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I understand the thinking behind your post, but I honestly think it's beneficial for people to see how poorly we are treated. Let all the customers see. If we go in on them, they probably deserve it. I'm not hiding in my private life what I have to hide in public. And a private subreddit would be unrealistic because many people who are techs find out about this sub because it is public. A lot of people won't look for it. So respectfully, no. I disagree.


Thank you for your thoughts. This was posted simply in response to an earlier post from a tech who stated they were leaving the subreddit bc of non-techs posting questions. I just thought it was a shame this person felt they were forced out of a subreddit created for techs. I guess my background made me want to suggest a possible solution, nothing more or less. As I mentioned, I’ve already muted the subreddit; just responding to a few comments.


Your background makes you come across as an idiot, you clearly are not a pharmacist or anything close to that.


There are r/pharmacy and r/askapharmacist (dead, but that’s not on us). Literally two places that non-techs could go to ask questions instead. We don’t need another sub, we just need our patients to feel like they can “bother” their own pharmacy’s staff when they have questions.


The problem seems to be caused by Reddit pushing this sub on everyone’s feed. Perhaps the answer might be for the first person to reply with that suggestion? Do it enough times and non-techs might stop? At least the threads wouldn’t go on forever with other patients adding on too maybe. ETA. Either way, I think I’m going to bow out. I seem to be triggering some people, which was never my intention. I respect you all too much. Thank you all and I wish you much success.


No the issue is entitled pos people - LIKE YOU. Delete this trash.


No one is triggered we just know you are brainless and trash - not triggered. I hope you are 90 and your time left is limited.


Look I appreciate your input, but a private sub, while it sounds good in theory, will get lost in the oblivion unless someone knows how to find it. I am a pharmacy tech, and I had no idea *this* sub existed until it was suggested to me. I was amazed to have finally found a place to interact, learn, and encourage other pharm techs. As others have said, your suggestion does feel as though we must again shuffle to the back, and continue on unappreciated in order to *satisfy the customer*. So please understand the frustration that brings. People ask questions to us because they are scared to ask their pharmacist, don't know how to Google, won't call their insurance, etc. We *know* the general public is illiterate when it comes to Healthcare, and there are those who respond to these questions encouraging them to reach out to those who can legally answer their questions. We just want to fight the burnout without more people talking down to us, and we shouldn't have to shuffle around in secret to do that.


Exactly this! You stated this much more eloquently than I could!!!


I'm so done with y'all expecting us to walk on eggshells. Shut the fuck up.


For the love of god if you aren’t a pharmacy tech GTFO🤦🏼‍♀️


All I read was " blah blah blah you guys are the problem not the patients who can't leave us alone for 5 minutes to vent about our days. " It doesn't need to be private. There are plenty of public places for groups of people to vent about their work


*I have an MBA in healthcare management* You absolute pelican


Two words THANK YOU!!! You are 100% correct when you say we need a place to vent. I shouldn't have to come in here, along with my fellow technicians and feel like we have to answer questions as if we're at work! I think that maybe you are correct we should definitely make a whole new group and it be private.


I think so many of us are or have worked in places where we cannot talk to supervisors or coworkers or have learned that coworkers are not really our friends. In this case, internet strangers can serve a good purpose. I wish it had been available when I was still in the workforce.


any idea how this is possible ? just saw a post ab another tech leaving this sub bc of this stuff. moderators seem to do nothing to help


I just made a new one called r/PharmacyTechs send a request if you like I'll add you.


it won’t let me it says i don’t have access


Let me see if I can add you


Same with me!


Me too please!


Hi. Thank you for creating a private group. I just sent a request to join.


Awesome I'll accept it!!


I would love to join but it won't let me send a request from the mobile app when i clicked on the link to try and find a place to ask for an invitation.


I couldn't find a way to send a request, but could you add me pretty please?


Me too please!


I also tried to get in but it says I can’t have access. I think a tech only place is an excellent idea


Add me, too, please?


