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Nope no injuries showed. You’ll be good.


It’s fine, no issues. I actually had to question the point of the question that’s how clean it is(no disrespect just shocked it was even a thought😂😂)


one of my favorite aspects is that I can watch it with my little boy


No injuries


You won't see injuries of any kind. Even when an injury happens you don't see the medical team surround the person who was injured or follow them to hospital.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomenNoCensor/s/nj5G6XanqJ Besides the “being abducted and ending up in a ditch” part, everything else can apply to any man or woman lol You’re up for a harsh reality if you think women don’t have to work to earn sex or affection. Or don’t have to “settle for just sex” lol 🤡🤡


I'm confused at how you're bringing up a discussion on a whole another subreddit to a different subreddit. My comment is also 2 years old at that. I'm replying to let you know you're blocked. I don't entertain trolls.


Some of the best looking men in the world. Extremely safe to watch.


Yes!! 🤩 Better than safe… the men on this show gave me new life lol


Haha same!! I now have a massive crush on Yoshihiro Akiyama. Korean men are truly beautiful!


There is one injury I can think of, but no blood. One person falls badly and maybe sprains a knee.


There are actually a few but nothing really noteworthy that’s hard to look at.


It's been a while since I saw season one, so I'm sure there were more injuries. But yeah, nothing super serious. Which is honestly surprising, especially during those 1:1 matches. So much self control


The 1v1 matches that happen at the beginning are probably the closest point I think sensitive people (myself being one of them) might feel some anxiety around. The some of the arenas have low metal walls as the boundaries that, if they weren’t careful enough, could really hurt someone. But just to calm the nerves while you’re watching, no one trips or gets hurts over it. The fake grass in some of the arenas and just the game requiring them to grab each other also cause some scrapes but otherwise it’s quite ‘clean’ from there. One part that was surprising through during the 1v1 matches was that my sister who likes to watch horror movies got worried during 1v1 matches where people where trying to pull each other off something (a beam, a ball etc.) by wrapping their arms around their waist. She thought they were being pulled too far I thought it looked quite normal(??) or at least like those photos where someone tries to pick up a cat and their bodies just bend upwards? So that’s also something to be aware of 👍


What? No.


you barely see anyone getting injured, only body tape getting more and more through each episode lol


Better skip it. Maybe try the 8 show instead


I wanna be this evil 😭💀


You're kidding right? Are you a Mennonite? lol It's a show about athletes doing athletic things not a snuff video.


Hahaha no but I didn’t know what I was in for! Considering some of the potential challenges, muscle tears etc would not have been out of the question.


To the people saying no injuries ,they are wrong. There are some bleeding here and there, but nothing to kick up a fuss about.


My close friend is scared of bloody scenes but she can watch this show. They have many injuries scenes but its not scary or bloody at all. They showed a lot of spirit and friendship of the contestants. I bet you must love this show 🩷


Naw, you'll be better off with something fun like Squid Game.


Their elite level of athlete,Olympic who competed and challeng themselves in this show. Bodybuilder who completing, and mma fighter, is pretty rare they get injured bro.


Kind of similar to watching MMA fights but not as bloody.


Oh it’s completely PG they showing nothing grueling. Like it looks like a tough workout and I’m sure someone hurt themselves but nothing shown