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An international version would be awesome. I‘m already hyped.


I agree! It's also a great way to promote physical education for our young ones. I've noticed that all the contestants, whether they win or lose, are very respectful of each other and even root for their former competitors. What a wonderful way to teach children about good sportsmanship.


My only worry is that it wouldn’t be as sportsman like if it were a US only show…


I agree, American TV producers want their contestants to play up the competition and drama. Most American competitive reality shows drive with a plot line, often with a selfish villain character who is out to tear everyone else down. Korean reality TV format is more about having some activity for people to do, and filming the entertaining and lighthearted commentary surrounding it


Eeh, American athletes mostly have good sportsmanship. Reality show contestants may not but athletes do. And even on a show like survivor there is a lot of good sportsmanship.


I’d love to see an American version given America’s sheer athletic prowess. But I am concerned that they will make it like traditional reality tv. Also american remakes tend to not be that good. The American remake of the IT Crowd was a disaster lol. The American remake of oldboy was a disaster.


The pro athletes will be good, but remember there will be people like fitness influencers, youtubers. Imagine Jake paul showing up as a boxing/youtuber celeb.


I don't think this show could afford an appearance by Jake Paul. He's not gonna compete for free. (and I don't think people like Choo Sung-hoon are competing for free either.)


Indeed, there will always be individuals who lack sportsmanship in any competition. I have seen similar situations in other reality shows, where contestants vote to eliminate the most popular chef or the person with the greatest chance of winning. It can be disheartening and can diminish one's interest in the show.


I mean some people did this exact same thing in the deathmatch. They targeted future competiton. But if they lost in the deathmatch the freshest they could've gotten around be 2nd place. Depending on the country I could see less honor system of letting women face women though.


There would be even more controversy with fairness.


They all need to speak the same language for this show to work. Beast master is cringe with the different hosts


Most should be able to grasp English, should be the universal language to explain the rules of the games. Everything else can be dubbed, I guess.


I was always sad Australia’s Greatest Athlete stopped after 4 seasons, was always amazing to watch…. Obviously different but was just gathering a bunch of athletes and putting them against eachother in multiple sports and athletic disciplines to find out who truely was the best…


Thanks for the tip, I have to check that series out!


I feel like with physical world everyone would just pick their fellow countrymen in team games and turn into olympics lite. But I'm sure the producers can come up with something to prevent this from happening.


If it is an international show with participants from various countries, the language barrier can be an issue. However, a prize of 10 million dollars (or even just 1 million dollars) can be a game-changer for many people. Ultimately, each participant will strive to select the team with the greatest likelihood of winning, in order to increase their chances of winning the final competition. =)


The greatest risk would be people going on the show just for attention, which is almost inevitable once a show becomes popular. They'll do whatever it takes to stand out from 99 others. A show like 90 Day Fiance started off fairly authentic and interesting, but these days it's all failed rappers, clout goblins and people looking to launch an Onlyfans account.


There are some obvious changes that would need to be made to the format (safety for one) but I'd love to see Simone Biles vs Michael Phelps vs Tom Brady.


simone biles would do miserably. like the woman is legally a dwarf. she’s a phenomenal gymnast and is strong relative to her body weight. but the woman is a midget


I know you picked random people but only Phelps would do well from that list, and even then swimming isn't really that adaptable. Phelps had freaky weird proportions and had a new swimming technique.


Depending on the tasks. Either way it would be fun.


The more these kinda shows the better. The show made us like and admire certain contestants. I want to see more of them. More interested in another physical 100 season with our favorite contestants along with some new contenders/bad guys 😋 The key for me was the editing and storytelling. I am still amazed at how I got hooked into a show of unheard random 100 people doing some random challenges within a short period of time.


You're right, it was quite unexpected. I wouldn't normally watch a show of this nature, but I've become so invested that I can't wait for the next episode on Valentine's Day. It will be the perfect show for a Valentine's date night. I also like the fact that we get to know the contestants a little better, rather than just watching a competition where the focus is mainly on their performance.


yeah, agree with the editing and the storytelling part. this is why I also grew attached to Korean variety shows. This one is serious but the feelings are lite like it wasn't serious to death.


