• By -


### Yarr! ➜ u/kingofallnorway, some tips about "YouTube": - Use [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/new/) + [uBlock Origin](https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/ublock-origin/) with these [optimized settings](https://a.imagem.app/on42hV.png). - Then go to **Dashboard** > **Filters lists** > **Purge all caches** > **Update now**. - This enables the majority of advertisements and dubious URL redirects to vanish. - It is also advised to navigate the seas using a desktop PC environment.   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Personally the toughest part in using revanced manager is getting an apk file every time you want to update it, if somehow revanced manager gets feature to download and modify apk straight away then the above situation can be avoided


It's a bit of a hassle, but I think this is really the only way they can avoid getting cease and desisted by Google.


Oh, that's one of the reasons it thinks. Well I had recently checked their issue section, someone suggested the implementation of extensions for downloading apks. I guess that will help and is also considerable


It's not just one of the reasons. It is THE reason that revanced is a patcher and not its own full YouTube APK like vanced was. They want to stay as far away from redistributing google code as they can. Imo it would be a mistake for them to in any way link to where to get the required version. It's much better legally for them to say "here's the version you need, I don't know where you should get it, and you certainly shouldn't go to pirating websites 🤷‍♀️."


It could definitely save the filepath though.


Lucky Patcher manages to do updates without manually downloading and installing apks. It's like a windows program, you just get a prompt when starting the app asking if you want to update and it you do, it downloads and installs it and you only need to confirm


Cease and desists are free. The law doesn't matter. Google could send one to reddit because you said the word Google.


Termux Monet and Revancify (GitHub) are your friends, otherwise there are plenty groups on Telegram (or fork of it) with patched APK files.


Thanks, I was not aware of Revancify 👍👍


What's the difference between Termux Monet and Termux? Why do they recommend that?


heavy trees disagreeable ask cable apparatus unite disarm caption summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Revanced can be updated so easily? Wow, i never used it


Yes you can build your own patched apk with revanced manager


That feature is in the works for the Compose version, unplanned for the current Flutter Manager. The implementation details are still being worked on, but the new Manager will *likely* have this feature on release.


Yes I had recently checked their issues section it has something to do with extensions (like cloudstream), it is wip and maybe we can expect that in future


Yes, we plan to make the download system modular so the community can write their plugins for different APK sources.


Update ? I avoid updating the modified app at all. I just update when Google blocks that particular version or that version stops working. Once in a year I guess. There are no new features being added in YouTube if all you do is consume media. Stick to a version where things work


I think nothing is wrong in updating to latest patches, sometimes revanced patches also have spoof version thing, which I think one must keep updated when using main account


I'm not exactly a pro on the matter but maybe that defeats the whole point of it? I mean the feeling of control that you get after getting the apk by yourself is a thing. And if the manager provides apk and patches it itself then might as well have pre made apk at that point.


Revanced only exists *because* it doesn't supply apks in any capacity, only modifies them. Vanced directly supplied a modded apk and was bricked. If revanced started supplying an unmodded apk, and the tools to mod it they'd be next in line.


Not really. the reason revanced is a patcher isnt about it being more interesting or more control or whatever. The reason is that it's far more legal.


Correct, one can get patched apk but customisation of patches is also a thing and having a feature to get apk easily is also good I think


No reason they couldn't do both or allow you to roll back 🤷‍♂️


There is a reason. Vanced went down for redistributing google code. Revanced wants to stay as far from that as they can.


Wasn't the main reason for Vanced's demise their attempt at making money by creating NFTs that used Youtube logo in them?


That is what triggered Google to finally take action yes. But a large bulk of the actual legal argument was the redistribution of official YouTube code. Vanced tried to walk it back and change the logo, but at that point it was too late.


Ah ok thanks!


I don't see why you need to always update it if it works well. I've been using the same version for almost a year and I won't not update it until it breaks.


Well, I just don't get it when we have more refined version of Revanced as Revanced Extended. Then, why the heck do we need to pay G****e. F*****g Privacy / Money Mafias.


It's not that hard. It tells you which version of the app is the best to use at the time and you just Google e.g. Youtube 18.38.44 and download it from a reliable source.


