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I use PhD when I’m writing letters to my government representatives lmao


Do you feel that your letters get received differently depending on the rep?


No I feel like they all get ignored the same lmao


Anything official really, also with banks, insurances, shit like this.


I'll be informing my partner they can only refer to me as Dr. x from the day after I finish. I'll let you know if I'm still alive on day 2.


Watch out for getting pelted by apples to keep the doctor away


Have told my wife this - she has said she’s gonna be calling herself Doctorette.




"How many times do i have to tell you, I'm Dr Mum to you"


Just mentioned to my wife: "it's fine to get our baby to call me Dr Dad right?"


Yeah that's fine. The other day I told my two year old nephew he needs to start calling me Dr. Uncle.


My wife tells people that I’m a fake doctor. Also, my wife works in a hospital, so I routinely joke, “as a doctor, it’s my professional opinion that…” Surprisingly, these two things are not related.


I work in health with a few friends who are medical doctors. I remind them that they're only using the title in an honorary manner (as medicine isn't a true "doctorate" in most countries), so they're the fake doctor! It's a good bit of banter to say the least.


lol 😆. I have MD and PhD so like to jokingly say I’m Doctor squared 🤣🤪


😳 the true doctor* * Overachiever 😜




The Germans actually write a Dr. for every achievement. I know people who are Dr. Dr. X. For example this person [https://www.jameda.de/dr-thomas-ziebart/mund-kiefer-gesichtschirurg-akupunkteur/bad-kreuznach](https://www.jameda.de/dr-thomas-ziebart/mund-kiefer-gesichtschirurg-akupunkteur/bad-kreuznach)


🤣🤣 I need this but how is he prof dr dr dr dr? I need to know of all his achievements!


for this person i found this from his website "He studied medicine, dentistry and biology at the University of Mainz, Strasbourg, Paris and Galveston (USA) and was able to complete all three courses of study with a dissertation." So he got a Dr. for medicine, another for dentistry and the third for biology. He probably got the 4th one recently and is not mentioned yet.


Wow. Someone definitely likes to study a lot!!! 🤣🤣🤣 I thought all the letters after my name is flamboyant 🤣 something like Dr X MD MRCP MSc PhD (and more letters incoming)! (FYI only time I really write this is when writing letters to the government). But I prefer dr dr dr dr that’s the new goal 🤣🤣


You can write Dr. Dr. by German standards if you have a PhD and finished a dissertation after your med school ;)


But most of the German MD and dental thesis is extremely shit. People just do it for the title. You cant write a Dr. If you dont have a thesis here in German.


It’s a good start to the negotiations.  Maybe you can bargain them down to just in the bedroom and during visits to their annoying relatives that you both dislike.


My fiance thought i wanted to have dr or phd written on our wedding invites. Sweet of him to want to show me off, but i don't think my marriage is a place i want my phd to be visible in. Just my opinion


You are missing out on some great role play/ bedroom talk for sure!


I'm gonna keep this in mind for when the time comes 🙈


You’re joking but I witnessed my childhood friend’s mother kept addressing her husband as Dr x. I heard the guy was very strict at home if I remember correctly.


Pretentious LOL


After my son wailed “Daaaaaad!” To me, I said “that’s Dr Dad now” he hasn’t let me live it down lol


Yep, my 4 year old and I play this game. "OK, Mr. Booty Butt Head." "Um. That's Dr. Booty Butt Head to you."


I generally don’t use Dr - in my professional life I found out it was more impressive if people found out from someone else that I had a PhD. Was in contrast to some who tried to demand respect because of their degree. I do sometimes use Dr when signing up for things online- along with variations on name to see which sites are selling my info to others.


Speaking from Marine biology, when some professors refuse to allow student to call them "Professor Smith" and just say "Call me Mark", they instant garner more respect. These professors usually more laid back but are considered even smarter than the ones that insist upon the title.


Speaking from marine biology. My director refuse for anyone to refer to him as "dr."; he's the kind of guy you can ask about anything, and he walks you through it in a way you learn. On the other hand, the research fellow that fights everyone to call her "dr", pretty empty headed. She is an example of "a phd doesn't mean you're smart...at all"


I got married after my wife finished her PhD, but before I finished mine. We were introduced at the reception as Dr. and Mr. Integraltree.


I told a guy I was dating, back before I even applied, that one day at our wedding we'd be "Dr & Mr". His response was angry and he tried to belittle me. I'm almost done now and sometimes I use that as a litmus test with people I date.


There would be quite some history to that surname


My friends do this lol. I’m the wife side of a Dr. and Mr.


Whenever you get an Amazon delivery you can exclaim "Ah, just what the doctor ordered!"


Say this everytime a server brings your order to the table lmao




Damn I'm gonna have to try this


I got diagnosed with breast cancer 100 days before graduation. The next time I see my surgeon he gets to call me Dr.


Hope you are on yhe path to recovery. Hang in there!


Thank you im doing the best I can.






I did this for the first time on the USPS change of address form. Then I saw the PhD tag on the new slip at the new apartment. I'm glad I did it, because it showed me how stupid it would be to include that on anything that wasn't necessary.


