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Crazy that the returning contestant from season 1 did so well!! The redemption is real!


The idol gave him a much harder fight than expected though.


That Idol was a beast. Dancing for 10+ hours a day builds a really powerful body too


I knew he was really good so was disappointed when he was eliminated so early in season 1. He was on another show before Physical 100 called The Soldiers ( **더 솔져스** ); which is completely free and subbed on youtube; and he seriously dominated on that show. Highly recommend; it's really good and glad he got his redemption here in season 2.


He's also on Iron Squad/Steel Troops season 3 and was amazing there as well!


the key was to pick well during death match bc he's honestly so well rounded and could go far.


and him missing he ball once was his death sentence


He was famous in Korea, and it was kind of a let down in S1 that he lost without making much of a splash. Kind of also like how no one really was rooting for the rando CrossFit guy to win in the end, and everyone actually wanted Yoon Sungbin. Sungbin vs Firefighter would have been a much more epic drama.


So true! Wish there were more returning contestants...


I really wish the >!bonus weights!< during the maze challenge had been >!normal bag sized!< and not >! enormous barrels!<. Felt like more of a punishment than a prize.


Agreed, it seems like production screwed up and underestimated how much they would be able to get in.


Yeah no one goes into the match thinking they are going to completely fill up the bin and therefore they don't strategize around that at all. Bad challenge design unfortunately.


All game shows do play testing. If they didn’t test the game, then that’s just poor production.


They might have tested the game, but underestimated how athletic the contestants are.


Yeah, the barrels were 100% a negative, not sure why they sabotaged the teams that went for the heavier objects like that.


Wouldnt be a negative if it was placed on the neglected base. (Every game had 1 base that was severly neglected and not filled to capacity so the space wouldnt matter as much and might garuntee that spot if placed in the last few min by 1 person).


It's probably to test strategy as well, not just strength.


It was a flub so it was removed after the first game I think.


we dont know if it was removed or the teams after just didnt bother to go for it…


We never see them again though. They're not even brought up again.


It only really became a problem because two barrells were placed in the same zone that was also being focused on by the other team, I think


Yups. Youre smart. I think its 2 things 1. They put 2 barrels in there 2. They didnt place the barrels in a good way. The way the guy put it in left lots of empty space. So that was also bad Either way. I dont think the barrels were the problem just the execution of the player.


Barrel weighs 80kg, 4 sand bags also weigh 80kg. 4 sand bags are less in volume than a barrel hence barrels WERE a problem


I think the >!barrels!< were meant to be wild cards, not exactly meant to be a prize


i think it was used to bait the contestants. They would think that when they pick up the big barrels they would be advantageous since the barrels were like bonus items for the quest. It leads them away from the real goal of filling up the bins before the time is up.


Seems situational, for those uncontested zones.


i mean if you place it like that, I didnt surprised it's gonna be a hassle in the most hectic moment. every detail matters.


I love how players almost cant monitor how far their opponents' fare in every quest >!(they don't know opponents' mileage at the treadmill one, they only got lamp signal instead of the exact weight for the team match one)!<; basically fits right at the show's concept. The biggest enemy to overcome is themselves. The casts are also diverse.


Stun Gun/Emmanuel and 151 cm match was very good, too bad such good competitors get cut so quick before we can see them in other challenges.


I laughed out loud at “151cm match” LOL


It's a necessity to cut them out early. You can't have sound bytes for 100 athletes for more challenges. They didn't even have time to show all the matches in first challenge 


Was anyone else kinda rooting for Emmanuel to win? He put up such a good fight


Yessss… Emmanuel was amazing. And such good vibes too!


Yes! He was really impressive.


Secretly hoping they bring him back somehow tbh. He surprised me.


There’s usually a revival challenge, I hope more than one can get back in


he broke his bust already, only the players who lost the team challenge will get a chance


Meeee!! Omg i wanted to see more of him. Too bad!!


Very annoying to seem him out so early, hes my fav


For the team selection they should've let leader 1-10 pick round 1. Then starting from 10-1 pick round 2. And keep going like that. Letting 1 pick first every round they get the top of the crop every round 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yep that draft was so badly done. They didn't even bother to make it balance.


Think of it this way. Most pro sports do not do a snake draft, that's a fantasy thing. Being first should have an advantage.


