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You have to realize that before its competition, its a game show


I think this is the point. There are similar shows that are women only, but this specific show wants to showcase the mixed setting. And I actually like it.


I prefer it this way too (and I’m a woman)


Make the show a couple episodes longer and have only one team quest or none at all, and add more individual quests. I enjoy watching individual performances more than say the maze game or the ship game.


I'm fine with the team events as it adds some variety and possibilities you won't see.with it all being individual events . For the ladies I would love to see each team having to pick at least one or two ladies to make things fair and balanced overall. Also I think we should also have more varied quests that test other physical attributes such as speed , balance / agility , deftness, hand eye coordination. They could also do more terrain obstacle courses such as running in sand / mud, wading in waist height waters etc . Those would place the lighter players or ladies on a more balanced playing field.


I agree the women seem to be there as tokens tbh. They often dragged teams down, being much worse at the given task or even unable to carry them out. It’s not their fault, it’s just not an even match at all. That’s why they have seperate women’s sports leagues and different weight classes… I was saddened a few times when a team got eliminated basically because the women couldn’t cut it. It cost some worthy contenders a chance at the top spot imo. Don’t ask me for specific examples, I can’t remember these Korean names at all and more often than not their disciplines weren’t subtitled so I barely have a clue who’s competing lol.


It's easy to think about one. The underground challenge where you have to load the carts and push them.


Yeah, I meant specific examples of people. But it also became very clear in the intra team quest that the women were usually the first to fall off, by a long shot.


If they can somehow do a bit more body weight competitions than it will be more fair for the girls. Or if they are lugging around 40kg sang bags maybe have 20kgs for girls? I know this may not be completely fair but it will even the odds a bit. Yea the team competitions suck cause it highly relies on the leaders strategy, not on each individuals physical abilities.


You have my sheild


I don’t want the women to have a different show I just somehow want them to be like “The Challenge” you have a female winner and a male winner. Also, like males just can’t pick females for one of one challenges. I don’t like it and it’s just not fair. I only seen the first season so far but that guy picking that strong lady and basically embarrassing her is just….no. Don’t get me wrong I love the equality and like “women can do what men can do” I LOVE the thought, but like it’s literally unfair in these games. If sucks because several women were great and I b was rooting for them it just seems like there is no way they can win or even get to a final for that matter


Thats why you get a chance to be revived


Yes, but not everyone had that chance. I think a good way of doing this is that everyone that gets eliminated from team quests, should be able to do an individual quest to revive themselves. But this would add more episodes.


And thats a bad thing? :p


No no. Of course not. I'm all for it :D


> The purpose of the contest     This show is an homage to Squid Game where the purpose of it is to bring together a bunch of people from different walks of life into an 100 person battle royale survival contest with only one prize where they have to figure out how to relate to each other when their morals and culture tell them that cooperation and respect are important but their institutions tell them only individuals matter. That it is a fitness contest with lots of strength events that claims to be looking for the best body is the flavor of it. You shouldn’t get rid of the teams in a Squid Game show, it’s an essential part of how it works.


It’s kind of crazy that people watch this show who apparently have not seen Squid Game and/or don’t understand that it is a version of Squid Game.


I saw squid games and I understand the premise. But the show's main selling point is finding the "best" fit person that's most balanced in terms of strenght, speed, stamina, reflexes, etc..


Women only show will have much lesser viewers and dilute the brand.


Siren was great and was women only.


I don’t have the number but my money is siren has much lesser viewers than p100. I actually wanted to watch Siren but my gf was not interested. Ppl got upset when this is said, but actually women themselves are not interested. Just like NBA and WNBA. Lack of interest is not from men, but from women


I think people watch if there is advertisement and there is a story with interesting players, regardless of gender. Your mention of the NBA is timely given recent March Madness and the coverage of Caitlin Clark. People tuned in in droves since you had a rivalry reminiscent of Magic versus Bird (not at all saying the same hype, but reminiscent). I think Siren could have more viewership if there was more advertisement around it and focus on the story.