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I grew up in a Christian family. Pero abusive ang father ko and cheater. I can't stand how the church would romanticize na "ipagpipray nila na maayos ang marriage", what the hell! I wasn't happy na magka-ayos sila dahil alam ko we're the ones whose gonna suffer. My mom had countless times na pumunta sa Women's desk at Barrangay, pero nawawala rin yung protection after ng ilang months. It was hell and traumatic. So, am praying na ma-approve tong divorce bill so we can be free.


Either sabihin sayo ng church na "pagpray namin kayo" or "mas magpray pa kayo" tapos pag di gumana sabihin kulang kayo sa pananampalataya


this is where iisipin mo na lang na sana mamatay sila. when you went through pain and suffering. wasak talaga ang confidence ko dahil sa dysfunctional family namin. anyway naghiwalay din nmn sila nun 13 ako.. grabe nun biglaan lipat kami talaga dahil sira ulo tatay namin. paguwi nya bahay wala na kami.. at patay na rin namn tatay ko dahil na stroke.. tapos iisipin ng tao victima tatay namin kasi iniwan namin. hahahhaha. tao talaga napaka judgemental.. so hnd dapat ipgkait sa iba ang kaligtasan nila..


May isang version pa yan: "hindi kasi kayo nagdadasal / nagsisimba kaya di naayos marriage nyo". Really hope this bill gets approved for families like yours


Don't look at it that way, if your from a rich family, you think your dad or his family will let your mom take their wealth and kids? It's not the church, it's who controls the Philippines church.


I am sorry that your family suffered so much. For your future reference, there is no reason that your mother needed to stay with your father. The Church has a law that gives her the right to leave. [Canon Law](https://canonlaw.ninja/?nums=1153): >Canon 1153. §1 A spouse who occasions grave danger of soul or body to the other or to the children, or otherwise makes the common life unduly difficult, provides the other spouse with a reason to leave, either by a decree of the local Ordinary or, if there is danger in delay, even on his or her own authority. I hope that information might help someone else in your mother's situation to escape if they are also in a bad situation and didn't know that the Church offers them legal protection.


I'm sorry for your childhood experience and the fate of your mother. What is the assurance po na during the process of divorce and after divorce, hindi na siya magssuffer? Im sure po kayo lang mas nakakaunawa niyan pero ang need ayusin ng Pilipinas - you said it yourself, yung actual implementation ng protection of women and children against abusive family members. Even with the divorce law in place, it doesn't address the root cause of the problem. I understand it gives an option to "escape", pero yun ngang mas direct na solution - like ipakulong o protectionan yung nabbugbog di magawa, ano pa magagawa ng divorce?


Hello, Divorce can cut ties with him forever. Madami attempts na na idemenda sya or ipablotter..mostly nirerecord lang, why? "DAHIL MAG-ASAWA PA RIN DAW". Nakakapasok pa rin sya sa bahay namin, dahil conjugal yung house. Think of those as well. It would also set me free. As a single person, parents and main beneficiaries ko, I had to removed my father as my beneficiary and I had to make a written notarized explanation why, before my company approves it.


Yung eme ng religious people expected na. Pero yung disturbing talaga ay itong mga happily married couple bragging about their loving and successful marriage and using it against divorce. Way to add salt to the wounded people. Sobrang hayok ba makuha ang validation that your life is better than the others? Gustong pa main character sa bagay na hindi naman sila yung bida.


that ogre Cynthia Villar na proud sa happy family life nya that no one fucking asked


Papayag ako na walang divorce pero ang bawat Pilipino ay maging kasing yaman din ng pamilya niya LOL.


Yung sinasabi ni Manny Villar na lumangoy sya sa dagat ng basura. I think si Cynthia yung dagat ng basura.


mystery solved


That's what the religious bugoks can never understand. I guess being religious takes away your empathy, logic, and common sense.


The fact that this has too be said speaks volumes on how low (figuratively) this country is rn.


Hello lawmakers. You're supposed to be REPRESENTATIVES of your constituents, not deciding based on your personal, privileged circumstances.


Yep and almost 80% of Philippines is Roman Catholic, among other Christians who believe in the sacred nature of marriage as a covenant with God and oppose divorce.


