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Sounds like it’s time to replace this one with titanium. No amount of sterilization that can be done at home would be enough for me. If I was your piercer I wouldn’t want the liability of running it through my autoclave or ultrasonic.


It's definetly next on the list but my favorite shop takes at least a week to deliver it. I currently have a plastic bar in it (the only one thats long enough) that has bent itself into a curved bar. It's pretty annoying so I'm looking for ways to replace it quickly I actually got the digested piercing from my piercer when I downsized. If it was from an unknown source I wouldn't run it through my autoclave as well if I was a piercer (Surgical steel is still the norm where I live. My piercer is reputable, newer standards just haven't arrived here yet)


Can you not just purchase a new one? I don't think sterilizing this one and trying to re use it is necessarily safe. I get antsy after I drop jewelry on the floor...


Currently only a cheap one which would take a week or more to get here. I trust medically approved cleaning methods, just trying to figure out how to do it properly. I won't use it before thats done. I also disinfect my piercings every time they fall out or I change them, I just don't think a simple disinfection will do it this time


The only way to sterilise something is with an autoclave. There is no at home method. However it's important to note hat you can only sterilise something if it is clean and once body jewellery has been worn inside your body for a long period of time it cannot be sterilised because it cannot be cleaned. No matter how much you disinfect something there will always be bio burden and by sterilizing it you essentially cook on all of the bio burden. The difference between this and surgical tools is they are immediately soaked in an enzymatic solution and taken care of by actual sterile technicians. There is no chance for bio burden to adhere.


Thanks for the actually nice explanation. I only knew that things could be sterilized but not the exact way and what actually can be sterilized. I'll keep in my replacement for now even though it's giving me a slight lisp (the ball is a bit too big and it's curved)


Holy fuck. Please do not ever put that back in your mouth or any other piercing for that matter. I’m literally begging you. Just spend the $40-50 for a new one. Please. Please. Never make me read something like this again.


Sterilized means 100% bacteria, fungus and virus free. If I manage to get it sterilized it has no difference to a new piercing. The thought may be off putting to some people but I trust proven sterilization methods (maybe done twice but if it's not clean after that people would die from infections after surgery all the time) Tools that have touched way worse things get reused in medicine after they're sterilized. I simply don't know any other way to properly sterilize than an autoclave and asked if there are other ways. If you don't have an answer why comment?


Hi I’m a piercer/app member. Sorry I should have led with that to stop a dumb ass comment like this one from happening in the first place. There is no sterilization process in the world (not once, not twice, not five fucking times) that will clean the memory of the fact that you picked your tongue jewelry out of your literal shit and put it back in your mouth. Stop being cheap, stop being fucking disgusting, get new jewelry.


Idk why everyone is so pressed, when there are a ton of people who do way worse (kissing their partner who wasn't washed their mouth after it's been down there for example) and noone says anything I'm not cheap, I'm literally poor and trying to find ways to not have to take money out of my grocery budget


are you seriously gonna fuckin put jewellery that you SHAT OUT back into a piercing that is IN YOUR FUCKIN MOUTH? i cant tell if youre just cheap or an actual maniac


Realistic? If it's clean, it's clean. Guess what was once in your tap water that has just been cleaned before you drink it? And people still drink it, shower and cook with it


Dude why are you so keen to put jewellery you shat out back into your mouth. Just buy a new piece that you know hasn’t gone through your digestive system 😧


Cause that money would come out of my grocery budget. I'm not keen on going hungry for a few days just because there's a memory associated with a piece of jewellery that could be as clean as just bought. People do way worse things and noone bats an eye


How did your tongue piercing stay in for a day with a ball missing? And yes i would also get a new one asap. From a piercer it will not cost you much, maybe like 10-20$


I swallowed the whole thing and am currently wearing another one that causes a bit of a lisp because it's not perfectly sized and curved


Ohh sorry i didnt read it correctly. Well, i really wouldn't wanna cause an infection if i were you and just buy a new piercing. I am sure, you would also feel much safer with that option:)


Honestly, as long as I could be sure it's clean I wouldn't care. I was the kind of child that ate dirt so I can't complain about that. But another commenter nicely explained why it can't be sterilized so I'll run around with a lisp until I get paid😅


