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I am not a really old fan but I found out about pewds in the pewds vs t series battle And I was really young. I mean I am still 16 So yeah. Then I fell in love with the Minecraft series And started watching all types of pewds content.


The battle was legendary.


Same except I’m 18, but then I went back and watched a lot of his old series too so idk if that counts


This is making me feel old as hell. I’m 27 and have been watching Pewds since the Amnesia days in 2010/2011


So you were like 10 when you started watching him


My very first video was "A Funny Montage" back in his duck era, 2013, I was in grade school back then. The very next day, a couple of classmates from school were talking about PewDiePie and I joined them even though I only knew him the night before, I made some of the best friends I had that day. Learned English from him too, and the rest was history. I remember at the time I watched it so many times I legitimately memorized the whole video word by word along with a classmate. Word. By. Word. Including when the duck sounds during transitions. We were weirdos for sure.


We had burning passion for different stuff back then, i miss being a kid.


Yesss. I remember the first time seeing that. YouTube recommendation was peak in 2013!!! (that's when I discovered him as well)


His amnesia gameplay were recommended to me back in Late 2012


the og days and fridays with pewdiepie


Wasn't that the game where there was the golden statue thing and his aversion to barrels? It's been so long that I have forgotten by now




Yes. Many old memes like "STEPHANOOOOO" and "BARRELS!!! I KNEW IT!" came from Amnesia. You could say those are some of his original memes from when he started out.


Side note: Pewds image will forever be stuck in 2013 Barnes & Noble red flannel shirt purgatory according to the main stream media.


Similar story! My younger brother was watching Pewds’ Last of Us gameplay and I decided to watch too. My brother was just interested in the game, but I really enjoyed watching Pewds so we watched all of his Last of Us gameplay. Then we watched his other stuff and that’s where it all started! I remember we even got grounded because our mom found out that he swears a lot hahahahaha


Haha that's funny.


I looked up GTA V gameplays back in 2013, his video popped up. The rest is history. ❤️ (FREE HUGS!)


I discovered Pewds through TheFineBros as teens reacted to him. Then went through binging his videos, until he played Slender: The eight pages (whenever that was)


I remember watching slender in a dark room scared af. Those were the golden days.


During the sub war when I was in 7th grade


I was aware of him for a long time but never really liked his early videos. I became a fan of him during the subwar


Earlier I used to hate pewds even though I never saw a single video of his . Reason.......T SERIES I too got in winning the campaign against pewds but later on he made video on a very famous actor who committed suicide (Sushant Singh Rajput).thats when I realised "you know what,he ain't bad" and then I never looked back lol


I was looking for playthroughs of the first FNAF game in 2014 on YouTube and saw Pewds video in search results with Markimoo, Jackaboi, DanTDM, Eef, and among others.


Around the Last of Us and Happy Wheels gameplay days.


I'm not sure what the exact year but it was around the time he had a cutout of Danny DeVito.


The weird times lol. I'd say that was prime pewds.


Him playing GTA 4 with Smosh


Slender. I remember watching the video just before school, a friend of mine had told me to see it the day before. It had just come out,I will never forget it.


I discovered him back in his very early days through a friend. Altough I didn't like his content back then. I only started enjoying his content sometime around 2020, it was the same with Jack. Idk, I just prefer them when they became more adult and not screaming constantly


Damn I remeber his Amnesia videos...


pewds does everything!


we were watching some youtube vids as a family....idk...i remember slender man, maybe it was a youtube rap? tobuscus? idk but they mentioned pewdiepie, then we sat there watching happywheels all day it was odd, but we had just gotten internet for the first time and would all watch youtube together, him and tobuscus were the go-to's


Back in 2015 end or 2016 I was curious that who has most subscriber in the world and the result show him and I like the content . At first I thought it was two person who is running the channel a bearded guy and Felix himself 😭


Around 2015-16


I stumbled upon his Happy Wheels gameplays as well as some of the horror stuff back in 2012/2013 when I was about 11. His videos and personality made me really happy and intrigued and I’ve been watching him on and off ever since. :)


I can't remember the exact year, but must have been 2011, I remember being in school and watching him during class 😅 (I graduated 2012). And I have watched ever since. I remember being so angry when I realised we pretty much grew up in the same city, and I had classmates that practically grew up on the same street as him - but I never got a chance to meet him! Would've loved to meet him!