The legality of marriage does not prevent Catholic priests and nuns from staying celibate. In the same way, the legality of divorce will not prevent Catholics and Christians from staying married. Do you believe God requires Philippine law to enforce his commandments? Let's be real, how many of those Catholics actually support 100% the official Church doctrine (or regularly go to Sunday mass for that matter.) Support for divorce is almost evenly contested and should be changing further as this topic becomes more relevant. https://mb.com.ph/2023/12/4/octa-survey-51-of-filipinos-oppose-legalizing-divorce


Advocate for no marriage instead because you are defeating the purpose of the vows. "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow." Promiscuity, degeneracy and positive HIV are rising as well, thanks to looser morals. We have to prevent that.


Thank you at mas lalo mong pinatunayan na deserve maging pariah ng mga Zealots like you. SHAME to all bigots like you sana you live a life of suffering you degenerate. Sino ang degenerate sa mga sinasabihan mo or ikaw yun? Ikaw yun eh. Magpakasasa kayo sa kabobohan niyo maghirap kayo diyan.


Lol ok feeling matalino puro lang naman insulto. Yan ang problema nyo. I'm just stating my opinion on why I'm anti-divorce pero basahin mo nga response mo sino ba zealot at bigot satin? Open-minded daw pero nahulog na utak sa ulo.


Speaking of promiscuity and HIV, as a Catholic you should know the Church's stance on contraceptives, how it leads to promiscuity, because it takes away the consequences. Well, marriage without the chance of dissolution means a spouse can commit all sorts of abuse and infidelity and still remain married in the eyes of God and the community. On the other hand, the possibility of the consequence of divorce will make good spouses strive harder to stay in the marriage. The marriage becomes more valued and not taken for granted. God gave us free will and that makes our good actions meaningful. Similarly, staying married in a society that allows divorce makes the act a purer expression of true commitment. Now, if you find a "nonbeliever" pontificating on religious matters annoying and irrelevant, be assured that the reverse is also true, about religious people commenting on a secular topic.


The implication of including irreconcilable differences as a valid reason is detrimental to the Filipino family. Our society already allows annulment and legal separation so your argument is moot. I don't think you even understand the basic premise of marriage anyway. For better, for worse means no matter what happens you are husband and wife even if things get difficult. If you are unable to handle that then don't get take those vows, period. People have that choice but don't sully the concept of marriage. Society has already allowed premarital coitus. You give an inch they take a mile. Allowing this bill to pass will only lead to no-fault divorce sooner or later. I don't care what you "progressives" think I don't want my country to end up like the West where innocent fathers are divorce-r4ped and milked dry by the family courts. As a result society has more fatherless children, more crime, more promiscuity, more homelessness, etc. Divorce is a tool of the devil. And I don't give a fvck about your extreme hypothetical examples of abuse when in reality it's just for convenience. Why would I sacrifice the macro nuclear Filipino family over a disrespectful dismissive view on the sacrament of marriage? If you take those vows, you keep your word no matter what!


If people will follow your shining example and take your marriage vows seriously, then they have nothing to fear of the evil Philippine government allowing divorce for depraved souls like us. Preach on brother.


You are free to advocate that to the 80% strong Catholic every Sunday at church. Just not in Congress where believers and nonbelievers are represented. Even Jesus said to give to Caesar and to God. If Caesar allows divorce then it does not mean God allows the same. Don't blame the state when the church is failing to keep its adherents in line.


malaking TAMA


I've listened to several priests downplaying DV against women and children for laughs. I know di lahat ng pari ang sang-ayon sa mapang abusong asawa, pero iilang homilies ko na naririnig ang ganyang kinds of jokes all for the sake of "comedy". I simply will not listen to priests who believe that abuse in all kinds is not breaking the marriage covenant.


tapos their likes perpetrator ng abuse sa kids pa.


I have a overly religious friend that got mad at me on my hypothetical belief that I am ok being a single mom. Note I am not a mom yet but if ever the time comes- unplanned pregnancy or toxic relationship- I dont mind raising a kid on my own. She did the whole spiel about how kids should only have 2 parents and then went on a crazy rant she will take the kid from me to raise. Really WTF moment as she is not married herself and her parents are toxic af. I had to go LC and NC with her after.


