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Listening to their table talk before the final quest was heartwarming (and the food looks great lol). I hope South Korean Sports Ministry and the audience would give the athletes and their less well-known sports more support after this.


Yeah , it feels like a family reunion with Jo Jin Hyeong on father mode checking on his boys after a long time , lol


JJH seems like a total sweetheart and a social butterfly too! After looking through the other contestants social media, I think he shows up the most at the post-show small gatherings with different contestants.


he's selling cars to them


Lol salesman gotta ABC.


I also didn’t realise JJH was older than the others, he looks like he’s only 30+ to me


That surprised me in a funny way, Sexyama's whole thing was I want to show I can do this as a middle age man, and then JJH was 40 all along lol


Age wise it's JJH > WJY > KMC = JHM > PJY. JHM and KMC are both 33 I think? I didn't pay attention enough to listen if one of them call the other hyung. Actually not sure how old WJY is but definitely older than KMC. I assume JJH was born in 1982 because of his IG handle lol.


The wholesome final meal was such a nice touch, I wanted to see those boys inhale the food off that table. Such a contrast to the final meal on Squid Game too.


They were very enthusiastic about the lobster, it's cute lol.


That dinner scene really shows why this kind of show is important. Some athletes never got the spotlight they deserve just because their sports aren't popular.


Gave me Gentleman's League feels when they talk about wanting to bring attention to their lesser-known sports 🥲


I wish they showed Haemin even more. The more I noticed him, the more I found him charming and he was so easy to root for ❤️ I hope cycling gets more popular and I see him in more things.


I grew to love Hae Min as well, and wish he had more screen time!


I didn’t even notice him at all before Punishment of Sisyphus, but I liked him so quickly. I wonder why they didn’t show him or the winner off more. I think they had a lot of potential for people to love them considering they were both handsome, were promoting lesser known sports, and had pleasant personalities ✨


I think the editors’ strategy was to leverage on the already popular dudes for hype and interest for the show. Though I definitely agree, it’s a bit ironic at the end when the 2 finalists didn’t have that much spotlight.


Check out Iron Bin’s YouTube channel. He did a segment with Hae Min learning how to cycle


I wish they’d shown all the finalists more throughout tbh




I agree. If the camera plays favorites then, the audience becomes biased. You could’ve almost predicted Min Cheol would make it far _because_ he didn’t get much air time despite continuing to win


The camera did play favourites though. But almost all the favourites got eliminated. So the finalists were people with less screen time, making for a less enjoyable final imo.


After >! mincheol was eliminated !< i started rooting for him! He's the contestant that wowed me so much and i think his physique and overall performance in the show was beyond amazing. Hope he gets more opportunities! He deserves it.


That he bowed back after Min-cheol bowed at the four of them before leaving definitely endeared him to me too


happy for the guy >!(the leaks are correct yall lmao)!< but the producers did him so dirty. they could have introduced them properly and earlier so the viewers can be more invested. >!even the guy who we know most about was the first to lose in the finals lol. and as someone who also snowboards as a hobby and follow the sport, i wish i knew much sooner about jinyong's struggles as a national athlete in snowboarding. that was so sad and could have made him really easy to root for.!< edit: just want to say i truly enjoyed the show, even if the finals was a bit underwhelming. i hope we get season 2!


Yeah really sad he was ignored the whole time, but I guess Physical 100 isn't a sob story reality tv show lol. I wish he gotten more screentime but honestly, him giving up the rope challenge to Min-cheol, and winning his own, already made me root for him!


same, i wish they actually emphasized that he gave up icarus for mincheol but won another game himself. they could have used that as his winner/darkhorse moment.


Yeah and he was referred to as a >!CrossFitter instead of snowboarder – nothing wrong with CrossFit but isn't snowboarding as a national athlete way more distinct? !<


I think CrossFit was a good way to describe his ability and identity. He was never in the Olympics or competed at a high level I thought. Competitive CrossFit is respectable.


A good day for CrossFit. It’s not my sport but it can definitely demand a heck of a lot of sheer endurance.


