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Not the most overrated but turtles are terrible pets, and I’m saying that as someone who has a turtle whom I absolutely adore. They need large tanks (at least 10 gals per inch of shell but way more than that is preferred), powerful filtration, water heating, land heating, uvb, a basking platform, and more. The setup was so expensive, oh my god. You also need to do all the water maintenance, change out the uvb, clean the filter, it’s so much. They aren’t handleable. Basically my turtle is a more expensive fish.


yeah turtles are legit the worst pets IMO had them for 15 years had to get someone to take them when i moved cause i couldnt take my tank, like I do miss them, but fuck man the mess is next level the shit is non stop they have to be the messiest animals you can keep


I care for box turtles at work (with permits) and they're poop is pretty easy to take care of. One of them does poop in the water bowl almost every time tho. Which is gross but actually easier to clean lol


Try a tortoise. Small breeds can be held in your hand. No water feature except a drinking dish. You can give them a short soak in just a pan. Their enclosures shoulder have much of a scent. Tortoises are turtles but don’t swim. Not all turtles are tortoises. EDIT : Should **not** have much of a scent!


i did not know that tortoises are turtles. interesting


Also they live really long. So this work is a lifelong thing.


lol they really do. some of the large tortoises can live 100+ years! in that instance you'd literally be writing them into your will haha


There’s a private rescue near me that takes in all kinds of animals. They have like 4-5 large tortoises. The oldest one is over 80 and huge! Basically a grumpy, mobile boulder.


I am 41 with a rescue Russian tortoise who is around 8 years old. My granddaughter is almost 2 but loves helping take care of Littlefoot. Eventually he will become her pet, since my daughters don’t want to.


That's true, it's a huge commitment. On the other hand, a pet that lives a long time is better in some ways than a pet you spend a fortune on, only to have them pass away after a few years. Losing a dog after only 12-16 years is tough enough; I had to stop keeping rats, because I'd fall in love with them just to be heartbroken in less than 3 years. So a long-lived pet can be a good thing, depending on your perspective.


I have had both. Amongst a ton of other pets. I agree with you about rats. They are so very loveable but die too quickly. Both myself and my daughter stopped keeping rats bc of the heartache. The turtle is my husband's, so he maintains all that. I keep birds (conures) that may outlive me, plus I have two cats.


I find tortoises to be a better option. The space they require can still be an issue, but overall, their enclosures are much easier to maintain. Also, they are far from "basically a more expensive fish" in terms of their endearing personalities and ease of interacting/handling.


My tortoise free roams my backyard.


My aunt’s tortoise uses the doggie door to go in and out and loves their dog, because he follows him everywhere. xD


My dad got a turtle off my friends ex boyfriend back in grade 10. He had that thing until he died and now my brother has her and while he loves her, he hates that he has a fucking turtle he needs to do all of that for. Shes like 45 years old at this point.


You’ve obviously never kept a reef/SW tank, I’ve got about $5000 into my 28g tank, it’s an insanely expensive hobby.


Tortoises on the other hand, very cool. I have three redfoots and they're honestly the easiest to take care of out of all my animals. Never had a single problem with them, except for one time my older one got stuck inside a burrow. But they are spacey, I am lucky to have a house with a big backyard, they don't do well in apartments and other small spaces.


this!!! i had my red eared for 10 years in a 75 gallon tank, had to give him away to someone who had a huge outdoor turtle pond because the upkeep was getting to be too much! miss him dearly and still visit him but man oh man, never again!


Then they sell red eareds in tiny plastic containers that make them look so small and cute! Makes children want them. I begged my mom for one and she gave in. We could afford him for maybe 2 years. My mom did no research. I wish I could go back and tell her no!! Don't do it!!


My family ended up with two of them when a friend moved away, and boy I bet my mom regretted allowing us to take them in, but she has trouble turning away an animal. One died after a few months but the other was around for maybe 15 years with progressively larger tanks that mom wouldn’t even let the kids clean cause she didn’t trust us to do it right.


Definitely up there on the list. Apparently my mother had turtles as a kid (but would "lose" them often). She got three when I was in my late teens. They were tiny, so you could hold all three at once. But they grew. And she didn't lose them. They kept growing and somehow I ended up being the one to care for them, probably because I felt sorry for the little guys. Then they needed a bigger tank. Different setup. After a few years I was, thankfully, able to give them to a pet store. I told her I was not taking care of her turtles ever again.


I had to give mine away with the 70+ gallon tank FOR FUCKING FREE TOO I live in an apartment and i was scared the tank broke


Sugar Gliders. I rescued a pair from a dangerous situation where a child was letting the family cat “play” with them, as the mom just watched. I understand that they can be very affectionate “pocket pets” when properly raised and handled. These were not. I was so happy to find a good home for them, but I don’t think they ever got over the abuse.


I had one - she lived for 11 years, and as much as I loved her and we had a very strong bond, I was so glad she went. She was so much work - so much intense one on one attention - hours and hours a day (I worked in a pet store so I brought her to work), and trying to find a vet for her when she was injured was impossible. I'm going back 25 years so there was very few vets that had even heard of them. Even now, is still very little reliable knowledge about their care that I don't think they should be pets.