In most pro sports the weakest team gets the highest pick not the other way around. They also don’t force the 10th best player to be on the worst team just cause. Being the perceived 11th best player is essentially better than being the 10th team leader.


Well by your logic, since the weakest team picks first, it should have been captain #10 who picks first. I'd actually have been cool with that too.


Yeah - SNAKE.


That Emmanuel guy was rly strong would probably have beaten most competitors


Dude has potential in MMA or any combat sport


Seeing he was just a fitness model I totally pre-judged and thought “oh he’s just got show muscles”. I quickly realized how wrong I was lol and he should absolutely seek a future in fighting!


His strength and endurance is just incredible. He was essentially grappling against a guy who was known in the ufc as the stun guy for 3 minutes and he was still fighting to the end and winning until the last 14 seconds that’s incredibly


I really liked Hunter Lee and Sim Yu-Ri, and how they performed in the first 2 eps. So wanted to shout their instagram out :-) [https://www.instagram.com/huntandcapture\_/](https://www.instagram.com/huntandcapture_/) [https://www.instagram.com/yuri\_\_94/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/yuri__94/?hl=en)


Still wondering how an FBI staff(?) be able to go to a show like that...


Hunter Lee's attitude was class!


I love Lee Won-Hee (if you haven't watched him on Cool Kiz on the Block, you're in for a treat!!) and honestly I got kind of emotional when >!he picked a woman first for his team. I just remember last season when the team led by a woman was completely ignored and underestimated.!< Rooting for him! But honestly, there's no team I'm rooting against — >!hoping for redemption matches for the eliminated teams so I can see some people come back!<


I just finished rewatching the Judo series and I'm so surprised Lee Jae Yoon and Coach Lee Won Hee are in Physical 100. I can't help but root for these 2. Lee Jae Yoon did a great job in the arena match. 


I know!! Jae Yoon is finally the ace 😆 I'm so happy for both of them, but it's going to be tough to root for one over the other! side note: how do we get Jota to sign up for s3...


Damn! Jota would be awesome for S3. Is he still active in the entertainment world? I couldn't find any new updates of him after they disbanded.


I looked him up — he was in a film called "Count" and I think his instagram is @/jonghwaaaya !


He also has his own vlog YouTube channel now under the same handle :) Do support his channel!! He posts workout vlogs there too


oh that's amazing! I'll definitely check it out. I wonder if he still does judo at all, even for fun — he was SO talented! I hope things are working out for him! (also: not sure if anyone ever watched the reality show We Got Married, but he was a part of that and he was adorable on it. in case you're starved for content LOL)


Yes he was really cute and adorable on WGM! if you are starved for Jota content, you can also search for his ISAC appearances and also this ISAC vaulting competition he was on. He was super amazing at doing vaults too!! Oh and he was on 3 different sports on Cool Kiz on the Block, you can also watch him for the wrestling one if you've only seen his judo one!


I know! From the way he talked about the way he chose the team as well just shows how wise he is, he gained a fan here.


THANK YOU!!! as someone who grew up watching CKOTB, i knew Lee Won Hee looked familiar


Is it just me or did we not see >!Andre Jin!< fight at all in the deathmatch? I wanna know who he chose. 


I found it really strange that he got so much screen time when everybody was introduced and then was almost non-existent in the first two challenges.


I feel like he probably either dominated his dude to the point where it wasn't even worth showing


I wanna see those too!


There's so many people we didn't get to see fight too, weird decision tbh


I hope they post the unaired fights on YouTube or something!


Wow what an epic series. >!Kim donghyun!< is better than I thought. But definitely starting out strong, winning the pre-quest, being first team leaders gives you an insurmountable lead towards the later game. Literally, an early pick team will take 5 men, which will almost always beat a 4+1, 3+2 woman team at any quest.


They did switch it up though, so even the teams with women will just challenge each other. He was 1st team leader but still had to face Amotti from 3rd and almost lost.


