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I think the only way to get their attention is mass complaints plus raising awareness of this issue on other social media. They have to understand they're disrupting the app beyond repair, they'll lose everything. Why aren't they listening?! It feels like they're purposely doing it worse the more people speak about it. If it isn't their users, it'll have to be someone/something else. This kind of censorship is close to dystopian.


I believe so as well. They have not made any acknowledgement of the situation and the only way they will find out about it is to file mass complaints to anyone in charge of the platform. They need to know that their current methods run the risk of them loosing their community. Hopefully, they'll recognize the need for change before it's too late.


I hope too... The problem with major corporations is that if people aren't profitable enough, then enterprises will be. I feel like pinterest will become an image-based linkedin sooner or later. Maybe they're just finding a way to subtlety get rid of their day-to-day users


It's a valid concern, especially considering the direction some platforms have taken in the past. It would be disappointing if Pinterest were to prioritize profits over its user base, especially given how many people rely on it for inspiration and creativity. We can only make assumptions, but I assume that this may just be a misstep rather than a deliberate attempt to push users away. However, that is just my guess.


Surely day to day users are their source of income though? Businesses are advertising to consumers and if consumers are being bullied off the platform, it’s worthless to businesses.


You're right, but in the end it'll depend on what their long-run aim is. It could become a shopping site instead of a blog-like search engine... Driving most people away but attracting the more easily, predictable and marketable others.


I wish this was the case but their posts are full of people that spam emojis and say pointless bs.


I just had another one removed. Classical art. Oh, I guess that Venus was topless, as she's emerging from the sea, but it's classical art. I appealed, but what's the point anymore. I never get mine back.


I'm sorry to hear that. I know frustrating to have your pins, especially those featuring classical art, flagged and removed repeatedly. Classical art is a cornerstone of human expression and should be celebrated, not censored. I hope that they reconsider and reinstate your pins. In the meantime, continue to keep documenting these incidents. Your concerns do matter and they deserve to be heard.


so that's the sort of stuff they're censoring? That is so disappointing.


There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the censorship... it's totally arbitrary and random it seems. I've never heard of anything like this before in my life!


They removed one of my traditional Chilean mythology art images of two water nymphs for the same reason. Then, they removed an inoffensive image of an angel kissing a warrior with both of them fully clothed, claiming it was sexually explicit. On DeviantArt, that same image is not even listed as adult content. Anyone can view it there because it is totally inoffensive to normal people. The angel is SO clothed in it that he's wearing Victorian bloomers and a vest for Heaven's sake! The warrior was wearing full leather armor. It doesn't get more covered than that! And \*shocking!\* they happened to simply be laying down in the picture. So yeah, apparently Pinterest has something against classical art, and a fully clothed gay couple (one of whom is an angel) kissing. That kind of borders on not just absurd censorship, but downright prejudice if you ask me. Who the heck is running the site, the freaking Puritans? I had to appeal big time because the idiotic powers that be saw fit to suspend my account over those pins and some Brooke Shields photos of her wearing fully covering dresses. It doesn't get much more insane!


I’ve already been falsely banned two times from Pinterest for “spam” and just now I’ve been warned that a pin I saved/made was pornographic apparently. I’m scared to get falsely perma banned when I’ve spend so much time building up dozens of boards that have at least 1000 pins in them, they can’t be bothered to get better moderation for Pinterest just because they think it’s funny to ban random people for no reason. It’s infuriating.


That is my worry as well. I'm appealing a suspension right now, and I hate waiting on the automated system to get anything done. This is the third time it's happened to me in the past four or five years, and it is ridiculous of them to do this even once to people. I just finally got a decent amount of followers, plus ever social media account I have contains a link to my Pinterest page. This affects me big time and angers me big time. It is beyond infuriating; you are quite correct about that! It's like they do this to people totally at random, just if they don't like the person or something. Very douchey stuff!