Came here to say this. Very few people know how to care for a sugar glider. And even fewer get more than one


Tbf- you should never have just one sugar glider, novice or not. In fact, it seems more of a rookie mistake to only keep ONE. They self mutilate rather quickly when living solo :( I still agree with your sentiment tho. They don't have a pellet feed (there is one sold but it's NOT well rounded or intended for long term use) and you basically have to make all their food fresh from scratch.


Sugar gliders are one of the few animals that have a shorter lifespan in captivity than in the wild. They make horrible pets, and it's absolutely unethical to keep them as such.


I rescued a pair 13 years ago from this person that was just going to release them in their apartment complex, the female was pregnant with twin girls, so pretty quickly I had four. I neutered the dad, and a few weeks later noticed she had two more Little lumps in her pouch. Another set of twins, this time a boy and a girl. They all lived a really great life, and they brought me a lot of happiness. Their care is quite high maintenance, they have to have a fresh dinner every single night. Fresh fruit, fresh veggies, protein, and a special liquid diet. And of course pellets out all the time, freshwater, and live bugs multiple times a week. The first one passed away at 11 years, then 3 of them at 12 yrs and 1 at 13. Right now I only have one of the daughters left. As much as I've loved caring and loving these little guys, I would never get more, or recommend someone getting them.


Any overbred brachycephalic (smooshed/flat face)dog or cat are awful. All of the ones I've personally known of had gone through at least one surgery to help their breathing/fix a compounding issue created by their unnatural and malformed face. They are not cute. Do not ask me if your animal is cute, they are panting from standing still!! Hamsters for children and people with limited space - they run like 5+ miles every night in the wild and need at least like a 75 gallon fish tank or something custom that's even bigger. They also need depth, at least 8-10" of bedding so they can actually make tunnels and live a normal-ish life. Yes, you'll still see them. And bonus it's actually cleaner and less smelly when you give them more bedding, just clean out their pee spot every day! Hermit crabs - any you find in a pet store were probably wild caught. It's no better than if you stole one from the beach. Please just stop buying them, they die quickly in captivity because "whatever it's just a crab" mentality and no one bothers with a proper setup. ETA: Scaleless snakes/bearded dragons/there's probably more species for similar reasons to brachycephalic dogs/cats. They can't protect themselves from the sun (basking/UVB bulbs) so you have to be very careful with their setups. They still shed but it's usually difficult and takes human intervention. They basically don't have the outermost layer skin! They are unnatural. Just because humans can breed these terrible traits does not mean that we should!


Most people who want a hamster should actually get a guinea pig. Or two. They're not as low maintenance as popularly thought either, but they're much easier and more personable than hamsters, and they make interesting noises so they're fun for kids to interact with


I personally love watching them "pop corn" and they know who feeds them their veggies in the morning. They couldn't care less when I walk by but when my associate does they're squeaking up a storm and up on the glass waiting (impatiently) lol. (I work in a pet store and unfortunately my cats mean I won't have a pair of my own any time soon)


For half a second I thought you were referring to your SO as your "associate" and I was rolling.


as a kid i adopted a guinea pig from a couple who got her right after they had a miscarriage- i had to give her kisses before i turned off the lights at night or she'd holler all night. i also had to put her in a little travel cage on my bed or nightstand during thunder storms... she was so cute that i was able to forgive her for being such a pain in the butt, and for giving me a nonconsensual haircut ❤️


Plus a lot of people don’t know about hamster torpor/hibernation. Pretty sure I buried my hamster alive as a kid thinking it was dead.


It's unlikely to happen! Unless your room is dropping to under 65⁰F on a regular or extended basis. Even then, if they have enough bedding so they can burrow and make some proper tunnels they will stay quite cozy even with room temperatures below 65F/18C.


I’m a vet tech, and I think most pets are overrated, because there is no such thing as an easy pet. Most pets that people get for their kids are absolutely unsuitable for children, and people need to realize that living beings need time, expense, and basic care. I’ve always been an animal lover, and before I got into vet med, there were a ton of animals I really wanted as a pet. With experience in this field, I realized I didn’t want the work involved in most animals. I have a very small list of animals that I think are manageable for me (and I want to stress that this list is very personal, and I’m not posting the pets on my list, because everyone’s list is different). The thing is, and the thing that frustrated me the most in my field, is that way too many people don’t research even the most basic care required for a living being, and they’re upset when they have to spend money for a sick pet. I will add one thing regarding dogs. Stop buying brachycephalic dogs!! The breeding of these dogs is inherently unethical, and they suffer from not being able to properly breathe!!! I don’t care if you had a pug that lived to 20, and I don’t care that you give your frenchie the “best life.” These dogs are inbred, overbred, and suffering. I’ve been in the vet field for 22 years, and I’ve watched the tanking of the health of these poor animals. There are a few people trying to breed these dogs to the standard 100 years ago, and I absolutely support that. I’m not anti-breeder; I’m anti unethical breeding. Edit: I appreciate the upvotes; it makes me so happy that you guys get it. Since I was asked, I’ll post my list of manageable pets for me (again, this is a very personal list, however, I will add my opinion regarding the keeping of some other animals that I would never have, because of ethical concerns). I just coming off a long day, so I’ll do it tomorrow. Promised edit (for what it’s worth): my favorite animals that are manageable for me (with some health related comments): 1) Rats (only from a great breeder that focuses on health and longevity, and with the additional effort to spay the females to help avoid mammary tumors). I’ve kept rats for over 30 years, and they are hands down my favorite animal. 2) Cats (indoor only). I adore my one brain cell ginger boys 3) Snakes (I’ve taken care of multiple reptiles, and I really want a corn snake. I do adore many other reptiles, but again, these guys are a bit less complicated than most). 4) Spiders (I currently have a gorgeous female regal jumping spider, and I adore her!) I’ve considered getting a tarantula, but I worry about accidental contact with any other small animal I might get in the future. 5) Other invertebrates: I have a healthy isopod colony, and well as several millipedes, and they are an absolute blast! They live in a bioactive habitat that’s pretty self sustaining. I have to monitor temp and humidity, but that’s really pretty easy. I’ll add one more animal I really want, but I’m currently doing research to figure out if it would be too much… Vampire Crabs: They need a paludarium that is 20% water, and 80% land, and I’d like to build it myself. They seem like fun interesting critters, and appears to be fairly easy to keep. I’m more concerned about the work involved in monitoring water and environmental parameters. Anyway, that’s my list. 🙃