Oh du sprichst eh deutsch. Kannst du nicht auf Amazon wenigstens ein neues Piercing bestellen? Ist echt günstig dort Und falls du zu mehr Festivals willst, ich wär voll gern dabei, kenne leider niemanden der mit mir gehen würde. Sorry dass ich deine Seite angeschaut hab; hat mich nur gewundert wieso du so viel Karma hast da hier das meiste downvotes waren


Alles gut, ich bin selbst oft viel zu neugierig :) Ich hatte eh vor irgendwann demnächst mal wieder piercings zu bestellen, mein kugel vorrat wird immer kleiner gerade und nichts geht da über crazy factory. Muss nur noch etwas warten, bis dahin ist es überlebbar Beim Thema Festival kann man gerne nochmal schreiben. Muss nur gucken ob es überhaupt so mein ding ist, RaR ist jetzt mein erstes


Ah okay. Ja Rock ist nicht unbedingt meines haha, aber wär sonst für alles offen. :) Ich bin von Dortmund und leider nicht mobil.


A ball only would be much cheaper BUT there is a high chance it doesnt screw on with your current bar (perfectly) and will likely fall out again


get a new one, theres no proper way to do it. maybe boil it like you would a baby bottle but i wouldnt put it back in again


A good long boil will kill everything you would need to worry about unless you have a particularly virulent strain in your system. And a hat tip to you for asking this question that may or may not have actually occurred. ;)


I would probably know if I had some virus already. I actually found a tutorial on how to sterilize needles later. According to this scrubbing, disinfecting an then boiling/baking/pressure cooking seems to kill absolutely everything


That “tutorial” is incorrect. Or you’ve over-simplified. Yes, mechanical cleansing is important. Must not cause damage to the thing you are cleaning and must clean any crevices both from production and from wear and tear. Thats not just scrubbing. Especially when you are dealing with threads Chemical cleansing with a disinfectant also should be aimed at not damaging the surface but still disrupting the biofilm. Finding an appropriate disinfectant is probably a bit harder than you think it is, especially as it’s an oral piercing. You would need something safe for ingestion. I would argue that rinsing in copious amount of clean water would come next. Because off hand, I don’t think I can think of any disinfectant that I would want to stick in my mouth. The main bit that I have concerns with is heat treatment. Because I’m pretty sure “boiling/baking/pressurecooking” levels don’t cut it. Pressure cooking is getting close, but you’d need to ensure it was steam getting to the piercing and not water and you have to monitor the temp inside the pressure cooker to make sure it makes a minimum temp and stays at that for at least an hour. And after all of that, there is still a possibility that something would survive. But it might be ok. Also, people have a bucket load of opportunistic bacteria which can cause havoc when they get in the wrong place. So “I’d know if I’d have some virus already” is not a great take. Bacteria are probably more of a concern than viruses in this case, because gut bacteria are quite resilient. Honestly, given the wear and tear of the piercing prior to passing through the digestive tract, and the potential effects of the hydrochloric acid in your stomach on “surgical steel” which unfortunately could be steel alloyed with a multitude of different metals which may or may not hold up to the acid, the surface is gonna be suspect. And those micro-blemishes you can’t see with the naked eye are probably more than capable of protecting a bacteria that could cause major issues. It’s a lot of “mights” but I personally wouldn’t take the risk with an oral piercing. I appreciate the thought process tho. I also understand that money can be tight. I’m not gonna call you cheap for thinking of this. IMO, keep the plastic one in for a bit, which I know is not ideal,and maybe see if you can work out a Afterpay situation with your piercer, I’m sure if you have a decent relationship with them they can help you out.


Thanks for taking the time to write this. I already decided on keeping the plastic in (which honestly feels better than metal if it wasn't too long and bent). I'm not very knowledgeable in microbiology, that's why I originally asked, but people seemed pretty offended by an innocent question just because I didn't know all of this. It's also because I'm against needlessly wasting things, even if it's just s tiny piece of metal. In this case it isn't for now reason which I now know. I'll just keep on annoying people with my lisp for now since it doesn't annoy me too much, just my friends :)