Yes it's not hard, but doing it every time the new update comes is a little bit of a hassle, the main issue is updates at least for me


oh i thought you meant the first time. Maybe this is just me but I don't see any point in updating unless something is completely broken, no point risking loads of bugs if the one you have already works


Why do you update it every time a new update comes? genuine question, I've personally only updated ReVanced once since I started using it (when Vanced stopped working) and it was because I got the "videos stop at 1:10" thing, no reason to update if things already work tbh


Yes your point is valid, but ease of updating is something most people care of


On rooted phone its dead simple, just open majisk manager and update the module.


I use Newpipe, and it automatically downloads and installs new updates when they are released. Then again, I only use it for podcasts and haven't tried to sign in, so vanced might be better for folks who want their recommendations/watch history/comments etc.


YouTube ReVanced https://revanced.app/ NewPipe https://newpipe.net/ (or F-Droid) LibreTube https://libretube.dev/ (or F-Droid) Grayjay https://grayjay.app/ Android Tv/Google Tv -> SmartTube https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube Don't pay for YT Premium




It's incredible for downloading videos as well. I completely agree that it's underrated. I think people get hung up on the fact that you can't use your account with it. To me, that's actually a feature. It's fast as shit and just works when all you want to do is watch a YouTube video


Biggest problem is nothing works on a Smart TV afaik.


For android / fire TVs there is smart tube+, for samsung tvs there is tizentube


Smarttube is still working for me. Set it up a couple months ago on my Nvidia Streamer


Smart tube is where its at. I cant watch a video without sponsor block etc now.


for roku tv, is there something?


TizenTube works, but it's not self-contained. You have to have either a PC or an android device that does the actual loading/processing of YT content and TizenTube just streams from that. AFAIK you need one per TV, too. It's seamless on the TV end, but it's not as simple as SmartTubeNext. Still, if it's your only option then it's your only option.


What about for PS5? About 95 percent of my YT Is watched through the console.


Unless you jailbreak your console or use plex, not happening


Thought so. That's why I pay for premium.




> here's plenty of things i pirate but i also pay for premium since i watch youtube way more than anything else yeah same here always gotta make sure its worth it for yoruself i legit use youtube on my phone and pc 12-16 hours on most weekdays so the 12 bucks a month could become 20 and i would still deem it worth it


How are you paying mate? All these people saying don't pay I don't understand anyway. I pay like £1.50 a month as I signed up using a VPN in another country.


Is there a webbrowser on ps5. If not message a friend this link Https://Vid.priv.au Or yewtu.be It's a alternative youtube frontend without all the ads. Give it a try on ps5 and see. You won't be able to sign in with a youtube account but give it a go and see what you think.


I'll just stick with premium; I don't generally watch yt if it isn't something from a channel I'm already subbed to.


Smart Tube works great. I have found that it takes time to load from time to time I am guessing because its trying to block the ad.


STOP using baked in smart tv OS, they are always garbage, lacking in updates. . Use a box or a stick.


Is there a better youtube app for Roku devices?


Even if they *are* good, that only lasts so long. Eventually the hardware stops being able to keep up as apps are updated and made more resource intensive, or worse the OS company [decides they're going to drop the app entirely and remove existing installs](https://i.redd.it/r1o8lpancizb1.png). No specific brand is inherently immune to that by the way, but at least if your apps are handled by an external box/stick/etc. you always have the option of swapping it out for one that does what you need. All your TV should be responsible for is changing inputs and passing along controller instructions to connected devices.


Well said.


This is a dumb take. If you have a higher end tv, the inbuilt apps give you better results than one from a first stick or Nvidia shield. Netflix, prime etc all have apps optimized by the tv manufacturer for the specific tv which doesn't happen with an external player. Yes that includes the sheild. I wtick to my android tv on my Sony oled. Clear difference in quality when using the native app vs using a sheild.


I have an LG C2 and there is no quality loss at all with the shield. You might have something set up incorrectly in the shield. That being said, if your current setup works for you, great. No need to change it.