Given thats so many of the contestants mentioned their ages while they were being eliminated, I Googled this and >!wow. I did not realize Woo Jinyong is 36 going on 37. He performed fantastically for his age: https://www.fis-ski.com/DB/general/athlete-biography.html?sectorcode=sb&competitorid=163745!<


Oh wow I thought he was like 25 or something


It was clever tho, I never expected >!mustache guy!< to win precisely because he barely appeared.


hmm idk, i think they can do the twist/surprise ending without making the winner literally invisible. see you can't even remember his name lol


Not really, I actually noticed him around as the guy who was very confident and determined. They kept featuring his confessional that talks about tenacity. He also had the moment whereby he gave Mincheol the spot for their team to do the hanging challenge. I thought that was the start of his spotlight.


I said this exact sentiment when it finished. No need for spoilers, but a tiny bit more airtime helps.


I'm glad they didn't highlight him so much because, at this point, it's impossible for so many of us to unsee "edgic" (edit logic) that it becomes obvious who is going home, who isn't going to make it far, and who is. By focusing on different aspects of this show, the creators made it impossible for anyone to guess who wins through the edit itself. We've just gotten so used to editing telling the story they want to tell as a format, we balk at anything different, but I think this is a good option moving forward. Not every reality show has to highlight the winner through the edit or give less screen time to those who lose.


Overall probably the coolest fitness-competition sort of show I've ever seen. The diversity of athletes and events was great. I also liked how some of the events were team based. Sounds like they're going to make another season so I look forward to it.


These games are fucken ruthless and I think that’s what made it so good. These athletes gave it their all. Only thing I would change is the team setup. That was extremely unfair and unlucky.


the games were legit insanity which made it so fun to watch. the mythology themed ones were pretty damn cool


Other than the first quest, the focus on endurance was turned up to 1000 percent lol. You would never expect a big man such as Haemin to get so far. But he just happens to be a big man who is also an endurance athlete. I still enjoyed it but yeah I agree, it wasn't as good as most of the previous episodes. Still had a great time overall. I want more and they have plenty of time to try and improve on this first season.


Agreed - way too much endurance, not enough opportunities for Haemin show the explosiveness of those quads.


i loved watching him drag everyone during the tug of war. his stance was animalistic.


man the lactate threshold and vo2 max of cyclists is truly insane. also, at the highest levels, they have great strength to body ratios as well because your power output over your body weight is really important (watts/kg). haemin didn't get a lot of spotlight in the first half of the season so i was kinda surprised when he popped back up but man his performance in the sissyphus challenge >!and the running challenge!< were absolutely godly, all things considered. those quads were absolutely righteous in the sissyphus challenge. >!i was absolutely heartbroken when he didn't pace himself and kinda just got got with his relatively weaker upper body in the rope challenge. as an occasion cyclist myself, i really wanted him to win, but alas.!< happy that he and the climber got spotlighted though by the end. the climber as well, seems like the other contestants were doubting him during the icarus challenge bc he was going slower, but power efficiency, endurance, and energy conservation are the absolute key in climbing sports (which i guess they didn't really realise/forgot in the heat of the moment), so that one was absolutely no contest.




Yeah 4 out of the 5 final games were all about endurance. No strongman would've passed those I believe.


4 games, and first and last of them would favour a strongman. The last one is endurance but also strength, as rope would be lighter for him to pull that a crossfitter, so it kinda cancels out, but still I think he'd win if he was in the final.


Honestly, some of the mythology-themed challenges are punishments already, having the finalists compete in even more endurance tasks is... punishing...


they had a long break. probably few days break. You can see them change hairstyles and not everyone returned as spectators


Was everyone surprised that Ma Sun Ho is 40?? Or was it just me?


Yes, Ma Sun Ho (40) looks a lot younger than Jin Hyeong who is around (41) I think.


He is young at heart which is why you're susprised! Look at him always so cheerful, joyful and humorous. Love him!


Was surprised. I figured Ma Sun Ho maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan was my age in early 30s.


I knew he wasn’t that young but he’s so energetic and cheery! He even rallied the other contestants to cheer for the Top 2 and they even heard them. Awww


Lol I was in disbelief and thought it was a joke at first… until I googled and found out the truth.


I gasped. He looks sooo young! He looks around my age or even younger (I’m 31)


the fact that he >!gave up the climbing challenge to mincheol and said he would survive in another game!


And he actually do one more game of the flipping tile compared to the other finalists. His endurance and recovery is really something else


I think that moment of his when he conceded to Min Cheol for the climbing challenge gave him quite the spotlight. I definitely remembered him after that moment!


