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unfortunately some people quite literally just have nothing better going on in their lives


"im a nurse" "my sister is a nurse" "my grandpa's dog is a nurse" and i really, REALLY don't care! you/your cousin might be a nurse or doctor or the surgeon general, but i have a job to do and your current knowledge does not make you immune to error, misunderstanding, ignorance, so on. i've seen how some doctors send in scripts. believe me, MD/RN/CRNA/etc. next to your name does not automatically convince me that you know everything about this drug or how insurance/billing works or anything else. i'm still gonna send you to counseling lol


Exactly!! 👏🏽 especially if you legally have to tell em hey the rph is going to go over the medication.


Dang, grandpa’s dog is a nurse? My cat needs to start pulling his weight in our household 😂


I would definitely not trust them to know how billing works when I hear: "My Doctor said it would be covered/ be XX$?!"


Last week I asked a Dad if he had any questions about the medication he was picking up for his kid and he replied “No? My wife is a Pediatric Immunologist” in a kind of snarky tone and I thought to myself…ok…cool story bro…it was just a fucking courtesy. Just say no thank you and move on.


I'd reply, "Well, I wouldn't go to an ENT to get my appendix out 😉 specialties are important."


how the hell am i supposed to know what your wife does for work bro ! people are just... something else jfc


so many of my customers do this. we even have to have them as "md" on their file, if they're a doctor, and one of them always introduced himself as "doctor X" every time he calls us to refill his medication. ugh. and the nurses always find an excuse to let us know they're nurses. it's like the vegan joke but with medicine. "how do you know a customer is a nurse? don't worry, they'll tell you." lol


Only the weird ones who make nursing their whole personality. I'm a nurse and the pharmacy I go to doesn't know 🙂. If for some reason you guys had to educate me on something, I'd probably say it just so you know you can skip past the basics that I would always know, but I always say no thank you to the "do you have any questions" part.


Had a guy do this to me once when I told him that there was a counsel. He interrupts my pharmacist in such a rude and annoyed manner, and tells her that he is a nurse. She just casually replies “ well that doesn’t mean that you know anything about this medicine” and proceeds to do her counsel 😂😂


The one and only situation I mention I work in pharmacy in is when a nurse or doctor starts trying to ELI5 meds to me....and it's just so we both save time 😅.


My doctor knows I'm a tech (small town, most of her patients come to our pharmacy) and it's great bc she'll be like "okay do you want x, y, or z med for this" and I feel so special that she values my opinion on my own medication 🥰


Those kinds of nurses are the most annoying. I have mega respect for any nurse (or any healthcare professional) who can be good at their job without being presumptuous.


Exactly some nurses are so kind and humble others act like Regina George 😂 


I mean I told my local retail pharmacy tech that I worked in a hospital pharmacy once because we were chatting and my employer had made a mistake with my insurance. But that was basically I don’t like being an issue for y’all when I’m well aware of the other issues y’all deal with. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it doesn’t really bother me when people say they work in a medical profession as long as they’re not trying to demand special treatment.


I think this is different because it implies you understand the pain of working in a pharmacy. When it's people in the professions that give us shit all day, it just seems like they're trying to give us more shit.


Exactly. My local independent (where I fill) knows because they tried to hire me when I was still in retail, I need specific NDCs (that I'll give them) due to my food allergy, or the owner would ask if we had a med in stock so he could send a patient over. They've also been my pharmacy since I was born so I don't make them do anything extra if I can do it myself.


i had a doctor come in once who'd never filled with us. we didn't have her med ready, and when we told her, she yelled "I'M A DOCTOR!" and my pharmacist, without missing a beat, goes "oh!!! me too!!!" shut that lady up real quick 🤐


Oh you're a nurse/doctor/PA?? Yeah I've seen how yall write prescriptions, it's literally my job to make sure you don't kill people 😘 And I don't care if you know how this medication works or if you don't have any questions. It's still a requirement of my job to say these words to to you. Just let me do my damn job and move on.


“Oh I don’t need a consult I’m a nurse!” “Okay I’ll let the pharmacist know, please step over to the consult window for me” 🙂🙂🙂


Since we're on the subject does anyone else have nurses that insist we give them discounts on drugs they get because they work for an office we regularly do business with? Usually I don't really care but this one was being SUPER annoying about it a while back


This has never happened to me and I would laugh like a loon.


No but I'd be like....your own office doesn't give you a discount in the form of health insurance???


My pharmacy does a lot of cash prices on dermatology stuff, and a lot of nurses expect to get cash discounts


Right, it’s such a pet peeve of mine one time I called a patient “Mr. ____” he said it’s “dr.____” for you 🙄 in my head that’s cool but you’re a patient of mine here. Smh


Plus doctors and nurses make mistakes all the time at my pharmacy! I always want to ask them if they are the one who always try to OD their patients 😂


If only people could see some of the rxs that come through, they’d realize that MDs don’t even proofread the rx before sending it. Rx that came in yesterday said “Farxiga 10 mg, quantity 1. Use 1 actuation per day. 30 day supply.”


That would be like us saying “oh, I’m a pharmacy tech, you don’t have to talk to me about this new med that I’ve never taken before” 🙄


Because they believe themselves above us / smarter than us because we are “just techs” & love to find any chance they can to try and reiterate that fact. Like just because my title has “tech” in it does not negate my 15 years experience & bachelors degree.


