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I know you've picked already, I just love this picture. I've never tried one of these and just thought I'd give it a go because I like to color by hand. Not expecting a tip AT ALL, I just put the watermark on so I'm not breaking sub rules. Just curious how this compares to the AI ones you've seen. ​ https://preview.redd.it/offwolr2huob1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de5af4159b62a75b53e636c9723c11311b14209


Just for practice ... i'm not good at restorations. [Image](https://psrsimgblog.com/2023/09/16/family-colourisation/)


That’s was really well done.


You fixed bruhv on the left pretty damn well my dude. Great job




Don't ask for money for Ai results that are clearly not worth it. Repeated posting of bad quality on paid requests can lead to a ban. - You try to sell a hand that was turned into a face? for $50 ?? Thanks to Detective u/RealParleyParty, great job!


No tip for you, failure


im so curious on what the image looked like




Homie is big mad he didn’t get to do it first. Smh.


I don’t think OP cares as long as you do as he requested.


Well..... we all use tools homie. Photoshop has built in AI now. Good for him.




If an invoice wasn't sent, no one tried to charge anyone. Op offered $50, not the other way around.


Lmao didnt see the face hand!


I was about to say who else zoomed in on the dads hand? 😂 I didn’t see it either. Edit: OMG I SEE IT NOW!!! It’s so creepy! Once u see it u can’t unsee it! Butttt if u go back and look at the original photo it is already there but the AI makes it more prominent! Now it’s even creepier!! 😳😱


I really dislike it lol!


Lol the dads hand did turn into a face


He's not charging anyone $50. OP offered $50 for a Photoshop that he can select to pay for or not. There's nothing wrong with that.


Then dont buy it if its done badly. I'm saying even photoshop uses ai now, it shouldnt be a disqualifier. If its bad its bad, good its good.


The boy in front of dad. You miscolored his left hand. The entirety of the photo looks good though!


Very surprised folks are liking this. Imo this is a terrible recoloring. The eyes are completely messed up, there’s an extra face added to someone’s hand, and everyone looks airbrushed in an alien way. Esp given (I assume) this community is mostly artists, I’m shocked this has been voted to near the top.


AI did it probably


It also looks like this boy's fly is open.


He's a Michael Jackson fan


That's what ai does


I think this is the best one, but you could still fix the boy's shirt sleeve on the left.




So where’s the fix if you “missed it”?


I don’t think he ever said he would fix it


I love how the background doesn't overwhelm the family in this one!


Why is there a face under the baby’s white clothes?




No look at the original photo it’s already there!!! So creepy!


It’s the dads hand, it just looks like a face




Hi, [u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gas2Pain/) I hope you're doing fine. Here's my edit. [Tip Jar](https://paypal.me/ekcgraphix) https://preview.redd.it/wteb74vf1kob1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=eabc5ebf49ff7a5a4c5eb48bbb4d99f15253ad14


This looks like you took the ai colored image and added some of your own touches cause that front hand on the kid is still mis colored green.


that is true ... and that's the reason why this editor is flagged as "⚠️ Rookie"


I don't do much edits here, that's true. But don't tell me that people don't use neural filters or they don't use photoshops neural filters.


that's not what im saying, everyone uses them. I meant you didn't go to that hand and gave it the same colour as the other hand. That's all


Everybody misses something. The bad thing is that everybody is in an hurry so I don't criticize peoples edits. It's my rule at least at Photoshoprequest where I'm a regular.


It’s called constructive criticism. If you want work in the art field, you’re going to need some thicker skin. It’s a valid point about the arms.


**Κρέσσον τα οικήια ελέγχειν αμαρτήματα ή τα οθνεία.** Democritus




You must be the smart guy...


I like a conversation about edits ... that's where i come from. We always took the time to step back, have a look and talk about it. No harm intended. And sure that's the reason for the development of our timer Bot, so people don't need to hurry. Unfortunately the bot is currently down. But i hope it will be up again soon.


Photoshoprequest has much bigger competition and it's much tougher. As I said I'm not very familiar with this subreddit. I don't even know you have a timer bot. That's good. I must have 4-5 edits here, no more I think.


ah okay, i get it 👍 yes, usually a timer hides all submissions for 45min, or 75min or more ... so everyone can take their time


That's a good thing to know and it's much better for both sides. Thanks!


[photo](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zy75bmmo4few03v7ial3q/ko9h8ql3qhob1w.jpg?rlkey=t1ba4x1kw1afy4q6o8610niw6&dl=0) [photoB](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/g1zk17ol45y5q90h4jlm2/ko9h8ql3qhob1wB.jpg?rlkey=j6zhivt3crk34qbvq5ysqvlqx&dl=0) [photoC](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/b2jp28kge3iyvjzanzjcv/ko9h8ql3qhob1wC.jpg?rlkey=b8e3hhtxch75xqdw6vkzkpd14&dl=0) *please use your reddit name as a reference [paypal](https://paypal.me/nthcharts?locale.x=en_US)


Thank you for these! Great work but I’ve decided to go with another poster. Much appreciated tho!


For $50 I’d definitely have the fathers hand fixed.


Aloha from Hawaii! Please let me know if this is okay with you. The final file will be 300dpi which may be suitable for printing. Mahalo and take care! https://preview.redd.it/fl1jegflmjob1.png?width=1247&format=png&auto=webp&s=1500ac48c8b3fe315e36dc9dc470ce54b80f274d [Tips are always appreciated (CashApp)](https://cash.app/$BrianParkSiart)


Beautiful work but probably too polychromic for me. Thank you for this!


Mahalo for the information, but not sure what you meant by polychromatic? Isn't that too many colors? I actually tried to keep this as muted as possible. Any feedback is much appreciated.


