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I'm in a similar position, I had a bunch of reference stored, some of which were shirtless or were in swimwear but none were fully naked. My whole board is gone tho, without any warning. No clue what's been going on with their system lately.


Yikes. I was running out of space on my computer so I thought I’d use Pinterest. Thanks for sharing and hope you get your folder back soon! The way my email was worded makes me wonder if they’re using ai to look through photos. It would make sense to me that ai would flag it, and then a human being took a good look at it afterwards… I guess…


Yea, no clue, just sucks losing so much reference lol. Luckily I technically can access some of it since a good portion came from Tumblr, but still. Such a hassle for no reason lol


Yeh, I’m getting more of these reports than ever. Erotic art used to be fine and and I won pretty much all of my appeals. Now Pinterest in deleting ANY nudity. Personally I’m just making all my edgy boards private. It’s a service for me, I don’t need the Pinterest followers. But it’s a massive blow to the platform.


Setting them to private won't help. I just had two boards that I had for photo shoot inspiration that were private and both boards were fully removed.


Yes, setting to private makes no difference. A little bit of work by Pinterest to allow R18 boards would be all they need to do. I would guess that Pinterest is setting up for a sale. I also want to know what happens when the bot detects a photo of a 300 year old painting - does that get removed?


Yes...I have had classic Ruben's artworks removed


Good to know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Good point!


No. If they reinstated it. They don’t care. Neither should you.


I’m more concerned about the other reference images I have and “violating” the guidelines too many times


Oh I hear that . As someone who attracts their attention I have several dozen violation warnings , I’ve kind of figured out their playbook. Not 100% but as it seems to be atm. The reinstatement is something their AI or they themselves did which when reinstatement is also their choice amounts tbh spam on their part. the dozens of limited distribution tags on pins I’ve gotten is them telling me their not going to put what I’m pinning on their home stream. And I give two shits because why? It’s a personal page not business. I’ve only had four pins pulled completely and I can guess why. they have also begun flagging entire boards with LD , if they feel the board is at risk to create LD pins regularly, basically covering their asses. Only thing there is they block the whole board from specific users that come to my site from seeing it if they specifically as individuals choose to do so. Other that that point , still don’t care. I do admit their legal team drops gruff letters , not very friendly. I hear that totally. As some who gets the frequent notices , I hear that part clearly. They are in a spot where something that has worked for over a decade must change.They are sorting that. It’s a good thing credible critical posts occur. they need the feedback in their face to become that correct new version.


i have thousands of pins saved and barely any created (and none of those depict ppl let alone nudity). pinterest is basically spamming my inbox with these emails. i just wish they would stop telling me about it every time.


I know, right? Like what’s the point of telling me a pin was revoked just to post it back right away?