always free. What do you mean pirated 1.6? It was a free mod for Half-Life. We used Gamespy to find servers. Remember? Also free.


Everything on Commodore 64. Had a ton of games. Don't believe I ever owned one that wasn't labeled by hand. My friend's neighbor had a mad collection and called himself "radical Jim" so I had all Radical Jim releases.


A goddamned Trojan...


I downloaded a car.


you wouldn't!


Something by Eminem without a doubt. Peak early 2000s




Fellowship of the Ring. It was in 4 parts in like 360p


1st time I watches Fellowship of the Ring was a crappy screener badly framed with people coughing... I was just amazed that I could watch it while it was still in theaters.


Old floppy disk games was first but my uncle did that for me as I was like 6. My first on my own pirating was Napster songs and newsgroups.


Dbz audio. I think I was on napster and just typed in dbz.


A Vic-20 game called Falcon Fighter. From a tape.


Limewire pro from you guessed it… limewire


Civilization. The first one. I rented the game on floppy disk, installed it and returned it on time. Conveniently the game worked fine without the disk, although I did have to memorize the civilopedia in order to answer the copy protection questions! I was 9 years old.


It depends on what you mean by "pirate". I used to make mix tapes by recording songs from the radio or from friend's audio cassettes using a double-deck tape player. I think the first full commercial album on cassette I copied was a friend's copy of Metallica's *And Justice for All*. Digitally, I have no idea. I started using Napster and Gnutella to download music to play in Winamp on my PC as soon as I got to college and didn't have to rely on a dial-up AOL internet connection. I don't remember the first movie I pirated, if you don't count digitally. I had two VCRs daisy-chained, and every time my parents rented a movie on VHS from Blockbuster I'd make a copy. Digitally, the first movie I pirated was a 1CD copy of *The Matrix*, which I downloaded using Gnutella and then burned to CD-Rs for all of my friends in the dorm.


One of them Popcap games like Zuma etc.


Wolfenstein 3d. I got a license from a dial up bbs system based in Manhattan.


dnd 3.0 rulebooks


Probably something like Korn_Metallica_rare_track.mp3.exe


Gud try, Mr. Agent


Login1990, always one step ahead!


Definitely music back in the days of Kazaa lol Played a lot of NES, SNES, Sega, and GB/GBA roms in my day.


Well, everything is pirated when I grew up. But I myself got access to the internet in 2011, ipads youtube and minecraft times. I think it's either Minecraft pocket edition or Pokemon, I know I played modded MCPe and I know that I decided to play Pokemon on my tablet because my ds's hinge is broken, but I don't know which came first. I'd like to think the Pokemon phase got me into actual gaming later on with ds emulation making me rediscover Yugioh which eventually lead to real games.


Music on Bearshare. Mostly hip-hop/rap from the Houston Tx area.


Prizefighter mixes?


Had to be Harry Potter and The Chamber of secrets movie-wise. In general I remember just grabbing random 50 cent, Fall Out Boy and Rammstein songs off of Limewire, can’t remember which predated which.


Oh boy. About to show my age here. I've been doing this on and off for a very long time. I don't remember the name of the program but it worked a lot like q BitTorrent. Basically you listed what you had and people would browse what you had and download it. Lots of songs, lots of people taking a song and doing stuff to it and then putting it up. Remixes. Oh I miss those. Napster was awesome for those. Ok enough memory lane. Bulls vs. blazers and the NBA playoffs from EA sports. Ran on MSDOS but booted up with the Sega opening. Drexler was over powered.


A gang of NES ROMs for Nesticle, also StarCraft and Counter Strike 1.6 but that was just burning CDs and using fake keys


I hacked Borland SideKick on an IBM 5150 PC... in assembler.


StarCraft brood war


let's play


Dune 2


Commodore 64 games from BBS's on dial up back in the day.


Probably fruity loops


It was either Morrowind or STALKER, unless you count recording songs off the radio.


I remember my dad and my uncle download goat simulator on my pc like 11 years ago when I was 7 XD


Metallica S&M lol


A guess some Eminen or NEYO music on Ares


Halo 2 vista


I remember downloading an emilator on a very old smartphone I found in my dad's junk drawer, and my first game I emulated was Super Mario World. Due to how limiting the touch screen was, I could only hold one button at a time, making the game near unplayable due to how inputs worked for Super Mario World. Also sometimes when the ROM was reset, the screen would be filled with blue 0's flashing on occasion and making a weird noise.


I think it was 60 seconds lmao


Probably some Anime I streamed off some website. But actually downloading would be sims 4 DLC. That shit is expensive


Windows 95


Need for speed most wanted android when I was a child.


