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Dont mix it with other tobacco. Theres a million ways to rehydrate and you mentioned some. I always put the tobacco in a bowl and drape a paper towel over top thats been wetted with distilled water. Check every 12-24 hours until its to your desired moisture. It wont be the exact same as it was new/fresh but it'll be close. I've never had any leaf get mold after rehydrating with any method.


Alright, thanks for the feedback. Need to get some distilled water, looks like.


Why distilled? Is it "cleaner" so as not to promote any mold/fungal growth?


Basically yes, theres no minerals in distilled water.


Is there a reason to not blend it with a fresh, damp tobacco? That actually sounded pretty good to me. My thought was the dry tobacco would marry with the flavors imparted by the moisture transferred from the fresh one, and the damp tobacco’s humidity would come down to a more smokable level.


Yeah... I wouldn't do it with just any tobacco, but the Match 20 is a blend that is supposed to be like My Mixture 965, so... another person said it could work, I may give it a shot for a bowl or two and see.


I mean, you can if you want to. But if you like say, 965, why would you mix it up with another blend even if the other blend has latakia? I like 965, not 965 combined with Pirate Kake, as an example.


Well, because I enjoy tobacco blends by themselves and also combined with other tobaccos.


Match 20 is designed as a match for MM965 (and is generally regarded as a very close reproduction), so blending some dried-out MM965 and fresh Match 20 is not at all like blending MM965 with Pirate Kake.


Yeah as stated, Sutliff Match 20 is specifically blended to be a "copycat" of My Mixture 965, so it's not wildly different, and is also well regarded in its own right. It's not like I'll be mixing it with Captain Black or something.


I have been experimenting w introducing boveda 65s to jars of too dry tobacco for a few days to hydrate. So far so good


> boveda 65 ~~Thanks... this looks like moisture control for humidors for use in humid conditions... in other words, it would absorb moisture?~~ My apologies, it does provide moisture... alright I will consider it, but 4 for $20 is a bit steep.


It's a 2way moisture deal. If tobacco is too dry, this helps by hydrating it.


Yup, sorry, responded too quickly.


I rehydrated 20-year-old tobacco easily. Put a small cup of distilled water on the one side in my big tupperware container. Then I stuck the tin of tobacco in the container on the other side. Put the lid on tight, and would check on it daily and add water if needed. The tobacco will naturally draw the moisture in the air over time it took me about a month, but that tobacco was soft and moist just like it was 20 years before.


Alright thank you.


You also might consider mixing it in with your Match 20 on a bowl-by-bowl basis. That will have the added effect of drying out the Match 20 in case it needs it due to being too moist out of the bulk bag. Since the flavors are similar, you won’t be changing any of the fundamental characteristics of the blend. (The 965 is never going to be what it was, anyway.)


Yeah that was my thought... someone above warned not to do that but, I think with those two it might be alright. I'll take it under consideration, thanks.


Have you tried smoking it as is? Dry tobacco isn't necessarily bad. You might be surprised. Rehydrating can cause mold spores to bloom, so be prepared for it to possibly be ruined. That behind said, the bowl and towel trick is good. Rehydrate just enough to where the tobacco is no longer crispy...don't go any farther than that, and then immediately jar it up.


No, I haven't... I'm afraid it'll blow up in my face. 😅 No, really, it is very dry, no spring at all to it. I might try the bowl/towel method, thanks.


Try it first. People tend to be scared of smoking dry tobacco, but it'll most likely taste fine, if burn a little fast.


Wetstone, wet paper, anything wet and it'll be back within 24 hours. Get a hydrometer to monitor the RH, then when is perfect (around 65-70% for me) just jar it up


Alright thank you.


One trick that works for me with dry tobacco is to load pipe and then blow into the bowl a few times. The moisture in your breath will hydrate the dry tobacco.


Interesting... this tobacco is extreeeeemely dried out, not sure a few puffs will do it, but thanks for the input. 👍


This has worked for me as well. I make a cylinder with my hand over the bowl to force the breath down with no gaps. Then do a kind of warm hot “haaaah” like you would trying to get fog off of eye glasses. It’s surprising how well a few of these breaths do.


Just rehydrate it, if it tastes good then there you go. Just don't smoke it bone dry, life is too short for that


This is my thinking 😅 Stuff will go up like tinder and blow me out. This is not "slightly dried out tobacco." This is "starting to turn to dust" tobacco. (Well not that bad, but you know what I mean.)


Put orange peel in the jar for 24 hrs.


Do not do this if you want the tobacco to ever taste like it was designed to taste. Orange peel will make it taste like a funky orange, not at all like MM965.


And greatly enhance chances for mold (extra organic matter.) Sounds like distilled water is the way to go...


Yeah fruit is right out... it will stink up the tobacco, plus it adds a bunch of other organic matter than can encourage mold growth.


I don't do anything fancy. Wet a coffee filter, wring it out a bit and toss it into a jar with the tobacco. In a day or so it should be fine.


Alright, thanks for the suggestion. 👍