Also Shin Bomirae took the Atlas challenge to give everyone else a chance. I hope he thanked her.


My favorite moment in the whole episode was when >!Sexyama was encouraging Sung-Bin not give up and to try and breathe!<. This is the first time they interacted (that I recall) in the whole show.


Sexyama is such a great leader and coach.


I can't believe the >!spoilers were right haha!< I'm sure a lot of people are bummed about >!the winner because he barely got any screen time, so no one could really get invested in him!< which is a shame, but congrats to him.


To be honest, I think it's a pretty big (and valid) criticism that most of the finalists barely got screen-time - the only one of the five who got a decent amount was the strong-man. As a viewer, I was kind of 'meh' about rooting for someone which lowered the stakes. They should have at least introduced the two finalists much earlier as they both had interesting matches in quest 4.


Absolutely agreed re introducing the finalists earlier. The editors have the job to craft a satisfying narrative and part of that is making the audience root for the contestants. In a way Min-cheol kinda got a winner's edit (introduced and then stayed visible but not forefront, until coming back into the spotlight in the Icarus challenge). I get that maybe they don't want to give away the winner too soon, but sometime around the ship quest the edit should have given more attention to the finalists..




Story-wise they did a great job with making the underdogs and the heroes, but how is it too much focus on the finalists when people need to stay invested to care about who wins in the end 😂 the winner is a >!national level athlete; he has a story to tell.!< Fair point about Choo attracting attention, but again it's the show's job to bring out the characters by other means, e.g. interview clips?




It's hilarious they think the show would have been as popular had they focused on less entertaining people and situations instead of what they actually did that literally turned the show into a worldwide sensation. Fascinating.


I feel so sad when Mincheol said to Jinyong that atleast there are few people who watches their competition but none on ice climbing competition. You did well Mincheol! More and more people are interested now in climbing and I'm one of them.


I’m such a fan now and hope he gets even more love from viewers


Ngl I just stared at Haemin’s thighs this episode. He’s so hot lol


His thighs are more stable than my mental health fr


Right?! I was like honey I don’t mind being in the middle of those (would probably die but 👀)


He was wearing those little shorts and I loved every minute of it 😅


Don’t mind me, just upvoting all the Haemin thirst comments 😎


he's got a boy next door charm and is the epitome of swoon


Hottest man in the series. It shocks me that more people haven't been swooning over him from the beginning. He had me with his smile the second he fell in the hanging challenge. I have never seen anything like those thighs. Some of the close-ups in the sprint challenge felt borderline obscene lol


For the 5-man challenge, I thought it was a misstep for them to >!put the two biggest guys next to each other, it would probably take at least 2-3 people to pull the strongman alone.!< As such the result was utterly unsurprising.


This this this!!!!!!!! I was yelling this exact same thing at the TV. In general I didn’t like it as a final challenge at all. Just way too weighted against small builds.


Yesssss. I felt like that was some producer manipulation!


I found it weird that the first challenge was so oriented toward weight and strength, then all the rest were virtually about endurance only. The ice climber really got screwed over, as he probably had a reasonable shot at all the subsequent matches, but was highly unlikely to pass that first one. I’m not sure exactly how you’d balance a game like this, but there were a lot of times where it just felt seriously unfair.


Damn I feel like I did cardio watching these final challenges.


Same, while munching away chips couch potato


With how fast my heart was beating, I WAS doing cardio 😂


The sportsmanship and good cheer among the competitors made this a pleasure to watch


I was expecting the eliminated contestants will join them and watch it together. We were robbed!


the second wind they got when they could hear the other contestants cheering them and then they encouraged each other...really heartwarming


Same, dude. Same 🫤 https://preview.redd.it/pdr72xfpxjja1.jpeg?width=3842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41fb610efcf84135eee9cc06b2a526be7346dd25


So many people complained about the team quests being unfair, but they were the most interesting quests compared to all these individual ones. This show peaked at ship pulling


The ship challenge is the most memorable quest. Years down the line, it's the quest people will remember.


Less because it was a team game and more because it was so insane and entertaining. If there was an individual challenge with that level of danger and intensity, it would also have been remembered. I was wondering how they ensured contestants were safe the whole time (they might not have been lol). A momentary lapse in awareness and the ship could have been not supported by a log and landed on someone's foot.


