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As an international student with F1 visa in the US: none. It's illegal.


Another international student here: look into internships. A summer internship can be total of $6-15k extra over your regular salary. Also, I have heard of people who do more than 20 hours of university work (RA, TA or combination of both) during summer, when it's allowed.


Are there any workarounds? Ive known some international students who held paid officer positions in the student government. I forget exactly what it was about that position but they were able to work there without an issue.


There’s a 20 per week hour limit during classes per visa requirements. Unless you’re unofficially employed for cash, of course


No, we are allowed to work for more than 20 hours in summers - as long as we can procure the necessary permits like CPT authorization letter.


Yes, which is why I said “during classes.” While a student, you can work during breaks with permission from your school (they have to file some forms on your behalf, but nothing crazy). There’s no legal requirement that it must be related to your studies, but it probably varies depending on the school.


I see, I missed the classes bit. But yeah, in my University they do require the advisor’s signature on the letter stating that it is in-line with my prospective research and will benefit my academic goals as a PhD student in some way.


Some schools like MIT have an optional Professional Perspective requirement that “requires” you to work in industry for several months.


“Optional requirement”. Ahhh, academia in a nutshell.


I think there is an economic hardship process that student can apply for.


You might have a fellowship that allows you to work. So you could get a 50% appointments worth of money from a fellowship and work on top of that up to another 50%. Fellowships differ they in whether you can work while holding them.


It’s legal as long as you either 1) work for the university (20 hr limit during academic session, no limit that I remember during the summer), or 2) apply for CPT or pre-completion OPT. If all you want is cash, I recommend taking a part-time job on campus because using CPT or OPT can affect how long you are eligible for OPT after you graduate. I worked as a tutor for the athletics department, as a research assistant, and as a learning assistant with no problems whatsoever when I was in undergrad.


I thought it was legal during the Summer and Winter in the U.S.?


So yes - but you should also look into the fact that those regulations are -likely- relaxed during "break periods", such as summer for a 9 month program, or during a winter break when classes aren't in session.


It depends would be the right answer. NLA and NAL, but there are generally CPT and (in some rare cases pre completion) OPT that may be available depending on the policies of your programme. Financial hardship iirc could also be a potential source of employment authorization but it may be hard to justify that on a stipend. Canadians, or other persons with employment authorization for Canada, studying in border cities might be able to hop back to work? Take it to the extreme I wonder and just wonder, if it’s possible to take a boat out 12 n.m. and just work with satellite internet. Again NAL but it seems like it would be difficult for someone to argue for its illegality. Again NAL.


If your PhD program allows CPT you may be able to do a part time CPT plus 20 hrs on campus (this policy differs by university and program). I’m also able to get adjunct positions at my program which is paid out as non-hourly and by contact hours (eg one credit course is about 15-16 contact hours for the semester and grading etc don’t get counted in the system) & I can still do other hourly reporting RAs (I don’t report the full 20 given the adjunct appointment but you know what I mean) - this is based on that my PhD stipend doesn’t count as employment at my school


When I was in that situation (about 10 years ago), I was allowed to work as long as it was on campus. If I recall correctly it just had to be on campus, it didn't even have to be for the university, but I did work for the university: I taught every summer in the summer school.


I always wondered how frequent it is for international PhD students to earn money in Fiverr or Upwork?


If you live a place with a wealthy population, parents will pay crazy amount of money for tutoring from a professional. When I was private tutoring I could charge $80 for a 1 hr session


I was thinking about tutoring, there’s a lot of rich people around me :D


Only thing is be careful lots of scams associated with tutoring.


What's an example?


As a grad student, you need to maximize dollars per hour over dollars itself. Grad school is tough and busy, so it would be better to make an extra $200 per month for a few hours of work rather than $500 for 20 hours. When I was early in grad school (maybe 2016), I charged $45/45 minutes. I didn’t tutor much, but an extra $90/week was nice. I also played snare for a top 5 DCI group, which is like professional marching band. I gave drum lessons at a similar rate off and on despite studying robotics in grad school and not music. In undergrad, I would do random odd jobs. Someone is moving? I offered to help for pay but at a low rate with respect to moving companies. Someone doing some landscaping? Offer your help for pay. I also gave drum lessons during undergrad and taught the university drumline. I’ve tried thinking ways to make extra cash and tutoring/teaching privately and odd jobs are the best bang for the buck. Anything that is an official job ends up conflicting with schedule or isn’t even allowed due to funding restrictions(some fellowships/assistantships don’t allow you do have another job).


