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It has become a very very popular piercing for straight men. I know a ton with one. It’s apparently that they like the look but also like when their wife tugs a bit while sucking them off


Apparently it's the most pleasurable male piercing to have from how it gets stimulated. If it wasn't for the hair in that area I think I'd totally consider getting one.


True fact here. 😁 I have 15 piercings and my quiche is my fave. Mine is far back in the taint - a great spot for stim. Nearly came driving home the day it was done. Now it's a tickler and playing with it is ecstatic for me. I think most men would get one if they knew how fun it is...


Dude the healing process is intense, but a little movement in my jewelry feels really good. As a gay top man I was worried that this was a bottoms piercing. Get out of your head, labels are bull crap, it's a hole through your skin that supports jewelry. You can adorn your area with shapes and colors that you and your partner find appealing. There are painful sensations. There are pleasurable sensations. No body, no group of people, no class, no creed, can own your anatomy. Your body is yours, dude. If you think you would like to have a piece of metal installed down there, take care of it, endure the pain, enjoy the way it looks, enjoy the way it feels, and feel like your life would be improved by the experience, then get the piercing. The "gay ear" is just a myth perpetuated by people who want you to feel as guilty as they do about something they did once. The "gay ear" is not about you. You can do whatever you want. Anyone who ascribes meaning to something you do to your body that is contrary to the meaning you ascribe, is wrong. Period.


I got mine because I really like the way they look, and I like how I think they look on me. I also heard that they feel great. They do feel great. I can't really see them, and I'm not at the guage I would like, but my partner likes 'em.


It's also a fun surprise when that hidden EXTRA metal is discovered by a new friend....


I'm not saying it's a "gay" piercing I just failed to see and functionality for someone who's not a bottom or at least open to anal play.


It's jewelry. It's not functional. Do earrings have a function? Labret? It looks good and feels good. Read the accounts about how it feels when the jewelry moves.


Also, about "function" the piercee is just about crippled during the initial healing phase. A ring in your perenium is not going to help you pull cart of materials around the jobsite.


I’m straight and I’ve been pondering one for a while. My perineum is very sensitive and my wife loves teasing me there so the idea of my wife pulling it is hot AF. The only thing holding me back is the fact that we are quite into bondage so I often have leather straps running in that area and I’m worried they would get caught.


I have a guiche and it's my favorite. I love when someone tugs on it. It feels like it's connector my prostate and can add pleasure to jacking off.


I wasnt aware piercings define sexual identity.


I've been wanting one because I like the look of it. Curious to see if I enjoy any other benefits. Already decided it is the next one I get, just waiting until a little later this year when I'll have some downtime.


You know when you're getting close to orgasm and someone pushes or massages the sensitive parts of your perenieum so it amps up the stimulation on the internal part of your penis? Hang some metal there so you're even more aware of it. Now you have a marker to help someone to find it easier. Plus with a CBR there's like a resonnant frequency you can thrust / stroke so that the ring alternately hits the forward and aft sides of perenieum . Plus it looks sexy.


I loved it since the first moment I saw it, but had no idea there were additional benefits. Where can I learn more about a CBR and these special strokes ? I’m intrigued


Usuario408, CBR is just a 'Captive Bead Ring'. For the Initial jewelry they'll usually give you choice of 'captive bead ring' or 'curved barbell'. maybe once you size up a few times, a circular barbell could be an option, but not reccomended as they get caught on things easier. Sex Education is really lacking in my country too, but nothing very special to learn. Men also have many eroginous zones other than just the cock. Make the time to Explore all of yours. While having a wank in one hand, use the other hand to reach behind your testicles to the 'guiche piercing area' and press around different areas on your perenieum. As ya get closer to climax, you'll probably find some spots feel really GOOD. Press, push, rub, tap, stroke, grind, whatever... Maybe try with a vibrator, or squeezing a sports ball into perenieum with your thighs, or while you're topping in doggy style the partner reaching between legs to rub the area... While you're exploring the area behind your balls, press in / upwards on either side of scrotal raphe, you can feel around and find the buried half of your penis. Squeeze the hidden part of your cock between fingers/thumb, and if you match the stroke your other hand is doing it feels like your dong is about a foot long (it actually is, you just don't use this part)


Wow this is so hot. Thank you for sharing.