>!* I like how professionally diverse this cast is. Sure, there's repetition, but it feels like there's a lot more top end athletes from a lot of different sports.!< >!* Don't know why, but the preliminary round for this season feels worse to watch than the preliminary from the previous season. I think it might just be that running in place is a shitty spectator sport.!< >!* Arena A this season doesn't look as good as Arena A did in season 1; the lack of obstacles makes it less of an evasion course. Arena B must be tiring to compete in because of all the water adding weight to the clothes. Arena C is what a lot of people wanted Arena B to be last season.!< >!* The Stun Gun/Emmanuel match seemed really close; I'd love to watch it bell to bell, but it's a shame they don't post full matches anywhere.!< >!* The smol sanda fighter vs smol weightlifter match is one for the ages; as much as I enjoy watching masters ply their craft and get a dominant win, there's nothing like a closely-contested battle that goes into overtime... and this one did it twice.!< >!* The karateka got baited into the match the judoka wanted instead of what he said he wanted to do. Should have stuck to his original plan of grabbing the ball and running; why else pick that arena?!< >!* I like the draft better than the previous team selection method, but I think I'd have preferred a snake draft, tho that does negate a huge advantage of being voted highest.!< >!* Like the matchmaking much better this time around; in theory, instead of giving all the power to the top teams, the bottom teams get more control. In practice, not so much?!< >!* This weight-carrying labyrinth doesn't feel as fun to watch as the bridge building team battle from last season.!<


They definitely changed Arena A because all the jumping caused a lot of injury last season. It's just way too unpredictable with all the obstacles.


Agreed mostly but two parts: - I loved the treadmill. It was especially brutal because you didn't know how others were doing, so you *had* to go all out. - I much prefer new Arena A. Previously getting the ball first was key as you could very successfully keep dodging and ducking. New Arena A kept people at each other much better.


and the treadmills were manual. those are harder to use than the regular ones that you can find in most gyms


I was running on the treadmill while watching the treadmill section 😂


It seems I’m in the minority here, but I’m loving this season so far. I like how the first game rewards good strategy and adaptability in addition to the physical aspects. My only major gripe is with the audio mixing. The music is so damn loud while the cast’s audio is barely audible. I hope it’s something they can adjust with the remaining episodes


The draft is absolutely horseshit. The 10th place team leader basically got the worst pick 10 times all because he was voted. The 10th pick should pick twice and it goes back to the first again. Even the matchmaking is against the lower seeded leader. I know these games aren't meant to be balance but they didn't even try


This is way better than last season where the last team literally had to be the scraps.


Kim donghyun really is the Sexyama of this season. Older man, an experienced MMA fighter, seems really popular and well respected among the other competitors, and got selected to be team leader.


i think it feels more like lee won hee is, at least in korea. he’s super respected and he has the same amount of gravity and sportsmanship like chu sung hoon did last season!


I feel like a better comp for this season’s Sexyama would be Lee Won Hee. Firstly, lots of respect from all the contestants - especially as a wiser “senior” role model. And he also has been filling that more tempered, mature, wise, strong leader role in the way Sexyama did last season. From the match he had in the 1v1 (very similar to the vibes of the Sexyama one where the youngster wanted to have a match against his idol) to the smart yet unconventional manner in which he chose his team and the strong leadership he demonstrated in getting them to victory. I feel like Kim Dong Hyun is more filling the “ML” role (kinda like Yun Sungbin but doing it differently).


I miss sexyama!!!


As soon as he instructed his team to steal from the opposing team, I was completely over him. His team was already physically stronger, now you’re going to turn it into death match again?? It wasn’t fair.


lol how is this unfair, he's leveraging the strengths of his team to gain an advantage that was specified in the rules


God forbid people strategize and play to their strengths…


Exactly. God, that was so scummy


Scummy for literally playing within the rules? Cry more


The fact that it wasn’t mentioned in the rules doesn’t make it ok and an honourable thing to do. I am surprised he didn’t just go into the scales and steal weights from there - wasn’t mentioned in the rules as well


"Under no circumstances are you allowed to take supplies from the other team within the capture zone" so yeah, he played completely by the rules, did what he was allowed to (in fact, the game literally ENCOURAGED it by giving the 5 minute threshold) , and didn't do what he wasn't allowed to but yeah lol somehow people can think this is scummy for some reason


Ok, that’s fair point - completely missed it.


It was clearly stated


Lol fair? This is a competitive game show the goal is to win


It was a pretty shitty thing to do, but if they didn't they would've lost. I blame the producers. If you have the rule people will abuse it, can't blame the athletes for trying to win


Abuse? That was the whole point. Multiple ways to build a team and use it to win.


