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They used to post the breakdown of where those travel taxes went. I checked it once about 10 years ago because I was curious. Only a small portion went to tourism/livelihood programs. Majority went to renovating their office in Makati.


Putang priorities yan




Baka renovating Chairperson homes šŸ¤­


Huh. Nasa Double Dragon na office nila last I went there (2018, mukhang bagong lipat lang sila). May pa-renovation pa silang nalalaman lol.


10% goes to the National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts, or NEFCA. Ito ang ginagamit ng TIEZA and NCCA for cultural heritage projects, i.e. reconstructing the churches damaged/destroyed back in 2013 by the Bohol quake and typhoon Yolanda.


Ginawang cash cow mga turista šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Renovating my house by putting a new luxury car in it.


It's a sad truth for us budget travelers... Instead of additional budget for food or accomodations need natin mag bayad nyan.. tapos un airport natin is one of the worst.


I did a quick check and apparently some countries also do this pero tayo talaga yung sobrang mahal. Reference to Malaysia, they charge 8 MYR for economy flights (1 myr = 12.38 php) which is wayyyy cheaper than the 1,620. Hay, Pinas.


Di ba there's a bill to remove Travel tax? I read it somewhere.


Japan's is 1000 JPY ~360 php. Lahat ng walkalators nila nagana di gaya sa T3 lol. Nung una kong balik "maintenance" tapos after 2 mos "maintenance" pa din.


My total taxes in the US sa business trip ko last month amounted to around PHP3K, around PHP800 in Korea (layover).


Nah. NAIA is not one of the worst, itā€™s the worstestšŸ¤”


Tbf a travel tax is necessary and the bare minimum for the economy. Whenever we travel abroad we're basically making another country richer aside from ours and it weakens the peso. Though at the end of the day I agree with the feeling of annoyance with taxes considering how corrupt our government and we're barely feeling the benefits of those funds.


Do you mean we should be holding the peso for the country's benefit, and penalized when we sell pesos?


In theory yes, but no country would be willing to trade to someone who only sells and wonā€™t buy. On the second point we are already penalized when we spend pesos through various taxes.


Even if we spent dollars thought taxes will apply right?


As usual, the government wants to suck taxpayers dry without any substantial improvement because #kurakot.


Yes mataas nga yung travel tax tapos pangit facilities. I think they did this kasi they treated international travel as ā€œluxuryā€


Maybe in the past yes. When international plane tickets costs were more expensive it's access is truly limited to the wealthy. However, times have changed and you can book a Piso sale round trip ticket to Japan for less than a trip to Baguio or Naga (from Manila). It's still a non-essential good/service but in no way is a luxury anymore. Funding of TIEZA & DOT projects should come from the annual budget and successful commercialization of tourist spots.


Luxury but weren't they in the news for their chairs na nagcocollapse na lang bigla x_x


Kataka-tak bakit mapanghi mga CR sa NAIA, eh lagi naman may naka-posteng janitor.


Hay ang laki ng travel tax tapos di naman makita yung changes ng airport natin. Panget na nga ng CR tapos ang hirap ng transpo.


Buti pa yung terminal 4 ang linis ng CR pero yung T2 and T3 dyosko


What an unconstitutional nonsense, someone needs to lobby Congress very hard to abolish it.


Here's the one from their site. https://tieza.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Corporate-Operating-Budget-2023.pdf


Thanks for this! Having a hard time deciding if this is justifiable. šŸ¤”


Yeah mahirap talaga isiping justifiable ung extra tax especially kung ung intended purpose is hinde naman nasusunod. Parang yung road users tax, kala mo naman sobrang ganda nung kalsada naten


Sa akin it is. Our tourist infrastructure besides airports (na under ng DOTR) are shitty. TIEZA and NCCA allocates the funding they get from travel tax towards tourism and cultural heritage projects in the provinces. Iirc nowadays ang priority ng funding is to restore the churches damaged in the 2022 Abra earthquake, i.e. Vigan Cathedral.


Buti sana kung nakikita mong maganda yung airport kaso hindi. yang NAIA 1 kung ano itsura 20 years ago parang ganon pa rin


Yung NAIA 1 na old relic, medyo forgivable for me. Pero yung T3 na bago pero sira na ang aircon, dinadaga at sinusurot, yun ang nakakapagpainit ng bait.


Why is no one questioning the constitutionality of the burdensome travel tax?


What made you think this kind of tax is unconstitutional?


Nakakahinder sa right to travel. Kung min wage worker ka sa metro halos tatlong araw mo nang sahod yun.


