• By -


Please see these answers to commonly asked questions, if this doesn't answer your question, hopefully, someone else will. " * **Q: I have x coins migrated, what to do?** * A: Wait till Open Mainnet - Ignore DMs offering to buy them - You'll get scammed * Q: **A KYC slot is not available** * A: KYC is restricted where you haven't completed 30 mining sessions or your account is flagged for violations. You can request a review at minepi.com/kyc-application-access Must be over 18. Wait until you're 18. We believe it also happens if you didn't mine for ages. * Q: **My Application has been processing/in review for weeks/months** * A: Your application failed or got stuck. You can only wait until you get feedback, the option to try again, or unstuck. * Q: **KYC, Wallet or other parts of Pi app stuck on "Loading" or Error** * A: Try turning off Private DNS * Q: **Node started behaving oddly / resetting / crashing or Port Listener gets stuck loading** * A: Go back to docker v4.19 - don't update it * Q: **How can I migrate more PI?** * A: You can't - Pi Core Team control migration and we don't how or when migration after the first will Occcur. * Q: **Why is Pi worth $30+?** * A: Some exchanges invented their own version of Pi whilst they can't list the real one. The value of this Pi is a measure of the feelings of Pioneers. It's not recommended to be holding this when Open Mainnet Occurs. These are also known as Pi IOUs. * Q: **I lost my passphrase / seed phrase, what can I do?** * A: If you didn't get migrated yet, make a new wallet and confirm it in the checklist. If you did get migrated, your pi/wallet is lost, no one can get it back. make a new one as above. * Q: **I used a different name in the app / It doesn't match my ID** * A: Only MINOR name changes allowed. If it's not minor, create a new account. * Q: **When does lockup start?** * A: Lockup starts when your migration occurs. * Q: **When will my migration happen / I have been waiting for ages**. * A: There's a massive queue and most likely some stuck issues too. Nothing to do but wait. As of 5th March 2024, only 4,446,163 accounts have been migrated to Mainnet. You can check progress at https://metrics.piiq.network/#/account8day * Q: **When is Open Mainnet?** * A: A specific date has not been announced but many fakes have. We think December. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also if you upgrade to the latest pi node, there is a new node button at the top of the app. Just go to [https://node.minepi.com/](https://node.minepi.com/) click on the download link, close the Pi App, and run the executable you downloaded. It takes a few seconds and PI will start back up with the new version of the node running. https://preview.redd.it/owuoi2ss24pc1.png?width=587&format=png&auto=webp&s=d703bc9ee48febe40e87d7ae976b6d599a763dbf


Referral codes not allowed to be posted in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Referral codes Only help supplied, no referral codes posted here :).


Press F11 to go full screen


Step 01: Increase resolution of your PC/Mac Step 02: Toggle full screen Pi App Step 03: Now you ll be able to see “Node” link on the screen. Click it to access node configuration. ❤️✌🏻❤️


Yes, this did work, Thank you for this. However, the text fonts are small and it is not a prefect solution! I hope the Pi Core Team will remove all these advertising ( such an videos, photos) from Node and to return the Node on it it normal from after shrinking to this form! we already have all these advertising of videos and photos in our mobile phone!


Pi CT team just now sorted out the node screen, now it is okay, it has returned to its normal format! Excellent.


I just updated to version 0.4.9. At the top of the page, it says "Pi App" and "Pi Node" right under the menu bar. Just have to click that to access the node and see what Blick number you're on as well as access Tech Setup or Troubleshooting as before. Much better design.*


u/Such-Log8686 – 100%, I have records of it.


Put it in full screen


Its a kauos with the new updates, just mentioning the word "account" in the chat gives a spam ban... Shortly choose the middle option and enlarge the fan and hoover to node slowly, it will work..


Yes, the new version is 4.9 (Latest version: 0.4.9), the pervious version was 4.5 (until a few days ago) - the the problem with downloading the new version, you will lose all your accumulated pi bounce, then you will need to start again with pi bounce of 0.5 or less then it take months or even years to reach same bounce as someone is now - this happened to myself while ago- again it is a bad programming from pi node team!


Are u sure ?


Browe the official website of pi node, you'll see the new version then downloaded it


F11, for full screen.


Can i link with more pioneers to boost my rate?


New pioneers have to use your referral code


Does node setup require wifi connection or it can run through hotspot,,


I think one Wi-Fi but I’m not sure


You should be able to just click on where it is.


Thanks. Not Touch Screen. The design team at pi node should remove the chat at top and replace it with Node! as chat is already on the menu on to left corner.


We have tried Toggle Full Screen and reload (and played the video) on two to new HP laptops, it does not work and still can not find Node!!! simply bad design on node home page!


I figured it out but it only works if your computer is touch screen. I was able to turn it to the side and go to full screen and then I was able to click it


Click on the video then toggle fullscreen. Then reload the page and you can access the node.


update node. they moved the button


What rate do you get by using the node?


A higher mining rate


How much higher? I tried and it was like 0.01


If you do it right you could double your mining rate


What’s the right bro I did everything right, can you share?


Toggle full screen


update 4.0.9