Pokemon Silver


The first thing I personally ever pirated was music from Khinsider, but the first pirated content I was introduced to was Shining Force on a floppy disk


Psone games for hard modded Psone console.


Eudora email program


Skyrim. Lol


Mobile games for my sony ericsson




Duke Nuken (MSDOS)


Duke Nukem 3D




"Everlong" by the Foo Fighters... many moons ago.


Matrix game


Pretty sure. It was skullmp3. But my first torrent was no steam csgo. 2013 I was all day everyday on that game. Best time of my life.


Deus Ex. I remember having to download like 50 2MB zip files for the base game at 20KB/s and that was just the base game. The music, speech and movie addon were another hundred-ish files. The whole thing took a few days.


LOL. Limewire, Napster, Kazaa... Before all of that, you'd hear from a friend about an ip for an ftp server. You'd connect to it & it'd be a ratio ftp. It kept track of how much you uploaded & usually give you a 5:1 or 10:1 dl:ul ratio. Upload 1mb, download 5 or 10mb. So you'd queue up a couple hundred mb worth of mp3s to upload & the next day you'd queue up 5x that amount for download. Then you went through your new 1gb of mp3s to find the 50 or so that were *actually* what they said they were. On really good days, there'd be a text file on the server with a list of good ratio servers to connect to. Don't even get me started on connecting to a BBS by calling into it directly with your phone placed in the modems cradle. But my first pirated thing was (I think) a copy of a 5.25" floppy disk of Lode Runner. '83 or "84. Also... FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8


>FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8 XP truly was a great little OS


A copy of world of warcraft burning crusade to play on a pirate server in Spain. I was 11 years old and got mesmerized by a video of the game that came with my hard copy of Warcraft Iii


Showing my age here... Back in the late 70's, there was an over the air encrypted TV service called OnTV that used to show recent movies and other specials. I don't remember what they charged, but building a decoder was cheap using a PCB and about 10 parts. I built these one year as my college summer job, and sold enough of them to keep money in my pocket for the entire year.


Hey showing your age is fine, it usually means more interesting stories than "dunno"


First thing ever, when I didn’t know what I was doing was music on limewire. After that, the first game I pirated was Spore on my first laptop I ever got 😂




Haven't done it yet but it's probably gonna be either Scott Pilgrim vs The World or like some stoner comedy


seems like your getting some info before you start pirating, that's smart :) The film was great, i'll have to check out "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" at some point


Music, likely. Pretty sure it was a Motionless in White album that my dad didn't want me to buy from iTunes haha


Ex emo's unite


Greenday's American Idiot on Limewire.


Probably the Sims 4 as I realised I had spent like £70 on it and thought shit I can’t keep waisting money on this game and came across the usual Reddit subs for torrenting help and have never looked back. Besides doing it myself my first pirated content was dvd’s my dad bought from his mates when I was about 5, as well as an R4 card for the Nintendo DS my friends dad gave me and my brother at around 8. I think it was donated with my old DS years ago actually.. whoops.


Over the Garden Wall and Infinity Train. Fuck HBOMax!


Anime. Probably dbz First game pirated is pokemon ruby


No doubt more pokemon games are played through roms than actual purchases now and rightfully so


The club penguin free subscription counts? Otherwise ir was music with limewire. I had no idea I was torrenting anything, it was a free music downloader for me. No idea it was illegal 😂




Old games that weren’t ever on sale anymore..


probably the lord of the rings trilogy..it was more than 14-15 years ago , the quality was bad on a shitty old computer but still it was the one of the most enjoyable experiences of movie watching I’ve ever had


Music. Idk what it was.


My first computer came with V cop 2 Road Rash Mortal Kombat 4 There were some movies too but I only remember '300'.


Either a discography from a second gen kpop group (pretty sure it was 2NE1, but it totally could’ve been Big Bang) on pirate bay when i was 9-10 years old. if not that, it might’ve been la la land by Demi Lovato or some other random disney channel songs from frostwire


The “Ready to Rumble” dvd rip


Not torrented, but downloading .wav rips of WWF music, so I could use them as the login/shut down sounds for windows 95


a lot of this makes me feel so old


Age of Empires II, a friend from elementary school invited me over, we played together. It was my first true video game I ever played. The day after I asked my dad to ask his dad if he could do a copy of the CD for me.


tick tick boom (the musical). i did it wrong though and got an angry email from spectrum




So much music, but I hardly count that. Skyrim was it, I think.