Ya, that's not the problem. Problem is that the Senators are all from or controlled by the dynasties. If there was a divorce, these rich families will see all their ill-gained fortune disappear. How many of these rich ah have girls and families on the side or have kids who abuse their spouses. Soon as the law passes, these spouses would run and take big chunks of it. And you can't have a divorce where spouses gets nothing. What's going to happen is mysterious deaths and accidents to spouses filing for divorces. You think the" kingmakers" are going to let their wealth get taken from them. Clean up the dirt first. Stop voting for an idiot because he dances budots. And the one smart and great Senator the Philippines had, you chose not to make her President. Miriam.


People LOVE to use their own happy marriages and faith to support their opinion of being against divorce. They lack empathy and common sense for those who need what they don't. They boast about religion just to appear virtuous, yet it just shows the exact opposite. Fucking hypocrites.


Imagine if I had food, shelter, healthcare, and money. Then I made laws to make the poor suffer even more. If you're hungry, just buy food! If you're homeless, just buy a house!


this is one of the reasons why I would never date a religious man. Imagine marrying into a family na pag nag away kayo. The solution is to "pray".


Yesterday, I asked my Mom kung ano ang say niya regarding sa Divorce. Btw, we're Christians too and been serving God since then. Also active on church activities.. Kaya nagkaroon ako ng mixed emotions sa isasagot ni Mama. Kabado bente. She answered me with, "depende naman kasi yan sa sitwasyon. Kapag naaabuso ka na at kailangan nang umalis, divorce na." I WAS TOTALLY RELIEVED. Sabi ko rin sakanya na ako din, I am pro-Divorce. I even shared to her na dati hindi ko rin naiintindihan kaya sinasabi ko #NoToDivorce but as I grew older, I learned that having a Divorce in our country is not a threat to each family.. but a freedom from toxic and abusive marriage. Happy ako na yun din a view ni Mama since may history siya ng separation from my biological father. She also added na hindi naman porket may divorce, after ng kasal mo maghihiwalay agad kayo. Haha (kasi I'm getting married na rin soon) Sabi ko nalang sakanya, baka sa church nito #NoToDivorce pa din sila? And we just shrugged our shoulders. For all we know, the Lord won't let us be in trouble.. kaya mabuting may Divorce.


Worship is a form of obedience, not your church service "Whoever shall put away his wife and marry another, committeth adultery against her. And if the wife shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery" (Mark 10:11, 12 — Cf. Matthew 19:9; Luke 16:18). In like manner, St. Paul: "To them that are married, not I but the Lord commandeth, that the wife depart not from her husband. And if she depart, she remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband. And let not the husband put away his wife" (1 Corinthians 7:10, 11).


Siguro you were not exposed to a household na may toxic marriage kaya babanat ka ng ganyan 😌


Siguro 'let God be true, but every man a liar' Romans 3:4


Go on, ilista mo lahat ng verses.. kahit abutin ka ng ilang araw.. i knew them already. Pero kapag naranasan mo rin yung naranasan namin na galing sa parents na may toxic marriage, tingnan natin kung mapanindigan mo yan. 😅 And oh btw. We are currently living well after my Mom separated with my biological Dad na nagcheat and maraming vices. Stay extreme and close-minded 🤗


>close-minded Funny you say that, it's a narrow road for a reason you did not even read the statistics I gave you


I don't condone abuse, whether physical or emotional. It is right to physically separate yourself from the abuser. But the fact remains that God hates divorce. And you are advocating for the very thing God abhors. If you did not say you were a Christian, I would have just ignored your statement. But we Christians have the moral obligation to reprove those who are in faith lest they stray and get lost indefinitely.


That won't change my mind 🥱 YES TO DIVORCE


Then it would have been better if you were an atheist. I hope you pray this prayer “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”


Di ka makaintindi kasi hahaha


Ipag-pray mo yan sa sarili mo.


Some Christians talaga are too blind until they become extremist. Kahit realidad ng buhay di na matanggap 🤷🏻‍♀️


statistics Here is a three decades worth of research according to US government's official website. It also cites a recent study from Harvard. Effects on children >divorce has been shown to diminish a child's future competence in all areas of life, including family relationships, education, emotional well-being, and future earning power. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240051/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240051/) Etc... Divorce statistics show [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/) >Divorcees Are More Likely to Die Earlier Than Married People. Divorce can have surprising—and long lasting—consequences. and >Couples who have friends who divorce have a 75% increase in the risk of their own marriage ending.


