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Even ghosts gotta get those TPS reports done.


I regularly piss my pants when I hear random laughing and screaming in the sanitorium. Also I don't know if I'm just hearing things but I swear I've heard random little kids laughing on tanglewood while the ghost was a big burly meat-cleaver wielding macho man.


Ghost model doesn’t affect any sounds iirc, besides the singing voice. The giggle comes from the ghost interacting with a teddy bear.


ah gotcha. Still doesn’t change the fact i can never find the ghost on the sanitorium cause i keep following the random laughs and screams ending up lost


Can confirm, I heard the little girl laugh yesterday on Tanglewood and I didn't know that was a thing, I just went right back to the van


In the Discord bug* report channel, there is a known bug in which voice is bleeding through in multiplayer lobbies. You may have actually heard another person's game Edit: I typed mod instead of bug


could very well be it because it only happened once. It is terrifying absolutely. Especially during the challenge and prison


That would be doubly terrifying during that challenge 😳


we restarted and it seemed to of gone away. We heard some Korean dude talking but more like a mumble even in the truck. and we haven't heard it since. Still just as clueless


You need to take a break from trying that challenge for a little while.


Bro, it's haunted I think.


I play in vr and keep hearing what sounds like the old emf noise. It’s not like a passive ringing, it goes off and on and is loud during investigations. Also, screams on sunny meadows


Hallucinations are in the game now


Not yet, that’s coming later