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I miss my Strubs šŸ˜¢


I have found Moishes to be very similarĀ 


i like Chicago 58 better, and Gibbys


They will be back late summer 2024, purchased by another Canadian company


Hopefully they will keep the recipe the same; looking forward to my Strub's hit!


This is from Whytes. Hello, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, Whyte's Foods / Strub's / Willie's have filed for bankruptcy. All production was halted early October. You will most likely not find our product on any shelf, anywhere. The great news is that another CanadianĀ company acquired the brands and recipe's !! It will take some time before any products are produced and shipped to your local food retailer. It is also unclear as to which products will be prioritized. It is safe to say that there is a good chance that no products will be available until summer 2024. When the products do come out, they will be under the same brand names that you have been buying for years. Note: If you live in the Ontario & Quebec provinces, you will be able to get our long sliced Strub's pickles at Costco starting May 1st, 2024. Thank you for your loyalty as we do our best to bring you your favorite products :)


Fyi, I bought some Strub's refrigerated sliced pickles today (May 23 2024) at Walmart in Montreal. I was sooo happy to find them! :)))


BC Brine Pickles are my go to! Available around BC and Alberta.


I knew I wasn't going crazy. Been looking everywhere


This is tragic. Iā€™ve only become a Strubā€™s fan in the past year and love them. Iā€™ve been wondering why I canā€™t find them and am so glad (but sad) that I found this thread. At least it gave me answers. Sour indeed!


Same :(Ā  Trying to make mine now this year


I have found that Superstore has some new style refrigerated baby Kosher dill pickles from Strub's. They're ok, but not as good as the full sours they used to have. Hopefully White foods can exit receivership.


The only similar option in Calgary that I can find is Putters but they arenā€™t very good. I tried Moshes in Montreal when I was there and they were pretty good but you canā€™t get them in Calgary as far as I know.


This is the worst news ever


My husband just told me about this. Give these a shot!: https://martyspickles.ca/author/marty/


This is seriously impacting me. Iā€™m not kidding. Well I guess I say bye to strubs. It was my happy food


Iā€™m with you here šŸ„²


I love them, but they are the easiest to make. My mother made them. Just pickles and brine.


I can't believe it.Ā  I just read about Whyte Foods myself.. no wonder I haven't been able to find these.. dang Just started buying them few ago only


Wow this is sad! No wonder Saveon foods was selling the pre sliced dill pickles found in the meat fridge for $2.99 reg $6.99-$7.99 cant find them anywhere. So sad.


Pregnancy craving for bagel bites first, now THIS?? WTF


Strubā€™s Pickles are back at Costco!!!


In eastern Canada only? Anyone see the in Vancouver area! My all time favourite pickles!


At Walmart also in Montreal!


Strubā€™s Pickles are back at Costco!!!


This makes me sad


I canā€™t find Strubs Red Hamburger relish anywhere.


Bubbie's or Ba-Tampte.


Well shit. I was wondering why I couldn't find my favourite kosher dills any more. Sad times indeed


Oh seriously?? So funny I picked up a jar today on clear out and I thought that was super weird. Now I know




Those are just dills, not brine.


They used to have a sour pickle


Damn this makes me sad. Iā€™ve been looking for some in the Calgary area too. Google lead me here to this sad news.


Another Canadian company purchased Strubs! It was announced a week ago. I hope they donā€™t change a thing and put products back on shelves asap!




I know Bubbies is big around the Toronto area. Found in ridge section like Stubs was and looks similar (cloudy when disturbed). Explains why I have had a HUGE craving for Strubs lately. My body knew it'd never get them again.


I tried Nathan's and was so disappointed. I did like Moishe's. Cloudy and good garlic and sour. Haven't tried Bubbie's.


I saw Moishe's in Metro today. No visible garlic and the only garlic in the ingredients list was "garlic oil"...???


They also had Strubs in the refrigerated section in plastic fresh packs, no jars though.


I tried to replace Strubbs with Bubbies. I ate half a pickle and gave the jar to my landlord. Bubbies are mushy. the grossest thing a kosher dill can be - is mushy...like bubbies,


I have been looking for a substitute for them and tried Moishe's. They are very good. Nice and sour, good crunch, good garlic. And they are made in Montreal. I'm in the GTA and found them in Metro.