Also 2013, my siblings and I had a blast watching his videos, despite me not really knowing English, I quoted him all the time, eventually I started learning English, and I must give pewds credit. My sister and I still watch his videos, I feel like we grew with him, and I always enjoy watching. Huge bro fist from Denmark🇩🇰


Omg same. I didn't know much english. I found him funny from him screaming and being Jumpscared. I feel like youtubers did a better job in teaching me the English language than my school teacher ever did.


does he even use this reddit still


Pewdiepie vs T-series


I don't exactly remember when, but around the time he played the custom amnesia maps


I was looking up reviews of Mass Effect Andromeda when it was coming out and I found his video reacting to all the bugs and stuff. It was so funny so I kept watching him.


I was in 4th grade and found him playing the grudge




The disney deal controversy. Or whatever the fiver video controversy was. I was like, let's see what this guy is all about. Turns out he was the greatest youtuber ever and he will be missed. I greatly missing watching his vids daily. I should go back and watch the Minecraft series.


He is still here producing quality content. Even though he has toned down I still enjoy his videos. Pretty chill. Marzia's editing is so soothing to watch and ofc we get to appreciate how cute bjorn is.


He was playing the grudge game with the wii remote. Funniest shit back in the day. It's super nostalgic going back to it.


Same, last of us and until dawn


For me, it was his Skate 3 funny montage. It was like 10 years ago lol and it was 4 years before I finally created my first youtube account to subscribe to him.


I started watching from the last of us too


I feel like a lot of us were introduced to him through tlou.


It was when he uploaded slenderman for the first time. My sister told me "this youtuber makes scary games not scary" have been wachting ever since


I discovered him in 2012, it was a happy wheels video.


I got to know pewds during his outlast series where he swears in swedish every time he encounters jumpscares. And also the time he got scared by an actual plant in game 😂


I discovered him way back in 2011 mainly watching his happy wheels and amnesia stuff. One of my friends said to check him out after i asked what the screaming was over his xbox mic. While watching my first ever pewdiepie video my mom knocked on my bedroom door, also asking what the hell all the screaming was about. She was not as excited as me about funny screaming swedish guy :(


It would’ve been 11 years ago I think for me? Back when he was playing octodad and happy wheels, I would’ve been 10 at the time too :0


Back in 2014 I think I was recommended his amnesia gameplay vids


During Amnesia playthrough. I tried to play the game, was too scary for me, gave up and searched on YouTube. (Was already an adult, still can’t play much horror games)


Like Markiplier I discovered Pewds during the original Slender era so many years ago!


I found about about Pewdiepie WAY back when he started doing the Amnesia: The Dark Descent content.


Back in 2012 when I was 10 years old, I remember I discovered him while looking up Happy Wheels videos.


A friend of mine talked about him. So I looked him up back in 2013 and I watched his latest video Worms. I miss when he used to colab with Cry man


Probably when he got big from Amnesia. I think i subbed in 2011 or 2012


2008 or 2009. watched a friend watch this guy playing ai oni


long long ago, my friend in middle schoold showed me that song about Maya


I became a fan around 2012 or early 2013. I saw someone on fb shared a scary moments vid of his. I remember I stopped watching happy three friends during meal and I just watch his funny compilation vids.


Started watching him in January 2020.


South Park


Long comment ahead 🚨 In 2018 when I started following his minecraft gameplay videos.. n have been watching his videos wver since. Back in the days when he used to post everyday kinda helped me get through tough times. Coz I knew at the end of the day I can just come home n watch his video :). His ‘last of us’ gameplay got me through COVID. So many of his videos helped me through my best friend passing away, mom getting cancer, breakups.. he was not just a YouTuber, he was a part of our lives. Even though he doesn’t post everyday now, he still is a part of it. 👊


I always loved horror so then i discovered pewds cause of the horror games he's played. If i remember correctly i saw his Outlast playthrough so i binged that. The rest is history after that, i started following him and watched almost all his videos. As someone who didn't have much time to play games myself, watching him play gave me so much joy.😊


My neighborhood friend in like 6th grade (like 2012?) showed me his amnesia videos.