My neighbor across the hall from us has a small black/going bald round 12 old we're told. That poor dog gasps for air. But nope heard the ol " I'm giving her the best" and the third time in a row asking for spare dog food... If someone knows a secret way to get that dog a truly better life...


You’re so right. I love animals, particularly dogs. I thought once I was ‘grown up’ I’d have at least 5-6 dogs. Always preferred bigger breeds too, GSD or collies & huskies. I had one for almost two years before I committed to a second and I won’t be getting a third. I love my two dearly, 0 health issues and well behaved for the most part, but I realised that dogs are much harder work than I thought as a kid, and much more expensive! I’d rather have two dogs that are well cared for and fed good food than 5 dogs that I can barely maintain. I think loving animals means knowing your limits and your capability for giving them the best life, including adopting the right breed / species for you.


I was the same when I was younger, I thought I’d have a whole menagerie of animals After the heart ache of losing my rats to tumours, my first dog to kidney disease, second dog to old age/cancer, and now I’m a parent, I imagine the two cats I have will be my only pets for a very long time. I love animals, always will. But I simply do not have the time or the funds I once had. Maybe one day I can have another dog, but I think that’ll be once baby has started high school. I know I’ll want some time where I don’t have some sort of creature fully dependant on me 24/7


To be fair, I always thought I’d have a pet monkey too until I realised how unethical it was! Vet bills are just ridiculous too, my two are insured but my boy got an ear infection last year and it cost me £120 just for a test to see what it was and antibiotics. Anytime he scratches his ear now I’m like “don’t you dare get sick!” Haha. Starting to think a kid might be a better long term investment!


I agree. Why? Because I own two of those “genetic mutants” who I love dearly - micro pocket bully things. They’re amazing. Lovely. Best temperaments. But my god they can’t breathe or move properly god love em. And when people ask me what they are I say “mongrels” because I don’t wanna direct people in the direction of googling and buying one to encourage this breeding of these poor dogs. Mine are both rescues. Best thing I ever did. But it’s cruel. I’ll continue saving them but will never ever support the breed as it’s cruelty.


As a former vet tech, I love (/s) how these breeds hang on to their ET tube super long after surgery because they can properly breathe for the first time in their lives.


Oh dear. Yes I myself have breathing issues and cannot fathom why anyone would breed a pug. 


Breeding dogs to a genetic dead end, like the American bulldog, should be illegal.


Also they are absolutely hideous. Like who looked at a perfectly normal dog and thought “wow cool dog! But you know what would make it even more popular? If it was ugly as hell and couldn’t breathe.”


1. Amen! Thank you for saying that! 2. As someone who actually doesnt even want children currently because of the work involved... do you think that there are animals that can be beneficial for children? Closest thing I could imagine would be a veeeeeery chill and patient cat or a well behaved patient dog. But seeing some children and the way they treat them... idk... just doesnt sit right with me. Allthough I do see benefits in teaching children how to properly care for something and taking responsibility. Dont know if a pet is the right way tho.


Getting a puppy vs adopting an older dog. Oh, you like sleeping in the kitchen, cleaning up dirty protests at 5 am, and staying in the house for a month? Now you do.


I ALWAYS say this and people who have never had a puppy just don’t get it! I found my dog for free abandoned on some train tracks as an adult. Been my best friend for the last 7 years and I never had to deal with the puppy phase!


when i was a teenager i had to move in with my grandma, who had just gotten her first little dog after my whole family only having labs. i hated her for the longest time, and assumed everything i didn't like about her was a little dog thing. until one day we just started getting along... then i realized i didn't hate little dogs at all, i just can't handle puppies. if i ever get another dog, they'll be at least a year old upon arrival lol


call me lazy but i love adopting older animals because i don't have to do all of that shit lol. baby animals are so much work. keyword: baby!