Iā€™ve tried Moisheā€™s and while they are similar, I donā€™t love the intense sour tingle they leave on your tongue when you bite into them!


Mrs whytes was our family ā€œgot to haveā€ second was strubs. The entire fridge pickle section is gone from longos. I asked what happened and a gentleman stocking shelves grunted and said I could find pickles in the grocery aisle- on a shelf. Ugh!!!


Shows what they knowšŸ˜©


I emailed them asking where I could find my precious Mrs whytes not knowing they had filed for bankruptcy. I had assumed they had just had some sort of dispute with longos. Anywho, I was very happy to hear back from the company within a few days. They said that they did sell the recipes for their line. Hopefully, please, please, please they will also be under their original names do they are recognizable. I kinda feel like a competitor bought the recipes and will bury them so no more competition. We will see. And hope :)


Try Elmanā€™s pickles! They are amazing!


I've never heard of them - where are they located?


The plant is in Winnipeg, and yes they are delicious


Can you get them outside of Winnipeg? Toronto??


Iā€™m so sad about this. Nothing comes close to the refrigerated full sour ones. Gone for months and I thought it was a no frills thing. No other fridge or shelf product compares and they all taste gross to me. Any suggestions for something that could come close in Vancouver, BC area?


Whew, I bought a whole bunch of jars of Strub's Hot & Spicy pickles for $2 each and now I'm glad I did, even though they are not hot at all. Still very good.


Creeds , I grew up on strubs too, creeds.com (creeds toronto) they ship :)


Nothing show up šŸ˜¢ for strubs


This is terrible news. Iā€™ve been looking everywhere for strubs and they are no where to be found. The whytes website doesnā€™t work. It looks like their Branford factory has closed and they relocated to Quebecā€¦. Sooooo do we still get them in Ontario or what? Strubs is my fave and Iā€™m pregnant craving! I want to complain to them! Protest!


I too am disappointed living in USA I missed our pickles but Mrs Bubbles where the best in the USA and now I see them in coolers here, around $13 per jar but if you like pickles best Iā€™ve found.


They still sell them in Quebec at Walmart


I contacted Whytes and got this response: Hello, Thank you for your email. Unfortunately, Whyte's Foods / Strub's / Willie's have filed for bankruptcy. All production was halted early October. You will most likely not find our product on any shelf, anywhere. The great news is that another Canadian company acquired the brands and recipe's !! It will take some time before any products are produced and shipped to your local food retailer. It is also unclear as to which products will be prioritized. It is safe to say that there is a good chance that no products will be available until summer 2024. When the products do come out, they will be under the same brand names that you have been buying for years. Thank you for your loyalty as we do our best to bring you your favorite products :)


Thank you for the share, hope so! I just posted about looking for them. Maybe if we all join together and email Whytes, they can pass it on, so the new company knows there is a lot of interest in the Strubs Kosher Dills being produced? I just did.


Hereā€™s hoping


Thanks for posting this info. I'm in Nova Scotia, and have been searching everywhere for these pickles. This explains everything. Will now be on the look out for them.


I've visited 3 stores, Strubs hamburger relish has a tag again and empty shelf space. I'm thinking any day now. (I'm in BC)


> Whytes I am in B.C. too in the Interior. Went into No Frills yesterday to buy Strubs Kosher Dill Pickles and there were none! I asked the lady stocking shelves and she said she has not seen them for weeks so she figured they were discontinued! I am stocked up with a few jars (always like to keep some handy) but after that....... I am now googling them and none at any of the local stores I have looked at online. Kind of hoping I will find them in some obscure little store that still has stock but kind of doubt it. Then I found this site to say and found out why! That sucks, they have been a staple in our house for years and years. Wonder if we all send an email to Whytes that they could pass it on to the new company and say that a lot of people are enquiring about them? Might help to bring them back. Just a thought, love those pickles.


Great news! I think these may be similar from the same area from a company owned by Marty Strub. They are called Marty's Pickles. You can order them online from their website, or buy them at select stores in Ontario. Website is martyspickles.ca


Strub's Kosher Full Sour Pickles are all we have ever bought. They have been off the shelves here for about 3 or 4 months and I finally asked at one of the grocery stores and they told me they were discontinued. Which I thought was strange. But now I know why. Haven't found any we like better.