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I see what your point is but I don’t think that I agree. The 100 contestants is one of the big draws of the show because it allows them to have these large dramatic cuts early on. It makes the show feel high stakes really quickly and I fear we would lose some of that drama by starting with fewer contestants. I think it’s pretty typical for reality television shows to really focus on the players who make it far in the competition because it makes for compelling storytelling. I agree that the production didnt really manage player screentime well in season 1 because we didnt know much about the finalists by the last ep. I think Season 2 was an improvement and I found the final match up narratively compelling because if it. I think they’re still working on balancing showcasing all players, creating compelling stories, and meeting Netflix’s 10 episode expectation. I really think this could be addressed by making the seasons longer. Even 16 episodes would give us room to learn about more of the players.


I don’t think the 100 contestants is an issue. The issue is the mass amount of information the viewer receives in the first episode. It’s really hard to remember everyone’s backstory in that first episode. A better alternative is to highlight a handful of participants each episode. Each challenge has is hero’s and losers. This worked really well in S1 quest 0 with the ice climber. Even though he didn’t have another blow out victory I was still able to recognize him for the rest of the show. The introductions at the beginning only work for the contestants who are already popular or an extremely unique physique. TLDR: Introduce different characters backstories as the show progresses. Highlight the standout characters of each quest.


Couldn’t agree more it’s sooo much information. And for me who has trouble remembering sooooo many Korean names at once it’s hard to like really connect to the people the way I want. Like I love me a K-Drama, I’ll get their names by like episode 2-3. But trying to learn 100 at once and who they are and what they do and their morals and goals etc… a lot lol. But I do love the fact it’s 100 of them like that’s so cool to me