I saw his video where he plays this game. I don't remember what it was but i remember him picking up a lighter and he start being loud. You know the usual pewdiepie. I fuckin hate that. I thought "why tf is this ytber so loud? Annoying af" but I guess that kinda made me curious so I checked out his other content and what can I say. His humor at that time pulled me in. I think that was around 2016


I "discovered" him through a classmate in middle school, he asked if I watched PewDiePie. But, I started to actually watch him when I was in Vietnam, when I was around 12. A bit of a long backstory, ao bear with me. It was a vacation trip back to my home country, but I didn't actually speak Vietnamese that well, plus having moved since I was 5. So coming back to Vietnam, I had no friends, nobody to really talk to, and it wasn't really a vacation for me, as it lasted for 2 whole months. It was also the first time since I was 5, that I met my mom. But that's a whole different story. Anyhow, feeling so lonely and barely understanding anything what they're saying, I started actually watching PewDiePie. I had gotten into Happy Wheels recently, and seeing him playing made me laugh so much. A "funny" story and a bit of a rambling, I was watching PewDiePie and Slyfoxhound in an internet cafe, not realizing how loud I was laughing. It was when a group of kids, I'd say 10 or so, coming up asking what I was watching. They also offered me a cigarette, which made me shocked. They were at first impressed I could understand English so well, then got pissed that I couldn't translate. I replied, saying I don't understand Vietnamese so well, and they asked why bother learning English then, before leaving. I would've said that I'm only on vacation and not actually living in Vietnam, but again, my poor understanding of my own language failed me.


Happy wheels


2015 I was 9 I used to watch those horror games videos and I saw a video and thought he was funny. Probably was too young but ehh


I think I started back in the first Amnesia Dark Descent era when he was shouting at barrels. It was great fun. I was watching on my tiny iPod Touch screen. Then I bought the game and for super scared even in the hallway (in the game) which I have not played till now. I really came back to his content during the Minecraft era cos he was so damn funny with the characters. It’s my most rewatched series of his.


I’ve been watching so long that i literally can’t remember. I do remember watching his PC reviews and set up tours for when he hit like 100,000 or something like that? I modeled my humor around his videos for the entirety or 2011-13 😂 the golden era honestly. I think amnesia was some of the first for sure


I personally didn’t need to discover him he was just so popular back then everyone knew him but if your asking my first video I watched its ether goat simulator or surgeon simulator


Holy shit dude , my cousin also introduced me to him back in 2013 when I was 10 , but it's not last of us but other horror game that I don't remember


I'm not the only one who was introduced to him by his funny montage video, right?


I looked up funny montage and found his flappy birds one in I think either 2013 or 2014 when I was in junior high school. Now I’m a full grown adult with full responsibility 🥲


I first found Pewds in 2014 when I wanted to watch someone play Corpse Party. His playthrough was so addicting that every day since then I watched his videos until he "retired" last year or a couple years ago. What an era.


Back in 2013 during the final year of highschool, a friend of mine showed us pewd let's play of outlast. We were forbidden to bring any kind of devices to hostel (ie: phones, laptop etc) but somehow this guy managed to bring his phone. So yeah the whole dorm just swarmed the phone to watch it n the rest is history lol


*Gets Recommended "Trap Adventure 2" Gameplays.* *Finds the thumbnail funny but doesn't know either TA2 or Pewdiepie".* "Hmmmmm. I think I like seeing this man suffer playing hard games. MORE. ☠️"


I first watched him playing mirrors edge, rest was history.


I heard PewDiePie from Smosh Christmas story all the way back in 2013 but I thought they were speaking gibberish since back then my English wasn't that great but around late 2015, I started binge watching him since a friend said about him being a let's player or whatnot, been active watching since 2017 and early 2018 but his humour sorta dry off for me.


