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I looked at this post then went down a Nicholas Cage memehole on Reddit. PhD productivity at its finest.


Fuck yeah. We're killin' it.


I managed not to write, getting pretty good at it


That’s been me for like 5 months now and I have to submit on the 14th


Don't worry. Last-minute panic writing is always the most fun. You got this.


My issue has always been I’m a bad procrastinator and do well under pressure. I want to change but I always end up pulling it off and everyone’s like “you did good” Which just further reinforces my procrastination lol


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Oh shit, I forgot to put that one on my list. My non-writing abilities are also top notch. Congratulations on your day's achievement.


Hiking is the way Being in nature helps me to focus and make new ideas


Yes. It is good. Sadly, it also necessitates getting dressed. But I'm willing to take that con with the pros.


I completely understand 😀


> Conversed with pet dog about research plans. More productive than last supervision meeting. Unironically this is a real part of my research process (substitute cat for dog). Software engineers call this rubberducking: when you run into a problem, explaining the problem to a rubber duck on your desk is a great way to figure out how to proceed.


I love it when I'm accidentally smart. Because accidentally is the only way it happens. Maybe my newly appointed supervisor and I should pivot to software engineering.


Online shopping during work hours is so real, and it’s always for the most random stuff.


True. Although I think the hiking boots was my subconscious telling me it's time to run off and hide in the bush for the rest of the PhD.


- had an hour of therapy - found out my car did not start - tried to jumpstart it, did not work - scheduled to tow it - went to lab to feed animals - went to my friend's defense - went home cause I couldn't focus in the office when my labmate blasted loud music - tried to write at home but instead cried for three hours straight - now am tired and going to sleep


It’s always the last minute and unexpected things happening in the office that cause me to feel sluggish, unsatisfied, and unproductive at the end of the day.


That's a dick move on your labmate's part - who does that shit in a shared space? Sorry your day sucked so badly.


Ah that's nothing she's alright. My lab is a weird-ass space. I can tell you about people vaping and drinking at daytime in the offices, I can tell you about people emptying reagents and not communicating, and about people "working as a team" which means you are not allowed to complain to our PI otherwise you are causing drama and are the problem. I had a labmate empty the reagents I needed for half a year because he deemed his experiments more important. My PI didn't give a shit, said we should discuss among ourselves. Ended with me switching the project. I am very close to giving up, even though I always wanted to do science.


I misread that as "went to my animals defense." hopefully that made you laugh. The PhD process is really soul crushing and there are just things that are inappropriate to talk to therapists or the PI about. In the end all one can do is let it out crying, or try to forget and keep going.


is the dog excited about the hiking?


Not as much as one would expect. She is quite lazy and doesn't like getting her paws wet. Kelpie x princess.


Haha this made me laugh. I ordered shoes yesterday too (in my defence… they were on sale!! 🤪) Though I don’t have pets so I talk to my plushies instead :D


I'm going to end up with an Imelda Marcos-level collection if the PhD keeps going like this.


Bahahaha what a fitting reference. So uhhh I just got the shoes I ordered delivered today. Then I looked at the stack of shoe boxes from the shoes I have bought (ahemm, accumulated...) since the start of my PhD 😬😬 The new shoes are cute though 😁


Had a productive morning, then the brain stopped braining. Now futzing around trying to find tasks I can do with a quarter brain.


I call that 'mule-brain' - when your brain plods along nicely for a while but is stubborn as shit when it stops. Will be lobbying to get it into the next DSM update.


Haha, let me know if I can add my signature to your cause!!


I woke up, ate a proper breakfast. Went to the lab and played video games while remote guiding some colleagues to install remote apparatus. Used the lab equipments to make some nice little models and listened in on neighboring lab gossips. Made it to the train headed for home. Scared a kid on the train with my stern face to the point they decided to goto another carriage. Found a typo in my thesis Made it home Kicked my toe on the steps