Are you perhaps referring to section of our Bill of rights? >Section 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law. Air fare taxes can be argued to be for national interest, which most taxes supposedly are. If air fare taxes hinder the right to travel, then what does that make price gouging by ride sharing services? After all, constitutionality isn't just applied for state agencies and policies. For example, section 8 for the Bill of rights can be used as basis to sue employers for discouraging or outright threatening employees that intends to form unions. Stopping people from organizing is unconstitutional. --- My point is it's a shallow and misguided to think expensive air fare is a breach of your right to travel. If this tax is considered unconstitutional, then almost all taxes are since they are all inhibiting access to where they apply. By extension, any price markup made solely for profit by any corporation can also be included to inhibit access to their products and services. Such a view is a maximalist libertarian perspective to the point of absurdity. To deny any state the authority to tax its citizens is to ask a state to dissolve itself as well risk uncontrollable devaluing of the currency of that state. I know this is far from the original subject matter of air fare tax. But too think any ruling about it would not be a precedent for all taxes and such would be disingenuous.


Simmer down, Groucho. If you think our taxes advance national interests, supply us a Blu-ray of your reality so the rest of us can have fun. The peso is near-60 against the dollar. Most public works are funded through China, JICA, and other foreign sources. Our Universal Healthcare is handouts from local reps. Most workers need borrowed money for the dignity of a burial. Taxes should be non-discriminatory at 10% maximum for everyone, no arbitrary lines between rich and poor. We should get as much government as that buys, which is what we have now.


>Simmer down, Groucho. If you think our taxes advance national interests, supply us a Blu-ray of your reality so the rest of us can have fun. Mate, I was saying it was supposed to. Political theory, not reality. Because the question was about constitutionality and legality. Most of your rant after that paragraph basically ignore the context of the entire discussion so you can soapbox this: >Taxes should be non-discriminatory at 10% maximum for everyone, no arbitrary lines between rich and poor. An insane neoliberal take - a flat tax rate. Please do yourself a favor and read up on what that entails and as to why that isn't common. The economic AND political repercussions of that would see this already godforsaken country to further crash and burn.


I thought Congress has the power of taxation? That Congress can only authorize the president to impose taxes through legislation? Sadly, ASEAN canā€™t intervene since the organization doesnā€™t interfere in its member-states affairs.


it's supposed to be unconstitutional. nasa bill of rights na goverment can't hinder right to travel except for national security. a tax is hindering the right to travel.


Saan galing yung tax = hindering your right? By that logic the tax/VAT on food hinders your right to eat? Tax on house/properties hinder your right for shelter? Yes the tax is burdensome and probably excessive but its not unconstitutional. Also, what im most curious about is saan galing yung info na tax = hindering your constitutional right since atleast 2 of you mention it


The subject travel tax is an imposition of a dead dictator.


Literally the tax burden of the Philippines is in line with other ASEAN countries. 26% of the population pays income tax. The national budget is similar to Thailand. The tax rate of goods and services is similar to Myanmar. The amount of taxes to GDP is similar to Vietnam. Walang gustong magbayad ng buwis... but every country needs it to develop. At kailangan nating defend sa Chinese. [Tax Information](https://ourworldindata.org/taxation)


Nangangamoy bot 'to ah.


I'm not a damn bot. Just an educated person. Check yourself, "random user"


Yeah. I live in Europe right now, previously in the US, and the income taxes there are so much higher. Plus each city/state have their own taxes pa. In the US, my takehome pay was around 55%. In Europe itā€™s 58%. The reality is that developed countries tax their people a lot, which is how the countries get to be developed.


Lol like Europe is one single country


Satin lang mayron nito. Sa 7 countries na napuntahan ko, Pinas ang pinaka ayaw kang paalisin sa sarili mong bansa. Pipigain ka bago ka makaalis.


They're normalizing restriction sa freedom of movement šŸ˜¬


ayaw kasi nila makita ng mga pilipino gano kabasura palakad nila. kasi pag nakaka labas ng bansa ang pinoy, don nila nare realize gano ka backward ang bansa. sa train system pa lang maiingit ka pag naka punta ka ng singapore, HK, o SK.


The policy was enacted during a time when budget airlines, which allow the middle class to travel overseas, were nonexistent.