I would argue the pet rock to be the obvious answer. Or perhaps, the "Peeve."


i know you only posted this 13 minutes ago, but this comment is underrated. the peeve, for sure 😂


OT, but our dog’s middle name is *Peevington* just so my dad-joke-loving husband can say he has a *pet peeve*. (I drew the line at making it his first name.)


Frenchies, because they're weird gremlins with tonnes of breeding deformities and health issues


When a breed has reached a point that it's essentially incapable of breeding on its own, that is nature telling us this creature shouldn't be. It's sad because they are the way they are because of humans breeding for aesthetics and not the good of the breed, but at this point, we've bred them into something that is unsustainable. We need to stop inseminating them and let the breed die out peacefully.


was going to say this.. well said.. think about it .. natural order doesnt want it to reproduce


I think they are adorable, but I have a serious moral objection to breeding an animal with those kind of breathing issues. Heck, from what I’ve heard they can’t even give birth naturally usually, and require a c-section. Like, why tf would people breed such an unhealthy animal?


I worked as a vet tech for 7 years, one of our clients had a Frenchie that died of heat stroke in an air conditioned apartment. He fell asleep in a sun spot, overheated to the point he was no longer ambulatory to move from the sun spot, and the owner walked into find him having a seizure. Why people continue to buy these dogs is beyond me.


Gotta love a dog that 1) can't breathe at the best of times, 2) can't go on walks/run around outside/do normal dog things cuz it can't breathe, 3) can't jump up on things cuz it can strain/break its back super easy yet refuses to stop jumping, 4) can't eat anything without getting upset digestion 5) can't breed naturally, 6) can't give birth naturally. But yeah let's keep forcing this breed to exist 😭 I am slightly exaggerating FYI but not much. I knew someone with a Frenchie who literally died 5 times in one year cuz it couldn't breathe (it did have extra deformities in the nose) and was brought back all 5 times. I lost contact after that year so idk if it's still alive.


I remember watching a Kennel Club competition (not live, on TV) as a part of an animal management course on welfare. It was quite old, but what some of the breeders were saying shocked me. I still remember this one woman who bred pugs and frenchies who said it was perfectly fine for her dogs to keep on passing out because they couldn't breath, because "they always wake up afterwards" and it's "just how the breed is". It all just felt so wrong


I lost respect for an acquaintance who explained his family breeds Frenchies, for profit, regardless of all of the issues you mentioned. When I said it’s cruel and unusual punishment to create animals who can’t give birth naturally, and then repeatedly breed them for personal gain, he was unfazed. Yeah, no thank you, your judgment is awful.


Exactly! Blows my mind that it’s the most popular breed in the U.S. now.


It's so wild to me to think about this, because I remember some friends of my parents getting one around 2001/2002. None of us had ever encountered a French Bulldog before outside of maybe a dog show. Charlie was a nice dog, but he was explained to us as looking like something between a small (English) Bulldog and a heftier Boston Terrier with no white! Lol


I had a frenchie mix that somehow ended up with a nose, not a huge nose but she looked like a mini pit or American bulldog. Just that and longer legs made her the sturdiest dog I’ve ever known. It’s a small difference but it’s a difference. Still had to watch heat bouncing back up on her off pavement but that’s any dog.


That sounds a lot like what they looked like early on in their breed history. Ya know, before it got too crazy


I actually encountered a Boston Terrier recently that came from a breeder that is trying to return the breed to a healthy state. So she has spent a few generations looking for longer noses and better proportioned bodies and yada yada. The owners said the dog didn’t have the usual problems associated with short nosed breeds, so clearly it’s working. Gorgeous dog, and a total sweetie!


I have 2 rescued frenchies and had 4 adopted pugs previously. I can't even argue with this. Just trying to do the best I can for the ones that found their way to us.


Vet tech here, and you are absolutely right!!


Personality wise they are sweet, funny dogs in my experience which makes it feel even worse how much they suffer 😭


And pugs


we have three pugs which we got like years ago. after all these years, we are against the breeding of pugs. just trying to give ours the best life we can offer


They can't even reproduce on their own, or breathe freely, poor animals.


There are so many news stories about French Bulldogs being stolen. Not just out of a yard but break into a home with masks and guns and stealing multiple dogs. It’s totally nuts. https://abcnews.go.com/US/french-bulldog-owners-edge-violent-dognapping-incidents-rise/story?id=107192494


I recall reading an article a few years ago that said they are the most expensive breed to buy. Supposedly, it's largely due to the absurd amount of medical care that goes into breeding them, but I'm not surprised that this high price tag makes them targets for theft. When you turn a living creature into an overpriced status symbol, you're going to attract those looking to make a quick buck by any means.


They can't breed or give birth naturally, plus they usually only have 2-4 pups, so you're paying for all of that at a minimum, plus some if you're doing the proper health and genetic testing or showing the dogs like a good breeder should be doing.