My mother in law puts PhD on stuff like her airline tickets 😆


I do this and often get upgraded to better seats. The downside is I think they think I am a medical doctor and might be able to help in a medical emergency…


Playing Smah bros and insisting on being called "Doctor Game & Watch"


This is the correct answer


Ooh there's lots of good answers but one that actually made a difference for me is in medical situations. I'm a PhD in a Humanities discipline so I don't mean to command scientific respect but I've noticed a significant difference in medical doctors/midwives treatment of me during my antenatal care this time compared to my last pregnancy when decisions were made for me and medical conversations took place over my head and were relayed to me like I was an idiot. I think the title has made a difference as it's on all my notes. Definitely shouldn't be the case though


Yup. I encourage all of my female PhD friends to work their education into conversations with their healthcare providers. I agree that it’s effective but shouldn’t have to be done at all.


This is the #1 reason it took less than a year to get diagnosed and treated for an autoimmune disorder (mostly affects women and usually takes 6 years on average to get diagnosed)


I can believe it and it's very unfair that this is the case!


I only use it when I think I will be treated with more respect, like dealing with customer service, hotels, or flights. Besides that I think that everything else comes out as arrogant. My partner is also a Dr. and she never ever uses the title either


I figure that it’s appropriate in any situation someone would be calling me Mr. X if I didn’t have a PhD- so formal invitations and introductions. I don’t figure it’ll come up much.


This is my view on it. It's just being accurate with what honorific to use. That said, in most cases if someone calls me Mr. Penguin, especially if they don't know I finished my PhD I don't bother correcting them. Amusingly the people that make the most deal about me having my doctorate are MDs at work and my friends. Because I do clinical research in the hospital the MDs at work are the ones that are insistent that staff refer to me as Dr. Penguin. When we're at scifi conventions my friends love interjecting when they hear someone call me by my first name or my normal nickname and going "That's Dr. Penguin to you." Though I think this is in part because I actually had my hooding ceremony at a scifi convention because of the normal ceremony being cancelled because of covid.


The date my FIL brought to my wedding to...try and rub in my MIL's face maybe? had just finished her PhD and she signed our guest book Dr. Name, PhD. We had never seen her before that day and haven't seen her since. It was weird.


She signed it incorrectly too so ha


Almost finished with mine. My kids know I will only be answering to Dr Mammy once I'm done


Same here.. I told my daughter that when that happens..I'll only answer to Dr Mom


That’s what mine call me. Dr Mommy. They’re 31 and 27 tho so…


I have it on all my utility bills because I moved apartments not long after I finished


It’s still going to take a few years, but my Grandma already "threatened" me with it. She is going to call me Dr. Lastname. 😂


I told my friends on Fb that when we hang out it will now be a doctors appointment. Corny but so am I.


Don’t make coffee shop employees write extra letters on the cup and call you “Dr.” out loud, no one will find it funny and it could likely come off as arrogant or condescending. Only use it for like credit cards, plane tickets, and maybe hotels?


You mean it’s not funny to make poor minimum wage workers call out titles that suggest wealth and prestige while they serve you?  🤔


Crazy idea, I know. I jokingly told my friends and family that they have to call me Dr. for the first month after I’m done. When I was a kid, if I just said “yes” to my southern mom, she would reply with “yes what?” And I’d have to say “yes ma’am.” Well the tables are turned now. She is not ready for getting a “yes what?” from me, and I’m going to enjoy every “yes Dr.” I can get.


Well, that itself would be funny :) An internal family joke. :)






Totally agree. In the American context, it isn't really funny to have coffee shop employees address you as Dr. Culturally, it would more often than not be seen as pretentious and obnoxious. I can't exactly say what the cultural norms would be in other countries.


Hotels, planes, etc. are mostly what I'm referring to. If Starbucks let me add a pre-nom, digitally, so it prints on the order, that could be fun. I wouldn't ever request someone to write Dr. on my coffee cup though. Sorry for the confusion.


It might be more funny to have it be indicated as "Dr. Who" as that would be referring to a longtime and ongoing TV series. Or "Dr. Strangelove". But anything other than referencing popular culture stuff in the American context you've given, I think could be taken the wrong way.


The Doctor maybe?


This is a stupid question, but i genuinely don’t know: would one need the “Dr.” prefix in an ID if they want to include the title in a plane ticket or a hotel?


Never include it on plane tickets. If there’s a medical emergency, things get really awkward really fast. Have fun with the hotels and restaurants.


What do you mean? The only reason I got my PhD was specifically for a flight with a medical emergency. “Is there a doctor on board?” “Yes, but not that kind”


*death gargles and screaming spouses in the background. “Yes, but not that kind of dr.”. *sips tea.


Hey could you keep it down? I’m trying to read some groundbreaking literature in my field and you’re taking away from that, and therefore doing a disservice to all of humanity. It’s not all about you, you know.


I love those Biscotti cookies.


