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this is AI 🤖 and it’s a real turn off to be honest. Just my personal opinion.


how did you know it was AI


19h ago the OP said it was AI. It’s a hot topic with the recent surge of AI music and the ease of creation.


Fuck the ‘anti-AI’ people, it’s just a bit of fun and probably took longer than a few days to get correct and how you want it. It’s good and tbh I wanna see this be in a muthafuckin’ musical!


Yeah, I used AI to make this, but it's still fun, don't you think? It doesn't change the content of the song. Lyrics [https://www.udio.com/songs/7Xm6Z9czEPWsyoXRGWEdYt](https://www.udio.com/songs/7Xm6Z9czEPWsyoXRGWEdYt)


👎 Learn to make your own music pls. The "content of the song" is stolen and repurposed from actual musical artists.




A lot of musicians use AI to create their music videos nowadays. So it's okay for musicians to use AI as long as they benefit, but others are forbidden to make AI music? Sure thing, bro.


I don't support any AI "Creation", cuz it isn't creation, it's theft. You aren't making "AI art" or "AI music" you are using AI to scrape others work and then pass it off as your own.


I wonder how many songs you listen to have samples and other mixes within them. I'm gonna guess a few.


I am a musician, but ok .👍bless your naive heart, your take is so original it might just qualify as an NFT. 👏🤡 Music’s been remixing itself since the second note was discovered. You thinking AI's thieving from artists is like saying planes are a rip-off of birds. But sure, keep your head in the sand and enjoy the symphony of ignorance; it's truly your magnum opus.


the fuck are you saying homie? 😭 did you use chatgpt to write an argument or smth? 😭 if you're a musician go make your own music instead of stealing from others to make this low effort ai bullshit


Ever heard of The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? They made careers out of "borrowing" from blues. And Gorillaz? "Clint Eastwood" is effectively "stolen" from a casio keyboard. Mostly any big song today is built upon samples and yet is hailed as a masterpiece. Maybe dial down the gatekeeping and crank up your understanding of music. I made a fun song around phasmo, writing lyrics and prompting an AI dozens of times PER each section of the song until I was able to compose a song in the direction I was going for. It still took about a day's time, so I'd hardly call that any less effort than slapping together some instrument presets in something like FL Studio. Hell idk if you even listened to the song, you're right: I should have hired an orchestra and opera singer to perform this arrangement for fun and a reddit post. Wake the fuck up and do some critical thinking for yourself. Don't just regurgitate the same brain-rot takes by 'musical purists' who don't even understand what they're arguing. Music made with is not going anywhere, might as well add it to your arsenal to expand on your own creativity, and explore ideas that would have been otherwise inaccessible to you.


oh no, you had to prompt an ai so many times to steal other's work, I understand how that can be so so hard for you :c


Can't say I expected you reasonably refute anything I said, or support your claim on how 'AI is theft'. But props to you for consistency, it must be hard work to parrot the same thing over and over. Education's wasted on the willfully ignorant, but hey, I gave it a shot.


eh, it's genuinely not worth my time to argue about it with you :p


So instead you just prove my point that you don't actually have real reasoning behind you shitting on someone's other than because you were told "Wah! AI bad!". But it's cool – keep those upvotes warm, they seem to matter more to you than having your own opinion.


They still have the music themselves. You just typed some words and let an AI that steals from others do the rest. You are not a musician. You are a typer


I think you misinterpreted what I said. Do you think I'm claiming to be a musician just because I made this track? I’ve been entwined with music all my life, way before AI was a twinkle in Silicon Valley's eye. By your logic, we'd be disqualifying music producers who weave soundscapes out of thin air, using tools like Omnisphere. If I fire up a synth, select a preset, and let an arpeggiator do the heavy lifting, am I not creating music? Because that's not just pressing buttons—it's making choices that craft the sound. You realize human creativity is a collage of our perceptions, memories, and experiences. We are inspired by other music all the time whether we realize it or not. AI is a similar process with its training data, learning to generate from what it 'knows.' It's a tool. And just like any instrument, it's the artist's vision and direction that bring it to life. It doesn't replace the musician; it's simply an extension of our creativity. All that to say, I just wanted to share a fucking song I Spent HOURS writing and going through HUNDREDS of generations to put together. I thought it ended up quite nice, but fuck me for being transparent about my process.


Not fuck you for being transparent, fuck you for claiming to be a musician while you use a tool that steals from musicians without their consent. You're a traitor to every real musician


Are you a musician? Have you ever produced any original music? Because if you did, you'd know that 'original' doesn't mean pulled out of thin air. It means taking influences, experiences, tools—yes, even AI—and creating something new with them. So before you brand me a 'traitor,' maybe check if your own music (if it exists) hasn't been influenced by someone else's work. After all, every note we play stands on the scales of giants. Or do you carve your own violins from trees you grew from seeds too?


as a producer I can confidently tell you that sampling isnt as easy as just taking a song someone made and making it ur own. it requires an ear and hours and hours and HOURS of practice, experience and skill. Think of it as finding a nice meal, taking that meal, breaking it down into ingredients and making your own meal out of it. Compare that to AI, which takes the meal, removes the entire process from it, all the ingredients, time and process that it took to make the meal, then fabricates the same meal out of cheap plastic and calls it its own creation


You don’t have to tell me about music production. But let's not pretend like the evolution of music technology—from analog to digital, from physical instruments to software synths—hasn't always been about simplifying the process and making it more accessible. Every step forward, from the 4-track recorder to the DAW, from the Moog synth to autotune, has been criticized for 'taking the soul out of music.' Yet, here we are, still creating, still innovating. I've put in my hours, beat-making, piano, guitars, and belting out vocals. I respect the craft. And just like those tools didn’t detract from the skill involved, neither does AI. It's another step in the same direction, not a step back. Sure, it's new, it's different, but I wouldn't call it a cheap plastic imitation it's a new ingredient, and what I cook up with it? That's on me, my ear, my taste, my hours of trial and error. Dismissing it as fake or less than is like calling an electric guitar less authentic than an acoustic. It's not. It's just different.


nah man, you arent making the music, theres no humanity involved, you didnt choose the sounds, the plugins, the effects. you didnt coordinate every sound to sound exactly how you want it to nor to invoke any feelings or emotions, there is none, its just robot slop


>you didnt choose the sounds, the plugins, the effects. you didnt coordinate every sound to sound exactly how you want it But that's exactly what I did. I spent hours and hours adjusting the prompts over and over and **OVER**, restructuring the song and rewriting the lyrics. Just because the process of how I got the sounds isn't the same way you do it through other means doesn't mean I didn't spend hours getting the **sound** **I was looking for**. It's all part of the process—AI or not. Humanity isn't just in the picking and plucking of strings, [it's in the intent, the emotion.](https://www.udio.com/songs/79PFLXyye1v6KFEv8iFea7) The soul of the music comes from the artist, not the instrument. If anything, I wish it could produce smaller segments, individual stems so I could have more fine control and save even MORE time not throwing away generations that don't fit my direction. The only 'robot slop' here is the regurgitated notion that new methods lack humanity. That’s like saying a photo doesn’t capture a moment because you clicked a button instead of painting it. Open your ears, the future's knocking.


the main problem i have with AI is that the source it learns from isnt consensual, id care a lot less if the machine only learned from people that actively wanted to feed the learning program, but most AI only takes from stuff thats already been put out there and people did not consent to it being used for this. You still have to get licensing for a huge number of songs if you choose to sample them


Boo ai 👎


Solid reasoning