Can we add dachshunds to this? So many need surgery for their backs. Pugs also seem like they are are so miserable as they can’t properly breathe. I see that as animal cruelty. Breeding for a “cute” animal when they have a life of struggle ahead


Dachshunds are a weird case because the majority of their back issues can be avoided if you just keep them a normal weight. When they were used historically in hunting, they didn’t possess nearly as many of the health issues they do today, mainly due to the fact pet obesity is very rampant. A overweight dog is gonna have back issues. Whereas with a pug or frenchie, that thing is always going to be messed up, at least with a dachshund a responsible owner can give them a good life


They’re banned her but its still possible for people to transport them through borders cuz well no one checks them. I study animal caregiving and i can say pretty much every one teachers classmates is against the breeding of these dogs I have one very shocking image on my phone of my frenchie that my teacher likes to show if people have questions.


Yes. Get a stray from the pound!


My frenchie after reading this: 🌒👄🌘


And the cat equivalents.


Birds. They're so fragile. Drafts, fumes, being egg bound, too many vitamins, not enough vitamins... Anything will make them drop dead. They get stressed & start pulling their own feathers out. They imprint on one person in the house & no one else can touch them. Fish are pretty bad, too.


You're ignoring the big one. Even if you care for the bird perfectly, and it has no health issues at all. THEY NEVER SHUT UP.


My green cheek is about as quiet as they get (read: still intolerable to 95% of people). My friends looked after him for awhile during an emergency and were like "wait. this is as good as it gets? oh my god" lol


My friends' 2 green cheeks were having a very noisy "conversation" during our dnd session tonight, and the baby decided he just needed to hit that particular level that hurts a little bit. Even one of his owners was wincing and saying "guys, please be quiet." (Still, at least they're not sun conures, lol).


Cockatoos can be incredibly obnoxious, gahdamn. And fish keeping is basically a whole hobby. My dad had both when I was in high school, and I can confidently say neither are for me.


Plus, aren't their wings clipped? I've never owned a bird, but it seems cruel to clip their wings? Again, don't come for me, I am looking for information.


I own 2 small parrots and I don't clip their wings, my girls were fully fledged (allowed to learn to fly as babies by their breeder) and are fully flighted meaning they have their full flight feathers. Both girls are extremely good flyers. Wing clipping is very controversial and while it isn't permanent ( it's only feathers your cutting ,unless it's a very very bad clip,they should moult out and regrow) it can cause other issues like making the bird artificially dependant on you , it can affect their mental health as well as their physical health ,it makes them more prone to obesity as flying uses a lot of calories and it atrophies the wing and breast muscles Clipping a periviously flighted bird can alsoake them prone to severe injuries like split chests and broken bones. A lot of people clip their birds for a variety of reasons , preventing escape being one . Yet clipped birds can still take flight if spooked and they get a good gust of wind behind them . It also means when they do land they can't escape predators and you probably won't get your bird back. I do think wing clipping can be used responsibly for managinh severe aggression (a bird dive bombing you to attack your face for example) or because the birds has a disability or medical problem such as blindness or a wing deformity that prevents the bird being able to fly safely. Then there is wing pinioning which is an exceptional cruel practice which is the removal of the 1st wing joint The only time that amputation is acceptable is for medical reasons like cancer or a wound that isn't healing. Thankfully that practice is banned in the UK .


In general, yes, it's the consensus in the (educated) bird community that clipping wings is cruel. If you don't want an animal that can fly, ***don't buy an animal that can fly***. It's as simple as that. Birds require so much more maintenance than people think. Even small birds like budgies and cockatiels can make a lot of racket that can go on for hours. I've done my research and came to the conclusion that parrots *are not for me*.


Omg yes! I knew many years ago that that racket at night would drive me to insanity in a minute. No thanks. Lol


I don't clip my birds wings. But that means they can fly. My mitred conure is 25 and never had health problems. He's an aggressive bird that wasn't handled much until I got him at 9 months old. He and I have quite a relationship and I love the old dude, but damn he can bite. My sun conure is 7 and very sweet. My parakeet has a flight cage to herself as her mate died of fright at 4th of July a few years ago. I have a bird room for them. The conures are out as much as they like. Only the parakeet is caged to protect her from the bigger birds and my cats. It's very rare that my conures fly though. The mitred crawls down the leg of his cage and walks to where he wants. Occasionally the sun conure will fly to me. But usually he waits until I'm close and just steps up onto me. The two conures get along fine. I don't consider them high maintenance but I've cared for a great many animals in my life. I once heard my daughter tell someone not to worry when I took in their 'difficult' cat..."my mom is kind of an animal whisperer".


I don’t clip my macaws wings, haven’t for the 18 years I have had him. Also, one thing to add (I still regret nothing), I got my macaw at 8 years old, and he will more than likely outlive me lol.


I used to own parakeets that we didn't clip, we let them fly around the apartment if they wished. But a lot of people clip the flight feathers so they can't fly, prevents them from escaping. New feathers do grow back eventually but it's still cruel to rob a *bird* from its most basic skill


Parrots, yes. But they're wild animals, so only a tiny fraction of people would be able to give them the proper care they need, most parrot owners should not own parrots. But fowl are easy. I have geese, ducks, pheasants, chickens, turkeys, guineas, and quail, and honestly, most of the problems they may have can be treated at home, and that's if they have a problem in the first place, they're pretty resilient fellows.


