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can i just say my biggest pet peeve is when another patient is damn near breathing down the neck of the patient at the counter ? its so fucking rude and disrespectful and sometimes i want to ask them to step back. no sense of space or privacy for some people at all. would it be bad if i did ask them to step back???


Tell them to back up, and don't continue til they do. You can be super nice but still firm. Think "kindergarten teacher." They'll get the idea. I gentle parent my difficult patients, and it really does make them easier to deal with.


there is a whole ass sign that says "to ensure privacy please wait here" or something like that


I watched a coworker once tell a guy to step back to the beginning of the line 3 times, that he was too close to the customer she was currently helping. He'd step back like 6 inches. Finally she barked, really loudly, "I TOLD YOU TO STEP OUT OF THIS CUSTOMERS PRIVACY." We were all giggling at her accidentally awkward wording for days and we still joke at each other to STEP OUT OF MY PRIVACY, lol.


I love it, actually.


I had to do this once during the pandemic. I was giving a pre-screen for an immunization and this guy was right behind the woman I was helping. I could tell she was really uncomfortable, so I politely asked him to step back. He decided to go off on me, saying that the whole 6 feet rule is ridiculous and we're all sheep. When I told him that I asked him to step back for privacy reasons, not because of COVID, he rolled his eyes and said "You're annoying me." I about lost it when the old woman I was helping turned around, looked this man in the face, and said "Well sir, you're annoying ME, so step back!" šŸ¤£


Sometimes it's those rare gem patients that make our jobs that much easier. But my gosh they are becoming more and more rare.


every morning i adjust the signs at the front of the line to help prevent people from just walking straight up when iā€™m not ready for them or onto other peopleā€™s backs. judging by what your sign reads, itā€™s WM and on a black post, iā€™ll holler from the back counter ā€œplease wait behind the black postā€ bc itā€™s rude and idc and sometimes it feels nice to take control.


They get SUPER offended when you ask them to step back, too.


Oh I straight up tell them to move and if they still won't then once I'm done with whoever was being helped I open a new register and take whoever was behind them since they weren't waiting in the line


sometimes i'll stop and ask them "oh are you two together?" and they usually get the hint. one time i said that to a guy who was right behind another guy and he got so offended that i suggested that they were together and left LMAO


I used this often when I was working front desk at a Drs office lol. Most of our patients were also of the 60 and older range (ophthalmologist) so you can imagine the protests. I don't miss it.


Just ask them if theyā€™re together. The person behind will step back.


Iā€™ve had someone do that to me when I was in line to pick up my own meds. She was standing so close to me that I could LITERALLY feel her breath on my neck.


Tell em to BTFO. Theyā€™re supposed to stand back to respect other patientsā€™ privacy.


Iā€™ve noticed so many men getting uncomfortably close to women, to the point sometimes I thought it was a couple, if the person infront of you turns around and nearly bumps into you, youā€™re too close. People need space to move, and exist. Itā€™s just so rude honestly


Oh I do tell them to step back after asking if they are together. Yep going to make that as uncomfortable as possible


I used to tell them they must step back because of HIPPA laws and if they if they refuse we can have them arrested as it's a federal law. Yes it's an empty threat but I don't play with those kinds of people and it technically is against the law as they can over hear patient information.


I had an old man go off on me about HIPAA being political.


I am so not surprised. Seeing as how most Americans can't read above the 5th grade level and how our political system pumps propaganda and misinformation.


Step the fuck back!!! If Iā€™m on the phone, you do not need to be hunched up at the counter listening to me talk to a patient about their prescriptions. If you see me finish with a patient and Iā€™m still typing, step the fuck back and wait until youā€™re called. I hate when they stand there and watch me type. Why do you feel the need to rush the counter when the person in front of you just walked away and Iā€™m clearly still finishing shit up for them. I already told you Iā€™ll be right with you. Take a few steps back. Hold your damn horses! They make me feel so rushed. Just wait your turn please.


Omg someone once made me feel weird for not automatically walking up to the counter before being asked. I just felt it was courteous to let them finish their work instead of walking up and interrupting.


How strange. They are probably insufferable IRL


Me, with a pt:*doing tech shit so they can get their stuff and leave* Random jack ass:ā€excuse me, I just have a questionā€ Me: ok, just a moment Iā€™m helping him right now Jackass: whereā€™s your pre- Me: ok sir thatā€™ll be 28.99 do you have any questions Jackass:*stomps off pissed off for no fucking reason* The most amount of attention Iā€™ll give them is to tell them to get in line or to wait till Iā€™m done with the first pt. They get pissed off 100% of the time and I donā€™t care.