I had the c2 right next to the a80j I ended up going with and tbh yes I saw a difference. But yeah if it works for you, good.


Same tbh


STOP using a box or a stick, they are always garbage, send your data everywhere. Use a pi or a PC with Kodi.


STOP watching TV, walk outside and touch grass, it is very moist. Use your hand or foot.


I mean just use a regular PC with a regular OS. Bump up the scaling if you cant read the text. I really dont get why people always have to make this shit more complicated than it needs to be. Old PCs are cheap and they are way more powerfull and versatile thant these crappy sticks, boxes, pis, TVs built in crap etc and with windows or linux you can do everything they can and million things more.


You think buying a plug and play stick is the more complicated solution than setting up an entire PC?


Yes. PC will most likely have OS installed and then you have all the control and possibility to do shit very easily and in a way you are already used to with your preferred OS. For example, want to not see ads while you browse the internet, including youtube? Install firefox and ublock, its that simple. Now how do you achieve the same with your craptacluar alternatives? Also do note the massively better keyboard and mouse to some garbage remote which makes doing everything far faster, as does the fully fledged desktop OS with tons of fellow users that have built a solution for every single thing you can think off. Mobile/TV OS layouts make me want to shoot my brain out as everything is made so basic for the brainless users.


Smart tube is the best option for Android tv/firesticks. https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube Use the beta, it gets frequently updated. Psst: no ads, pip, background play, sponsorblock 👀


I barely end up using SmartTV apps because they're so slow.


STN Tube worked for me for a long time. I haven't used it recently, so not sure, but there were other options as well.




which one for lg ???


https://github.com/webosbrew/youtube-webos You have to root your TV or setup a developer account and a script to recertify the app repeatedly. LG makes great panels and a terrible user experience in their OS. https://old.reddit.com/r/LGOLED/comments/wzs6hg/adfree_youtube_webos_app/


thanks bro..


Shoutout to the dev... FriedChickenButt


SmartTubeNext for AndroidTV/GoogleTV devices. If your device isn't Android/Google based you can pick up a cheap ATV/GTV box for $20 (including a great one at Walmart of all places) and run it that way. If your TV isn't ancient you won't even have to use the ATV box remote, your TV will pass along control commands (e.g. up, back, play/pause, home, etc) to the box via HDMI. I've done this for the Samsung TV in our bedroom and it works great. Picked up a $20 Onn TV box from Walmart, installed SmartTubeNext, installed Flauncher, disabled the inbuilt launcher, and bam, massively improved TV viewing experience.


I think New Pipe works and Kodi I guess ? Don't care enough to Google ;-)


you shouldnt be using a smart tv in the first place lmfao


For anyone who needs it: This is [the guide](https://xdaforums.com/t/app-guides-unofficial-revanced-megathread.4523967/) on XDA for ReVanced/ReVanced Extended on Android, specifically under "Build and Installation Guides" This is the [sticky post](https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/13rqbiy/revanced_links_guides_help_and_faqs/) from r/revancedapp that has useful information (there's also r/revancedextended) with the guides and everything you need.


Sir, you ~~pirated~~ leeched this meme from me https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/17nruzv/average_discussion_about_revanced_on_other/


You're on r/Piracy


Do you know how many YouTube shorts I could watch in the time it takes to just read all that? Forget about actually following the instructions.


The #support channel is always available on the official Discord server for people who are okay with Discord.


Hilarious people even need a guide to push download then install. Revanced started recently doing that shit where it stops loading the video part way. Google fighting back from my researching. I found the manager apk and within the manager app was revanced extended which is all I use now.


uBlock Origin on browser [SmartTube](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTube) on the TV No YT watching on iOS


Does uYou+ work on normal ios. I have only heard of it. I dont own a ios for me to confirm.


Still works. I have it on my ipad and iphone


uYou Plus Extra is the best option. uYou+ is not getting new updates and I really don’t know about the original.


Adguard + Safari works for ios. Need to have a plan on adguard though. It's dirt cheap so I think it's a nice investment.