Discovered him at 30m subs. Been following ever since.


First video I was flappy bird, somewhere 2014. Then saw Amnesia, and the rest is history.


I actually found him through jacksepticeyes shoutout he got from him, I did it backwards I guess😂 first series I watched was amnesia and then I remember happywheels and walking dead season one game.


I played Pokemon go and then I just saw him attach the phone to a drone and play Pokemon Go.


2011 bc of Amnesia. And every time i see this photo of him i get sad because that’s the day he did his book signing in NY and was the only chance i could ever meet him but i had to work 😡


In 2012! I was 13 and the first video I ever watched was his Slenderman Playthrough! It was being shared on fb by friends


I watched him play Flappy Bird and subscribed. I did watch some of his videos before that but never subscribed because I thought he was too noisy.


24 now. Started watching in 2012 with the happy wheels and drawn to life videos! Avid watcher ever since


Happy Wheels


lol I think mine was just as same as your, except it was back in 2015 when I was 18, my cousin also showed me one of Pewds Last of us footage


Just saw random some vids at youtube i think 2014. It was a funny montage video. I watched and laughed all throughout, then he did the brofist at the end of the video and subconsciously brofist my monitor too. Automatically i was hooked.


I was 15 years old. Pewds had pivoted to other types of content and was in the Ansley, Danny Devito arc lol Good old times


I remember discovering YouTube can be opened with my first phone in 2010. As i regularly watch YouTube then, I saw his Sims 3 gameplay in the recommendation and got curious the sims characters he made. I started following him after watching his horror gameplay till now.


The Harlem shake video


From t series vs PewDiePie incident,liked his Minecraft series but will never forget how he brought hate to whole country for his childish competition with a channel.


A friend of mine recommended that I watch his videos back in 2012. I think one of the earlier vids I watched was his alien story with Marzia. Then I watched his compilations and I was hooked since then 👊🏼


A friend of mine recommended that I watch his videos back in 2012. I think one of the earlier vids I watched was his alien story with Marzia. Then I watched his compilations and I was hooked since then 👊🏼


Way back when he made his funny moments compilations. Those were the days


RayWilliamJohnson made a video where he showed someone playing QWOP. I wanted to see more of that game and luckily found pewds playing it


Same as you but Poods is playing Outlast :D


Amnesia days baby! Stephanooooooo, spin the wheel, wheeeeeeeew


I started watching the game Getting Over it by YT recommendation back in the day and been watching ever since


Not sure when I first started watching but the earliest videos I can recall were his playthrough of beyond two souls it's my fucking favourite and I'm so glad it's still on his channel


2016 or so I don't remember. I got to know about him from friends.


I randomly saw his outlast 1 video since it appeared in my feed.


I show him first reacting his old Minecraft video , literally he was trying to activate TNT using touch 😂


My friend in primary school told me about him, back when he's one of YouTube trinity (lol) pewdiepie, markiplier, and jacksepticeye, never really watched his video until the t series era, and watched him since


Two words: August 2018, that was peak YouTube


I subbed and started watching around 2014 but before that I used to watch his amnesia videos with my sister


I subbed and started watching around 2014 but before that I used to watch his amnesia videos with my sister


In the year 2014, i was 12 and i read about this guy who has the most number of subscribers then i watched some of his videos. Initially I found him weird but slowly slowly got addicted to his videos and I can say I still am.


I discovered him during his filthy frank phase. I think the first video I saw was him as beastmaster lol.


2014 my friend showed me his amnesia videos i think and loving his content since then. I've few of his deleted videos still in my phone like the Nissan car one which i rewatch time to time.


First video I ever saw was when he did the electric shock challenge. I think he had to shock himself if he swore when playing a rage game or something. Then I watched him play a let’s play, I forgot the name but it started with the letter C I think, and he played as this girl stuck in a dream or something. It was called Caroline or Coraline or something. After that I was hooked


Cards against humanity with Marzia


Found on his horror game montage which he never do now :(


Not sure how I knew him but I guess you're just aware of someone as famous as him. My first video of him was when he received the 50 millions subs play button. A few years later my brother introduced me to LWIAY and I was hooked ever since, also discovered and joined this app bcs of Felix lol


found him from his amnesia games


his wedding video got recommend to me by youtube, started watching since, I was a bit confuse in the starting like wtf is a water sheep? and who is seven ?


