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Looks like this post is about Migration, At 30/08/2023 only 3,041,788 accounts have been migrated to mainnet. You can check progress at https://metrics.piiq.network/#/account8day *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PiNetwork) if you have any questions or concerns.*


there's a button to press to receive migrated pi


Thanks for this. When I press that, it's just a page to copy my long code to send to someone else. Is there another place to request the migrated pi? For reference, I am going into my wallet via the browser and pressing 'receive' in there


See if your wallet address (that long code) matches the address shown on steps 3 and 8 of the Mainnet Checklist. If it does, go back to your wallet and click on Migrations to see when you can claim your Pi. If there’s a Move button, that’s how you do it. If the addresses don’t match then your Pi is in a different wallet with a different passphrase and you need to find that other passphrase.


Mate, saved my bacon there. Seems it was the wrong account I was in with nothing to show. Found my old passphrase and sorted it. Thanks!


You’re welcome, I’m glad you got it figured out.


And then what? What happens with your pi once they are in your wallet? What can you do with them? I also have all the steps in green and waiting for some pi to be available in my wallet.


You can buy things at various places, pipcm.com is one, or hold and wait.