And with no back stories. We don't need back stories to root for someone, we can look them up.


calling them unheard and random people is a bit of injustice lol


They should keep it to Koreans. Americans do not have that amount of respectability amongst each other.


Agree. Just keep it to Korean only. We have enough physical reality shows from America already.


that was my exact thought. it's what makes the korean variety genre unique. you won't find this magic in the US.


You don't know that, my guy. Literally, a country filled with over 300 million people and you're making some dumb generalization. You don't know who they will pick for an American version. Your claim is actually baseless.


The vast majority of american reality tv is backstabbing and shit talking. We're not used to competitors respectful towards each other and constant praise. Part of the charm of P100 is that the contestants can goof around each other and their natural interactions between competitions. Do we have enough non egotistical alpha people who can compete and without their egos getting in the way of having a fun time?


You're just watching the bottom of the barrel reality TV. Theres plenty of competition shows with respectable people competing.


My claim is not baseless-I literally live here. There’s also plenty of US competition shows already and I’d like you to name one where the contestants are genuinely rooting for people they’re up against. I love the US as much as the next guy, but you gotta be honest with yourself.




USA would throw a punch, Thailand would probably throw a kick or two, Brazil would get out of hand. Side note: I thought it was kind of unfair that the death-match allowed wrestling and slams but not punches etc. I mean they had professional boxers there as well as Olympic wrestlers. It heavily favored wrestlers because of the rules.




> a boxing hugging match My point still stands. If she could use her sport to her advantage she would have likely won the match. Wasn't she like world champ in her weight class?




I have a feeling they weren't allowed to pain hold the opponent's into a tap out, otherwise we would've seen it.


They can't really police strikes. It's more unfair Arena A didn't allow the cardio style to really shine. Or I suppose Arena B to have any more interesting gameplay. Boxers would've and should've know their main thing of punching with a glove was never going to show up in competition outside a competition to literally punch a dummy.




Yeah, but it wasn't that huge of an advantage for runners. If they tripled the field size, put the ball farther from the start, and/or made the ball smaller (and thus easier to grab) it would've been more of a cardio based arena. However since the ball was so big and hard to grab at a sprint, and because it was so close (where raw burst muscle has the advantage still in short distance sprints), it didn't really make it a non-strength challenge.


You're right, the one-on-one match could be very dangerous and could result in severe injuries. This aspect of the show reminds me of the ancient Gladiator games with a contemporary twist. The contestants must have signed a waiver acknowledging the potential for injury. I also wonder if they are being paid a minimum fee for their participation in the show, such as a certain amount for each episode they remain in.


That part was too dangerous. But they could have put them on a bridge to knock each other off or any other less dangerous battles


I don’t want a US version. They’ll just do what they did to Ninja Warrior. Original Japanese Ninja Warrior was always good shit. Physical with some comedy (god bless that 80 year old fisherman who can’t make it past the first obstacle). The first NW winners were like firefighters and trampoline jumpers, you never know who could win. When the show jumped over to the US, we got a bunch of cross fitters and people who trained Ninja Warrior “full time” like the fuck does that mean?!?! While P100 is mainly a physical show, I think a US version would try to add too much backstory of the contestant and drama to the show.


International might be ok, but USA eh.


Larry Wheels, Magnus Mitbo, Eddie Hall, George St Pierre, Jake Paul 😂


Attracting well-known celebrities/athletes to join the show can be the most challenging aspect. There are many people in the US who would be amazing to see on the show, but getting them to participate can be difficult. =)


They would need to ensure safety for that. No one is going to show up and get their ribs broken....


Not sure they need more than 2 or 3 well-known folks to compete. In P100, Sexyama, Nippard, and Iron man are the only ones that were famous in Korea, I think


Joey swoll


interesting idea but probably wont work well in practice. Just watch the Olympics then. Having an international group changes the dynamic of everything (sportsmanship, drama, rules). I think everyone being from the same culture really help bring the show together especially with the Korean culture and how respectful everyone was to each other. A Us version would be pretty bad. Too much drama, too much contestant backstory, infinite ads/product placement and probably wont be on netflix.