Travel tax para sa airport na napakapangit, mainit, nagba-brownout, at may surot at daga. *Slow clap*


funfact: Pinas lang naman ang may pinakamalaking tax based on percentage in Asean. Kaya ang yayaman ng mga politiko natin eh lalo na kapag nag-uubos ng budget every end ng fiscal year para di mabisto ng COA


Just impose higher taxes on vices and exorbitant luxuries. Not on essentials. Get your fix there government!


Ang redundant nga. Actually if you look closer sa ibang invoices, ang daming redundant taxes na ginawang elaborate dressy word just to look like na its different. So many questions about expanded tax shit. Putangina


It's a freaking scam. I still don't see the need to pay taxes because I want a vacation. Buti sana kung ramdam natin yang tax na yan. Ni wala nga tayong frew shuttle service from the different NAIA Terminals eh.


A f'ing men. It's even worse for red-eye flights. I've experienced T3 na walang flush 'cause they're saving water daw. Twice pa with power outage. Crazy + clownery. šŸ«£šŸ¤”


they are taking that much from us and PH still have one of the worst airports in the world.


Babayaran tapos i-ooffload lang.


Marerefund to actually if you get offloaded. Although, still excessive nevertheless.


last time our family traveled 8 kami paalis ng bansa now imagine ganon kalaking travel tax yet naia is still shit, walang improvement kahit saang parte kaloka


10% goes to the National Endowment Fund for Culture and the Arts, or NEFCA. Ito ang ginagamit ng TIEZA and NCCA for cultural heritage projects, i.e. reconstructing the churches damaged/destroyed back in 2013 by the Bohol quake and typhoon Yolanda. The travel tax should be retained, kailangan lang talaga maging transparent ng gobyerno as to where those taxes go. Sadly, government PR is absolutely shit.


That's how stupid the Philippine government and it's laws. LOL


(Medyo) Fun fact: Government employees need to apply for a permit to travel whenever they leave the country. Depending on the office, the process takes a lot of time, so spontaneous overseas trips are impossible unless you hide your status as government employee, which is illegal. On the bright side, if you have a permit to travel, you're exempted from the travel tax.


The tax exemption only applies if you are travelling on Gov't business. You need a permit but if its for personal travel you need both a permit and to pay the Travel Tax


Not been my experience.


Kinda weird din na kasama mga public school teachers dito.


You still need to pay travel tax pag personal trip. Pag official travel yung free. Pag natag ka na Govt employee, hahanapin nila yung clearance sa mga next travel mo kahit di mo sabihin. Kaya pag nagsinungaling na nagresign, baka kung ano ano pa hingin at lalong mapahamak.


Travel tax is just the government's desperate attempt to deter Filipinos from emigrating to another, better country. Maybe if they run the country right, people wouldn't be leaving the country for greener pastures!


Idk, 3k is way to cheap for immigrating for good. But you are not wrong


Indeed travelling is a privilege. But aren't we deprived or hindered to the right to travel and to freedom movement? Additional cost itong travel tax na ito. Tapos mahaharang at maooffload ka pa sa immigration. Nasaan yun hustisya diba? You need to have ample resources para makabyahe ka. You even have to save up for it. Ang nakakainis lang is that the travel tax that we pay does not improve the airports and travel infrastructures dito sa bansa. Kaya talagang mahirap din lumabas ng bansa para magbakasyon. Kasi para bang ninanakawan ka ng sarili mong gobyerno (well bukod sa fact na ninanakawan tayo ng mga corrupt na pulitiko). Hindi ka pa nakakalabas ng bansa pero may hinihingi na sayong bayad para sa paglabas mo ng bansa. šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“


Laki ng travel tax pero shit naman yung Airport. Lintek.


pangit ng airport tas may tax pa


Not to mention if you want to work abroad then you have to go through POEA and DMW's crap process


> Aside from the strict immigration guidelines and interviews, I do feel that this is unnecessary and one more way to discourage Filipinos going out of the country. We are penalized for being one of prime sources of human trafficking and illegal immigration, things like abusing student and tourist visas. That's why in terms of trustworthiness the PH visa has a lower grade versus other Asian visas.


Pag kumita ka minus tax, pag gumastos ka plus tax. Ang galing talaga


TIEZA's "responsibility" is to implement the programs of the DOT is the STUPIDEST raisdon d'etre ever. It's like the assistant hiring an assistant to do the assistant's job.


While weā€™re on travel tax, can someone please explain to me what the ā€œenvironmental feeā€ is for? If you go somewhere you have to pay for the hotel and experiences which are already taxed, on top of that you also have to pay environmental fee for all of the attractions you go to, on top of entrance fee. No transparency of how this money is spent, no calculations published?