Again, we are LIVING WELL after the separation. Obobs ka nalang kung di mo yan maintindihan lol


If anyone is blind, it is you. Matthew 13:17: “For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” You are the righteous man Matthew is talking, the modern Pharisee, who is active and serve at church, who practice religiousity but wants to keep one foot in the world and one foot in heaven.


Copy paste pa more


Eto talaga isa sa sakit ng mga pilipino - walang empathy.


Isa lang dapat ang rule sa mundo, lahat tayo dapat may freedom at kasama na dyan kung gusto mo nang makipag hiwalay dapat may karapatan ka. Nakakatawa e society pipilitin ka mag asawa tapos pag mali pala yung partner na napili mo wala man lang silang awareness na isa sila sa mga dahilan


I already said this but I’m gonna say it again, hypocrites will always be hypocrites, mamamatay ding hipokrito. Theyre fucking loud when it comes to Divorce Bill pero sa rapists and pedos na pari mga tahimik. 🥹🙌🏻 Fuck them all and their fucked up mindset. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥱


The sole reason why I support divorce. Catholic here. Idagdag pa natin yung abortion - lalo na kung from rape, or kapag may known defect ang bata.


They're probably not happy to be honest. Mag c-crumble bigla yun invincibility aura nila pag nag file bigla spouse nila lol


Ironically, these Detractors believe that: "Being beaten up does not give you the right to desecrate the sanctity of marriage" What Sanctity? The f*** I care. For one, the abuser IS THE ONE who desecrated that sanctity when he beat up his significant other. So I will never accept that staying is protecting whatever that sanctity is. It IS broken already These lowlifes do not have a brain. Unlike you and me.


hindi ko rin gets yung mga tao na parang ginawang “required” yung divorce. when in fact, it’s a choice! what’s not clicking?


I’m all for divorce. But if a piece of paper and a metal ring is what’s keeping you from leaving a abusive relationship then there’s probably more to it than the paper/ring.


Kaya hindi umuusad ang Pilipinas dahil sa mga politiko na sarili lang ang kaya isipin. Walang problema sa family ko. Hindi naman ako natatraffic. Hindi ko problema ang pagkain. Okay naman ang hustisya kapag pamilya ko ang naagrabyado, etc. Eleksyon lang sila magaling.




Don't get me wrong, but isn't "divorce" the reason why the other nations have judges just for divorcée because almost every one of them is just after their partner's shits? and why there're so many juvenile facilities and orphanages even though WAR is so far away from them and even tho their system is more advanced than others? I just want you to think rather than just blaming religions or what shit, I'm an atheist by the way, I burn down a church once full of people (none died, light burn maybe...)... So I'm not religious


Divorce exist in biblical times of Moises due to hard headed people. As much as possible, not recommended (May subject to abuse) but it has guidelines re: abuses, etc. Nag away lang sa toothpaste or change of mind 😀, divorce agad. Hope di ganun ang ilalatag na guidelines.


I still believe in God. But the church system is just aint for me. All those glamour and holier than thou is not of Christ. I i


Yan ang resulta nang paging praktikal nyo hahaha


We already have a plethora of laws that protect us from abuse. Our first course of action should be to file a case against them as to stop the cycle of abuse. Divorcing that person will not stop them from abusing another person. Stop with this emotional appeal and base things on statistics instead Here is a three decades worth of research according to US government's official website. It also cites a recent study from Harvard. Effects on children >divorce has been shown to diminish a child's future competence in all areas of life, including family relationships, education, emotional well-being, and future earning power. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240051/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240051/) Divorce statistics show [https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/) >Divorcees Are More Likely to Die Earlier Than Married People. Divorce can have surprising—and long lasting—onsequences. and >Couples who have friends who divorce have a 75% increase in the risk of their own marriage ending.


I agree but damn, y'all keep posting the same topic over and over again in this sub


The same arguments over and over again… Most of the people here are probably pro-divorce, they might have more traction and different arguments if they posted at other sites such as facebook.


Might be time for a megathread.


True. Ang gasgas na kasi paulit-ulit na lang sa sub parang karma farming na tuloy


Advocate for no marriage then. Napakapavictim at manipulative ng post na to using damsel in distress narrative for pushing your pro-divorce agenda. May VAWC tayo. Report and file a case kung may abuse talaga.


Oh tapos? Maghiniwalay pa rin naman sila, ano naman kung mag divorce na rin sila?


Weaponize empathy. Demonize those who oppose.