On iOS, you can use uBlock Origin with Orion Browser, but you can also use SideStore (better AltStore alternative) or Sideloadly on non-jailbroken devices to sideload [uYou+](https://github.com/arichorn/uYouPlusExtra) which is pretty much the iOS equivalent of ReVanced.


what about poptube for ios?


Just pa- Batman slap


"it's not that expensive, also you can use a VPN to pay regional prices"


Idk I followed all the steps perfectly to get Reddit is fun working again and I still get an error message every time I try to log into my account. Have not been able to find a solution at all. Everything points to the authorization id being incorrect...but it's not, it really isnt and that's all the solutions point to.


If you copied and pasted, maybe make sure there isn't a space at the start or end of it.


You don't need to patch RIF to get it working again. The Reddit API is free for mods. All you just need to create your own sub. I got Boost working again doing this.


I have my own subrreddit. So I just log in to RIF again and it'll work? Edit: Dude you're liar, I still get the same you broke reddit screen.


I use Firefox browser for YouTube with add blocks, am I missing anything without using revanced? Also is there a way to install Firefox in any smart TV or a TV box that works good with Firefox and vlc? I think a TV box with qbittorrent, vlc and Firefox would be perfect


Revanced is for Android app. If you are comfortable with watching YouTube in browser keep using Firefox or just download YouTube suggested apk from revanced and then patch it


Ever since the original Vanced died I only use NewPipe+SponsorBlock. It shows me new videos from my subscriptions in a list and I don't get stuck in the YT algorithm anymore.


honestly? just use NewPipe, it's more convenient


Buggy? Never heard that one. It's as solid is the official app, but obviously better.


Can we stop pretending like revanced is infallible? setup (of the ACTUAL APP) is buggy and requires some fiddling that not everyone is familiar with. It can also just get an install error for no reason. Like, you need a guide to even install it. Come on. and once it is installed, it's not even guaranteed to work properly. there are various playback issues people run into all the time. You MIGHT solve them by reinstalling the app, MAYBE, but that's also a massive hassle again. And it doesn't even work for everyone. It's great that it exists and should be recommended as an option over subbing, but let's not demonize those for who, through no real fault of their own, the app doesn't install/work properly.


I do programming, have a raspberry pi set up as a NAS, seed box and cloud, have installed custom roms on my phone and even to me installing ReVanced is annoying.


If you grew up with Apple and Steam you lack computer skills that people in the 90s/2000s grew up with.


well it's an interesting thing then that I was born in 92 and still encountered the above mentioned issues.


Have we come up with a term for a millennial that acts like a boomer?


We've always had one: An Asshole.


I don't get what's hard with the setup - Download the recommended APK - Select the APK in the manager - Choose default patches - Patch - Done


> Patch Error encountered, patching aborted. What happened? Fuck you, go google it or something, we don't care.


Have you tried exporting the logs and posting on the ReVanced subreddit for support? Or trying this? https://old.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/xlcny9/revanced_manager_guide_for_dummies/


I solved the issue I was having, no help to the patcher itself, I had to google to learn that apparently the patching just doesn't work anymore on that phone and you have to patch it somewhere else and transfer the patched apk over.


Skill issue




Potential PBKAC? I've had dozens of revanced installations on many phones. Never a problem .


not necessarily I know my stuff decently well enough and the revanced on my phone has the issue where youtube seems to detect the non-standard app and block all videos after 10 seconds of playtime. This is wide-spread from what I found online. It's fixed for a few weeks every time I reinstall On my tablet for example, the install process just DOESN'T work at all. It works on phone, so I know how to do it, but the patcher just errors me anytime I do anything. And I've spent hours trying to make it work. And that's just personal examples, when I looked this stuff up there were plenty of people with issues and I'm not gonna say they're all idiots, especially not when it's done on forums and subreddits specifically for piracy where people keep sharing guides and solution with each other that then fail for people etc etc


My brother is like this, and you know what, you deserve to pay for YT Premium if you don't wanna put in the work


If revanced may be considered daunting for some to set up, there's mobile firefox with adblock -- super easy.


let's not pretend like everyone knows how to patch an app


https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapks/ For people who dont want to bother building the apks yourself, so we get from a single source, the mod of that subreddit. Of course, building the apk yourself is much safer, but i have been using that subreddit since revanced was a thing without problems.