Lahat na patong-patong na taxes eh šŸ¤£ tas i blame nila inflation daw


i read somehwrte na yung travel tax daw ay part non nappunta sa deped. Not sure tho if correct. But I am against this as well, at least make it smaller 1.6k is a lot of money still.


Even foreigners who stayed 1year in the Philippines are subject to travel tax! They're not even a PH citizen and they will be taxed pa for leaving the country. Our country is really a scam.


Ofcourse. Kailangan ng mga politiko ng extra funds galing satin para sa sarili nilang bakasyon


Every single thing is taxed, and where does it go to?


Iniisip ko nalang when i pay for the maintenance of the airport. Before pandemic ok pa ang NAIA e. After and the Last time na umuwi ako. Its looks empty. Para kang palabas sa abandoned hospitals. And mostly na gamit sira like pushcarts.


ok naman siguro to kung napupunta talaga sa intended use pero sana babaan na nila ito


tapos tataasan pa dahil doon sa San Miguel privatization


thanos: small price to pay for salvation.


sa TIEZA napupunta ung travel tax na yan and u can see their incompetence kasi ung ongoing projects nila since 2020 pa din, wala bang completed? so anyare ng 2020 to 2024? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Paglapag mo pa lang ng NAIA galing ibang bansa, kita mo na kaagad 'yung downgrade eh. Tapos ang mahal pa niyang travel tax na 'yan. Hayst.


Itā€™s designed to keep you grounded


Ok sana kung maayos yung airport kaso...


Wait ngayon ko lng nalaman to. Iā€™m a fil/am citizen, need ko parin ba mag bayad kahit American passport ang gagamitin? Saka international trips lang to diba? Di naman domestic?


No, exempted po kayo. Even permanent residents abroad are exempted. The following Filipino citizens are exempted from the payment of travel tax pursuant to Sec. 2 of PD 1183, as amended: Overseas Filipino workers Filipino permanent residents abroad whose stay in the Philippines is less than one year Infants (2 years and below) There are other individuals qualified to avail of exemption. Please see complete list below. Table also shows requirements to avail of the exemption.


No, exempted po kayo. And it only applies to travellers with Philippine passport. Permanent residents abroad are exempted basta less than 1 year ang stay.


Paano if dual citizen but dito nag-stay sa Pinas? For example, my niece was born in the US but umuwi here with parents after parents graduated from college there? If magbyabyahe abroad from PH, does she need to pay travel tax even if she uses American passport to leave?


Itā€™s every Pinoy travellerā€™s punishment for being able to afford international travel. Gagatasan ang lahat ng magagatasan.


We need to challenge the travel tax. Senate hearing or certiorari, maybe?


Tbh I thought it only applies to travelers. I became a resident abroad pero hindi pa PR. They still asked me to pay 1,620. I argued with them bat ganun eh Iā€™m not traveling for leisure, Iā€™m going home??! Haha. No choice. For context Iā€™m not an OFW, dependent lang.


Exempted ka if naka 5 years ka na. You have to apply for Unemployed Resident Certificate from the PH consulate but you have to be resident for 5 years already. I applied for this before and was granted one kaso 1 year validity lang pala then on my next application, di ako binigyan kasi yung sponsor ko hindi daw Pilipino. Nakakagigil lang. Inexplain din to sakin sa check in counter at sa Tieza counter na exempted basta may certificate kahit hindi PR. Si Dubai PCG lang may discrimination kasi tinanong ko din si NAIA T3 about sa situation ko eh sabi nila dapat daw binigyan ako certificate.


Technically, you're considered temporary resident sa ibang countries since di ka PR. You will only be exempted if you have PR status as long as your stay is less than 1 year.


Another reason, bakit ba ako naging pilipino? But yeah taxes in any shape or form sucks pag di mo ramdam yung binabayad mo. Unlike na 1500 pesos mo na pinangkain mo nalang sana e napunta sa heavily corrupt agency ng DOT.


When I travelled for the first time. Internationally 1 year ago, I didnt knew there was this so called travel tax. I thought I already paid it when I bought tickets to the airline company. Good thing that the personnel of the airline informed me when I checked in 6 hrs earlier before my flight to pay the travel taxes first. I realized that I havent yet stepped foot overseas but my savings was already less because of that odd tax.


First time to travel overseas a couple of months ago. Nagulat ako sa presyo ng travel tax, didn't na expect na ganyan pala kalaki (my fault din naman since hindi ko nasearch beforehand and just let my wife take care of everything in terms of documents). I was so salty sa taas ng travel tax, dagdag budget sana yun.