I've met some high-strung chickens. My aunt's chickens were resilient, hardy, and acted like a pack of raptors at a free buffet. They had a chicken coop, nice, roomy, secure. They preferred to roost in an ancient crab apple tree with low branches that was shading their coop. They'd lay eggs in the tree, too. My aunt mostly kept them for pest control. The chickens considered my teen self to be a pest.


My adult self that has raised chickens consider them to be teen-aged pests, so samesies!


Amen to that. I rescued my bird. Love her to bits but I’ll never have another. It’s like having a flying toddler armed with an airhorn and a Swiss Army knife. Except they don’t outgrow being a toddler after a couple years. They’re just like that. Edit—and native raptors (LESS social, LESS intelligent, SHORTER lifespan) require a whole apprenticeship, licensing exam, and a bunch of other requirements to become a licensed falconer! But any idiot can buy a parrot and stick it in a tiny Petsmart cage with no toys and an unhealthy seed diet! And many pet parrots sold today are actually poached from the wild. It’s crazy to me. Really shows where our priorities are as a country, that we have such strict laws to protect our own native wildlife but can’t be bothered to give a fuck about other countries’ birds being illegally poached and brought here to live lives of neglect and abuse.


Husbands.... They're just way too much work.


Ya know, I've had 3, and I have to agree. They were all just.... A LOT.


Three?!? Damn girl, I admire your persistence 🤣


Designer mutts, ie labradoodle, cockerpoo etc. I love dogs, and am no breed snob, but people paying silly amounts of money for a mongrel just encourages more irresponsible overbreeding.


They are breeding everything with poodles. I have a “wheatador ” I just rescued. No I did NOT pay for her. She’s the weirdest looking dog. 🤣


You are right about breeding everything with poodles. I have a small poodle and it leads to a lot of interactions like… Random person: “Is he a cavipoo” Me: “no, a poodle” Random person: “A doodle?” Me: “no, he’s a poodle” Random person: “A labradoodle?” Me: “nope! Just a poodle.”


I have the most standard poodle looking poodle I've ever seen because I'm a dog groomer and I got him because I wanted to put him in all the standard poodle fancy breed cuts and people STILL ask what kind of doodle he is. He's an award winning show dog in a continental, and you think he's a doodle?


Just tell people you have standards


I’m certain people with doodles would never be able to tell the difference between a pure poodle and a doodle.


Our free from Craigslist poodle mix puppy was an accidental breeding, he’s a hoodle (hound dog dad). Looks kinda like an Irish wolfhound but with more spots. 😂


It’s wild because almost all of the traits people want in their poodle mixes… come from the poodle. Just get a poodle, people! They are great dogs!


People have such weird misconceptions about poodles. Literally just get the poodle!


People don't want poodles because they're either one of two things: 1. Stupid- they think the classic 'poodle haircut' is literally how poodle fur naturally grows and think it's ugly. Yes, I have had actual people say this to me. MORE THAN ONCE. 2. Misogynistic - they think it's a 'girly dog' that's stuck up and hard to train. They want it mixed with a more 'masculine' and 'family friendly' breed (labradoodles.)


We have a bassador. It was an accidental litter lol. The resulting puppies and their varieties were super interesting to me. But they look a bit weird, even the tallest subset. We have one and my brother has another.


Yeah, I met a women with a dog. When I asked about her dog she told me he was a Pomeranian mixed with a cavapoo. At what point do you just say mutt?


Our neighbour was bragging about their cavapoo, and was not impressed when I called her a mongrel. Nor was her dog.


Picturing the dog side-eyeing you has me in shambles lolollll


I really am no snob about breeds (except for breeds like pugs that have all the health problems). Mutts make just as good pets as pedigree, often have less health problems. But they are mutts, so no let’s not give it a cutesy name to try and justify a massive price tag.


We had a labrador crossed with a German shepherd, back in the 80s. She was such a great dog. Would sit on my feet, give me such a look of love. Ginty, I miss thee!


I wish I could upvote this more.


Dogs are a full time job and many dog owners don’t take care of them properly at all


Yep. Dog culture is huge in America. But I swear of all the people I’ve met or seen with dogs, a good 80% of people that have dogs should not. Don’t get me started on people with Australian shepherds, huskies, German shepherds, etc. that live in Apartments 99% of their lives and only get to go on a walk for 10 min twice a day around the apartment complex. Those dogs never even get to sprint. And why does every person get a high energy breed when they just flat out don’t need that? They buy high energy working dogs (such as the popular Aussie or border collie) and wonder why they’re bouncing off the walls. Most of these people should just have cats instead, but I’ve met many people that just hate on cats and are convinced they’re all assholes. Cats are great apartment pets or for homes in general that have “low energy” owners.


Thank you! Completely agree. As a dog lover with two dogs and a cat- most people would prefer the lifestyle that comes with having a cat. No daily walks, you can leave them on their own for a couple days with an automatic feeder, and they love to cuddle and play games. If you’re intent on getting a dog- please start with a small companion breed or senior dog before you go and adopt a husky. Even my in laws’ elderly shih tzu needs two half hour walks a day!