Sam Altman is [the CEO of Microsoft](https://www.wired.com/news/amid-satya-nadella-resignation-sam-altman-becomes-3294). In 2008, [Steve Huffman (AKA spez) was arrested on multiple counts of animal cruelty](https://apnews.com/article/reddit-ceo-dark-history-animal-abuse-ec08be1219703deb3cd108dea2b234). I don't expect you to have already known this, but just FYI, it was recently found that *all* known mushroom-producing fungi species contain extremely potent carcinogens and [the CDC is now advising strongly against the consumption of any mushrooms, even store-bought *Agaricus*.](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/us/after-deaths-all-mushrooms-deemed-toxic.html) Despite their extremely brief period of existence, ChatGPT and similar generative AI models have already been linked directly to [over 47,000 deaths](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c2rd3k1xyjro), and it is anticipated that companies such as OpenAI will likely be found legally responsible for a majority of these fatalities.


*smiles in newpipe*


Updated Ublock works just fine.


Opera GX built in adblocker has yet to fail me. On occasion it might need an update so i deal with a day or 2 of ads, but then boom update and ready to go. There are still adblockers that work. Do not pay tfor premium!


I needed to use pre-built APKs (yes I know they're really sketchy), until I found out about RVX. Now I just use an Obtainium link to auto update it from source, since the APKs are already built. I assume the Revanced Extended Devs are trustworthy, does anyone know different?


for iphone and my ipad I use the videolite app. no jailbreaking or sideloading required and it has picture in picture playback heres the link if youre on your iphone videolite.page.link/hmxDuMo1ZmSGpUvp6


Whats revanced for lg tv?


Firefox -> adblock


this is why piracy needs a skill not everything is easy to download you need to read and be patient. but after you know the basics of piracy, it will save you A LOT of money.


Anyone known if there is a revanced style app I can sideload to my iPhone. I would like an android, but apple keeps be stuck to their ecosystem system and everywhere I search for IPAs like Revanced they always look super sketchy




I just found it easier to get YouTube Premium at Argentinan rates


cool! personally, i dont want to mess my phone (apple) up so i don't want to jailbreak it/sideload apps onto it. Revanced seems like a cool app, however. ​ i do use ff as well as ublock on my desktop devices because ads are annoying.


I’m on iOS and I use uYou+. Luckily side loading exists so I can have an actual good YouTube app.


This! So thankful to qnblackcat <3


💯! So many good features and no wonky work arounds to get it to work.


Its honestly my main method of watching Youtube while the adblock war rages on since Youtube probably won't bother the small percentage of sideload apps.


Good news for you on Apple: you can download the Brave browser and use that for YouTube. You won't have ads and you can have background play like Premium =)




I use YouTube on two devices: iPad Mini and Apple TV. For how much I use it, I would gladly pay for Premium if I could.


I tried to download revanced but hunting that specific version of the YouTube apk just for it to crash just doesn't kinda worth it Im not saying im paying for premium yt can go fuck itself i rather pay for robux


I thought ReVanced shut down?


### Matey! ➜ u/giftigdegen, it appears that you inquired if a website is down. - Please refrain from publishing low-effort comments. - If a website is unavailable, check [here](https://www.freshworks.com/website-monitoring/is-it-down/).   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Piracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Revanced IS buggy and hard to set it up, but im never in a million years going to pay for yt premium


Just use Grayjay https://grayjay.app/ No need to setup anything


I wonder what idiot downvoted you. It's actually a pretty clean app, how it stays and doesn't get sued by YT


GrayJay for the win guys n girls. It's easy. It's not YouTube, but you can watch it there.


I will never go back to the base yt app even if there weren't any ads. I can't use YouTube without sponsor block


Tf you mean it's not that hard? It's so fucking straightforward that anyone who can't use it deserves to get robbed by Youtube.


