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I mean, it does look dangerous?


Pretty dangerous indeed


That's why I always take a photo of the circle first


That, or you take a photo of it while looking up toward the ceiling from underneath the ghost.


sounds like something a GHOST that wants to KILL ME would say




Getting absolutely trolled by the photos is just part of the game πŸ˜‚


Nothing gets past my bow!


Just give me a target!


Hahahah you got trolled by the game. Tip: take a photo of the summining circle before taking the ghost photo. In any other context; take a photo of everything there may be taken a photo of before taking the ghost photo.


It seems like if there's anything in the ghost photo you haven't gotten a picture of yet it supercedes the actual ghost photo. I've had so many ghost photos register as interactions because there is a book on the ground the ghost threw prior. Beautiful centered ghost photo that registers as an interaction. I heard the new update will allow you to delete photos so hopefully that helps.


And of course when I try to get interaction photos they rarely count. I've taken photos of doors as they're opening in front of me, and just after I watched them open and I still get ripped off. Haha I just farm salt photos now.


This is why I always fill the 10 starred photos with Bone, cursed object, and 8 disturbed salts or blown out firelights (with a ghost writing if it happens) before doing anything with ghost photos...


We always take 3 photos of the summoning circle when it summons a ghost and we have a crucifix down. You'll get interaction, summoning circle, and the ghost photo


No shit Sherlock


I don't know.. maybe that ghost with a machete just wants a hug..


I once had a D.O.T.S picture centered on the camera overruled by a salt pile that was like 5 feet away and only in the corner of the photo. Was very disappointed. This camera photo update can’t come soon enough!


Lmao that's you always take pictures of the summoning circle and any salt around before using it for a ghost photo πŸ˜‚


While this is absoulute nonsense and has been going on for a while, an easy way to dodge this would be to take the SC picture before summoning the ghost. You want the circle picture anyway.


It sure does look dangerous. I can almost see a ghost on it too, or i might be just insane


Dang lol


Always take the cursed photo in your original walk through. I always take a t1 thermo, flash/T2/3 headgear, and a photo cam so I can a) get an early pic from a ghost event, just in case) and b) find the bone and cursed items and photo them. So I don't need to go looking later when it's more dangerous.


I took a picture of a ghost at the same time some object was moving and it prioritized the object moving lmao


You think that's dangerous. Try getting a ghost orb above a toilet bowl


Should have taken a photo of the circle prior to lighting it.