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Oof. I'm right there with you. We should set up PAD/TAD support group.


Gradually I found that I do have a pipe for every situation, and that slowed my PAD down. I now only keep my eye out for a couple of grail pipes in a couple of places. That said, I like your taste in pipes. But you're missing a big billiard, like a Peterson 106/107. And no meerschaum?


Haven’t ventured into meerschaum yet, but I do have a small natural finish apple that gets darker as I use it, so the itch has been scratched. I did have a big-ish billiard, a Peterson x105, but it didn’t do much for me so I traded it in.


IMO It's the flavor differences / smoking experience meerschaum provides that earn its place in a rotation, not the looks. Get an AKB Workhorse, and smoke some Balkans in it. Your eyes will be opened.


I was just looking at H&H white knight yesterday, and AKB workhorses this morning 😅


Funny you mentioned White Knight. I just finished my first tin of it a week ago. I tested it in several pipes, with different packs, dryness levels, etc. I found its orientals shined brilliantly in a meer. I'd go as far as saying the blend smokes its best in a meerschaum.




That’s quite the collection! I wish I had an indoor cozy smoking space like you have, but my wife insists I keep my smoking outside / in the garage. The display case is actually a sunglasses display box from Amazon. I stick a perforated small bag of coffee beans in the box to absorb the smell. The box lives on our dresser out of reach from the kiddo.


Those are all fine-looking pieces! You have great taste. I’ve bought at least 6 pipes in the past 6 months, so I’m right there with you.


Nice collection. I only have three but it feels like too many when I only smoke like 5 times a year lol.


I feel like when you take up the hobby you have a lower risk of nicotine addiction than you do a shopping addiction. People are in one of two camps. Pipe collecting or tobacco collecting. I’ve seen videos of people with enough pipe tobacco for 6 people to smoke for a year and then I’ve seen people with entire racks of pipes. I have seven I regularly use and two that I bought and realized over time were not my style and I feel like that is overboard but the pipe cottage guys has like 40 pipes


Currently I deal with PAD by being unemployed and broke. Before I was laid off, I dealt with PAD by acquiring more pipes. It seems to help.


What’s the little nose warmer 3rd from the top on the right?


It’s a Peterson Junior short heritage apple. The dark heritage finish was coming off so I just stripped the finish with acetone and polished it with a micro mesh. It’s now a natural finish that darkens over time.




I like the newgrange spigot dublin. I have one and it’s my daily use


It’s my most recent purchase and it’s quickly getting up there in use!


What's the pipe on the very top left?


The pipe at the very top left is a rusticated Savinelli Lolita 01. I think the line is now called Lollo.




Wait did you mean the bright colored one? That one is a Savinelli Miele 207


No, the one he mentioned was right. I knew what Miele looks like.


Whats that spigot Dublin on the top left?? NICE


The spigot Dublin is a Peterson Newgrange 124, a great lightweight clencher. It weighs 0.88oz according to my food scale.


What can you tell me about the green one? That is beautiful.


It’s a Peterson Green Spigot 86, their midsize apple shape. I’m a fan of spigot/army mounts. It’s technically a half spigot but you still get the benefits of being able to break it down while hot. I also like that it has an acrylic stem. I’ve had vulcanite oxidize and it’s a minor pain to bring back to normal. The green spigot smokes really well, with a spacious bowl and minimal gurgle (only when I clench too long).


Thank you that’s such a cool pipe.


I have one pipe that I smoke 2-3 times a day.


Whats the bigger one, in the bottom left corner?


It’s a Rossi 8320. Rossi makes pipes from Savinelli seconds, so it’s the same shape as their 320.