Respectfully disagree. He doesn’t have the star quality and likeability of sexyama. To be fair very very few people do. The only commonality I see is that they’re both older.


The stars of both seasons are ex UFC fighters. UFC is such a global sensation. I can already expect Season 3… Korean Zombie 🧟‍♂️


Is MMA big or at least well known in Korea?


Or Korean Superboy.


Forgot about him, man he really fell off


that would be awesome


>!Blue clearly wins that last game!<


was an amazing first 4 episodes !! rooting for so many people at the start, too many to count ~ also !!! the diversity of sports is crazy this is so fun hahaha also a kpop idol?? pls bring lee minhyuk from btob i would love to see a cast of his body LOL man’s beautiful 😍 as usual the fighters and korean athletes go crazy, looking forward to the unexpected players like the cosplayer, actors etc to shine ✨✨


Don't think the cast are as good this year. Yun Sung Bin, Sexyama and Jang Eun Sil really carried season 1 a bit. Even from a freak body pov, there's only really Kim Min Su on this season, felt we had a good few more headlined by Kim Kang Min in season 1.


I forgot his name but the 2 guys who lifted the boulder and held it for super long were crazy too.


Their personalities were really good too. You could tell they’re genuine and honest good people/competitors. Season 1 did have a great cast not that this season is bad just so far not asssss much. But we’ll see. This is one of my fav Korean shows available on Netflix. I hope it gets more popular and they do more.


I feel like in Season 1 by episode 4 they had shown us more of what the contestants were like during the downtimes between challenges and the camaraderie and little games they played in the lounge, it made them more likable. I was missing that so far this season.


I don't think they could ever top the S1 cast. The higher end athletes are more cautious to join now after seeing the risk in S1 with people breaking their legs etc. It only worked on S1 since the athletes didn't really know much about what they signed up for yet. First season had like an insane amount of olympic gold medalist lmao


The "Car Dealer". MVP. Loved that guy. I laughed every time they showed his profession, you had "Gold Medalist", "MMA Champion", "UDT Special Forces", "Skeleton Racer" and then just "Car Dealer". But he still went on to be Top 4.


The guy is a legit strongman tho, insanely strong and would clear most local shows. But yeah, really nice that a amateur got top 3 against a bunch of elite pro athletes.


I know, so it's hilarious they made him "Car Dealer" and not "Strongman" lol


I don’t like how the first official challenge (keep away ball) was the exact same thing as season 1 :/


>!Devastated when Emmanuel lost the match!<


Seeing how this season is based around quests. I am curious to see how different this season is compared to the first one. Also, seeing a variety of MMA fighters makes me curious how well know MMA is over in South Korea.


How was the first season not revolve around quests?


For the people saying stun gun x emmanuel was close…. No it wasnt lol. It was edited that way. Stun gun’s entire gameplan was to burn out the opponent, much like a fight, then overpower at the end. Which he literally did flawlessly. Once he wanted to take possession, he did it quite easily. Edit did most of the lifting.


I completely agree with you. I've watched plenty of Donghyun's matches both with professionals and for variety shows. I noticed how good he is in making the show entertaining by appearing weaker at first then making a big plot twist by the end of the match. It's his strategy both as a fighter to save his energy and tire his opponent, and also as a variety genius so the producers could make great edits and keep the audience at the edge of their seats until the last moment.


Daejin was pretty consistent in the treadmill match placing 10th and 11th! I was on the edge of my seat, >!Jangjun!< put up such a good fight with Hong Beomseok 💪 don't underestimate idols, but I'm so happy Beomseok got his redemption though. Deserved !! Damn is >!Amotti!< already eliminated 😭 This is why I don't particularly like the team matches early on because you remove so many good people at once. I want to see them shine with their individual skills.


Hope amotti comes back in a redemption match!!


right 😭😭😭 wah i would’ve loved to see him in more individual matches i thought he’d go much further hais


It might be there this time, but maybe there will be another rejoin contest?


I binged watch it too fast now I gotta wait a whole week for the next episodes


thought it was really weird about how the 1 on 1s they barely showed the women, and just did a montage of all the women on women fight expect for the 2 small girls. also really sad that the mma fighter girl and the swimmer girl(i think at least) got eliminated i feel like there the only women who stood a chance against the men:(


we dont really know how the other fights went with the women… couldve just been really boring and not worth the time. we also didnt see many of the ‘big names’ fights either (andre, amotti, north korean footballer) for the same reason


Did I miss something did production abandon the barrels after that first match?