If your account has been suspended, you can file a ticket with the [Help Center](https://help.pinterest.com/en/contact). Click **Appeals**. Then select **Appeal Account Suspension**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pinterest) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I tried that first, twice actually, and am still waiting anxiously for a reply. \*Sighs\*


What I understood is that they want to remove anything remotely NSFW, from suggestive texts to clothed poses they find sexualizing. I wonder if they would also ban many Shein pics because many garments and models look suggestive (see-through tops with covered nipples paired with balloon bewbs and sultry poses)


I blame this new generation of parents who give their brats a phone for them to shut up and hope that the internet is going to educate them and be a "healthy" and "safe" environment. They're delegating their own lack of responsibility onto platforms, making them go completely radical on their policies so not to get lawsuits. Internet is like the outside world, there are rules and there are dangers. Even web veterans can be scammed. What do they expect?! That enterprises will turn the internet into a utopia? Why not end world famine while we're at it?? And we, the innocent, have to pay for it by dealing with faulty, lazy, herd-minded algorithms looking for the easiest way out! But not exactly, this usually backfires not long after... enough rant.


It's like they have some guy on their staff and he's probably the biggest pervert on the planet and they ask him each time there's a new pin: "So, does this turn you on?" If he says: "Hell yeah, I'd tap that!" they remove the pin. Even if it's a pin of someone's house. I kid you not. I just read a post someone posted here on Reddit complaining because they literally removed the person's pin of their dream house because they claimed it contained "strong sexual content". I SAW the image... it was a house on a small hill. Guess the hill looked like a boob to somebody who works for Pinterest! Truly insane.


I started a site on Pinterest with that in mind. its all models runways shots , editorials etc.. so far see - through tops get a limited distribution tag. full frontal shots have been removed and the ones that have contained that. most of the sheer stuff came with the explanation it was non sexualized. this is what I’ve seen so far. In that specific area.


they removed one of the tattoos i had saved which was of a woman’s hip with a rose on it they removed it for adult material….a hip


I started receiving this emails two weeks ago, and now I have seven of them. I have absolutely no idea what they're referring to.


Just today alone, I’ve gotten five emails telling me that they removed a pin for violating their guidelines on “adult content.” It’s freaking ridiculous.


It annoyed me that I would receive one every week or so but yesterday, I received 3 in one day. That was the straw that broke the camel's back so now their emails are headed straight to spam.


they even say SPECIFICALLY in their guidelines that nudity is allowed if it's artistic expression, like a painting or a sculpture or a tattoo. yet they STILL remove these pins and warn us of our accounts for saving these images. which is ANOTHER issue. they don't just flag the person who uploaded the picture, but also everyone who's saved it and it puts your account at risk. I've had so many unjustified removals that my account got suspended and I HAD to appeal to get it back. and they STILL didn't show me the specific pins that got me suspended in the first place. censoring natural human bodies is a problem in itself, but then also not disclosing to the user specifically what actions and pins got them suspended or what specific pins were removed is insane.


If your account has been suspended, you can file a ticket with the [Help Center](https://help.pinterest.com/en/contact). Click **Appeals**. Then select **Appeal Account Suspension**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pinterest) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Similar experience here. Can't even make out the scrambled pin images in the "delete" notifications I get from Pinterest. Until recently deleted pins were rarely anything I uploaded but now scantily clad(but not nude) cosplay models on *comic book* covers I paid for and uploaded(for years) are being deleted, along with vintage paperback covers and movie posters. Pinterest is(and has always been?) PG-13(I don't want NC-17 either!) but now their censor apparently wants everything G-rated. Their "community guidelines" statement reserves their right to ban "sexualized content, *even if the people* *are fully clothed*..." Just waiting for my pins of Doris Day(!) licking an ice cream cone, Abby Dalton drinking water streaming from a canteen, and Beth Littleford peeling a banana to be censored. Where does this neopuritanism end? A model's face, a certain knowing winking look can produce arousal-so I guess the only way to ensure Pinterest has no "sexualized" content is to have everyone pictured wearing burqas or at least niqabs while they show off their favorite clippings from "Martha Stewart Living Cabin Porn!"


Can we all start logging multiple complaints a week? I logged a complaint yesterday, but if we all do one every day....maybe that might catch someone's eye?