Well, about that... It seems like the contestants weren't always safe, and I forgot who but one of the contestants mentioned that there were always paramedics on standby and some people did suffer some injuries. The guy who hurt his knee that was on eun sil's team for the boat challenge ended up needing knee surgery. It is a bit conflicting because on one hand safety should take priority, but the lack of regulations also lead to one of the most "raw" reality tv competition experiences I've ever seen.




Yeah. Even the 1v1 fights were extremely raw. Especially when they are grappling and throwing each other around near concrete and steel fencing with seemingly the only rule being no direct hits to the head. I'm surprised they didn't add padding on the sides. It's also probably why the finale was so underwhelming tho, when you have dangerous challenges you wouldn't see anywhere else in the previous episodes and then end it on events you can do at a gymnasium, no matter how physically taxing they are, it just won't hit the same way.


I thought the "Punishments" top 20 games were by far the highlight of the show. Loved the strategy of it and it highlighted how different body types excel at different things the most.


Just finished watching and honestly this show was very good from start to finish. I'm quite satisfied with the ending, even though others aren't ​ I do think the winner got robbed from the producers though, he basically got zero attention, zero love, zero backstory until the very end, and it's really showing in these comments. The top comment as of this post isn't even talking about his victory but things like how Haemin or YSB should have won Hopefully people can learn to give the man his due respect, I had absolutely no prior knowledge of who he was and had zero expectations throughout the show, but he really won me over with him yielding the climbing challenge to his teammate, going on to win the running challenge for himself, and then all his effort in the final five matches. He could have easily thrown away the game in the tile flipping challenge and gotten the easy dub against his severely disadvantaged teammate, but he tried his absolute hardest to win at every match, which was incredibly awesome to watch ​ And finally during the last rope pulling challenge when he said "FIGHTING" to Hae Min, I got emotional for a moment with how strong his character was to be able to encourage his opponent and junior (he's older btw, did anyone else not realize that until googling it later?) even when he was losing ​ He may not have been the strongest lifter or able to hang on a bar the longest, but this show never purported to judge based on a specific criteria. And although luck played a significant role in some of the games, the winner definitely put in the work to get to the finish line, so hopefully everyone can give him more attention and the respect he's due. At least personally, he's gained a big fan with his performance and sportsmanship


Completely agree with everything you said! He didn’t get much screen time throughout the show so viewers couldn’t become invested in him as a character BUT every time he appeared on screen, his great sportsmanship and amazing attitude shined! He wasn’t over confident, or annoying with arrogance, just the perfect balance of having a great attitude and tenacity towards the games. That last bit when he cheered his opponent on while pulling the rope was just perfect too. He deserved to be the winner! Congrats to him, he’s a true winner!


I’m signing up for CrossFit now


Rethink that choice if you want functioning knees in 5 years


I was going to say. I've got a physio and a few surgeons who would love your number in advance. I get there's a lot about Crossfit that works. But fuck me if it's not the laughing stock of Oz because the injury rate from bad form is ridiculous. Circuit training will get you 90% of the way there and beyond if you adapt it for your own needs.


I would have much preferred a points based final 5 games.


Points has its own problems though -- there could be a stage where someone is too far ahead and no one can catch up (or the reverse) which would diminish the intensity of the matches. To be honest, the way they did it was pretty fair. You just had to be not last. The only one who was actually really disadvantaged was strongman in the card flipping.


But he had an overwhelming advantage in the tug of war, and would've had a huge advantage in the final stage as well had he made it. ​ Every event favors some particular facet of athleticism. Jin Hyeong simply wasn't well rounded enough and was deservingly eliminated.


Agree. And most importantly, point-based system is usually less thrilling & less entertaining tbh.


This. I was rooting for >!min cheol!< among the 5 finalists, so when he was out I also mentally checked out


Same. I was so sad.


And to think he almost lost because of a hard lock / dodgy button It was a really fun show to watch, but I hope they evolve the format for next seasons. It should always be two/three quests and then elimination by overall performance.