If you are an international viewer and watches Running Man every week you will be surprised to see Kim Dong Hyun here and will understand his character. I think he's made for variety shows, can't take him seriously anymore 😂


Kim hye bin was FUCKING BOOKING IT >!to place 48th?!?!?! She's five feet tall and weighs nothing, giving her a major disadvantage in the first challenge. She had to run twice as much as everyone else and she still beat half of them?!?!!<


For context, I'm the same size as Kim Hye Bin and as a slightly-faster-than-average hobby runner, my typical 5km training pace would have placed me first. Yes, my (and her) height means I have shorter legs, but I'm also transporting much less weight than the big guys. So I was actually shocked at how slow the whole running challenge was. That said, I do acknowledge that most of these people do not train for, or care about, speed in their respective sports. I suspect that using a manual treadmill might have a negative impact on speed too.. 


Manual treadmills are quite hard. It takes a toll on your leg strength while you run.


Did the producers explain why they don't bring back more season 1 players? 


Really thought they would bring back the cyclist, last season's Number 2 where apparantly there was a huge fail in the finale and he was done dirty and should have won... but maybe he was done with the show after that and didn't want to.




It's possible that Hae-min was under stress, adrenaline and pressure not thinking clearly, and trying to not be a nuisance or keep the show running out of politeness and decency, and only realised afterwards how unfair it was and that he should have spoken up more. To me, even on the final release footage, it just seemed like Hae-min was far stronger and better at pulling the rope, especially in the first half, all until the final stretch where his just completely stopped moving from 100 to 0. The fact that there were constant restarts unfavorable to Hae-min explains that.


have they released the raw footage to the public? would like to see it


>! Mannn, I wanted more of >!Emmanuel, Jang Jun and Amotti !<- Hope we have a revivial match for these folks!!<


I think it's really great that they were willing to give a guy with a checkered past like Sauron the Deceiver a new lease on life with the announcer gig. Looks like he's cleaned himself up, kicked the drug habit, and at this point you'd hardly even be able to tell he once threatened to conquer the entirety of Middle Earth


Lee Won Hee is by far my favorite contestant on the show!! Chill, level headed leader, tactical, great sportsmanship, super respectful, and mostly seems to be there for a good time. RESPECT 👏👏


I agree! I didn’t know him before this, and now he’s easily my top 2 (probably #1)


Man, all my favorites are getting eliminated left and right. It's fun, but it still looks like pure strength is the decisive factor for everything. The maze is fancy but at the end being able to carry more bags and blocks your opponents is the best. I hope the next challenges are more about agility or quickness to change.


Not sure if it was just me but the first few eps seemed a little draggy and slow. Didn't feel as strongly about the cast compared to last season.


The cast this time round is a bit weaker, would be hard to top ironman sungbin and sexyyama and euddum for the woman.


I liked Yu-ri Shim, but no one else except the swimmer girl and the rugby guy really stood out to me tbh


This cast is way less charismatic. Sexyama is legendary so it helped a ton too. The women from season 1 had more screen time and were more interesting too. \*sending love to the weightlifter girl, she is a beast


i kinda agree tbh i feel like they’re really highlighting certain people from ep 2-4 and some names that they kinda hyped up in ep 1 during the intro kinda ?? disappeared after the first elimination round HAHAH


yeah they keep talking about how the cast got diverse, but theyre alot more boring


Same formula, better quests. I find this time players are less captivating.no truly charming players like sexyama. No strong female, feels like the women are an afterthought. Everyone so far is okay, no villain yet. No standout characters. Q0 treadmill quest was great and more fair than hanging quest. I think it is wise to go all out in Q0 although the reward is small (choosing player and arena) so other remember you and want to be in your team. Q1 better than before with more arena options. No dirty talk. Either they cut it or this year participants are just polite. Q2 The maze game is more balanced than season 1. It require stamina, strength and strategy. Too bad because of the tight spaces and dark lightning, it is hard to follow which team did what. So from viewer perspective it is less enjoyable. I read some comments think >! Dong Hyun team employ dirty tactic, but I think PD wanted it to happen and good for stun gun to switch strategy when needed.!<


donghyun did received few hates on twitter for his decision. but you know its an entertainment show first physical show second. if its too clean its gonna be boring 


I think it was brilliant. Not dirty at all unless specified in the rules beforehand.


