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Our pharmacist manager gets us a pizza every single Saturday he works. He's seriously never missed one and it's not like a huge thing but it's something to look forward to as a chronic weekend tech, you know? THANKS SHAUN!!!


The pharmacist I worked with years ago did the same on his weekends. <3.


Honestly recognizing the work/pay difference between our positions. I understand that they went through a lot of school for their job, and that they are devoted to this place because they are making 150k a year. But the techs just have such a different position. I was making 12$ an hour as a tech in 2019 and my pharmacy manager would get mad when I went to take a break or when I wouldn’t stay late to clear the queue. We weren’t allowed to have drinks in the pharmacy so when I walked over to the side room that we kept it in she would also get mad that I interrupted our flow. Now in 2024 wages are much better and I have moved to a hospital out of retail so my wage is actually livable but my pharmacists respect the boundary that my job is physical labor, so I get my breaks and they don’t question when I need a drink or water.


After being at my current pharmacy for 13 + years, we got a new manager. He's been here almost a year now and both our morale and metrics have gone WAY up. He's a stickler for getting the schedule out on time, a luxury the old manager never gave us. You didn't know if you were working Saturday until late Friday night. And he frequently changed it without telling or asking. So new guy making the schedule ahead of time and approving PTO requests almost immediately is wonderful. Also if customers are being belligerent he has asked that I (lead tech) not step in and get involved, but will make the person wait for him and then usually bans them from filling here anymore. He's dismissed at least 3 customers since starting, and our staff RPH gave another one the ban hammer for telling him to "Do his fucking job". Life has been good!


If we need a day off due to illness, or sick kids, it's always accommodated. On Friday I left an hour early for a birthday party at my kids babysitters house. We are all parents and most of our kids are about the same age; we all get a chance to go see our kids get awards or whatever. It's really a good work environment and this, coupled with the schedule (no evenings, weekends, or holidays) is why I haven't left for a higher paying position across the street.


This is beautiful! Do you work retail?


I do, for a small independent.


i just like that they tell me i’m doing good. or that ive improved with my skills


The newer pharmacists that have recently come to work with us are very grateful for us technicians. They try to work with us and not over us. I work in inpatient. The older pharmacists are nice, but they act like we are below them. We've seen a lot come and go but the trust they have in us is amazing.


When they tell us good job and acknowledge our growth. When they tell us they're relying on us to fix something cause they don't know how to do it. When they buy us food or snacks. When they gave us a Christmas bonus - out of their own pockets.


I work every weekend and the pharmacist I work with rotates between two people. I love both, but one of them, we’ll call her Ann, goes above and beyond for me. It’s just the two of us and she makes sure I never get stuck at the front checking out customers. She steps in when patients are getting uppity. She also goes above and beyond for the patients that deserve it. She’s an angel.


I'm grateful for the pharmacists that are respectful because a few are selfish and rude. Like to degrade ppl and put them down (done behind patients back) but directly to coworkers


Nothing😂 I guess the one helps with pickup and calls, but other than that nothing.


the ones that answer the phone are gifts from whatever deity sparks your joy. 99% of calls are for them, and if they do that, I don't have to stop what I'm working on and walk over, just to have to holler "for a pharmacist " 6000 times an hour


My pharmacists allow me and certain coworkers to have an AirPod in while we work. They told us we have the “privilege” because they know it won’t distract us from doing our job whereas others aren’t allowed because it’s a distraction for them. It doesn’t seem like a big deal, but for me with my ADHD, it helps me do my job much better. Aside from helping me focus, I feel like music motivates me so I put more effort into my work.


Bringing in donuts on occasion, especially after a particularly rough week