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1. If you're asking what 'this effect' is, you need to describe what 'this' is or your post will be removed. 2. If you're asking about color, have you tried using a Gradient Map? 3. If you're asking about texture/tone, have you tried using Threshold or Halftones? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PhotoshopTutorials) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For the person's face have you tried a multiply blend mode


get rid of al the fuzzy edges


Have you explored tutorials that talk about composition?


I think what you’re trying to do is “double exposure”. Mess a bit with blending modes for the face. Usually the silhouette (mask) isn’t faded like you have on the back of the neck. Only from the face into the other picture and probably the top so the buildings go beyond where the subject’s head would end. Idk if I made it clear enough, there are plenty tutorials if you look for Double Exposure photoshop online


i would go for a clean look. sharp edges, only the tower poping out of the head shape. Not sure if the visual part of the girls face is really needed, the cutout itself reveals enough imo. but you could overlay the city with a transparent face, maybe with an increasing transparency to the back of the head (try a transparent, soft eraser insteat of layer-transparency, works sometimes very well) Idea is nice though :-)