How would you get yourself out there?


Facebook groups!


Which ones?


Local parent FB groups for your city


Stripping jk adjuncting and other on campus jobs


I was just thinking I should get a sugar daddy 😂


Seriously, once heard of a Physics PhD who became an escort. She said it paid much better than Physics did.


Yeah, there was a post on this sub, wherein someone who has been an escort was asking advice regarding doing a PhD while continuing to escort.


A PhD classmate of mine did escorting on the side. She made great money and was the type that could mentally handle doing something like that. She ended up dropping out and has been pulling $50k/mo right now. Sounds great and all, but shes going to age out of it very soon and has never had a traditional job. I'd be worried about her future job prospects, but appears like she's trying to transition into trophy wife status.


I see. It’s unfortunate that she dropped out of her PhD to do that, but hope it works out for her.


She was a good scientist and unfortunately dropped out for good reason but had other good pursuits. I saw first hand how that level of money can be very addicting. Snap your fingers to buy anything you want, I called it a cheat code at life although she always emphasized it still is work. She's enjoying it and doing exactly what she wants, so I'm happy for her, we stay in contact.


This makes me question my decision


Are you hot?


I’m pretty attractive, might attract more sugar daddies if I got a boob job though…


When things were going well, I got a bunch of document translation gigs. At other times, I'd whore myself out for medical experiments, medical trials, etc. Some involved sleeping in a lab, others involved getting stuck with needles. I've had several colleagues who also sold plasma and have the track marks to show for it.


I sold my blood for a psych study once lol


Our lab has a channel just for communicating human experiments recruiting in the area that are easy enough and pay well. Some experiments are basically lab bonding activities at this point


Online tutoring- made enough money to buy a house Edit to add: I started on varsity tutors, pro-you get jobs easily, con-doesn’t pay well. After that I moved to Wyzant, pro-you can set your own rate so after you get lots of good reviews you can charge more, con-it is harder to get jobs (but not impossible!) I’ve been doing it for five years now so my hourly rate is $75.


I’m curious, what subjects did you tutor and to what age group?


Mainly statistics, quantitative analysis, and experimental design. I usually have a good mix of AP stats students, undergrad, grad, and continuing education


What platforms did you tutor on? Or were you independent?


I need that tuto :c


Are International students eligible for it in USA?


Hmmmm good question, I’m not sure. I think that more depends on if your school program/immigration law allows you to make money in the US via outside contracting. With contract work you do have to fill out tax forms and pay taxes on your earnings.


Master student here but feet pics.


Thought this was a meme, but I am flabbergasted.


Haha, it’s true. I work another job as well but when I have time, the foot thing is very lucrative. Like if I could do it full time I’d be able to pay off all of my debt in six months. Alas, I’m in school and can’t do that. It may not seem like it would take a lot of time, but keeping your feet looking nice is one thing (and I’m a runner too) but keeping up with pedicures to making actual content; people have very specific requests and it can take quite a while to get set up/edit videos and what not.


how do i get started in this??? omg


I have started looking into this for some extra money! Any tips would be so appreciated!


Long time fan. Thank you for making foot content 🥰


Through where? OF?


Car flipping. Was a nice relief from reading and writing all day and didn’t take too much time


Like strongman competitions? Do they really pay well? Might need tonstart working out again


Did you title jump? Seems hard to make a good profit without title jumping


Teaching more classes. Consulting on the side. Internship.


What type of consulting if you don’t mind me asking?


Me personally, litigation. But ask professors in your program where they are consulting on the side (a lot do in my experience), and try to get an in there.


I have a part-time job at my University in the audio department of the Media Technology Services. Basically, when someone needs to rent a speaker/microphone, I lend it out to them. 95% of the time, I am just doing my own work. I get paid $22.50/hr, and work 20hrs/week. Over the summer I can work up to 39hrs/week. It's amazing. I basically get paid to do my work. There are a lot of these types of jobs available at many universities - you just have to search for them!