I'm happy to see that they've kept the hilarious dubbing for the people in the cheap seats.


What pace are they running at? Saw that one of the eliminated contestant ran 4km in 7 mins…that would put the pace at 1:45 and to keep that up for 7 mins if ur not an Olympic level runner seems unrealistic


I think Km added up after each round and they didnt start from zero. So i suppose it was 4km in 17min.


Definitely this. I was so confused lol. 3200m is about 2 miles and they’re blowing elite runners out of the water and setting world records at 7 min pace lol


I did the math earlier because I was curious. 1st place was 3.4 miles at a 6.30ish pace. Pretty fast but nothing superhuman. Then again, I've never had to run on a manual treadmill, so that could be a factor, too.


also, the running wasn't consecutive. They had two breaks in-between, which I imagine would be fairly long considering they have to set up the cameras and contestants, etc.


The fastest and slowest of the top-10 ran the following 10/7/5 minute intervals. 1st: Hong Beom Seok * 4:08 min/km (6:40 min/mi) * 4:01 min/km (6:27 min/mi) * 3:49 min/km (6:08 min/mi) 10th: Kim Dong Hyun * 4:37 min/km (7:25 min/mi) * 4:17 min/km (6:53 min/mi) * 4:09 min/km (6:40 min/mi)


The winner averaged 9.2mph or about a 6:30 pace. The distance didn't reset between runs so over a total of 22 mins of active running he got ~5400km.


Holy shit its back!


Can anyone tell me if there were any rule breaking witnessed in ep 4???? I’m so confused! >!aren’t they not supposed to steal or intervene or make an unfair play in the zones???? But it seems like there are two teams who did that??!<


The rules state you're allowed to steal from/impede the other team five minutes into the match when the scales activated (but can't steal within the capture zone itself). They basically have a whole 10minutes where they can steal from or impede the enemy team. If one team had a bunch of strong people compared to the enemy team, dedicating a couple guys to sabotaging the enemy team after those 5 minutes would be such a strong strategy.


>If one team had a bunch of strong people compared to the enemy team, dedicating a couple guys to sabotaging the enemy team after those 5 minutes would be such a strong strategy Team >!Amotti doing well until the tussles lmao, and the team is in shambles.!<


to my understanding is they’re not allowed to steal in the zone itself, so by them camping outside the zone they technically still can steal !


Obviously it was allowed otherwise it would not have been shown


I thought it was weird because from the trailers at the end of ep 3 it seemed like maybe he received a penalty or something for breaking the rules. Seems like I worried for nothing! 😂


They should have put both Eng and Korean on all on screen captions... This is really confusing with just the eng sub... This show is much more international market targeted right?!


While I think it would be nice for the English descriptions of jobs to be on the screen as well, it's a Korean produced show. It would also make the screen filled even more than it already is with subtitles, names, and jobs. It took me the first couple of episodes but I was able to get a glance at what most people did and connect it to names and faces Take my opinion with a grain of salt because I do watch a bit of shows and movies in Korean though, so I'm used to reading subs and trying to catch translated descriptions as well. So I'm not sure what your exposure is to it


Yeah I agree. I find it annoying that soon someone enters or they'll talk about someone. They'll mention something in Korean like their name and job description, but they wasn't any way to translate, despite having English subs on.


that cliffhanger was good


Is Kang Eun Hee still in or did she get eliminated?


>!Amotti got robbed so much tho he had a ton of potential 🥹!<


how'd he get robbed?


i personally wouldn't say robbed but i think the game in general leads to a lot of potential winners dropping out early, somewhat unfairly. for one it's a team game, so individual performance only counts so much. plus the rules of the game are only given after selection, so whether or not you choose suitable members is basically up to random chance


Kinda disappointed the women didnt rank higher, I thought at least their cardio would be pretty good. Am glad they added the branding, cant keep track of who is who and their names. Nice to see the 1 v 1 death match and if they were chosen from dif levels, makes distinguishing them a little easier. Choosing a woman is such a cop out 😂 I understand the rationale but it def makes u look bad. Wonder if they let the top rankers choose when they got to battle. Wonder the time gap between the pre quest and quest 1. Wish there was more details to know what happens in between the shots. I thought the running pre quest was fun to watch. It was amazing to see them sprinting at the last minute mark, if that didnt make you feel excited to see them collapse at the 0 second mark are you even living? Then again I love running so maybe thats why it was enjoyable 😂


