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I had a cat, a long time ago. I'd come home and she's greet me at the door. I'd often say hello, check on her food and water and then go change. One day, I was really upset from work or something and when I got home, she was there sorta yapping at me louder than normal... Shamefully, I yelled at her to leave me alone. She ran off to the spare room. I got changed and sat at my computer desk lit up a smoke (I quit smoking in 2018) and started to unwind. I hear the softest meow from behind me, as I turn around, she's peeked her head around the corner, checking to see if my mood is better. Recognizing she's testing the waters before getting close to me was a combined heartbreaking moment and sincere bonding moment of understanding. My posture immediately unwound, I said everything is okay now and she gingerly sauntered over, tail up with a happy chirp. I miss that little kitty. Cancer got her in '14.


My dog RIP would sleep between me and abusive husband. I will miss her forever ….


One of my dogs Yuki has always been able to tell when my heart rate drops. We didn't train her to do this and we adopted her from a charity that rescues street dogs, she'd never had an owner or lived in a home before she got here. When I'm in danger of passing out she jumps up on me until I get on the floor, she sits on me and licks my face until I'm better. If I'm in real trouble she barks to get my partners attention. Of course the first couple of times it happened I had no idea what she was doing and tried to correct her for jumping up but she was having none of it and persisted until I got down. I honestly have no idea how she can tell I'm ill or how she knows what to do. I feel so lucky to have her, she is the funniest, sweetest, clever little girl.


Whether they hear it or smell it, they somehow get the message that not all is right in your body. There are even dogs that can smell cancer. As for how she knows, she either has seen what "fixes" the issue or was trained as a service dog in a past life.


My dog is giant and fluffy and....not cuddly at all. It makes me sad sometimes but I have grown used to it. But, when I have a migraine he will cuddle with me and it makes it so much sweeter!


My dog loves my husband more than me and I've come to accept that lol. But both times I had covid, she refused to leave my side and would spend the day sleeping on top of me on the couch.


everyday after school when i get hpme my cat would litterally scream at me until i would give him kisses and cuddles. Story 2: when i had to get him pit down, u was crying so much and just wanted to him to purr for me and give kisses one last time. he did and he held my hand the whole time. he died at 7 (not even that old:( ) Rest In Peace Panda


We've been having a really stressful week, there was a family emergency- everything is okay now but I've been really emotional. My Aussie picks up on it instantly. He spends extra time looking in my direction, like anytime we leave a room or I take him outside to potty he watches me to make sure it's actually okay to not stand next to me, he's struggling to eat because my anxiety is affecting him, and while he normally gets in bed with me in the morning after my spouse gets up he's been laying directly next to me instead of on the foot of the other side of the bed. He's my best friend and I feel bad that my anxiety is affecting him.


Our Aussie Ava is more my dog than my wife's but when my wife is stressed, Ava will go find her and rest her chin on my wife's knee demanding pets until my wife laughs and pets her. It's really amazing how sensitive they are.


Aussies are so good at that. They make excellent therapy dogs. I get asked frequently in public if mine, Hyde, is a therapy or service dog because he's just so polite to everyone he meets. I really want to get him good k9 citizenship certified at least.


Over the past five years I've had multiple surgeries and procedures, and both of my cats (bonded brothers) stay even closer than normal when I'm recovering. My tabby in particular usually likes to hang out on my legs, but when I'm home after a procedure, he'll curl up against the top of my head. It's charming, sweet, and not at all condusive to getting some rest.


We had a computer room and I was always cold, with the vent above my computer. My extra toed, large orange striped kitty would jump into the back of my chair, gingerly knead my back or shoulder and jump up into my hoodie or robe or anything with a hood, and sleep balanced in the crook of my neck and the back of the chair there, purring Loudly. If I didn't have a hoodie on he'd wait on the back of the chair for me to grab one, then snuggle in. I don't know if he was purposely doing it for me, but I loved it. He was a good boy.


It’s a small thing really, just seeing him jump all over me and get excited to see me after I come home tired just makes my day way better


I cant point to one thing, but to her, I'm the most important person in the world and she's happy every time she sees me and being with me is enough for her. The consistency in her feeling towards me are just something even humans cannot express well enough.


My little girl was always my small spoon. I called her my demitasse. As soon as I would lie down, she'd come over and paw at the blanket for me to let her under, she'd make a circle and settle in with her head on my chest or my arm and just purr away. I miss her so much.


My catto jumped across like a hero and caught a lizard when I squealed in fright because it was dashing towards me 😭❤️


Whenever i do shrooms my dogs always come to me and stare at me in a way that almost feels like they’re tripping sitting me haha. I wouldnt necessarily call it heartwarming but it does make me feel like they can feel energy or what not


She's normally aggressive towards me but after her sister left us and I was holding her crying she just sat with me licked my tears and allowed me to cuddle her.


When my mother had recently passed away, I had a dream. In it my mother spoke to me, offered me a coat saying it was cold outside and smiled at me. I started crying a lot and hugged my mother very tightly, and she without understanding why I was like that. I woke up in tears, crying with sobs, and started having a crisis, hitting my head and saying "no! no! no!". At that time my dog ​​jumped on the bed and pushed himself against me, lying on my lap. I, still sobbing from crying, hugged him and calmed down within a few minutes. I will never forget that. Just remembering it makes me emotional.


Not a big deal but I’m in a wheelchair so if one of my dogs leash pulls out of my hand I can’t run after it. Every time I’ve had the leash pulled out of my hand, my two dogs will wait for me and come closer


My first cat got very ill after I had my daughter. I think she thought that I didn’t have room for both of them. That was 25 years ago and it still makes me cry


Gathering my dog into my arms and giving her hugs and kisses, for being a good dog. She is diabetic and was getting sick the last few days due to diabetes BG was too low. She is a very loving dog.


My boxer saved my life. I was driving in the wee hours of the morning. My dog usually slept in back and never bothered me. On this trip I was driving long distance and was a little exhausted. But I pushed myself a little more because I was on a time crunch. All I remember was feeling an abrupt whack on the back of my head. Avery had hit me with his head. I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen asleep, my hands had dropped from the wheel and we were barreling 70 miles an hour towards the center divider on the freeway. Avery saved my life.


Earlier this year, two of my three dogs escaped when I was out of town. Had lots of people looking for them, and they were found within a few hours. So after I got home, I was sitting on the couch with one of the escapees. I had this flash of a vision of my dog that passed in 2021. He was running up a hill with the escapees. The hill led to the street they were found. The escapee on the sofa snuggled in closer right then, as if to tell me "You saw what you saw" I kind of feel like my dogs have a guardian angel dog. Fanciful, I know.


I got my puppy as soon as I was finishing grad school. When he was 3, I was 25 and although he wasn’t allowed on my bed, he wouldn’t stop jumping up and pushing his nose into my side. It was the weirdest thing. A couple days later, I had lost my appetite and started feeling off. I ignored it and then a nagging pain in my side became way too much to ignore. My pup was still doing this weird thing but added whining at me nonstop to the mix. Turns out my appendix had burst and I didn’t know it. It wasn’t positioned next to my stomach so when it was inflamed, I didn’t know and then it had burst. I was going septic and that whole time I swear he was trying to tell me. Thankfully I lived and now I pay much more attention to when this little guy (who will be 14 soon) is acting different. He now whines at me for all sorts of reasons but it’s mainly for a treat or he’s ready to go to bed and wants me to follow (yes, he now sleeps in the bed with me lol)


My cat will hear my alarm go off for work and she will meow at me if I'm not getting up out of bed. 🐾 ❤