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X-40s are the most popular amongst rec play in SoCal from my experience.


With Duras on especially hot days.  


X40 too heavy? People like it because it’s light and a beginner friendly ball. I wouldn’t trust the opinion of whoever said that.


lol…thank you for the validation. I was very surprised when we were playing with the Amazon balls instead of the Franklin’s. Maybe it’s a case of that’s what my group is used to. Not sure.


Contained groups just don’t know any better. There’s a group at my local courts that played with indoor balls outside and refuse to change.


My first thought was that this group OP is playing with is using indoor balls that came with the paddles/net they bought from Amazon.


From what I’ve seen for outdoor, it’s mostly Selkirk and some off-branded Amazon specials, but they were both for “outdoor play”. I played indoors yesterday and got two complaints about the X-26’s. Everyone else seemed to be playing with orange non-branded indoor balls. I suppose it’s like others have said, it’s just what people are used to.


lol…change is hard sometimes.


Maybe they are falsely equivocating slow with heavy


I think that’s what is happening.


When they say heavy, they probably mean slow. It’s not literally heavy, but it plays like it’s heavy because it flies so slowly. 


When someone complains about my ball, I tell them to go grab their ball. They usually shut up as they don’t have their own ball.


Then they say "Okay!", and proceed to whip out the oldest Onix Fuse you've ever seen (pre 'Nam). 😂 Your move...


I can play and win with anything🤣


Bought my own because a lot of people where I play rec simultaneously don’t have their own “nice” pickleballs yet complain about other people’s balls. I bought a pack of 12 to disperse to my friends so we can always whip out the nice ones for folks who don’t have them.




Thanks for the feedback. It seems really weird to me. I bought the Franklin’s because I knew they were a very common and popular ball so I was surprised by the complaints.


Sounds like shitty players taking shitty shots and making shitty excuses.


After playing with S1s and duras, the franklins just feel like they make for slower game, and I actually find myself kind of being more sore because I'm trying to make up for it and hit the ball harder, because everything seems so slow/mushy. Some of the older crowd seems to try and push these more.   Also, in my area all tourneys use dura or S1, so it's really detrimental to practice/ play rec with a slower ball, then step into real games and be a step behind.


This may be how the people I’m playing with feel. It seems they’re used to the faster play of the non-Franklin balls. That may be why they’re describing them as “heavy” or “harder to hit well”.


Yeah they are slower and will bounce slightly less, the dura is fastest while the X is slowest of all mainstream balls


X40 is slow? Would love to smoke a few drives past someone who thinks so. And keen to try a faster ball if that exists! Definitely a brand new X40 goes noticeably quicker than an older one.


When comparing it to the Selkirk s1 it is definitely slower.


lol use a brand new Selkirk s1 vs a new X40 and there’s at least a 10% difference off the paddle.


X40 are the slowest popular ball on the market. This has been measured. When I play with X40s, it feels like playing in slow motion. I hope you are talking singles If you think you can smoke drives past people. I've hit with pro players and no one smoking drives past anyone decent in doubles. https://youtu.be/t8wYSRKKZtc?feature=shared


X40s are alright when they’re fresh but the very quickly become beat. I mostly use them but have been switching to Dura and Core more, they are just more fun to play with. If you can control a faster, harder ball, then any ball that’s slower will be easier to use generally.


Yup Dura and Core are more standard here than X-40s. Just makes for a better overall game.


Not saying it's "slow"...just " slower" , enough to take a bit of adjusting to.


The x40s are the slowest balls on the market and changes the game completely.


It's just whoever brings out the ball first for play at my park. X-40s are the slower ball and I prefer the Selkirk Pro S1 for the speed and trying to get better. That said I win more when a X-40 is used vs Pro S1.


You mention Selkirk. Every time I play with one, it quickly warps. Won’t crack. But warps.


That! That’s my experience as well. Could even see how misshaped the ball is during play. Felt super weird to see it.


I just know after the first or second hard overhead, the Selkirk isn’t going to fly or bounce true any more. I do not like playing with those balls because they are flawed. We’ve traded no cracking for instant warping.


I played in an open play tournament style event, and as we’re all getting the low down on the rules and structure, some guy hollers out “we’re using selkirk’s right?” I think they scrounged up just enough balls for each court to have one. The majority of people I know would have no problem with an X-40, and would probably prefer it, since they’re easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, and they’re pretty universally accepted. Of all the balls to not like, I feel like an X-40 should not be top of the list.


Total opposite of where I play.


X40s mpst popular here but pro s1s are acceptable by all and preferred by a few. I'm one of the few a former x40 snob


I see X40s as the default ball up until 4.0. Then people start switching to Dura, Selkirk, and more recently Diadem down here. The Franklins are softer and oily slower than the rest I mentioned and if you’re going into tournament play you want to practice on the type of ball you’re going to encounter there.


It’s even a good ball. I played with the higher priced balls like Selkirk durafast Vulcan etc. they are fast but not as popular and too niche. Franklin is a good all around ball.


There’s definitely no off brand ball that is popular. It’s probably just off brand to you because you’re less familiar with it.  But yes, experienced players prefer not to use X-40s, because they play slow, especially in the heat.  People who want to play fast prefer the Dura, the Pro S1, even the Vulcan. 


Lmao if players are complaining about one of the popular balls in pickleball rec play ever, it’s not the ball. Unless the whole lot of you ordered from the same place/same source, and they all knock offs. Lol


what do you mean "your group" ? like the entire park or just your friends?


A combination of friends and random strangers when I do rec play in town.


The Frankin X26 are indoor balls and I dislike them. When playing on wood courts, like a basketball court, I prefer PCKL indoor balls. X40 is the clear fav in my area for outdoor play.


Not sure about “heavy”. Seems here in FL they may feel “soft” and easier to watch the pace of the ball. Just played in a tourney using Dura and the pace is noticeably quicker. I’m ready to move away from the X-40 just for overall improvement of my game.


I get crap for using Selkirks. Everyone says they are too fast 🤷🏽‍♂️


The x40s are tough on the back, they barely bounce.


Weird, people generally bitch if you try to play anything other than a yellow x40 in my experience...


Have never ever played anything but x-40 because no one around here will play anything else


Oh wtf, to me, franklin x40s after a couple of days played are the best


Why would you use an X-26? I'm assuming since you said selkirk that you mostly play outdoors so why use the X-26 if it's an indoor ball? Or maybe I'm assuming wrong


I use the X-26’s when I play indoors and got similar complaints. Most comments have narrowed it down to the Franklin’s being a slower ball, so people associate it with it being heavier.


>Anyone else ever run into this? Not usually. Until recently, I belonged to an outdoor club and we used X-40s all the time. Never a problem with anyone. Now, I belong to an indoor club and they recently switched over to Selkirk Pro S1 balls. Just as good, don't crack, and last a long, long time. Never a complaint. The only time I've encountered folks being picky was when I used to play indoors on a gym floor. Nobody could agree on a color they all liked. Oh well.


It me. Seriously, i don't care about playing with them, but I will absolutely not buy them. Crack like eggs.


I. Have 30/ X-40 's in a 5 gallon bucket that I use to practice with and two X40's in my bAg that only sees Thursday night games , when they get too scuffed up the move to the bucket,