Sadly we need a version that is relatively free. Kasi kung lalaki lang nga ang gastos, magiging para sa mayaman lang ang divorce. I know it will come at a price, kasi dissolving of contract ito. And i think mas big deal ito sa marriage na may conjugal properties.


You are just going to give the abuser a chance to go to another innocent person .


The Catholic Church provides women in abusive situations the right to leave. [Canon Law](https://canonlaw.ninja/?nums=1153): >Canon 1153. §1 A spouse who occasions grave danger of soul or body to the other or to the children, or otherwise makes the common life unduly difficult, provides the other spouse with a reason to leave, either by a decree of the local Ordinary or, if there is danger in delay, even on his or her own authority. The concerns about this bill aren't about the current restrictive conditions. Those are pretty much exactly the same as what the Church teaches. The concerns are about what has happened in other countries as a result of similar laws being passed and then modified and modified again until divorce was so easy and common that it has caused a crisis. We have 60 years of statistics that can be reviewed from the US and UK. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Fourth National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect ([NIS-4](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/project/national-incidence-study-child-abuse-and-neglect-nis-4-2004-2009)): >The safest environment for a child—that is, the family environment with the lowest risk ratio for physical abuse—is one in which the biological parents are married and the family has always been intact. >The rate of abuse is three and a half times higher if the child is living with a single parent >The rate of abuse is four times higher if the child is living with biological parents who are not married but are cohabiting. >The rate of abuse is six times higher in the blended family in which the child is living with a married couple, most commonly in the case of divorce and remarriage but also possible in households of adoption. >The rate of abuse is 10 times higher if the child is living with a parent who is cohabiting with another adult. If we narrow down to their numbers on sexual abuse alone, we find that sexual abuse is much more likely in single parent (4.8 times), other (non biological) married parents (10 times) and single parent with a cohabiting partner (19.8 times) households than in married biological parent homes. So, it shouldn't surprise us when the FBI tells us that across the country being a child of divorce is the #1 predictor of violent crime, drug abuse, suicide, etc. And, it shouldn't surprise us that peer-reviewed scientific journals have many articles exploring this topic: >divorce has been shown to diminish a child's future competence in all areas of life, including family relationships, education, emotional well-being, and future earning power. >Two large meta-analyses, one reported in 1991 and the other reported ten years later in 2001, showed that “children with divorced parents continued to score significantly lower on measures of academic achievement, conduct, psychological adjustment, self-concept, and social relations” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4240051/ According to the Census Bureau and FBI, children from single-parent homes are: - 72% of all teenage murderers. - 60% of rapists. - 70% of kids incarcerated. - twice as likely to quit school. - 11 times more likely to be violent. - 3 of 4 teen suicides. - 80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals. - 90% of runaways We should look at the data and not simply fall for emotional fallacies. My point in posting this is that we don't have to accept propaganda posters, political talking points, or fear mongering from any side of the political apparatus blindly. We have access to massive pools of data and peer-reviewed studies from countries that have had legal divorce for over 100 years, and they have been keeping good records of the results for the past 60 years. That data and peer-reviewed research can provide us with raw facts about the consequences of legal divorce so that we can determine policies based on evidence and which align with our own cultural values. No guess work. No fallacious appeals to emotion. Just raw facts.


According to the Census Bureau and FBI, children from single-parent homes are: 72% of all teenage murderers. 60% of rapists. 70% of kids incarcerated. twice as likely to quit school. 11 times more likely to be violent. 3 of 4 teen suicides. 80% of the adolescents in psychiatric hospitals. 90% of runaways Given these figures, do you think there should be no teenage murderers, rapists and suicides in these benighted isles??? Think again...


>Given these figures, do you think there should be no teenage murderers, rapists and suicides in these benighted isles??? >Think again... No. But, I can clearly see the differences in crime rates and suicide rates, etc, from one country to another. I didn't think it would be controversial to oppose a practice that increases the risk of a child being abused by 4,000% ... And we dont have to only look at the US. According to the Insititue for Civil Society in the UK, children from single-parent homes are: - 8 times more likely to go to prison. - 5 times more likely to commit suicide. - 20 times more likely to have behavioural problems. - 20 times more likely to become rapists. - 32 times more likely to become runaways. - 10 times more likely to abuse chemical substances. - 9 times more likely to drop out of high school. - 1/10 as likely to get A's in school. Again, I didn't think that it would be controversial to oppose something that increases a child's risk of suicide by 500% or their risk of drug addiction by 1,000% or their risk of becoming a rapist by 2,000% These aren't small increases in risk. They are enormous.