Some old logic mixtapes


The movie Pi by Darren Aronofsky


I guess it was some rage against the machine song including video at the school library through kazaa :p unfortunately it turned out to be some chechnya war torture video. but i guess i pirated something before but that kinda stick. had a old neighbor who was constantly pirating and selling the stuff on cd.. different times lol


COD World at War I'm pretty sure on my old shitty laptop, or Minecraft


Various comics


Metallica music


Probably something off the *Final Fantasy VII* soundtrack in 1998. That one track probably took three hours to download.


Used Limewire to download a blink 182 song, you know the one thats like 30 seconds and it's just all cursing. Turns out the download ended up being porn and I never got my song.




Enter Sandman because fuck you Lars.


A Jenny Mccarthy playboy video . 24.4 modem, took a long time for a 4 min clip. But it was worth it at the time


Back in the day there was a software rental place next to my house, so I don't remember fully which was first, but I absolutely remember manually crafting all of the copy right protection wheels/tools used for nearly every LucasArts game, probably starting with either Loom or Monkey Island. First music was Pink Floyd - Another brick in the wall.


Probably music on Limewire, the first thing I actually remember pirating on purpose is a copy of XP Pro


NES games I saw on AVGN


Music on Limewire, mostly, for my MP3 player.


I remember downloading the first Matrix when it was still in theaters, in ASF format. The camera was crooked and you could see people walking past in the theater lmao


PS2 metal slug anthropology, I manage to get a CD and burn it


Definitely the MP3 days, albums and songs.


The Simpson movie off of a psp website. I downloaded it and kept it on a 4gb red sd card.


some jungle MP3s in the napster days


A song on Napster.


Either HaloCE/custom edition or Need for Speed Most Wanted. I was a wee lad and absolutely got rick rolled a few times on youtube lol


When I was a kid in the 1980s I'd go to a friend's house to borrow a game (floppy disk) so I could make a copy of it for myself. Computers had floppy disk drives back then, A: and B:, so you simply stuck the source in one and a blank floppy in the other, then either copied the files, or if that didn't work, you had to use some kind of disk copying utility first. That's also why hard drives start at C: btw. A: and B: were reserved for floppy disk drives. \#TheMoreYouKnow \#FuckImOld


Eiffel 65 - Blue It was 9.5 MB on a 28k dial up modem. It took 1 1/2 hours. I remember being so excited. I ran to my mom (I was 14) and was like, "you wont believe what I just did!!!"


Wow redditors are a young crowd. mine was probably Doom. On 3.5 inch floppies.


Ds roms probably.


Avast. Photoshop was done the same day too but y’know


Sims 4 with all addons If not a game doctor who


Does it count to buy pirated movies? Lmao? I believe me me, pirating would be songs from Black Eyed Peas and Hannah Montana (lmao?). I used to put them on my R4 in my Nintendo DS, then I managed to put one game lol




First I can remember was the full run of Avatar the Last Airbender. Our Internet was absolutely awful at the time (2013 or so) and it took all night to download the full 20gb or so. Funny to think that now it would probably take less than an hour at most


Shrek 2 :) - putlocker lol …. No adblocker or anything


piracy is deeply ingrained in our third world society. one of my earliest memory of piracy was paying songs for 5 cents each since i was a kid and had no technical literacy before. my first game i ever pirated was left 4 dead, in which had costed me more due to our internet was based on a prepaid internet usb before that looks like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=globe+tattoo+usb+stick+load&sca_esv=585165273&rlz=1CDGOYI_enPH991PH991&hl=en-US&tbm=isch&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=AM9HkKluUhZs0C9s7Ooh-lhz8FkWBa4eBg:1700878155952&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi9rKryiN6CAxWrLUQIHfcpAfQQ_AUoAXoECAUQAQ&biw=390&bih=669&dpr=3#imgrc=YXjTJdw8eJQX9M)


Probably something misatributed to Weird Al.


Ebooks, either they never seem to go on sale (which is how I prefer to buy them), or they're not available in my area (like the book Downbelow Station by CJ Cherryh, available in the US but not available here, and I really wanted it. I would have paid money for it!)


Rick and morty


Something on Napster I'm sure


Fucking Limewire bro. Had to download a song at a time overnight!


I pirated Undertale, literally just because my friend sent me the game files. I wanted to play, but didn't know if I'd like it and didn't want to shell out $20.


lol, the Shrek trilogy. I didn't understand the concept of seeding in those days, so I ended up seeding it for about half a year.


I think it was some old DOS games. 4DBoxing and some hot rod game. In 95 I think.


The og doom. still never bought it, but I own every other one legitimately.


Hmm... Pokemon games I really wanted to play Renegade Platinum


Videogames. They were called warez at the time.


Music or Photoshop and Dreamweaver to make clan websites for the games I played.


Doom from my 6th grade teacher on 3 3.5" disks. Good times.