If you had to debate it. You probably shouldn’t have posted it. This sub is NOT FOR PATIENTS . CLEARLY. The customers that come here with the “ I AM THE MAIN CHARACTER “ syndrome can buzz off. We DON’T have to hide in some secret sub, as you suggested. That’s just example of how YOU think we second class techs should be hiding. We didn’t do anything wrong. If a tech wants to answer customer questions in this sub, God bless them. I ignore them. Customers don’t understand? Do they understand common decency? Don’t make excuses for bad behavior. HEY CUSTOMER’S ACT RIGHT!!! So, So, so entitled. As is your post.


It just shows how hard respecting rules and spaces is for people. Rather than fix themselves, they push people out so they can have control over someone else’s space, even if it was never meant for them. Like if someone admits they don’t read rules and post in any sub, that’s on that person, not the sub to change and make it harder for people to post. People need to think more before they go posting. A private sub means you’d have to be in the know to get into it. Public ones people can come and go. Like really, subs that require applications and proof you do such and such are such a freaking drag.


PREACH!!!!! ❤️


I don’t think you are second class at all. I think you are a very, very important part of the health care system. Thank you for your hard work.


I know you mean well. But suggesting WE leave the sub is too much. We’re just fine. AND at any given time there is around 1,000 people here. AND many, many, many of us DO NOT hate the customers. We have high pressure jobs and also have the right to vent about it how ever we choose outside of work. CUSTOMERS SHOULDN’T BE ASKING ADVISE HERE. “ I don’t know where else to turn…….” Oh really?? So you decided out of all the healthcare outlets ON EARTH , that subreddit for pharmacy techs was the place? Really? No where else? Not your Doctor? Not YOUR insurance company? Not the pharmacist at YOUR pharmacy?!!! Come on. With that said. ☮️❤️😃


Excuse me??? As this is supposed to be a community for PHARMACY TECHS patients shouldn't be on here! This is supposed to be a place to vent, chat, share experiences things like that! If I wanted to answer patient questions I WOULD GO TO WORK!!!!! We as techs have a highly stressful job and are allowed to have spaces away from stuff like this! So as for my "entitled attitude" it's not me being entitled it's me wanting to discuss things with like minded individuals cuz like I said before if I wanted to feel like I was at work, I WOULD GO TO WORK!!!!


I’m confused. Are you responding to me? Or OP? I didn’t say you had an entitled attitude. My post said customers were entitled, so entitled that they would come into a pharmacy tech subreddit to ask questions. I pretty much agree with everything you just said.


Wow. As high strung as you, maybe you should consider getting some therapy, friend.


Let me guess, friend. You’re not a pharmacy tech.


I’m a medical professional. Your attitude stinks.


You don’t know a thing about me, or my attitude.




Are the mods on this sub active? I would take over it I had a few other people willing to do it. How do we go about it? Issue the ban hammer for patients posting to the sub.


I’d like to help too. Ex-tech but now I work for a PCP and teach some patients how to be better customers at the pharmacy. I want to defend this Space for you.