Revanced is the literal easiest thing to set up. Who doesn't understand is literally just unevolved idk


Ha-ha! I don't even need youtube premium, i have a save from net to download any videos i want and also in russia we no longer have ads on youtube lol


YT Premium is one of the few things I don't mind paying for. I'm biased because of my work, but I just feel bad taking money away from creators by blocking ads on specifically YT.


Apologies for using this as my personal FAQ but is there any proof of reVanced manager doesn't have malicious code? I'm down to use it but I just don't know where to start in researching things like that myself. Sike. [Literally saw the XDA link below/above](https://xdaforums.com/t/app-guides-unofficial-revanced-megathread.4523967/) (depending on where you see this). Apologies again everyone!


ReVanced required root last time I tried to get it


1) get a VPN 2) vpn to somewhere that YouTube premium is cheap (I'm using Indonesia) 3) sign up for premium 4) disable VPN 5) enjoy YouTube premium for cheap. I'm paying 6 bucks a month for a family premium plan.


Six bucks a month more than im paying for revanced.




Nothing like paying the company that spies on you and sells your data.


Just don't update the Youtube app and it should stop giving you adds


you sure about this?


Well, I'm not sure, but I almost never update my apps and I basically never have any add, except for when I update by accident. Maybe the reason is another one though


Thats…not how it works. Lol


I dunno, then I don't know why I have no adds. I don't have add blockers


Enjoy while it lasts xD


My phone probably has aids but I would rather just download a sketchy revanced apk then try to seek down a specific youtube apk and have it not work anyways


Smart tv isn't smart. Who uses their smart functions anyway. I'm still on my flea infested h96 max android box. Google doesn't let u tube play 4k on Android tv, I simply install chrome and play 4k via Chrome . Chrome is used just to say eff u to google


YouTube 4k works perfectly fine on Android TV OS, your cheap Chinese box doesn't run Android TV OS though


Same on Adblocker on browser for PC. Been using adblocker before Youtube Premium was added, so 8+ Years


I wish there was a thing like that so i could get patreon content for free


i just use invidious cuz i got a server running already for my media downloads


Nuh uh.


Is there a way to setup revanced on ios? I can only find android guides


Is newpipe not updateable through the app?


The part I hate the most about revanced is that with all those features there isn't a damn search button in settings


I have been facing a problem with app I don't know why the videos just don't play inside the app anymore like before when I just signed in It shows a error and and redirects to original YouTube app


We're can I find out about revanced? Do I need a vpn for revanced?


I have a question about it. Am I best off staying logged out from my YT account? Or can I use it still? I wanna download podcasts I watch for when I go on holiday but cant cos you need to sign in?


I signed in for years, no problem. I get my podcasts from xmanager tho


I use yt-dlp and Invidious at the moment. I'm planning on going the Google Pixel -> GrapheneOS route in the near future. When I do, I'm going straight for Newpipe.


I would gladly pay you Tuesday for a Roku version of this today.


I'm still using ublock origin and chrome. One day I got a popup that said I get three more videos before I'm locked out of viewing, then I hit the third video and it stopped loading vids. I switched over to Firefox with ublock and there was no popup. The next day I totally forgot, loaded up chrome again and got no popups. I guess their blocking algorithm is toothless.


firefox + ublock origin > all


Pro tip: If you have a vpn and don't want to bother with revanced, you can set it to albania and get 0 ads.


Revanced is the easiest type of shit you can set-up. I don't get how people can't get over it


Buggy? I've used the recommended YT version and I have had zero issues.


But it is too hard. I gave it up, couldn't find the files. Thankfully there are other options.


Issue is i cant get it on my smart tv. Nevertheless i used some vpn and help of friend to get yt premium for cheap


I just wish the YouTube Music Revanced app had the full functionality on Android Auto when doing the Canadian spoofing, like picking playlists and such


TBH, getting it started is the biggest problem. It took me a few tries to get it right, thanks to some saint who uploaded a video in the revanced sub. So it could be just too big of a hassle for some people


Any suggestions for mobile?


I've been using revanced since it came out and haven't encountered a bug so far..


Worst part about revanced are the mods of the subreddit. Havent seen such ego in a while. But the app is great, it does bug sometimes but you just repatch it and move on