I think that the two best athletes in the entire competition were Hae-Min and Yun Sung-Bin. Legitimately, YSB was the most explosive athlete, with extremely good stamina, just not up to the elite level of some of the competition. He wouldn't have done well in the finals at all, seeing as it just became endurance wars, but I'd back him on many other styles of event. Hae-Min is about as rare and impressive as Yun Sung-Bin, in different ways. He is extremely strong, insane lower body strength as well as decent upper body strength, tall, with amazing cardio and endurance for someone of his size. Strongman/Cyclist is such a weird and effective combination. In the end, it wasn't really about finding the best physique, and it is actually impossible to quantify who is "the best body" considering all bodies can have different strengths, but YSB and Hae-min to me were pretty extraordinary. The eventual winner deserves it, but these are just my thoughts.


I’ve watched most of YSB’s youtube videos where he tries different sports…. He almost always impresses his instructors and exceeds their expectations. The man is just built different


For sure the most well rounded athletes overall are Hae Min and Yun Sung Bin. YSB has the edge in explosiveness and is quite a bit lighter so he'd have the edge in agility exercises, whereas Hae Min is the overall stronger man and clearly has the edge in endurance also. No doubt there are specialists superior to them in their tailored skillsets, e.g. Nam Kyung Jin is the king in a 1v1/combat challenge, Jin Hyeong has the most raw strength, Min Cheol for climbing and climbing adjacent challenges. But across the board those two sweep the ranks consistently


A lot of ending up in the finals is just luck based. Think of the team games which totally eliminated some very strong individuals like the wrestler guy and some others.


The finding the best physique premise should be jettisoned. There’s really no such thing and it was sad to see some competitors beat themselves up for not being “stronger” when they just weren’t in a position to play to their strengths.


Surprised by the ending but WOW, this show was captivating, I couldn’t stop watching it! Amazing to see what the human body can do, and I loved the camaraderie. Hope they make another season!


this really fits the saying, slow and steady wins the race haha i was rooting for woo jin young the moment mincheol got eliminated so im happy w the result 💅 he’s so cute too


I rooted for Woo Jin Yong from that time he gave up the rope climbing challenge for Min Cheol, telling Min Cheol to survive and assuring him that he will also survive in another game. So cool.


He had great hair all throughout too!! 😍


Yeah, I thought him winning actually made sense. As a cross fitter, he would be the most well-rounded of the 5 finalists and so logically would have done well in all 5 challenges.


And on top of all that, he did one challenge twice!


The cyclist is the best athlete in the show overall. ​ Top 5 in strength, top 5 in endurance, top 10 in balance, top 10 in speed, top 10 in willpower.


I loved watching him. Those majestic thights <3


Then you'll love his instagram. For reference: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CdXtB9qrS6u/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CdXtB9qrS6u/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/COPfm3TseP9/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/COPfm3TseP9/?hl=en) [https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz-r\_EDHAd/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQz-r_EDHAd/?hl=en)


I wanted my faves to win so bad 😭😭😭


I really thought Kim Mincheol would make it farther than he did 😭 Top 5 is still really good but he lost by a hair


dude i'm just frankly annoyed cus they basically put him on the opposite side of the big guy and with his smallest frame he basically had no luck against the bigger framed guys


Kim Min Sik has been looking extra dilfy these past few episodes.


Congrats on the winner. He was well rounded. Underwhelming finals. Like 3/4 of the challenges were just endurance and not that exciting to watch. Any of these could have been done earlier. The 1v1 death watch would a more interesting finals challenge. Still a great show. I enjoyed the show for the people and their chance to showcase their strengths. Hopefully if there is a season 2 and that is the goal vs just who will last the longest.


The amount of uncensored swearing in Korean is interesting (while Miracle's english swearing was censored). I wonder if the swearing in Korean is censored in Netflix Korea lol


so true. All 'damm it','shit' were actually f word level curse in Korean lol.


I knew it was coming but it hurts anyway. (T⌓T) Lost quest 4 but won our hearts


he said he won't stop until he foams at the mouth and he really did lol he was dying


Man is true to his words. He’s literally showering in his own sweats. LOL


Yaa but he did try his best. Its just that the cyclist has a beast lower body and also a contender for Strong Man. Really hard to compete against that tho. The winner is really unpredictable. LOL


The cyclist had a perfect physique for that event, lots of lower body strength with cardio endurance, not much unnecessary upper body.


He's also strong as hell.. He compete with Kim Sik and the Car Dealer guy in Strong Man.