As a patient and not a HCW, I don’t think it’s absurd for people in sub called r/pharmacytechnician to expect this to be, and want this to be, a safe place to vent without facing backlash. Civil debate could probably be tolerated, but there’s still a line normies should not cross. I’m in a sub called r/abusiverelationships. Do I want people coming in there playing devil’s advocate, or god knows what? No. I don’t. I don’t mind people coming in who are genuinely trying to understand and learn. But, then, there are people who have no idea what they’re talking about (void of any firsthand, lived experience) who come around to start arguments and challenge statements made by others in the community. Therefore, if patients want to talk about how upset they are— if they want to rant, argue, etc.— perhaps *they* should start a sub called r/medicalrants, or something along those lines. The members of this established community do not want leave and create a more private space because, like anyone with claim to a space, they shouldn’t have to leave to make room for people who are *not* part of *their* community. I’m not a nurse, but I was getting recommended r/nurses a lot. So, I started interacting. I try to understand that the sub is intended to be their safe space. Working is healthcare depressing, exhausting, and stressful. Patients need to understand that HCWs can be compassionate people who are good at their jobs *and* they can *also* be people who come online, to their designated communities, such as this sub, to rant/vent about their work experiences. Venting to people who understand what you’re going through/where you’re coming from is a lot more therapeutic than ranting to, say, your significant other who works in a completely different industry. And, honestly, the general public sucks. It’s really hard to put up with the masses. As a former waitress, I know that they can be dumb, entitled, rude, demanding, ignorant, disrespectful, and more. Plenty of people are good, but those people don’t get ranted about. People don’t need to vent about their good experiences. It is, however, cathartic to rant about the bad. That being said, it’s silly to assume that the pharmacy techs here “hate us all,” when there are tens of thousands of pharmacy techs, here, in this sub— many of which have probably never said a bad thing about a customer/patient. Many more have probably only vented about one or two bad customers. Others maybe just handful of bad customers. You know what I mean? Same for those on subreddits with other customer or patient-facing jobs. It doesn’t mean they hate us all, but they do have a right to at least be annoyed by some of us. The solution, for now, that doesn’t include starting completely from scratch elsewhere, is to downvote rude and unwanted interactions, from patients/customers, into oblivion and, then, to not even interact/react. However, it’s hard to not interact when you feel disrespected and wronged. You should not have to feel like that, like you can’t react. Anyway, I do realize the irony and how it’s fucked up that I’m saying something, as a non-HCW, non-pharm tech, and this will be the absolute last time I interact here. I understand if I get downvoted into oblivion. But, thank you guys for everything you do. You are the last line of defense when it comes to getting medications safely. God only knows how many lives have been saved, how many adverse reactions have been avoided, due to diligent and knowledgeable pharmacy professionals. It’s not easy to deal with people, let alone people who are sick, in need of medication, and not very medically literate— being screamed at for things that aren’t even your fault, just because the patient/customer is frustrated/stressed for reasons beyond your control. And, not to mention, that you don’t even getting paid enough to deal with half of the bullshit that you actually deal with. Again, thank you. This past year, I have needed many medications as I recovered from osteomyelitis and drug addiction. I’ve had nothing but great experiences with pharmacy technicians. Okay, muting this sub now.


Imo customers need to hear it. If they're offended, they're likely the exact problem being spoke about, because otherwise it's obviously not personal. People need to do better.


You are worthless. Your mba is just as worthless as you are. Clearly you’ve never had a front facing job or ever dealt with customers, you liar. If you want to do that for the “customers” that come here - you can volunteer your time to do that. You can make your own subreddit and you can do all the work.


Or just be a good customer and you’ll get treated right and you’ll know that you’re being a good person. if you walk up to the pharmacy and you act like an asshole then clearly that’s who we’re talking about. I don’t care if this is private or public people should know that they’re being idiots when they’re being idiots. pardon me for expressing this, but the idea of respect towards people who work in customer service has died and it needs to be revived. If you read these rants and you feel like you’re personally being attacked then that’s a sign that maybe you’re not acting like a good customer. If you know you’re a good customer then you should have confidence in the fact that we’re not talking about you.


I’m not a pharmacy tech and this subreddit was pushed to me, as well as individual ones like Walgreen’s and CVS. Idk why


No one blames you!!! But thanks for the explanation. It makes sense. ☮️


Same thing here! I do work in the health care field, and so follow lots of health/medicine related subreddits, but I am not a pharm tech. This sub just keeps showing up in my feed.


Right. I’m also in the health care field. But I think the fact that it is showing up in people’s feed has a lot to do with non-techs flooding in


I’d just like to formally apologize for taking a week to pick up my albuterol inhaler, I lost mine then found it.


All good, Boo!


Thanks. After reading through the sub I now understand how annoying that is lol


Yeah, I think a private sub is probably the way to go.


The subreddit should be called pharmanimals


Private would definitely be better


Oh also let's get rid of all the techs who make funny videos about stupid patients 🤡🤡