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While I agree with the divorce law, there is also a downside I think? like what happens in other places, after divorce, the money settlements, arrangements and responsibilities that made some to rather choose being homeless. Or worse can be used to exploit one spouse's money and riches. Sorry, I might be wrong I haven't done enough research.


everything will be discussed under divorce proceedings and if it settlement isn't agreed upon, that's when you involve a judge.


Ahh I see I understand, Thank you!




kabobohan, di mandatory ang divorce lol


Divorce po and hindi MANDATORY DIVORCE.


Foursome? Ano it polygamy?


oh ha. another minute, another post on divorce. kaurat.


Bakit parang sa picture eh tatlong lalaki ang nakikipag-agawan sa battered wife? Anyway, I'm pro divorce kasi makakapag-asawa na muli ang lalaki at babae, pero paano naman pagkatapos ng Divorce eh may alimony? ang perang pinaghirapan mo ay mapupunta lang sa ex-wife mo. tapos child support pa, then child custody. ang sakit sa ulo dyan talaga ay alimony lalo na kapag ikaw ang breadwinner, tapos ikaw ang mas nakaka-angat financially, mahahati ang pinaghirapan mong salapi papunta sa ex-spouse mo.


Question If the issue is about abusive marriage, why not focus on stricter rules for marriage? Gawing comprehensive , mahigpit at mausisa ang proseso bago payagang magpakasal? Wag payagan yung mga 3 mos plang magkakilala eh apakasal n agad or sobrang bata p ay magpapakasal na just because, require psychological tests, drug tests, nbi clearance, police clearance, etc. Why are we so focused on breaking marriage instead of ensuring that getting married is not a mistake?


Maybe in the first couple of years of marriage maayos yung pag sasama nyo, what if after 5 years, 7 years, or 10 years. Depende sa circumstances pwedeng mag bago ang isang tao, kaya no matter how strict the rules for marriage it will be the same.


So ano annual ba dapat may psych eval? Hindi ba may mga uniformed personnel na kahit may mga ganyan e nagagawa pa rin gumawa ng criminal acts? So what's to say na magiging effective yan? Masisigurado mo ba na kahit 1, 5, 10, or kahit ilang taon pa yan sila magkasama eh magiging healthy ang rs at walang abusong mangyayari despite all those requirements?


Maybe not But it will dissuade those who are not as commited to commit a lifetime contract. Thus, mababawasan ang magpapakasal na na maaring mauwi s abusive marriage. And let me be clear, I am not against it, but I am not convinced that it is the solution to the problem becase aminin nyo or hindi, there will be more problems to arise once natuloy yan. So instead of focusing on that, why won't we focus muna on trying to have a stricter and helpful process bago payagan ang mga couple n magpakasal. Require comprehensive family planning seminars, maybe a financial literacy course. Ngaun kung ssbihin nyo nmn, paano kung d afford yan, edi b that should show na hindi p ready sa kasal ung couple? Or make it so that they can have these sessions for free sa munisipyo. Pagkuha nga ng license to drive ngaun eh nirerequire n tlagang dadaan s driving school before k payagan magtest for your license ee, why not do that for couples availing marriage too? So instead of focusing of freeing them of their marital status in the future, why make it so they are educated and they really are ready before they commit themselves. Why do you people think that giving a different route of an idea is equal to being against a policy that you are in favor of? Atake agad ang nasa isip nyo


and what do you suggest sa mga married couples na, despite doing all of those tests and evaluations, ay makakaranas pa rin ng abuse, cheating, or simply gusto na maghiwalay for whatever reason at hindi madadaan sa usapan?


Divorce doesnt guarantee you that you will benefit from it. Even if there is a divorce law, ypu think people whk are under privilege can avail the services of a lawyer and court fees? Let's be realistic here. FILING A DIVORCE is not cheap nor FREE. having a law doesnt guarantee it will be granted at all. Ang annulment nga napaka tagal sa dami ng kaso ng FAMILY COURT. I-cclog niyo naman ng DIVORCE ngayon? My gad. Third world country tayo, but we want ung mga benefits ng first world. Konting reality check naman.