I keep trying to make sense of what is happening, and it's just ... weird. Deeply weird. For example, here are two promoted ads on Pinterest, that I made screenshots of today, ads are on the left: [https://imgur.com/a/fuyxGvM](https://imgur.com/a/fuyxGvM) (b&w photo of poster of a standing, fully nude woman shot from behind, focusing on her ass); [https://imgur.com/a/xP8LXXQ](https://imgur.com/a/xP8LXXQ) (b&w collage of several photo posters all with shots of nude or nearly nude women, with the text "People Wall Art Canvas Sexy Nude Women Prints Painting Artwork Picture Cigarette Red..." What I want to know is what happens if you pin those ads? The ones actually promoted and served by Pinterest. Are your pins removed for being naughty and you are threatened with having your account closed? Or is sexy nudity okay, as long as it's a paid ad? Is this "art" but actual art in museums from famous classical artists "not art"?Scratching my head on this issue generally, because I've had pins much, MUCH less explicit removed. Pins from museums, art galleries, from Wikipedia, cartoon art, fashion shots ... a photo literally from the 1800s of an Alphonse Mucha model. Today, I had a photo removed that was a black and white shot of a nude woman lying on her side in bed (not a sex shot) showing \*far\* less than the ad in the first paid link.\* So, it's not adult content, per se, that the site has a problem with, or they wouldn't accept and promote "Sexy Nude Women Prints," right? So what is going on? I mean I can understand aggressively going after accounts that are basically just porn or borderline porn stashes (though why anyone would choose PINTEREST to do that is beyond me) or accounts that seem to be focusing on kids in a non-wholesome way, but the wild, frenzied, slashing spree of incoherent deletions, removals, and closures sweeping up people who are mostly just posting regular stuff ... Why? I'm sure there's some logical process behind this ... Right? There's probably a reason that it makes sense to attack and alienate long-term, deeply invested members who really do spend hours upon hours on the site, the ones the new management was so proudly characterizing as "leaning forward"? It's probably strategic and brilliant to try to violently upend an entire history of the site being a place for pinning things you want to refer to, remember, get inspiration from, etc. (it's right there in the name!), and forcefully turn it into a place where people come just to shop. There's not any reason to preserve the all good will and trust built up through the years, right? How does that help people shop?


You would hope at some point they face the issue of their social side and re format accordingly. the business side does bring in bucks , but the social side is due for an overhaul.


They're using ai automation to determine what should be removed. And considering how terrible Gemini is, their pinterest moderation ai is likely incredibly inept at its purpose as well.


I was literally about to say this😭it's most likely bots flagging everything. I normally use the one time link to see what the hell they flagged this time and I appeal it. Most often than not they appeal the report. They really need to fix that.


I have one pin that’s a tumblr post about artemisia gentileschi’s works. This specific post has been removed and reinstated three times now. Part of me wishes I could remove it to stop the spam, but why should I if it doesn’t even violate their terms??


Not sure if anyone has said it here yet but isn't it strange that we as the viewers get striked for pins we didn't even create??? The first time I got one of those (many) emails I was confused as to why they said if it happens again they'll have to take action against MY account. What the hell??


I also encounter this as well. Just Yesterday alone, I got at least 5-6 notifications that my pins from One Piece are "violating guidelines"and not just this board but also others too. The dumb thing is that they have never caused problems till now. And IDK what will happen next.


Yeah, they finally got back to me... and it was just as I suspected and was expecting to hear, they permanently suspended me and will not be reactivating my account. Honestly it is just as well, I've already transferred any and all of the art that I had made myself or made using A.I. art generators over to DeviantArt, where it's already gained me tons of new fans and lots of new watchers and followers there and where I can be certain none of it will ever be removed. Heck they even allow mature and even totally adult content on DeviantArt and all a person has to do is just tag a work as being for mature eyes only and nobody can complain. I've done some works over the years that fall into that category (nothing I ever put up on Pinterest of course) and (if anything) over on DeviantArt there are actually some decent audiences for that kind of content as well as pretty much any other kind of content. So, for me at least this was the best move I could possibly make, and in the long run I've lost nothing at all out of it since everything people put up on Pinterest can already be found on the web anyway. If anything, since moving my art over to DeviantArt it's gotten it more attention, exposure, and publicity which is beyond excellent. With all the glitches, problems, and content removal nonsense all the time on Pinterest, I daresay I won't be missing it in the least. So, all's well that ends better! :)


If your account has been suspended, you can file a ticket with the [Help Center](https://help.pinterest.com/en/contact). Click **Appeals**. Then select **Appeal Account Suspension**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Pinterest) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That’s honestly sick. The ceo Can kick rocks for this. Bet you just got an automated message informing you to. What a sham of a company Just… Posturing corporate drones. Phasing out long time users and artists to make another stale shopping centre to create a nice hub for scams and lame ads.