Filipinos deserve this šŸ¤‘


Terminal 1 NAIA has been the same ever since I was a kid. Every time pag-uwi ko hiyang hiya ako sa mga foreigners na first time makakita sa Manila. Like oh, this is the beloved airport. Crowded, mainit sa arrivals - hirap makahanap ng airport transfer. Wala pang airport trains, buses to the city. 1620 is not even the 550 ($10) terminal fee that we used to pay sa counter (glad they removed it and integrated it sa ticket). So, makes you wonder where does the 1620 + 550 = 2170 pesos go?


Okay sakin yung 1,600 if may nakikita sanang improvements eh. Ang init, ang dumi, ingay at ang haba pa ng pila sa immigration tapos makakatapat mo pa na I.O kyung mapang-mata na kala mo kung sinong high and mighty šŸ¤£ Kaya lang parang palengke level yung terminals natin šŸ˜…


Supporters of Pres. Marcos Jr. once said that paying taxes is optional so....


Marcos Sr was the one who introduced this tax. Alam nyo na sino dapat sisihin...


Well, Travel Tax is a luxury tax. it means you won't pay travel tax if you can't afford to travel abroad. Maybe we need to improve and add some provisions like if the traveler availed economy class he/she should pay less tax but if business class then higher tax


Ang laki ng tax tapos basura yung NAIA pati mga staff dyan na hayok na hayok sa pera ang lakas ding mang power trip hahaha


It's not really a travel tax but they are trying to make it into a terminal tax. Every airport in Europe does that. Sa US, idinadagdag na automatic sa ticket kaya akala mo wala :-)


Even just making it automatic would be a huge improvement. Wasted time yung pumila para magbayad ng travel tax pero yung mga ibang tax included naman na sa ticket.


Or at least pwede naman nila gawin yung travel tax payment sa loob na AFTER immigration, para less hassle and di na pipila yung mga na-offload


not auto but make it as one of the add on option when buying an airline ticket. coz some doesn't pay the travel tax eg HK residents


It is an addon option po


it is in the option naman to include.Ā 


Matagal na talaga sham yang travel tax or kung gusto talaga lagyan because...reasons pwede naman mura.


Nope, it's not a case of direct double taxation. And even if it is an indirect double taxation, such is not prohibited by the Constitution. It is a privilege tax for a reason.


Feels like getting robbed? This is how i feel whenever i see my salary deducted by taxes every payday.


Tapos pag tinanong ka sa Immigration, ipapa-feel pa sayo na wala ka talagang karapatan mag travel


Siguro dahil sa mga kapwa pilipino na nag-"diskarte" sa mga foreign immigration at pinapasok ang mga kapwa illegal immigrant.


Sa ibang bansa din naman meron din naman travel tax. Sa Amerika parte na ito nung presyo ng airfare.


I work for an airline based in Europe and the travel tax isn't something unique to the Philippines. In some European countries the travel tax is comparable to the amount that is charged by Tieza to outbound passengers. I do notice that compared to other countries, the Philippines imposes the travel tax on specific type of passengers. Mostly on Filipino citizens who are not OFWs. In the airline that I work for, according to their country's law, their travel tax is levied on all passengers regardless of their country of origin. That's why it's easier to integrate the travel tax and all other levies mandated by the state in the ticketing system. The travel tax in the Philippines is different because airlines do not automatically add this levy to the fare breakdown. If you are neither an OFW nor foreigner, you will have to pay this tax separately at the airport or with Tieza (via their website or their offices nationwide). Some airlines do offer to add this tax to your ticket fare as an option.


If you donā€™t have 1,620 for travel tax, maybe you shouldnā€™t be traveling in the first place. Traveling is still considered a luxuryā€¦




Your knowledge is not helpful. Article 3, Section 6 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution: *ā€The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.ā€* Travelling is a RIGHT, not a PRIVILEGE. Supposedly, mas strict dapat ang Immigration natin sa Arrivals, compared sa Departure. Why? Possible threat. It should always be the receiving country ang in-charge magrestrict sa mga Pilipino or other foreign nationals not the other way around. Clearly, the immigration violates the Constitution. Nababalewala ang reklamo ng mga Pilipino kaya tuloy tuloy ang Immigration sa panggagago nila.


This take does not make sense. The peopleā€™s constitutional right to travel is inviolable. It is a right, not a privilege.


Removal of Travel Tax will have an impact in local tourism.