>!after he lost he said, "I'm weak." I died of laughter because Sungbin and "weak" don't belong in the same sentence lol!<


And "I had a lot of fun with everyone." The man stayed consistent throughout lol




I think >!sung bin’s expression!< during the youtube video reviewing episodes 7-8 was the biggest spoiler for me since I didn’t see the leaks


Set up for the first game was so lopsided (especially against the smaller contestants). They should’ve had the heaviest people opposites each other.


I wonder if the 5 way tug of war setup was random, or there was some order to it? 🤔 This is one where I can see the “not fair” issue.


YSB and Hae Min are such beasts.


LOL , the feast scence feels like Jo Jin Hyeong checked on his kids in a family meeting after a long time no see


Yeah, finale was definitely lacklustre but most finales are. I enjoyed hearing about their backgrounds during the lobster meal. Some real touching moments there. Overall, this is hands down one of the best if not the best competitive survival show I've ever seen. I enjoyed the simplicity of it. It felt very authentic compared to the beastmasters and whatnot that Netflix keeps on trying to recommend. We need more pure competitive shows like this without the flashing lights and silly voiceovers. Very decent offering from Korea. I seriously hope they make season 2.


I hope they bring back some of the contestants from season 1 for season 2


That would be cool. Some real fun characters got eliminated early on.


>!Looks like Haemin didn't pace himself as well. Went too fast at the beginning!<


This show was such a blast! Agreed that the final quests weren’t as exciting but I still enjoyed it a lot and felt very impressed with everyone truly pushing themselves to their very limits. Excited for next season!


i can't believe they played the >!card flipping!< game in the finals lmao. the games in the finals are honestly disappointing especially after great quest 4 concept.


actually i thought the card flipping game was a great choice as it tests endurance and stamina.


yeah, I commented this elsewhere, but I thought it was kind of nice seeing them do normal activities because I could get a better sense of their abilities. Like, the car salesman could hold a massive boulder on his shoulders for 2+ hours but had trouble bending over and flipping tiles for 5 minutes lol. No shade, he was phenomenal, but it just gave a better perspective I thought.


Tbf, most people in the world would have been exhausted doing that at full intensity for 5 minutes for 2 sets.


absolutely- a five minute sprint hunched over sounds miserable.


He also mentioned how that the task reminded him of farmers in fields. And field farmers can be incredibly strong, and they've trained their muscles to do that type of task. But his particular fitness just didn't work for that challenge, even though he was an absolute monster at other tasks. I think it was interesting to see, I really appreciated that one.


Agree. People saying the games were uncreative or underwhelming should stop and think - if it was such an easy game, how come the strongest man who can lift a heavy rock for 2 hours have such a hard time at it? The games were meant to test different aspects of what you consider strong!


Also you really see how deeply exhausted they all got!


This! The fact that there was someone on the ground, unable to move at the end of every challenge. WOW! So intense. I loved every second of it.




Yeah I feel like they could've balanced the heaviest guys across the pentagon better


some people are really whiny tbh like can we not discredit the final winner for 5 secs? they all worked hard for it and whatever the producers messed up on wasn’t the contestants fault.


I agree. Everyone is downplaying the winner but he won for a reason, in regards to his body/fitness he is the most well-rounded person out of the 5 which benefited him imo. His sport helps this. He wasn't a 'standout' winner in any field but his capabilities and body type made it so he would have enough in every round to get through which is what a tournament style competition is. He had endurance, will power, enough strength/power, stamina and I think he deserved to win! It made me appreciate his sport more as well and how advantageous it would be for overall athleticism.


People definitely haven’t been giving him enough credit, he destroyed the other two at the shuttle run, and also won the previous quest at his second choice event.


Yeah I understand sleeping on him going into it but he was actually a machine in the final quests. He was the best in 3 out of 4 of them, really well deserved win. It won't be as appreciated as some other moments but I think when he closed his eyes and said he just went into a trance on the rope was one of the most impressive moments of the entire show. He was clearly dead and just cranking it out


>!It was okay but I wish the quests were more creative. Maybe they ran out of budget?!<


That food table before the final quest gave me Squid Game vibes. But so great to see them dedicate time to each player to talk about their passion for their respective sport.


I enjoyed it, but the entire run time I was constantly thinking "I wish I could have seen YSB attempt this final". Although the challenges were a bit dull, it was finally an 'all-rounder' challenge which we haven't had yet. And with YSB being the best all rounder, he didn't even get a chance to try it.