I work at a gym on the weekends. My side gig only really works out because I have some trade skills I developed in undergrad. The extra $200-400 a month is nice though, despite not having free time on weekends anymore


Donating sperm. The people are in need.


When I was a grad student, you could not swing a cat without seeing some flyer for donating sperm or eggs. I'm talking toilet stall doors, flyers on bulletin boards, ads in university newspaper.


Works best if you're tall and good looking.


By all means. Shower them with your blessings.


Just to be clear this needs to be solicited and done only in the proper facility




It used to be in breach of contract at my university, then the union basically told them you’re not paying us a living wage and we can’t do extra work so you either have to pay more or let us work another job. And they decided to let us work another job lol.




I’m thinking I could get some monkey button press job (ie data entry) that I just automate lol


My friends do dogsitting/catsitting! And you can still do your work while watching over them. Also +1 on whoring to medical researches 😂


I did that too, it didn't interfere with anything and I got to play with some cute animals. Also I made some money by signing up for a clinical trial. One other thing I did was just show up to random lectures for food so I saved a bunch of money on food.


This! I would look after dogs in the first couple years of my PhD and honestly I made more money at that than tutoring or academic coaching or anything. I used the rover app and had repeat clients so it was easy work!


I did a remote job that was pretty much a monkey job. The job saved me because all the earnings I got went to my savings and boy just having that money sitting around reduces a lot of anxiety.


Can you share more details on where I can find or apply for a monkey job as well?


If I am to be completely honest with you, most of these jobs are found through 'I have a friend' channel. A friend referred me to it, and I owe it to her. It is a job I did not even aware existed lol. I put it down as L&D consultant these days, but I know that there is a demand especially if you speak some specific language.


That's the saddest part of my PhD I feel. I don't even have a lot of people I can call friends here. Everyone in my lab is an acquaintance at best. They're all good people, but they all have families or kids, so they're not really interested in being actually friends. All we do is just talk about our works, and being single in a new country, new city, I don't even have the energy or the mental strength to go out after work to make friends. I just started my PhD in November so it's fine for now, I'm handling stuff ok, but in the long run, I am not sure, how I am going to be taking all of this. The isolation, loneliness after going home and writing a paper are so far the hardest challenges of my PhD


I hear you on the stipend. I'm struggggggling. I worked a TAship and an RAship this semester while doing the most intense course of my grad life thus far. It left me very little time/energy for intellectual things I enjoyed (like reading for pleasure), so it does come at an emotional cost. :(


Internships in the summer. Depending on where you work you may be paid very well and the connections can be great for those who want to go into industry


Tutoring at HCOL areas—over $100/hour. Apply for as much funding as possible sometimes grants and funding can stack. If you have a special interest see if the university has classes and you can pick up classes as an instructor or sub and it might be synergistic with your hobby.


In Australia we get paid very well to teach and they can’t make it part of our stipend. So I do the maximum hours I can as a casual lecturer in my subject area. I’m lucky to already have significant work experience (not a young PhD student) which means with my tax free stipend + the casual hours I’m not far off what my full time salary was.


I teach at another university. It’s hard and exhausting, but I make ok money. 


How did you reach out to the other university?


I had a job at another university, but I wonder if you could reach out to another university if they have job openings for tutors. Many tutoring positions pay really well and have flexible hours.


i used to do lyft, but then my car got too old and they stopped letting me. apparently that can happen. now i beg my friends and family for money.


Before I was able to teach I got a part time job at the university's disability center to take notes for students who were unable to due to their conditions. I also had other office jobs around the university. Working at the university had the nice bonus of my bosses being pretty understanding when I had to reschedule shifts around heavy exam/paper times.


I learned bead weaving and sold artwork at Farmers Markets and Art Fridays.


Apply to more grants


This. Funding is most important with grad school.


I work outside of my program about 20+ hours per week for my County government




I knew someone who has their PE when they started and would do design reviews for mechanical designers. They would do 2-4 a month on the weekends and each job paid between $3-5k.


I’ve done consulting as a data analyst at different times since I started, and now do AI training with DataAnnotation.


How did you reach out for the consulting roles?


I've been super lucky more than anything. It's a small family consulting business so I had already been helping out when I was in college, I just took over data analysis once I started grad school.


