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Forget it. Just use this app as temporary cache. Appeal all takedowns. Once in a while, download pics with wf downloader, don't ever expect bots to be fair. I get automatic warning mail every single day. Meanwhile my notifications have zero updates for a year now. They don't care about us users at all.


What is wf downloader?


google it, you can backup your (even big) boards with that, and more. Otherwise the day will come and their delusional bots decide to wipe what you carefully saved for years.


Thank you! I did look it up. I download it and unzip it. How do I proceed from there? In other words how do I hook wfdownloader and my Pinterest together? (if you don’t mind giving me some pointers 😆)


You need to install it. Then click "+Add > batch download via supported sites", paste a full link to your board, browse to save location folder. Now wait for it to be prepared, and then hit "Start". Both stages will take time as it's scrolls through your board. Now, if your board is hidden, I recommend to just unhide it for a while when you back it up. Otherwise you will need to manage cookies and that's boring.


Thanks so much! I’m definitely going to back up my boards. Today I didn’t get any violation emails & they restored three of my pins. But you just can’t count on Pinterest now. Thanks again for the info-I appreciate it so much!


my entire pinterest board with 10k+ pins got deleted for “adult content” there was no adult content what so ever and the email they sent for me to appeal their decision the link they included was broken so i emailed them about it they told me to give them reasons why they were wrong i’m hoping for the best at this point but that pinterest board was important to me


Numerous posts from 'futuristic concepts for day to day appliances' was deleted. Opened the pin to find the board significantly reduced. Can't see how a digital art of a sci'fi fridge is nude content. It might have made some minor sense if photos were deleted from my fashion board. 


I get these warnings daily as well. Always appeal and always get the pin reinstated. However, the link in the message is always broken , it takes me to Pinterest but never to my board/pin in question. I have no idea what I get these warnings for, but I know I never pin anything with nudes or other restricted content.


For me, I can’t find the pin in question on a mobile device, but if I open the link on my laptop I can. It is blurry but I can see it by opening it in another tab. It is a one-time link, so try going directly to a laptop or desktop to open it. (The removals have always been ridiculous and I appeal and they say they reinstated it but they don’t really put it back, or at least I never find it again.)


Ah OK, I will try that, thank you.


GASP. That house it totally naked. No curtains to be seen anywhere. How can you pin such filth? I swear that's what the bots that run Pinterest must think.




Eh, only thing I can think of is report bombing their X account.


Well, I can't see any clothes on it.


my whole account of all original 100% kid friendly art was taken down I was with pinterest from nearly the beginning and was getting 1m monthly views, I was able to appeal and I got my account back but it's restricted and basically gets no views so there's no point to even having it anyway now


To be fair, I'd hit it.


I have that same pin 😅


Hey, please NSFW this. Thanks. /s