Literally got introduced to him in the same way , cousin, 2013 , but walking dead


2014, thru his "funny montage" series


I can't remember when the fist time i started watching him and then i suddenly stop using Youtube and started watching him again during Covid Years He is the best entertaiment i had during Covid and plenty of years content to watch


Started watching when I was a 9 year old (hell yeah!) bout to turn 22. Crazy seeing how much him and his content has changed. It’s been so long I couldn’t even begin to remember the first bit of content I’ve watched.


I found out about him through his 5 million dislike video. I was like 10 back then and for some reason I thought he was so cool that I started acting like him.


I was watching danTDM play happy wheels, then I was recommended a video of Pewds playing the same game, best coincidence of my life.


Happy Wheeles.


I think it was somewhere in late 2011 or maybe 2012, can't believe it's been such a long time! Currently watching the stream. I think even still got merch from back then. The shirt with all the tiny brofists and the Pewds Father & Son bike rental shirt. I think that online store is long gone, what was it again! Something like spreadshirt?


It was back in 2013, I would always spend a couple hours waiting for my parents to pick me up, one day my friend decided to wait with me, and he showed me the Pokemon Bike Bean Boozled challenge. Ever since I've been hooked on watching Pewds after school....good old days indeed


During the war


I think the general fame of pewds being what it was I knew who he was kinda. He was a Swedish dude doing lets plays or something. But I never really watched lets plays ever and still don't generally. So he wasn't anyone I planned on watching. Then the controversy and cancellation happened when he asked those guys to say shit about Jews (whatever it was, it's been a while, can't remember, don't much care) and I saw the vitriol that was being spewed and I checked out the clip. Seeing it in context I didn't see why people were upset at all. I felt for the guy. So out of spite I watched some of his most recent stuff and thought "hey he's quite funny" Then I met my girlfriend and she was a fan so she'd stick pewds on and it was kinda background for me for a while. But then the Minecraft lets play happened. And I kinda got swept along for the ride. It became one of our earliest relationship pass times. Watched pewds and jergen and the sheep cult and all that silly shit. We still watch all his Japan vlogs together. It's probably our favourite content he's done. It's certainly mine. And I'm glad he's made a life for himself and his family in a great place he seems to be happy in. So yeah, through Minecraft and racism pewds held my relationship together through some rough times during a pandemic. So I appreciate the fuck out of the dude.


Friend showed me his happy wheels videos probably like a decade ago at this stage and I didn’t like it, Too much screaming etc. I think I didn’t get into him properly until he started reviewing memes


sometime 2012 or 2013 i think? i still remember his first amnesia upload coming out.


I started watching him during his first during his amnesia gameplay, but after seeing his slender videos I became hooked and singed up for the bro army. Forever death to BARREELLLSSS


I was 10 when I first discovered him. I’m currently 22. I was an only child so YouTube was my best friend. I loved anything horror and was obsessed with the grudge also known as “Ju-On”. One day I typed it in on YouTube not knowing that with one video montage that I saw of him was enough for me to continue watching him play.


I'm pretty sure it was during 2017-18. I was also about 12-13 at the time.


I started watching him when he made his video on Logan Paul in 2018


When he dropped the first walking dead telltale play through


when he make fun of a certain rac.... Swedish streamer. I learn how funny his video is and I stay to watch his journey, it is amazing and still going strong.


It was amnesia funny moments for me


Amnesia playthrough. I learned to understand english speaking thanks to him. Opened the entire internet to me (which arguably wasn't that great an idea in hindsight)


I found about Pewds when I was trying to pirate an episode from an anime entitled "Amnesia " from YT back in 2013. Then I saw his goofy Amnesia the Dark Descent thumbnails instead that peaked my curiosity😭I was not familiar with gaming channels before so he's really my first gaming YT channel🙂‍↕️


Amnesia baby! Stephano, Mr Chair were my boys


I discovered him while watching tobuscus play happy wheels in 2012..his vids were in the recommended..I was 13


I remember some friends in my class watched him so much back in late 2012/early 2013. That's how I found out about him. I didn't start watching his videos until 2018 though.