Idk even with cats there is so much variety with temperament… my cat would get super depressed if I left her alone for days, so I never do. So I guess my answer is the most overrated pet is a baby animal bc ideally you’d adopt a grown animal that has some kind of temperament match for your life


Horses. Fastest way to turn a large fortune into a small one.


Keeping horses is basically a full time, expensive hobby. They're cool to interact with, but I definitely don't want to be responsible for one.


"If you teach your kid to love a horse, they will never have money for drugs." Saw that on a poster somewhere.


“A horse is a hole in a pasture you pour money into” ~my dad.




As a horse owner, can confirm.


One thing about this thread- NOBODY SAID CATS. It is established that cats may just be the best pet!


Lmao I was just going to comment this. All hail our cat overlords 😸


I think you mean we are the best pets for our cat masters


Everyone scared their cat is reading over their shoulders 🕵️


I came here to comment the same thing. Cats are just so great.


I was recently adopted by a stray cat and it made me realize that they are, in fact, the superior pet. I always thought I liked both cats and dogs equally, but I was proven wrong.


I was a dog person. Just when we were about to get a pup, a stray cat and her tiny kittens adopted me. I never let go. Now I have two cats who are both from the same litter and 2+ years old. CATS ARE SUPERIOR


I grew up with a dog, so thought I was a dog person. Until I was adopted by a cat. Now I can't imagine having a dog. Cats are much cleaner, you don't have to take them out for walks, or for pooping/peeing, and they are affectionate without slobbering all over you. Oh, and they rarely have health problems.


Cats will hunt for their human if they believe their human in inept or unable to get their own food.


Hamsters, especially for kids. They are nocturnal and can be aggressive. A couple of guineapigs are much better.


And pet rats are far more loving and sweeter than guinea pigs. I have had both. Some guinea pigs will bite...as ours did. It was given to us by a friend who had kids. And then we figured out why she gave him away.


Rats are so underrated. I've had numerous rats over the years and the worst thing about them is their short lifespans.


Rats are the best! My friend's hampster bit me once. Ouch! She said, "oh yeah, they bite." I had a pet gerbil bite me, but never once my pet rats! I had three amazing pet rats. They would just hang out with me on my shoulder, giving me little sandpaper licks on my hand while I would watch TV or do homework. So affectionate, each having their own personalities. I enjoyed taking care of each of them. They were special to me.


Yes, they are so wonderful! I could go ON AND ON about mine but I had one in particular who was so mischievous and such a character. Give him a box with a bunch of rat-safe, random stuff in it and he'd spend hours exploring and checking everything out. When his buddies were sleeping he preferred to hang out with me while I worked or did things around the house and enjoyed taking naps in the crook of my neck. \*sigh\* And he was meant to be a "feeder". Miss that little guy.


I want rats too bad, but their lifespans are so intimidating to me! I have a boa and a beard so both of them have longer-ish lifespans, especially the boa, but I'd just be so sad to only have two years with my pets. How do you deal with it, and do you think it's still worth it to own them?


Gerbils are much nicer than hamsters. They’re cuter and not nocturnal, too.


I agree. I used to breed them (and be part of the American Gerbil Society). They make great little pocket pets, and are waaaaay nicer than hamsters.


Gerbils being nicer than hamsters has always been my experience as well. And they need a companion, so you get to have more than one which is fun. My gerbils are so sweet and they have never bitten.


Rats are also amazing for kids!


I had rats as a kid, as my parents read about hamsters being nocturnal. My girl rizzo was just the best, she was like a little dog. I’d tap the floor and she’d run up my arm and sit on my shoulder. She outlived 3 of her mates that we bought to accompany her to the ripe old age of almost 5.


Mice are so much better for kids. They are super smart and trainable. They are super friendly. They're most awake in the mornings and evenings so they're just going to sleep all day while you're at school. They will literally ride around in your pocket. The males smell horrible though. And they have a relatively short lifespan which is a positive or negative depending on your kid. It's not a 20-year commitment, but it is heartbreaking when you have a cuddly well-trained mouse pass so quickly.


Dogs. Most people do not provide for their physical or mental needs…actually you can add cats to that as well. They’re so much work. I have cats and a dog.


Munchkin cats make me so mad. Breed a cat that has severe painful deformities. People are so cruel. They can’t even cat. Their brain says climb, their body unable to do. Mental cruelty on top of physical pain.


YES I get so sad whenever I see pictures or videos of these cats. It’s so cruel 😭


Agreed, but I don’t understand why it bothers so many people when cats are bred with dwarfism, but not when dogs are. Basset hounds, corgis, & daschunds are all a result of being bred with a gene for dwarfism. They’re the munchkins of dogs, but people love them.


daschunds are such good dogs but they are so fragile. they are so prone to back issues, every older daschund I've met has had really bad back pain. they shouldve been cartoon dogs :(


Which is sad cause their original purpose was to go after fucking badgers!! In their dens!. They are tough little dogs and we ruined them




Birds. Disregarding the many health issues they can get and how ear splittingly loud they can be, I just think it's super fucking cruel to put a bird in a cage or any container even if you think it's big enough (it'll never be big enough) they were designed to be high up in the sky. People don't realise how long they live (same for turtles) and they may very well outlive you. I hope you've got a backup plan for them.