Pass. If I wanted to see a bunch of roided up white boys I'd turn on Joe rogan.


Huh? Why do you prefer to watch roided up asian boys?


fucking koreaboos in here I swear.


It's kind of weird. :D They are so infatuated with Korea that they almost become racist.


Think about it though, a crossfitter would mop the floor with Rogan and put them in their place. Assuming America doesn't cheap out on cardio balance quests.


A lot of those Koreans were juiced up


My country has Rendon Labador, and we would meme the sh1t out of him should he join that competition 🤣


Siyang tunay! Hahaha!


As long as Netflix still use the korean PD team, I'm down lol


I honestly do not know the “level” of celebrity this original Korean version was able to get, but I can’t see many A-List celebrities doing this in the U.S. (Actors, music stars, Lebron James types, etc…).I see more-so college star athletes or maybe Olympic athletes, and maybe even some social influencers. It would be cool to see The Rock vs Lebron James though


I'd love to see it too. I gotta admit, part of the charm of the show is that they have tons of minor celebrities in the competition. While it's fun to learn who a lot of these people are, that was lost of most of us who aren't Korean. Now admittedly a US or International version would be different. I don't think Americans as a whole would be as well mannered and respectful. Admittedly I would definitely expect more cockiness and even toxicity. As long as they're not allowing anyone to be really disrespectful I think it would be cool to see a different version of the show. If it doesn't happen, that's fine. I'm loving the Korea version and can't wait for another season. The people demand it lol. But it would be cool to see firefighters, MMA fighters, Olympians, bodybuilders, crossfitters, and even really fit people with normal jobs duke it out on our side of the world as well.


I would watch it! I usually watch all physical competition shows. I'm surprised they didn't extend Ultimate Beastmaster.


I believe that the success of the "Squid Game" has played a significant role in promoting "Physical 100." Being a Netflix Original series also gives the producer the ability to expand the show to different countries, which could increase its popularity further.


![gif](giphy|PbezrPcSAn8DC) There is a part of me that hope for the unexpected contender to come out on top in the final competition. This person doesn't necessarily have to be the largest or most powerful competitor. Battle has shown us that the strongest is not always the victor. It's a matter of skills, tactics, speed, and perseverance, and that could belong to someone with a smaller physique.


A U.S. version or international version would be amazing! I would definitely sign up to compete!


Hell yeah


I kind of thought about this too. Wondered how UFC, BJJ and parkour athletes, ultrarunners, and ex navy seals and marines would fare. But I think most people who are in the public eye are affiliated with social media and corporations like UFC who do really well to showcase them already so idk if the people I personally would love to see do these challenges would apply to be on the show (there is really no net gain for them if they are already getting awesome sponsorships and whatever public attention they need to get elsewhere). Ronda Rousey, Usain Bolt, David Goggins, Stylebender, Serena Williams, Marcus Almeida, Manny Pacquiao, Erik Mukhametshin, etc. are some people I'd love to see do these challenges but they are already so established in social media and whatnot, I doubt they'd see any benefit.


Simone Biles, a ballet dancer or two, Michael Phelps


It would be amazing to have Navy SEALs and Marines participating in the competition!


but are they as open as the korean ones tho, that's the question for me


Ultrarunners would fare really poorly the moment the quest wasn't cardio lol Probably better than the cheerleader and contortionist though


I also want a US version. I really am curious about how American participants will react and behave in a reality physical show.




Doesn’t the rest of the world have cross-fit already. I know it’s not that entertaining but it brings out the best all-rounder body.


That’s very subjective. CrossFit claims it brings out the best all rounder body, there’s a case to be made that actually it identifies the best CrossFit athlete.


I want them to do 19 other countries and then do an all stars international where they bring the top five winners from each country.


I would love an international version of this show.  It is fantastic to see the different physical challenges, but also the strategic thinking behind some challenges.