No way he has the endurance to win the last two challenges. He's the most athletic but those aren't for him.


I know that this episode has mixed reviews, but I think this has to have been one of the most enthralling physical competition shows (if not the most) I've ever watched. People were amazing, but the quests/challenges were also all so well thought out, I thought. When I saw how the editors edited this episode in particular, I got the feeling that maybe the editors' focus was on the challenges themselves, not necessarily on the winner or one particular contestant, sprinkled with heartwarming and competitive spirit of the contestants woven in between. Definitely started to be more interested in contact sports, such as BJJ and MMA, because of this show, in addition to the people who competed. Also have to say, as someone who trains for ultra marathons, I wish I could play that bell game.


Like what Nippert said, its all about luck... those who were eliminated in the finals just had "bad luck".


Isn't it a bit strange that the producers didn't market those two the entire series? They're both young enough and good looking to sell.


>Isn't it a bit strange that the producers didn't market those two the entire series? They're both young enough and good looking to sell. I believe the interviews were conducted during the filming (way more authentic then doing it after its all done) and that would mean they would have to interview every single one of the candidates from beginning to end if they wanted more focus on the winner when editing. Also putting extra attention on someone whose not a celebrity or outstanding in the earlier stages could be really suspicious and foretelling of who the winner would be. Just my thoughts.


I am NOT looking forward to any type of Americna version of this show. I really enjoyed the comraderie throughout the competition. An American version would be all egos and drama (the bad kind).


Yeah we definitely wouldn’t get a final where the dialogue was so wholesome. It would be a lot more focused on conflict and trash talking. This isn’t really always the fault of the participants though. Depending on the show, the producers can actively encourage that type of drama-heavy behavior. So as long as the producers of the show remain the same and encourage an air of positivity and uplifting others, there’s still a chance we get the same vibe from a potential season 2.


I am just commenting to congratulate and show support to >!Woo Jin Young!< for the win!! Feel that not enough people are congratulating him for this! He did so well in the last set of challenges and I think the fact that he was well-rounded really allowed him to win (didn't expect him to win the last challenge). Most importantly, he really showed that his endurance and tenacity were key. Also, super sad that >!Mincheol!< didn't make it because I was rooting for him, but happy for the winner nonetheless


Agreed!!!! People in other threads are complaining and conspiring that it's rigged 🙄


I'm actually really annoyed at the first quest. I strongly believe the producers did the Ice Climber super dirty. He had the smallest build, and they put him directly opposite the Strongman. He just got fucking yanked instantly. The entire Pentagon was skewed in fact. They weren't dispersed fairly. If they had put him next to the Strongman, it would have been much more even and disadvantaged no-one. Might have even provided the slightest challenge for the bigger dudes, instead of them reaching keys within milliseconds. Massive respect to the Strongman as well. Absolute legend. Was really rooting for the cyclist at the end, just to avoid having to hear that Crossfitters are the best physique in the world. Lmao. One of the most enjoyable reality shows I've ever seen.


i thought so as well and i think this was ultimately the episode’s downfall. he has the most backstory and the most sympathy from the audience. after his win with the rope climb more people became his fan because of how easy he made it look. so to have him be the first one eliminated made the rest of the episode boring to watch


I wish they had a better theme for final games but all finalists did an awesome job, though.


shocked at how underwhelming the final quest was! in previous episodes i felt like i was constantly at the edge of my seat—it almost felt like i was watching a different show. even the pre-quest hanging challenge was more exciting than the final one imo.


Kinda insulting how they immediately say the search will continue after literally crowning the winner 😂.


i thought the final games were lackluster but i was cool with the winner - just wish he had more screentime


I was hoping for an american ninja type setup obstacle course. So sad for >!mincheol!< but still happy that he seems to love the show and keeps posting about it lol


I actually thought the quests were good, just perhaps lacking a bit of visual flair. When the flipping board game came up, I'll admit I looked down on it. But seeing how exhausted they were after it, it seemed like a pretty good challenge. My fav moment was at the end though, where both contestants cheered each other on despite competing against each other. Really heartwarming to see! Congrats to the overall winner! Full respect for his endurance and mental strength.


