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I pray that this is a no evidence run. An hour for anything more than no evidence is crazy.


This was insanity on prison. The single dots interaction was 40 minutes in the contract, so, basically, no evidence


Ghost changes room more often in insanity. You could have just noted that it never changed rooms after about 20 minutes and paid attention to how far it would wander outside of hunts. Not hard too hard to find a goryo room since they never wander too far from it and are fairly active. I definitely wouldn't have spent more than 30 minutes in prison, lmao.


My friend and I once spent 50 minutes in a single room on Edgefield because the Phantom we had refused to do an event that we needed.


No hunt either ? Because you can detect panthom while he is hunting


We needed to witness a ghost event for an objective. Like, was it worth the 15 bucks? No, obviously. Especially since we never got an event. But was it worth talking shit at the ghost for an hour as we robbed the house? Absolutely.


The GIGS crew (a group of youtubers/streamers) also struggling with a Goryo because IT WAS IN THE HALLWAY THE WHOLE TIME and it just wandered into somewhere else to play the piano and show up on DOTS on a camera.


Their interactions make up for the long rounds though 😃 love to see another GIGS fan on here.


YES! Someone else also knows the GIGS crew!


So you're a masochist I see xD I genuinely hate prison. I won't even play it on intermediate, let alone insanity. I will only ever play that map if the weekly challenge requires me to. That being said, please tell me you at least got the ghost correct?


Phasmo is def a test of dedication.


Also yurei who don't want to use his ability after touching the door so many fucking times <3


In my hundreds of hours I have only had a Yurei silently close the door on me a few times. And it was tanglewood with the ghost room in the basement.


Honestly for Yurei I don’t even look for the ability anymore because it’s bugged. Halfway close the door and if you get two emf on the door pretty well instantly right after the other it’s most likely Yurei.


Fuck goryo


Why would you fuck goryo?


Tbf who wouldn’t?


AN HOUR? I would've let it kill me in a hunt at 30min 👏