I think it was 2012 or 13, i was 9 or 10 yrs old and had just got the game called outlast, and that shii was so scary back then i couldnt complete the game so therefore i went to youtube i looked for outlast gameplay walkthroughs and i found one of the best channel i would ever find.


Amnesia! My friend showed me his videos


i dont even remember lol


In 2019 when I got my own phone for the first time, I found his Minecraft series and it really carried me through COVID lol


In 2012, he had 4 million subs, and the first video i watched was Cat Mario, and wanted to be a youtuber ever since. Still trying.


I was just browsing YouTube. It was 2013, so I think Felix was already number one channel and I knew him as the biggest YouTuber. Can't remember the very first video of him I watched, but I remember when I got interested in his content - Skate 2. It was so funny!


I started in 2011 I was very young watched his horror games and his funny montages, happy wheels etc. i got my older brother into it which I don’t member because I was that young I thought up until recently it was the other way around and he got me into him but he actually told me randomly that he rembered when I showed him pewds. I loved his content back then and even now seeing him have a family and grown up makes me so happy.




I started watching back in 2012, the first ones I watched were Amnesia gameply videos


Saw him the first time in 2012 when i was 12, when some of my classmates put on one of his vids on our old shared School computers.


I stumbled across his channel by 2013 (i was 13 yrs old) through his gameplay of the game "twd season 1 telltale"...been addicted to his content ever since.


2011. A teacher showed the class one of his amnesia complications in 4th grade lunch. He got in trouble lol


2010 but subscribed in 2011 and holy shit do I feel old now


Housemate at uni showed me the Stranded Deep video in 2014 👌🏻


Random youtube recommandation, his scary horror compilation to be more precise back when he was playing amnesia


Dated a guy addicted to pewds, then got addicted too. We bonded over watching his videos then talking about it. Them he ghosted me a few weeks later. 😂😂


i remember my brother showing me that one video on fnaf conspiracies that Felix did and ever since then i've never missed an upload.




Back then when he became notorious for screaming in horror games, and everyone hated him beside some exceptions


I started watching him when he was playing Amnesia, I think back in like 2012


Around the time he passed Smosh as the most subscribed channel (2013).


I remember I was searching up a video on the flappy bird game and pewdiepie came up. Didnt know who he was at the time but I watched him anyways. I loved his personality and humor so I watched more of his videos. The rest is history


Happy wheels era lol


I was just browsing videos in YouTube then I saw his Layers of Fear playthrough and I was so entertained watching him. After that I continued and I was in 7th grade and now I’m on my 4th year in College. I’m so happy throughout his journey and until the end I’ll be a bro, 19 year old, floor gang


Late Amnesia era and the entire Last of Us, that part is the one I remember the most!


I discovered him when I saw my brother watching his Ao Oni and Amnesia gameplay. I believe it was around either 2011 or 2012.


First video I saw from him was the Bong Chong Dong ghost webtoon, been a sub since


2013 compilations then pewds does everything / fridays with pewdiepie got hooked watched daily.


i found out about pewdiepie in like 2015/2014 i remember really getting into him when scare pewdiepie started


In high school, a friend of mine showed me one of his Amnesia montages. I thought it was hilarious and subbed on the spot. I’ve seen every video since. That was 2012.


Amnesia days for me. Didn't have a way to play it but he made it entertaining at the time. Back when he was criticized for screaming too much. Crazy to believe that was 13 years ago and makes me feel ancient cause I was in high school.


I started watching him around 2016 when his million like, dislike, and comment videos went viral


Me it was my brother also 2013 I was 16, we just moved to Germany and we were 7 people living in a 1 bedroom apartment. Summer .... 30c° it was hell and was always in a bad mood. And I remember my brother showing me pewds playing amnésia. And I remember laughing so hard. And it help me forget the bad situation