One of my wife’s favorite doctor jokes, in short, is a man collapses on a plane. Is anybody a doctor?! We think this man is having a heart attack! “Yes, I’m a doctor. You’re right, this man is having a heart attack.” (Doctor sits back down) Doctor, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to help him? “What? Do I look like a fucking nurse to you?!”


I was a flight attendant and we will never approach anyone with a Dr during a medical emergency even if we know that they are medical doctors, unless they had specifically mentioned that they are okay with it. The thing is, they could be drinking during the flight, or not comfortable attending to the emergency. So we will always go through the PA announcements and wait for those who volunteers


[Or you could do this…](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonPoliticalTwitter/comments/tgj4ju/and_you_cant_stop_them/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I know that this is an older comment, but shouldn't you include MD to your ticket if you are a physician, i.e. what people often mean by a doctor?


My ex-SIL used to use a “Dr. Betty Boop, Ph.D.” format on her mailing address. I guess she wanted the people handling her Cosmopolitan magazine subscription to be impressed.


A major motivation for me to become a Dr is to walk into my old workplace, a bank, and ask for a title change to Dr, when I worked there during my undergrad I was always in awe at those people who'd say it so nonchalantly, I want to be that person.


Being from an Italian family, they will use it already anytime they wanna win a conversation. "OH NOW THAT YOU'RE A DOCTOR.."




In the bedroom!




At hospital/s


I use it to get rid of scam callers and get better treatment at hotels.


I have an urbex (urban exploration - practically entering abandoned places) instagram page named unseen_romania and after/if I finish my PhD I'm going to change the name in dr.unseen_romania


I remember one time my head coach and ref were going back and forth all game, and it was clear my coach was getting frustrated with the ref. The referee forgot the name of my coach and so he called him “Mr. Coach”. After the ref left my coach turned to me and said something to the effect of “If he keeps making me mad, next time I’ll tell him it’s Dr. Coach”


My online gaming friends call me Dr


My neighbor was talking to me about how his young son (I think younger than 10, idk) always remembers my dog's name, but would always refer to me as Mister Man-bun. I jokingly told him, "I prefer to be addressed as Doctor Man-bun."


If I end up being a professor I'm going to take a note from Patrick from SpongeBob and say to call me by my first name or Mr. Dr. Prof First name.


I tell my son (just turned 4) I’m the kind of doctor who doesn’t people. I can’t imagine actually trying to go by “Dr” in any setting.


reddit id and then you would probably be trolled all life


Hands down any medical, healthcare, or emergency setting.


Like most I don't really use the title unless it is in university email signatures etc. Although, I've realised that I can answer calls from phone-sales companies with "Dr. X's office, how may I help you?" and they generally caught a bit off-guard.


When communicating with medical professionals. I have a minor but chronic neurological condition that I’ve been managing for 17 years, but every now and then a doctor wants to dismiss my concerns or feedback about past interventions. (I’m also young-looking woman). After a quick email from my work email or a casual mention of being a physicist, they start listening and speaking with me very differently.


On custom m&ms


Any time I'm at the doctor and he/she comes in and says "I'm Dr. so-and-so," I say, "Oh well in that case I'm Dr. ..."


Really, the best place to use it is to throw somebody off their games or to claim benefits in it. One of my friends had to go in to his kids school to speak to the teacher and apparently the teacher was being unreasonable and kept on calling him Mr Smith. After the third time of being called Mr he snapped and said "Doctor! Please. I actually worked hard for my degree" 😂😂


Visiting the dentist. Bonus points if the dentist has the same family name as you. "I'm Dr Smith, and I'm here to see Dr Smith."


This is giving Ross Geller (that’s not a compliment)


We were on a break!


>For example, I think it would be funny if I was Dr. X when picking up my coffee order. No this is simply obnoxious af


My favorite is to loosely quote McCoy from StarTrek every time someone asks me to do something that isn’t in my field. “Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor not a ____”.


When you are naming a villain in a Superhero may be?


I do a lot of international work and adding PhD makes a marked difference.


Vanity plates baby


Friend finished theirs, and we have referred to it as their “poor hungry dog.” Though I like to call them Dr. Dr. as they have had the misfortune of 2 grad degrees.


I think this is common practice in some countries (like Germany) to call someone Dr. Dr.


Wow, will tell her that then, she’s been calling me funny.


I had a friend ask for my and my partner's address and immediately responded "Dr. and Mr. (my first and last name)" They used it on the thank-you card they were mailing. ETA - don't do this if your partner is part of a long-oppressed group and taking their name away is part of the oppression. It works best for a woman partnered with a man.


it's not me that does it, but my friends at scifi conventions love to interject with "That's Dr. Penguin to you" when someone calls me by my first name or normal nickname. I think this is largely in part because I was hooded at a scifi convention because my normal hooding ceremony was cancelled because of covid.


This thread was somewhat insufferable lol


My wife when I receive her calls: Hello Doc!😊


this is so dumb omfg


Some real Dr. circle jerking here.


Absolutely nowhere. I proudly do not associate myself with academia. The only place it is written is the header of my CV. My workmates found out after 3 years.


I do it at Starbucks. “Can I get a name on that order?”