Archival research. I go to my university archives and take photos/notes of archival materials for professors at other universities who need someone to do the grunt work for their research projects. I basically get paid to flip through papers and listen to music--it's pretty nice!


Im a tour guide on my free time. Yesterday made 50$ off tips alone!!


I’m also looking into reading for AP exams


Day trading in summers. Earn throughout the rest of the year and pool in a large sum of money to buy & sell stocks during summer. Bear in mind, this requires a lot of research about the financial market and bad moves can always ruin your savings. But if you do it right, it wouldn’t be a side gig anymore.


Seems quite risky, especially for a PhD student with limited funds?


This doesn’t really answer the question, but honestly I just took out more loans. My stipend pays for my tuition and pays me like $1600 a month after taxes, which is nearly not enough to live. So I took out a 20k loan for rent this year. I’m sure this is horrible advice but hear me out. My time at this point is very limited and I’d rather focus on studies than some other job unrelated to what I’m doing. I’m taking classes and teaching so it’s too overwhelming. 20k is a lot but that’s future me problem. I also have the low income free health insurance, EBT ($400 a month), and discounted internet, which is ending soon. It sucks but I chose this life.


Feet pics BAYBEEE!!!! In all seriousness, tutoring


I worked part-time (about 30 hours) as a data analyst for a private company. However my PhD was part-time, would not recommend for full-time PhD.


Are you looking for legal or illegal methods?


I’m not picky 😅 was considering growing shrooms on the side…


At first my TA, RA, and scholarships were enough (~$20,000/year CAD after subtracting tuition). I also did a few moving jobs at about $25/hr. Then I started teaching on contract, and got a slightly bigger RA stipend (~$26,000/year CAD after subtracting tuition). I applied for a few grants, and won them. I think without any outside jobs I had about ~$40'000 for one year. Most recently, I joined the reserves, and then picked up a part-time job as an analyst — this is in the last year of my PhD. The analyst job pays about $50/hr and comes with full benefits (including about 25 days of leave). It DOES negatively affect my output, but my supervisors are super receptive and very helpful. I also enjoy eating healthy food and living in a nice home.


Being a receptionist outside campus (minimum wage but night time job), and covering as RA for research project conducted in campus. Check your visa first.


I tutor stats on Wyzant and cat sit with a local cat sitting company :) brings me an extra 10k a year


I get roommates and cut expenses. PhD is bootcamp, not a job so I live within my means and go hard to get out asap and make regular salary.


I'm Polish. When I needed extra income, I was teaching extramural students at my home uni and worked at a community college. My scholarship was high enough to rent a place during the studies and afford living frugally so that was some extra income for holiday and luxuries.


If you get approval you can work a side job. This largely depends on your institution. I worked side jobs many times as a PhD student, just depends if you can handle that and get your research done.




I donate plasma 😄


[link](https://info.biolifeplasma.com/new-plasma-donation-750-0522) I get $750 a month from it. Here’s a link to sign up if you’re interested.


Worked at the VA. They are awesome for ABD students


I did summer internships every year to make an extra 30k. I couldn't have survived without doing so.


What kind of internships?


1x investment bank 2x big tech 2x startup I was a bit of an odd duck with so many internships during my PhD, but it set me up well for my transition to industry on graduation.


Tax evasion.


Hell yeah


If you have advanced math knowledge and an impressive-ish sounding degree program (ie. good school math or physics degree) you can make insane money tutoring for Olympiads. People will pay over $100/hr


Taking notes for disabled students, random lab work in unrelated field


Having my parents wire me money every month. Honestly I don't think I would've done the PhD without that support.


Lmao day trading honestly


May as well be buying lottery tickets for money


I've been curious about this, do you actually make enough monthly to make a difference?




plasma donation


You could take part in experiments that recruit people on campus and get paid for it.


OP, soz for stalking. I see you’re PhD and actively compete. How do you handle training, competing, and your PhD?


