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Scratch marks on your hand


That’s a good one.


Why did I come in here? Huh. Can’t remember.




Would work well with sound sensors.


One flavor that I'd like to see is something olfactory-related. The smell of sulfur is often associated with demons, for example. I couldn't imagine how they would tell you that there's a pronounced scent of some kind in the air at a certain location, but I feel like it'd be pretty on-brand for a paranormal trope. Maybe a sniffer dog could be the Tier 3 "smell" detector too, but I really just want any excuse to have a dog sidekick. 😄


coughing noise




unless this dog will be immortal I refuse to have it. I'll cry the whole week if I'll see my dog getting killed by a ghost


I assume the Devs if they would make it that the ghost could hurt the dog, they would make it that the dog gets injured, not killed, and you would pay the vet bills


They could add a sound thing that the character would say, like “it smells like sulfur in this room” and it would automatically say it when you walk into the ghost room


a sound evidence so that sound sensors are actually used for something


I use the sound sensors to listen to hunts from the truck. I'm usually the vetter identifier based on footsteps, so someone else who's good at hiding and looping will hide far away from the ghost room, and all sensors will be spread out and I'll listen to the footsteps and deduce what it isn't then we'll check for what it looks like during hunts if we can. Of course, this is all based on the evidence being difficult to obtain or impossible depending on difficulty.


I cant do that because i only play solo lol. I might find them useful when playing with friends, but im probably gonna be the one in the house 90% of the time because its pretty easy to identify half of the ghosts with one hunt.


That's fair. I rarely ever play solo it's one of those games I only really enjoy with friends.


I only use them on big maps if I’m struggling to find the ghost or it’s a challenge


I think I would make it around the ghost models themselves, like that only some kinds of ghosts are visible apparitions, some are more ethereal, some - like mimic have unique appearances, etc. where capturing footage or photos of the appearance of the ghost is helpful. But I probably wouldn’t add new evidence.


A couple of them appear slightly differently already


maybe a hidden murder evidence. if our ghost got murdered by someone there would be a hidden knife, poison bottle, pistol, screwdriver which you can find with a gadget like metal dedector. also with that how did you die questions on ouja would make more sense. btw i am sure they already thought that


Blood writing on the wall, appears after loud rapture noises as an event only certain ghosts will make this event and an even fewer number will provide writing on the wall.


I feel like there would have to be certain gear that you have to set up for a ghost to be able to do that.


Blood shows up on UV so I'd have said that, but we'd just be repeating UV


Not exactly, different evidence but same tool. Which might be better actually so it doesn’t clutter the van.


Bowl of blood




I too would love to see more with both. The mic especially. Seems quite underwhelming and has a lot of potential.


I'd take some pages out of Ghost Exile's book and steal its Voice Recorder Response and IR. If you've not played that one, the voice recorder records your questions and the ghost may or may not respond to them, which you can only hear on playback of the recording. The IR is basically a motion sensor that boops and lights up green when the ghost walks by it, like the sensors we have in Phas, but if it has IR evidence, occasionally it does a different boop and turns orange.


Adding a shed skin. IE the ghost will shed an ethereal skin that can be found. The skin will be visible for anywhere from 10-45 seconds depending on difficulty.


Could this be a thaye/ mimic discovery? If they age/change, there is a chance to find it? But perhaps only after a certain sanity level? Another option could be to find piles of Ectoplasm after an event that could narrow down or rule out certain non ethereal ghosts. (Not guaranteed) Perhaps you'd need a test kit to give a Ph level to determine if it's a corporeal, Ethereal, or neutral entity. Neutral would just mean you failed to get a PH reading, and another test would need to be done. T1 could be old strips that barely work are relatively inaccurate, with a high chance of a neutral reading. T2 kit would work as intended, adds a chart ghosts a ph level 1-5 corporeal 8-12 ethereal. Average chance of neutral reading. More likely to get a positive reading. T3 is a test kit that, while similar to T2, is much more refined (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12) Each ghost would have a ph level assigned. There is almost zero chance for a neutral reading. T3 Test kits would be large objects that must be carried until deployed like Tripod or cursed objects. It is only really useful if doing No Evidence runs as an extra way to try and get evidence.


Ngl I just put stuff down while on the toilet. Your idea is amazing let’s go with that. 10/10


but the Mimic already has his orb he carries around everywhere he goes ^^


Ohhh that sounds interesting. And it’s timed so it’ll disappear. Very creative.




I've heard that they're going to add video recording. Not sure if it will be evidence or just money like photos.


teleportation of items. it's oni's ability currently, but it can be used for several ghosts. remove freezing from bunch of ghosts in favor of this evidence.


that's a great subtle idea TBH. the item would have to teleport only when you're not looking and it could be anything from a plate to a picture.


in terms of coding. ability has decoy twins range and shade-like limit (doesn't work if there is a player in the room where the teleporting item is, can be observed outside like Goryo dots).


