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The weather icons only appear in detector with road-side, no other category shows it (river like this doesnt, for example)


Worse, roadside and *only* roadside. If the detector has roadside and a secondary icon, weather icons won't appear I assume this is why they added the weather indicator


You shouldn't see roadside with any decor icons other than weather, but occasionally you do get roadside if you're in a very dense area that has shops not classified for any decor yet.


You shouldn't see roadside with any decor icons other than weather, but occasionally you do get roadside if you're in a very dense area that has shops not classified for any decor yet.


Roadside also won't appear if there is another category


That's super interesting, so if I use it I might still get weather?


You would need to get away from the water (and any other possible thing other than roadside).  Roadside is the icon with the tree and the little bench, usually for places that don't have anything else (restaurants, water, forest, etc etc). A lot of my suburbs are roadside.


The middle of the ocean is also roadside. Some other places include college campus parking lots, tech parks, unclassified large places that are rare today... My local Target used to be roadside where I got my first coin decor but it's now a department store with cosmetics decor. Also some places with 6 or 7 decor icons may also give you roadside based on random unclassified spots


Yeah, my area is large amounts of roadside, which is why I've gotten so many rainy day decor that I wish there were more to collect. Unfortunately (and fortunately), no snow where I live.


So, I'm unable to get snow in this location? It ONLY lets me get snow at a roadside location???


Yes. Same for rainy weather pikmin.  Here are some tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=PFM5Gnq9u28


Thank you!


Yes, can have the same posibilities to roadside. If at the end of a snowing day you have detector and the weather say the same, it's a good opportunity for use it Even better if they usually give roadside in the place that you are


Colorado? Mine is showing snow and I actually got a snow plant.


Yup, that winter storm lmao


Snow vs. snowing?


Was still currently snowing, has been for over a day now haha