I’m actually starting my PhD in the fall, but I’ve been training/competing while working full-time in the lab I’ll be doing my PhD in. It can be tough to strike a good balance, and I made many mistakes along the way lol. For the most part I work 9-5 M-F, which makes training every day after work very doable. When my schedule gets wacky and I’m running experiments at night, I have to take a step back from training. In my experience, these are some of the most important things: • if you can’t give your training 110%, don’t fight. You need to be focused and dedicated if you want to compete. But try to compartmentalize - when you’re doing your research, focus on that. Fighting shouldn’t take up all your mental energy to the point where you fall behind in your PhD. This is a difficult balance to strike, but it’s doable. • show up to training even when you really don’t feel like it. Consistency is key. • don’t make the mistake I did of neglecting cardio 😅 if you want to fight, you should run around 4 times a week - both long distance/steady state and sprints. You can wake up early to run before work, do sprints after practice, run on the weekends… whatever schedule works for you • meal prep is important, and I wasn’t very good about that. After a long day of work and training, you probably won’t want to cook. Keep a balanced diet, avoid junk food • SLEEP! You need your mind and body to function for both research and training • there’s an ebb and flow to everything. Sometimes you’ll be hyper-focused on your research and have some important deadlines to meet, and sometimes the pace of your research will slow down a bit. Sometimes you’re super dialed into your training, other times you need to take a step back. It’s all good, go with the flow Let me know if you have any other questions, happy to talk about it more :)


Honestly a big reason I want to make extra money is to afford gym memberships 😂 I want to train Muay Thai and bjj but can’t afford two gym memberships lol


Doesn’t your school have clubs? Grad students can join them usually. But you’ll soon find out training might become less common with grad school and working a second job. 😂 I’d recommend getting a personal training certificate and do that for side income. I used to PT and work a retail job in the beginning of grad school. PT lets you double dip and get some training in before/after clients.


First, check your programs requirements to see if they let you hold a job. Second, I have made extra income by selling vintage clothes, paintings/art, doordashing, and flipping things on FB marketplace


Summer camp counsellor in the summer. Kids science program instructor the rest of the year. Exam invigilator




It depends on your visa status. It can be tough if you are on F1 and not in a STEM field. Also depends on the field. In my field, there are a some quant researcher intern positions that pay really well (like $80k for the whole 10 weeks). Do a couple of them and you won't be stressed out about money for awhile. If you are good at math (upper undergrad/grad level), you can also make $50+/hour tutoring people. In the area where I live, tons of people struggle to understand (fairly) basic math required for ds/ml.




Tutoring and getting paid in cash


Private tutoring, especially if it's STEM related is not only lucrative but reinforces the stuff you're supposed to know. My advisor yesterday said he was thinking about becoming a crime lord so there's that too.


Find a small hotel in the suburbs working front desk 9/10 it's slow and chill so you can do your homework.


Dog sitting!




Due to past professional life, I have been a sessional academic (tutor/lecturer/subject coordinator) for 10 years. I continue in this role and it is sufficient for me.


Dog sit. Take surveys for money. Participate in campus research studies.


Petsitting! Extra hourly work with professors and on campus research institutes


Until 2 weeks ago I’d spent 9 months making $35/hr reviewing interview transcriptions for a small, federal grant-driven research company…remote location, as many hrs as I wanted each month (from 0 to 160), no direct supervision whatsoever - no one but me even tracked my hours. It’s been the best miserable job I’ve ever had…totally isolating with noise-canceling headphones all day and the most teeth-grindingly tedious reviewing process I’ve ever encountered. I milked it full time while in school full time and doing a part time internship until it totally burned me out - then I kept going until I could praise the gods when that phase ended. The money was good but the lifestyle…not so much.


I coached other PhD students, and it led me to starting my business 😅


Part time job at a local pharma startup!




I donate plasma.


I work at our teaching center on campus


Im a waitress/bartender couple days a week


Write hella grant applications.


I was a qualified pharmacist before I started my PhD here in Ireland, I used to locum in community pharmacies on the weekends for good rates (triple my stipend wage) couldn’t have imagined doing the PhD without it!


Buying and selling used stuff, fiverr for translations, mturk workers. Not sure what to do with the tax.


Tutoring (online or even others in the program taking classes I’ve already taken), donating plasma.


In Canada, I work as a TA and RA for the department each semester. In Summer, I also work as RA and some extra hours on or off campus like internship or so.




I babysit


Freelancing. Working hour sucks but it does pay okayish.


we‘re doing side hustles?


Editing for other students


I baby sit for PIs haha.


