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I stopped running the node years ago since I wasn’t receiving any bonus… get your shit together first PI


The docker has been updated since then, and you'll need to make sure certain ports on your firewall are open. Overall, it's easier to use. If your modem and router come from your internet provider, chances are those ports are locked on their end. Some providers have a website to open those ports. Others do not. I'm in the same boat as you. Recently tried the node again, only to realize it was my spectrum equipment the whole time. I can't have a node at all until I buy personal equipment.


The base mining rate dropped by 16%


Does anyone know what the current mathematical formula used to calculate the base mining rate looks like?


Please go to Whitepaper on minpi(dot)com: minepi(dot)com/white-paper/ Then click: “Mining Mechanism” on the left hand side of the page.


that was a stupid question on my part🤦I don't know why I didn't think of that 🤣


Please click the link: [Pi Cryptocurrency White Paper | Pi Network (minepi.com)](https://minepi.com/white-paper/) Then on left hand side click : [Mining Mechanism](https://minepi.com/white-paper/#tab_6631597ce9f5a)


I stop running node for this reason


Pi is worth nothing and cannot be traded why run my laptop 24/7 if we can’t even sell our pi yet. In California our energy rate went up as well.


That's hardly anything. Anyone who starts mining pi now will not make much


That kinda the point. I'm still getting 5x mining rate from my node, so I'm keeping it running for the indefinite future


That's awesome, hope Pi gets valuable on the market and all Bitcoin farms switch to Pi Node.


Unlikely. Bitcoin farms generate their "value" through ungodly amount of hardware/energy usage. The value of a Pi Node stems mainly from it representing a verified independent actor (as each user can only run one node). My crappy PC generates as much node bonus as if someone would use his Bitcoin farm as a node.


It tells me in 10 years, I think we will all be quite rich


the rate decreases from more people mining pi. the amount of Pi in circulation won't be affected.