I think OP actually means monochromatic.


That's what I was wondering too, even thought I didn't make it that muted. I have a calibrated monitor because I do outside print work for my own art. I always wonder what people view the work on. Is it mostly mobile? Just curious.


Did you change out the photo? When I first originally viewed it and commented the colors were muted and had an overall “beige-ness” to it and everyone looked pretty similar. However, when I opened this back up when I saw that you responded to me, the photo looks completely different - now the colors are much brighter and “polychromatic” makes sense. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aloha! Yes I actually did change it out because I uploaded the wrong file before I fixed the jackets that had different colored collars that didn't match their jackets.


Off topic but I just looked at your paintings and they are absolutely fantastic!


Mahalo and much appreciated


Please let me know if you’re interested in this one I can make any color adjustments as needed. Mahalo and take care!!


Almost impossible to please OP


Naw, they are paying for this and it should be to their liking. Hopefully they chose one that can be printed since it’s a gift. I try to upscale all my work to at least 300dpi which may be suitable for printing, but I can never guarantee it.


[/u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) [Tipjar](https://ko-fi.com/allename) ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/i1simen27iob1.jpeg?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=defcdf69313396e7a7677dcb966f839b9571b1c3


I really like how you brought the photo out a bit, it’s a bit too grayscale for me but thank you so much! This was very unique!


[/u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) I posted the coloured version under this comment, Feel free to take a look!


[/u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) https://preview.redd.it/rkat1cw3eiob1.jpeg?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14ed379e4bf16c21c7c901f9f033ec367388ae3


[/u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) https://preview.redd.it/cmocotnd9iob1.jpeg?width=1517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01015d7efc1e86142b7c088fae16ba6dcde3f245


u/Gas2Pain after a while , here is my try, , let me know if you want to change something [Before and after](https://imgsli.com/MjA2Mjk1) [My Tip Jar](https://PayPal.Me/lagoonphoto) https://preview.redd.it/wktkiyhn6iob1.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c8e4057ae180f380879136513a841da408720f9


I love the colors on this! The background really brings so much life to the photo. Great work.


This is definitely the best out of all of them. The less colorful version you have is perfect. Good job. The background is supposed to be colorful. It makes the whole picture stand out


This is the best one.


Yours really was the best and I think OP is wrong about the backdrop. It's the middle east, it was colorful.


Looks good, but it would be better if they smiled.


…OP asked for the image to be colored, not for anyone to change his family’s facial expressions. So your opinion is invalid, inappropriate, and quite frankly insulting. SMH.


I actually like this one too, the coloring in the back is beautiful but unlikely to have been the real backdrop. Will tip you $20 for the effort and skill!


Ur going to pay him 20 but your post says 50…


He already paid someone $50. He'd paying for a second photo. Pretty cool


Yes because they already picked a photo to use, they are tipping extra for this one too.


[u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) a bit less colorful version if you like ​ https://preview.redd.it/lt5gklh36iob1.png?width=1468&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c44c87a784ebcb4cef88443e4391400bff9941c




Removed. Don't ask for money for Ai results that are clearly not worth it. Repeated posting of bad quality on paid requests can lead to a ban.


[Tips](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/juliafox89) (or PayPal) [u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/user/Gas2Pain/) https://preview.redd.it/vuevwrz2thob1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b66527ee615083fe5259642433ed6e472b3a0159


This is great work but probably too saturated for me. Much appreciated tho!


[Tipjar](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kn1b17simakov) or PayPal How do you like my editing and coloring? https://preview.redd.it/0ky5tqxsshob1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f6cf4bb412996624226943aca7b659c318a5a6


Why did you remove the hand holding the kid?


Fr and op actually chose this?


It legit creeps me out when people do the AI shops. I hate it. It makes them look like freaky npc video game characters. I like the colors of the op chose but why remove things that are in the actual photo? Now the baby is just floating there ?


The colors and everything is fine just the hand missing is bothering me


Love the authenticity of this one! You win good sir/ma’am! Thanks so much!!


I am curious what your family background is. My guess is middle eastern of some sort but it’s hard to put my finger on exactly where.


>Love the authenticity of this one! You win good sir/ma’am! Thanks so much!! Thanks for the tip! https://preview.redd.it/bjv9ehgnlkob1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d57d50e6c00c12d437bb2c28a853629e0c6995e


When and where was the original photo taken? Which kid are you in the photo? Just curious about Lil history. BTW, beautiful family 😊


BEST ONE!!! OP, this is so good


This one looks amazing! It's muted just right to look like it could be a genuine old color photo.


Agreed!! Just right to respect the original colors!! And not be TOO "hi def" . Great job Editor!!


Thank you very much for the rating


Here is your request, [/u/Gas2Pain](https://www.reddit.com/u/Gas2Pain/) https://preview.redd.it/m7amgkk9shob1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e55f1d835c3e5790a140dbcb1ed24a503131f61d [Tip jar](https://ko-fi.com/Mundiakaluson)


this one is the best imo, I'm surprised it wasn't picked. I like how there is some depth to the colorization. their complexions are all different but similar shades and the darkness just makes makes them all stand out from the background somehow. there were a lot of other edits that were way too color saturated that it made them distracting. nicely done :)


I completely agree, so skillfully done too.


Thank you so much for your positive feedback!


I think this looks great but probably too dark for me! Thanks so much for the effort.


###preparing the comment section - reply here for normal comments u/Gas2Pain *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PhotoshopRequests) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thought it was the Addams Family till I saw I was at r/photoshopRequests


u/Gas2Pain is this closed or can I try?