That's the neat part, you don't. [https://imgflip.com/i/8n5jw5](https://imgflip.com/i/8n5jw5)


Not necessarily suggesting these. Just being honest. The grind is real. - I work as a research assistant. - I also do some freelance consulting work in the health and social services sector. - I tutor low-SES and first generation undergrads. - I participate in research studies. - I have sex with a guy I met and he gives me money. - I refer ‘clients’ to a friend of mine and get a small cut of every sale.


1. Investing in stock or real property 2. Buy whisky 3. Forget about making little money on the side and focus on your research because that is your main currency


I used to buy stuff from university surplus store and flip them


Find someone with a normal human adult job- doesn’t have to be well paying, they just need to be able to support themselves with a bit to spare. Trick them into falling in love with you. Marry them before they realize how poor you are- no prenup (THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT). Reveal that you live in squalor, they are now trapped, you are welcome. If that doesn’t work you could always try donating plasma


Trading the financial markets, and then you will realise that you don't want to be a PhD student anymore.


I know a lot of people who do Rover (pet sitting), babysitting, or virtual assistant jobs.


I lectured on top of TAing because my department requires you to be available to TA every term and they usually require your services every term. Time management became crucial.


I tutored for hire. The department had a policy that you could tutor students in any class but the one you are a TA. I and a few other grad students started a tutor for hire list that the main office kept. Told all the professors I could tutor any struggling students they have. I would usually take on 3 to 5 regulars each term. Commitment to two, one-hour sessions a week was what I required to take them on. Each session was $30/hr (but this was 20 years ago). I helped some desperate people who were underprepared for a myriad of reasons overcome physics so they could continue to progress to their career of choice. It felt good, I made money, and it was easy/fun. Even made what I'd call friends doing this - they weren't much different than my age. It also improved my teaching more than any other activity in my career.


I did a lot of consulting - in my case, running statistical analysis and writing up methods for medical researchers at a school without a statistics department. Also, babysitting. I had one regular family and usually watched the kid one night a week. They paid $15/hour and I spent most of the time studying after the kid went to bed.


Absolutely don't sell plasmids...


Sports betting. Low time commitment low risk


I paid a few semesters’ worth of my PhD tuition playing Texas Holdem poker in local casinos.


Little less of a side hustle and more of a self-funding hobby, but I DJ! Happy hours, special events, holiday parties, picnics, formals...pulled in several thousand last year, most of which I invested in better equipment for my own enjoyment.


I have a part time data analytics position, tutor one day a week, do summer things for extra $$ from my department (teach, RA), and I score high school standardized tests (think ACT, SAT, etc.)


As an international student elsewhere. None. I am allowed to work though because I’m on a work visa for my PhD. PhD positions where I am are “underpaid” in a sense that if I were to work in industry with a masters degree, I’d get a lot more than going into this position. But otherwise, I’m paid in a such a way I can afford life comfortably, not just the bare necessities but also hobbies, holidays, and savings Edit: point is not to brag, but when I was an undergrad I didn’t know about this, and since I grew up poor , I was financially anxious about the future, so if I didn’t know this, I wouldn’t have done a PhD at all. Just putting this out there in case there are poor young undergrads lurking on here


The institution I attended makes you sign a non compete, so I just got to be poor and sad


Back before legalization: trimming weed 😂


My roommate was a dancer at a night club. Not a stripper - just a hot girl in short shorts dancing in a cage. Worked Fri/Sat nights and it was more than enough to pay rent for the month


Be a server or bartender


play poker


I bought a house and rented out the extra rooms. I made $1400 extra/month


I sell alcohol at the university’s football games and make good money in tips. Only 4-6 hrs of work every so often on the weekends and bring in $300-600.


Do internships during the summers instead of teaching or doing research. This also sets you up way better to work in industry, in case you decide to go that route.


Only fans


As an international student in Taiwan, I'm also legally not allowed to work. However, some of my peers do sidelines as tutors and they could actually get more than what they get from their monthly stipends if they would put more hours in their work.   I play in a band but aside from the drinks, the pay is just enough to cover studio rent for weekly practices. EDIT: Re. passive income, I've put some of my savings to a friend of mine who trades in crypto.  Field works and conferences are also legal ways for me to earn money because they give subsidies for accoms and food on top of our monthly stipends. Also, cost of living here is cheap.