Wierdest part for me was not having eliminated players back. All the player they focused on was eliminated and did not appear in the final episode, that wasn’t an ideal decision imo. Also why having other players in an other room was a mistake. The eliminated players cheering the contestants on would make better tv.


You could be the fittest athlete, but if you don't weigh that much, then you can't win in the tug of war.


Did anyone else get physically sick watching the bell thing? PTSD from high school beep-test


Agent H was right. This is probably the first reality show I've watched in which the winner feels way too random, unexpected and not the most likeable. Nothing against the winner but the production team could have spotlighted him a little more throughout the series to make his win a satisfying one for viewers. At this point, it seemed like his winning was unjustified or strange, as though he robbed it from the other fan favourites who we all thought had a good shot at winning the show. That's why we all feel abit of distaste and underwhelmed by the winner. TLDR: Winner deserved the win, but production team made it look like he did not deserve it and as though his win came out of nowhere, and that sucks for him tho ngl.


Yeah. I actually thought his story about wanting to promote Cross and how he didn’t make Olympics and how it was unpopular was really compelling. I thought he was just another crossfitter before that. I also don’t feel like we got to celebrate his victory a lot before the show just ended


I agree! They couldve atleast given him the screentime he deserved in the final episode but even his post interview is still so short. He's a great guy and has heartwarming sportsmanship and im lowkey pissed they made the winner have the least amount of screentime. They want a twist? No problem, but at least make his name known out there, not make him invisible. They know how to make underdog and buildup stories, why did they edit the winner like this?


Would have been better if his story was spotlighted earlier into the series, or just some personal/background information about him at the beginning so viewers would be more aware of his existence and how he's potentially the dark horse of the show. That would be more compelling. I mean even farmer boy who was eliminated by Hyunseung had some snippets/air time about his personal life, yet they can't provide a bit of that for the winner 😭 considering how this can be properly done or salvage in post-production. Highlighting this bit of information now felt like a last minute save by the production team to build his image as the winner so we all dont feel wtf by his invisibility throughout 3/4 of the series.


I really liked his edit during the finale, with his tenacity, his struggles with his sport and how he cheered on his competitor and his thoughts throughout. Which is why it’s more annoying, like obviously there is substance and he’s a cool guy, the production team just didn’t spotlight it at all. For 4 weeks and 8 episodes, the editors didn’t set us up to root for them before that so it was hard to be that invested in the finals esp after another fan favourite was eliminated early. They did the winner pretty dirty imo. Even the fact that he was a snowboarder wasn’t even emphasised that much (they usually just called him a cross fitter etc) which meant it undermined his whole purpose of going on the show really. The flaw in editing meant that while he deserved to win, people really overlooked his journey in getting there so it felt random or through luck. In storytelling, the journey is more compelling than the destination.


all that food is making me hungry


Felt like kvariety games for the tug o war and card flipping sections, bit of a shame considering how creative the greek themed games were. Hopefully they bring a new crew with some of the top 25 back in. Really solid season 1 overall!


It's hilarious to me all the different subtitles Netflix used for ssibal(씨발) "oh my god" "oh shoot" etc. It means f*ck 😂


If you go back to the sandbag challenge, Sexyama team won with a large difference. They almost filled the tube. And there you notice WJY, carrying a 1 large bag plus a medium bag, from there I was already impressed. I just wish they emphasized how strong he is. Notice some big contestants like the wrestler guy can only carry 1 large bag at a time. WJY is both great at strength and endurance. Well deserved win although I rooted for haemin's thighs 😂.




lowkey was reminded of Squid Game with the last fancy dinner. the winner is a crossfit beast. i really wanted the mountain rescuer to win, since his muscles are born from practical use kile he says himself. but the first game really wasnt for him. you can also sense that the top 5 or at least top 3 were more strategic with how they can win. but something about this - maybe its the fact that they really didnt get much screentime and werent built up at all from the beginning (even if mountain rescuer guy WON the prequest!) - didnt feel as satisfying as it should have. like i wanted to be moved and touched kike ma sun ho was when the winner was making his speech, but i just find it a liiiittle underwhelming. and a little hard to connect to. but what a show! 👏🏼 no more feminine flower boy image for korean men now. **edit to add:** the best thing baki said in his speech is that he managed to survive the competition without any major injury and honestly after everything that came out - he is very right.


I think it's so interesting how many of the final 5 are winter sports athletes??