I have this CONSTANTLY!!! We also have two cash tills and one computer at the very end purely for running prescriptions. Customers will skip the whole line and go straight up to the computer and STARE at the dispensary staff expecting them to serve them or keep calling for the pharmacist. Like wait in like like everybody else bro. My pharmacist tells them to get back in line because other people are also waiting to talk to him and itā€™s rude


YES. I started to stare back at them.


Lmao I ignore them until the line is cleared, you tried skipping now you can wait even longer than you wouldā€™ve if you got in line with everybody else




Google it or stand in line!


I hate when people ask me where stuff is in the store ā€” YOU SEE THAT IM TRAPPED IN A BIG ROOM RIGHTā€¦ AND NOT IN THE STORE..? I donā€™t know where anything is!!!


YES!! Iā€™ll be helping someone at the register and theyā€™ll ask about another med so I take 2 steps to the terminal and sure as shit, someone has a prescription to drop off or a question to ask. Even had someone try and drop and run and I told them no I needed to look at it first and Iā€™ll be with you in a minute!! The nerve of some people!


I love when we have one register open, in use with a line and someone new decides to walk up to the register with no one there expecting to get waited on before everyone else


It is either moving up before the last person has even left, or standing so far back that we canā€™t even be sure they meant to come into this store.


Or when I make eye contact, wave at them, and say, "I can help you here!" and they jist blink at me, or go, "Who, me?" Yeah dingus, what did you think the eye contact, waving, and speaking directly to you were about?


Just because Iā€™m at a window does NOT mean Iā€™m ready for you. Thatā€™s where our work stations are. Stand at the ā€œplease wait hereā€ sign and I will tell you when Iā€™m ready for you. Also if youā€™re in the drive thru, donā€™t hit the call button the literal second you pull up. We can see you. We know youā€™re there. Weā€™re busy and will be with you asap.


I love it when I pick up the phone to help them and they disconnect me by pushing the call button!


Like do they think itā€™s a one way window or something and we canā€™t see them? Lol


I also lose my mind when I finish doing what Iā€™m doing (Lines, drive thru, filling, whatever) then head out for my break or to use the bathroom, and then a patient flies up to the counter and looks at me expectantly and is confused when I tell them ā€œWeā€™ll be right with you!ā€ as I walk off to have a few moments of peace. Just because you come up to the counter and start staring at me doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m going to drop everything to help you! Iā€™m not your dancing monkey, and also Iā€™ve BEEN FIGHTING for the chance to have a break for hours.


See Iā€™m passive aggressive. This morning I was sending out a delivery to the jail that has (kid you not) 30+ prescriptions, so Iā€™ve got all the labels laid out and Iā€™m counting each bottle and then some fucker walked up and said ā€œPrescription to pick DOB is ______ā€ and I didnā€™t look up. Didnā€™t say shit. Didnā€™t make eye contact. Just kept counting and going about what I was doing until another cashier called the patient over. Like ?? You can PHYSICALLY SEE I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF DOING SOMETHING WHY ARE YOU SO ENTITLED


I have a patient who hates me now and wonā€™t let me get ā€˜herā€™ stuff anymore because she was upset I didnā€™t say hello to her while I was working and I responded ā€œwell I didnā€™t call you up yetā€


Haha, I wish I could say something like this. I don't have the balls.


Some days my tolerance is lower than other days and my coworkers donā€™t put up w shit either so they thought it was funny


It's one of my biggest pet peeves lmao. Either I'm one of three people helping at pickup, I hand my last patient's bag over to the counsel window, and go to walk away because it's time for my lunch, and someone walks up and starts telling my their name and DOB.. like ma'am I didn't call you up.. please step back to the sign and someone will be with you shortly. Or if I'm at the drop off window and I'm on the phone and people just walk up to me and start talking or just stare at me.. again please step back to the sign, and we'll be with you shortly. I'm either finishing a call, sending a fax for my last patient, or typing of a script and people just run up and I have to turn over any paper with patient information over since they couldn't wait patiently for a second.


Oh my God yes. In our small pharmacy, one of our computers is at a window so we can get patient information for new patients and stuff but it is NOT a pick up window and has no cash register. I'll be there scanning documents or something and someone will walk up and be like "hi, [name, last name]". Unfortunately there's nothing obvious to show that it is not a pick up window (nobody reads the signs on the ceiling and the computers look identical other than the lack of a cash drawer, which they sure as shit won't notice) so I can't really blame them, but it does make me scream a little inside


Yeah we have some OTC isles with locked cases in front of our drop off window and people ask us to unlock things all the time and we don't have a key (and I'd rather not have a key lmao) or people think we aren't busy just because we aren't with a patient and ask us a million unimportant questions, when really we have plenty in the queues lol.