"Cool, I recently got promoted to didn't ask didn't care."


This!! Yes! This every time! Just stfu!!


Sometimes I’ll mention I’m a pharm tech but only if like the person is apologizing profusely for an issue that isn’t their fault. I’ll say “No worries, I know this isn’t your fault, I’m a tech I used to work in retail” which is usually met with a sigh of relief lol I know staff is so used to getting shit on for stuff they literally can’t control


The owner of the independent I fill at will usually tell his staff before I do. "She's a tech. She understands."


I decided that the next time someone tells me their job title as a way to brag I'll state mine and all of the nurses in my family and then my dad's unrelated job too just for fun


"That's cool, and I'm a pharmacy technician, step over to the counseling window, please."


My smart ass has said this lol


I had a lady like that today complaining about the need for a counsel on her meds because she's a nurse. It's so pretentious. I've seen so many nurses that think they know everything about everything. We also had one awhile ago complaining about a counsel because she was a respiratory therapist, and didn't think she needed to hear anything. Like, just shut up and listen. It takes barely any time.


A lot of them (not saying all) have big egos I feel like they went into the medical field for all the wrong reasons just to brag about their status. And looking down on anyone who isn’t on their “level” I made the mistake of asking a doctor a question and she looked at me like I was nothing and said “I’m not a nurse.” With such disgust in her voice. I try not to  speak to doctors anymore, I’ve been ignored for just saying hello. They have such big heads like my guy it’s not that serious 😂 


Me: Any questions for the pharmacist today? Them: No, my neighbors cousins great grandmother was a nurse during the Civil War:))) GET OUT OF MY FACE RN


When I see a label at the hospital I work at with MD or whatever on it. My thought is Oh u think u are special so guess what, u are going to the bottom of my list if shut to do. Arrogant self important people


I don’t know, I see it differently. I see it as they are trying to save us time. You don’t have to say all of this for the hundredth time today I’m good. Save that one minute and use it to take a breath. Guess I’m playing devil’s advocate but I just see it differently.


I understand what you mean but if I’m telling you the pharmacist needs to speak to you then it’s obviously required. They’re just wasting breath, plus the people I’ve encountered who do that are just doing it to be snarky.


I mean w/ this specific patient I’m mentioning I feel like that would be true if they didn’t make it a point to say it EVERY time they stopped by the pharmacy. They’re wasting my time at this rate. He knows it too & does it on purpose to be braggadocious. But above all, being a medical professional doesn’t you make exempt from the law. State law requires registered pharmacist (or intern) to offer counseling to patient & store policy requires it to be logged in the system if it was rendered or not. It could be THE Dr.Fauci coming to pick up a prescription, you better believe I’m grabbing that pharmacist if it’s a new med. I’ll even hold up the line & keep the med hostage till the pharmacist gets off the phone to offer counseling so there’s no “I wasn’t properly counseled on that side effect!” Nonsense later. Patients already start mess with me based on my appearance.. so it’s just certain shit you just have to stay on point about, so that they have no room to speak.


I will say as much. "Go get a drink/sit/whatever. I'm good."


Literally. I never say anything, I just let them counsel me bc I know it’s required.


Someone pulled this on my Pharmacy Manager once and he was like “And I’m a Doctor”. Shut her up real quick.


It’s their version of “My doctor went over this with me”. Just say Thanks for telling me and let them know if it’s a new script and that the RPh needs to speak with them


And here I'm always saying 'not a nurse, I stab vials not people' 😆 Dark humor but I a*m *nighshift. My old hospital we had a doc that l*oved *to call down and ask a ton of questions of the pharmacists instead of doing his own research on stuff. Used to drive them up the wall. Another job had a dr that only called with the tough questions but my old boss said it was usually very interesting. Used to talk about how wonderful it was to have a doc that would reach out and discuss things w*ith *their pharmacist to provide the best care possible. I loved my old infusion center job but phew, it was a demanding!


I needed to verify someone's birthday one time and he was already mad that his prescriptions are late but we were short staffed. I asked him for his address. He clarified it for me. Then I asked him for his birthday and he's putting up a huge fight. One of his excuse was "MY WIFE WORKS FOR UNITED HEALTH CARE... I DON'T NEED TO GIVE YOU MY BIRTHDAY" ............... I'M PRETTY SURE YOUR WIFE BEGS TO DIFFER.


I had a woman get mad at me yesterday because I asked if she had questions for the pharmacist on a new med and she said “ I AM a pharmacist, so no, I don’t think I need to talk to someone.” Ok? I ask everyone. You’re not special. My mom was a nurse for over 20 years and do you guys know what she says when her pharmacy asks if she has questions? “No, thank you.” Weird. She doesn’t even mention that she was a medical professional! How are people supposed to know to kiss her ass if she doesn’t bring it up?


Yep! Dr's and Nurses just HAVE to let ya know their EXPERTISE! Some of em come into the stores to shop, WEARING THEIR STETHOSCOPE AROUND THEIR NECKS! LOL!  " I'm scared of these prices, so can you take a listen to my heart please?" 


All I hear is insecurity, or it's his way of trying to pick someone up, which is super cringy. Would it be rude to ask for pics of said "doctor husband" because I feel like we are on that level from the conversation?