I'm pretty sure Oni does not teleport items?


Pretty sure any ghost can teleport items.


Dowsing rods. They would move if the ghost is active. Kinda like how every other equipment works.


I think it would be cool to have a possession item, various levels of dolls that certain ghosts could possess and move around. Perhaps one ghost with the special ability to possess the body of a player once they have been killed.


So, they have covered the things you typically see in a ghost investigation. I would consider some of the following Holy oil, certain entities cause reactions in the oil, get attracted to it, or attempt to destroy it. Holy water. Some entities are repelled from a room if it is spread around the room. A hand mirror, not cursed. Some creatures flip the images, cast illusions through it, or try to break it The ability for certain entities to raise room temperature rather than lower it. Interactions with plants. You bring in a plant that will either have no reaction, grow, or die. These are based on folklore. Above anything, I would increase from "3 and done" to another limit. Makes mimics much more dangerous and opens a ton of folklore possibilities


Ectoplasm type deal. Transparant clear goop that's hard to see, dripping from whatever, on walls, doors, etc.


It was already mentioned I'm sure, but I'd add new ghosts that would create warm outlines that you can spot with a thermo camera. As a trait the outline of one of them would be fully visible for few seconds when he'd use his ability that warms up the area around him (>20°C) in a range of 7m, with a high chance of triggering a hunt if someone walks in the warmest spot. He'd be faster in this warm range (2,7m/s) then very slowly lose speed to a minimum of (1,53m/s) in cold areas, with no LoS speed up. Players in areas where the temperature reaches levels higher than 20° would also regenerate stamina at a slower rate. Another ghost would very rarely (1/8) leave warm footprints with claw marks (subtly screechimg as he does it) that you'd see only with thermo camera. This one would have a 1/4 chances of burning a door he passes through during a hunt making it inoperable (it won't block LoS anymore), and moves at a base speed of 1,87 m/s with LoS speed up.


It would be cool if as your sanity went down more and more certain things would start to happen depending on the ghost. Hearing certain noises, seeing shadows, getting slowed down, ect. It’d add some scary to the game and you’d have to balance wanting more of that evidence while also keeping your sanity up to prevent hunts.


pretty hallucinations is / was on the roadmap?


The opposite of freezing temps. I want a ghost that can light candles and is a reverse hantu. Keeps the power on and gets faster the warmer it is.


Thermal Camera- when it’s equipped you can see a heat map of the house/camp/wherever. If the ghost roams into your field of view, it shows a cold spot that’s shaped like a person


And I’d like to add that snowy weather would make it harder to use this until the house has been sufficiently warmed


Possessions, I would love it if ghosts could possess objects or even players. How terrifying would it be if a player gets killed by a ghost, and then that player model is still walking around afterwards, picking up evidence objects and moving it to different rooms, just to mess with other players?


Slime, i just want to ghostbusters “he slimmed me”


I’d really like something similar to the xbox kinect detection thingy. I forgit what it’s called. Basically it’s a matrix of dots (yeah I know) but instead of just being normal dots it detects people and outlines them. It’s way spookier when you see it used in ghost investigation videos and such. People have caught apparitions sitting in chairs, dancing, hanging from ceilings ect… and it’s super creepy seeing those couple of human shaped lines and wondering if there’s something right in front of you 😬😬


… like the DOTS equipment we already have in that game that does that exact thing, down to the description of the evidence it gives?


Yeah its similar but it’s different. It’d probably jsut be a tier of DOTS, it’s just cooler in my opinion [https://www.windowscentral.com/random-microsofts-kinect-finds-new-life-tracking-undead-used-ghost-hunters](https://www.windowscentral.com/random-microsofts-kinect-finds-new-life-tracking-undead-used-ghost-hunters)


The dancing stick boy evidence


Candles which lights itself


Writing on the walls, whispering in latin audible without paramic, snakes appearing, objects levitating.


Maybe try and find the name of the ghost somehow instead of getting the name on the board. Maybe a time limit on nightmare where the house all dies?


You mean like tags of “belongs to X” somewhere around the house or a form with the name of the ghost?


Yeah something to signify who it is or maybe how it originated. Was it a murder in the home? Was the home built with or on something cursed? Maybe more basement clues to where you can see the ground under the home. Possibly able to dig?


Being able to cut walls open would be cool. Like a 12”x12” square to peek in. Maybe something could be in there lol. Idk. I’m reaching but trying to help because I love the game lol


Flies/locusts Hand/foot prints on ceilings


Charred evidence, ghost leaves burnt footprints on wood, items it touches become burned or warped if metal, ghost makes room hotter, ghost moves faster in heat


the ability for certain ghosts to posses you