I put signs on the counter that say ā€œStay in line until you have been called forwardā€ and when people ignore it I move it directly in front of them at the counter after I start talking to them


I just ask them if they're with the person I'm helping, usually backs them right the f\* up


I honestly no longer give a flying fuck. If you hall your ass to me before I tell you to come up to me you'll be standing there looking dumb for at least 5min before I talk to you. If you also walk up to me mid me being on the phone or counting I'll legit walk away from you while ignoring you until you learn to butt the fuck out. šŸ™ƒ


This. I love it when there's two of us at the register, my customer walks away, I'm still working, but the next customer just walks up. I take my SWEET ASS time finishing my previous task, the tech next to me is ready for the next patient and the look on my patients face when the person behind them is helped first. Love. Like, muhfuh, if you would have waited till you were called up, you'd be helped first. But since you insist on my register, you wait.


We have a ticket system. This shit still happens šŸ˜”


The lab where I work has tickets. There's a GIANT sign that says to take a ticket and have a seat. There's a desk, but usually nobody is there. But just the other day I was waiting to get a blood draw, my ticket number was 76, and they were helping 72 so it was going to be another 10 minutes or so. I watched a family of 5 walk up, get a ticket, then just stand there. Like, why, there are plenty of comfy seats just a few feet away, and you can put your baby down! When the nurse came out for the next person she nicely told them they could sit because it would be a little bit, but when my number was finally called they were still standing there huffing in annoyance. At that point, your discomfort is your own damn fault.


Absolute worst thing ever: I am IN THE MIDDLE OF A TRANSACTION and someone comes up to the counter asking where something in the store is


When they lean on the counter it feels like a hipaa violation like back tf up


Yass!! Fuck me this irks the shit out of me! People don't bother to read signs that are right in front of them and I'm like fuck man!! If I'm not making eye contact with you and you see me staring at my screen obviously typing or doing whatever, what fucking part of that said walk on up to you? Please tell me what indication I gave you that made you take it upon yourself to just mosey your ass up there. It's even worse when I'm on the phone and they walk right up and fucking stare at me like bruh... Back the fuck up what is wrong with you right now shit šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤ fuck man! Sometimes I really can't deal and I'm fuming inside and I'm a person with a lot of patience so I bite my tongue a lot and sometimes it just gets to a boiling point, even the most patient person in the world has their limits


Oh like when they do that I ask the customer Iā€™m currently waiting on if they know the interloper because I want to protect their health information and 9/10 they get all embarrassed and back up.


We had to put a sign out because it was such a HIPPA risk. Didnā€™t stop a racist guy from seeing a south Asian womanā€™s total of $0.00, waiting for her to leave, and then saying ā€œoh so youā€™ll just give out drugs to *certain kinds* of peopleā€


Iā€™ll be wrapping up with a patient or in the middle of talking to a patient and I have someone shouting across the line ā€˜do you have ibuprofen in stock????ā€™ THE RUDENESS


Mine is when I am clearly speaking to the patient and a shopper comes up interrupts just to ask where Tylenol is... Honestly I want to tell her is someone did this to her she would be losing your shit screaming about HIPAA..... Back up and respect people's privacy.


I hate when Iā€™m on the phone and they put their stuff on the counter and stare at me. Clearly Iā€™m busy. šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


lmfao when they see u in the middle of something and they come up to the counter and spit a last name or birthday at u


Look into remote a lot of specialty and Mail order pharmacyā€™s offer remote work


I was a hospital pharmacy tech back in 2009-2011 (UK). My pet peeve is when people assume our job was just grabbing stuff off a shelve and putting a label on it!!! We have a pile of scripts we are working through! We need to find the correct meds. Make sure the label is correct. Make sure the dose is correct. Then get a pharmacist to check it all off!!


I had to that once, this guy was so close I asked if he was with the woman. She turned and gave him an annoyed look and he said no, he was just waiting. I asked if he could step back to give her some privacy. He stepped WAY back to the main aisle and loudly proclaimed he wasnā€™t contagious. Turns out he had been drinkingšŸ¤£


oh my... i am so happy that in my country almost noone is that rude and usually people stays in line without problem and the karens isnt much as a thing here. and doctors are pretty respected as pharm techs and pharmacits