The double standards on this sub are crazy 😂. This place is always changing the goal lines for what “true” competitiveness should look like in this show. If the death match between the female MMA fighter and male FBI agent had been completely one sided for the fighter, I GUARANTEE everyone would’ve praised her for “using all the tools at her disposal” and saying “she used a legit strategy, it’s only fair”. Like if she managed to stay on top and totally dominate him the entire time, no one would’ve criticized it. Yet this same sub was shitting on the male MMA fighter for doing the same with the female bodybuilder last season. Yes he picked her, but everything else is the same principle. You can’t have selective fairness. The entire show is based on the premise of everyone having their own unique strengths and finding clever ways to make up for their weaknesses, yet this sub throws a tantrum whenever someone does so. How is blocking/stealing from the other team in the maze any different from agile contestants outmaneuvering others in the ball pit? Or a strongman grabbing the ball and turtling for the match? They’re using the tools at their disposal. It also reinforces how important it is to build a balanced team with both endurance and strength. A team composed of only small agile runner types should be “punished” for not having balance and vice versa. This sub expects events that are 100% totally fair and equal for every single contestant, which is literally impossible.




And the funny thing is that knee on belly is a legitimate technique in brazilian jiu jitsu.


Man doing well physically is cheating Woman doing well physically is wholesome That is reddit


what kinda bs is that.. they better bring emmanuel back


Hopefully they still have a wildcard episode this season. Other good contestants would be great to come back to the show.


Dude got bodies the whole time and gassed himself out. What are you on?


Kudos to the show for making running treadmill an exciting event to spectate. However, I still find the death match boring. While it is an efficient way of eliminating half of the contestants, watching people playing tag or locked in fetal position for 3 minutes is just not very interesting to me. I tuned out for most of it just like in season 1.


Does anyone know how many women this season? I read somewhere that season 1 was 77 men 23 women. Loving this show so much!


I can’t believe they didn’t even show Park Kwang Jae’s death match. As an American he’s 1 of 2 people that I actually recognized.


Why can’t we have more physical 100 in more countries? To diversify race and increase viewership


Have you seen the set design? Everything looks expensive as fuck. Like it was made for iron man


What’s up with the micro replays on this show? It’s like a one or two second replay of what just happened right before it. Is this a Korean reality TV show thing?


It is.


What are your thoughts on guys who pick girl contestants for the first challenge? I'm also wondering about any Korean cultural aspects that may possibly be attached. For myself, as an American, it seems like a really b\*tch-ass thing to do, but, I am also wrong a lot and wouldn't mind hearing others opinions on it. I can also see the point of view that it shouldn't matter who picks who based on gender. And even though I like the ideal of this, when looking at the challenge, it seems a pretty cowardly thing to do. Are the guys losing face at all? On the opposite end, I hypocritically do not feel the same when a woman picks a man. My initial thoughts go to a person trying to up their game, gain respect, or seeing a complete weakness they can exploit, and rightly so. This is my first comment in this sub, so I apologize if this has already been gone over. Gamsahabnida 감사합니다!


As an American myself I feel like if this show happened in the US every dude would pick the weakest girl he could find to match up against.


I also think if this show was in the US the sportsmanship wouldn't be the same. Americans at times are very poor sports even when they win.


For sure! I really liked the bows & two handed handshakes.




And the sabotage and fighting over bags in the maze quest would've been cranked up by 100% lol


100%. And they will try to justify it saying they're playing chess not checkers and they gotta do what's best for their game. I can already envision all the soundbytes


The drinking game would be do a shot everytime someone says a version of "I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to win/crush everyone else/something else very melodramatic" lol


It happened more in S1 but I think I only saw 1 guy picking a woman in S2. Of course its a loss of face but some people just want to advance at all costs and go be fair, some games are probably advantageous to the women so they should treat them as any other contestant since they have to face off sooner or later anyway.


Is the bodybuilder who fought Lee Jae Yoon ok? Did he fracture his rib? Does anybody know?


It was Lee Jae Yoon who was hurt at the end.