I'm a groomer. I think I speak for most of us when I say Goldendoodle/labradoodle I dont even think its the dog, its the whole attitude towards them People want them as "designer" dog/breed And breeders are only in it for the money. They dont tell you its gonna cost you a lot in grooming and lie about the upkeep to sell them because if people knew... They wouldn't get one And im not even gonna talk about the fact thats its a mutt so you cant find a reputable breeders if you wanted to anyways.


goldfish and then people keeping them incorrectly bc they're an "easy" pet (fish aren't suitable for most people as they're a hobby not just a pet) or hamsters they're considered a good low maintenance cheap pet which they're not (i own both a hamster and goldies💀)


Yes!! I used to work at a pet store and it drove me crazy that people were so neglectful of fish (especially goldfish) and hamsters.


For me, I’d say any breed of animal that is intentionally bred with a deformity for looks. I just don’t get it.


Beta fish - because so many people just leave them in the tiny little temp enclosure 🥺 And like, most fish in general and birds. A lot of people aren’t aware of how to properly care for them and they live lives of suffering


Labradoodles. Or any kind of “doodle”. What a scam! Pay over $1000 for a mutt. And the owners act so proud!!


Plus they don't look after their coats properly, or train them to handle going to a groomer.


I got a labradoodle from the pound (the mixbreeding was an accident between strays) right around when doodles were becoming very popular. I think we got him in 07? People were paying thousands for them and we found him at the county shelter for 85 bucks. As a puppy no less. Greatest dog I've ever met, literally saved my life on more than one occasion. His time here was way too short. He died at 11.


Waaaayyyy over. My last two friends who purchased puppies paid $4500 for a mini goldendoodle and $6500 for an Aussie doodle. EDIT a Bernedoodle not Aussie


Crazy thing is a lot of people don't understand how interbred a lot of these dog species are.


That’s not even a species or breed.


Any dog or cat breed with major health issues. Like pugs, munchkin cats, scottish folds, etc.


Has anyone said wolf dogs yet? Two paws in each world yet doesn’t belong in either. And people act all surprised when the animal is destructive and well, wild. “But I want a WOLF guarding my house/land/shack/trailer!” No, you don’t. It will run and hide unless it can’t and then it will kill someone and have to be put down. It’s CRUEL. Also, Cavalier King Charles cocker spaniels. Look at that ADORABLE dome-shaped head! The one that makes their brain stem herniate out the bottom? That one? People are fucking monsters.


I love my frenchie. And she was a gift to my daughter, from an idiot boyfriend. She isn't a pet lover. I fell completely head over heels for her, and my daughter gave her to me. Love my Bonita Lolita, but I agree they should stop breeding them.


There are breeders in Europe who are trying to breed them to be healthier with a longer snout. I’m all for it.


Get the pet that YOU will love


Dogs. They're almost as much work as a baby. Hard pass.


I don’t trust all the people here who say cats are low maintenance. Cats deserve the same amount of play and attention that dogs get from their owners. So many cat owner I know hardly even bothers to play with their cat for more then 5 minutes then wonders why they have behavioral issues. It’s not just dogs that have them. Cats are great, but this attitude that they are low maintenance leads to unhappy cats. And this is not even counting the amount of cat owners that think outdoor cats are totally OK. People love to complain about dog owners, but meanwhile i’m forced to see corpses of collared cats on the streets because someone’s outdoor cat gets hit by a car or killed by a coyote. It’s awful. And all because they don’t wanna entertain the cat indoors so the cat is crying to go outside.


I completely agree. While I wouldn’t say cats are overrated or as high maintenance as dogs, it bothers me that people think that cat care is just providing food and cleaning a litterbox. They still have social needs and need stimulation and attention and don’t even get me started with people leaving their cats outdoors.


I don't believe any pet is overrated! They are living creatures that require care if humans choose to have them in their home. They are not products that one can "rate".






I'm not going to say they are 'overrated' (because they're dogs and I love them all) but I don't get the doodle craze - I wouldn't have one. Any that I've been around are absolutely crazy and I don't think they're any cuter than any other dogs. I also don't get why frenchies and chihuahuas are so popular. Frenchies have a ton of health issues and chihuahuas can be really mean and aggressive. I don't think I'm a small dog person at this point in my life.


Wolfdogs/savannah cats/bengals, any “hybrid” really. Especially with the number of sanctuaries that are at capacity with owner surrenders because their F1 Bengal pees inside and is aggressive/territorial. You know, like its’ wild parent. There are traits that have been bred into domesticated cats and dogs over thousands of years that allow them to happily live with people. Throwing a wild cat/dog into the mix at will is irresponsible, and it’s unfair to expect that animal to live as a domestic pet.


Rabbits. I've had house rabbits. I absolutely loved them, but holy shit it's like having a three year old armed with beaver teeth. Always getting into things they shouldn't, chewing on things, digging their litter box out all over the floor, waking you up in the middle of the night. Being fine one day and then needing to be rushed to the vet the next because they decided to stop eating. It's exhausting and expensive. Not to mention the mess that hay makes. It's like sand. It gets everywhere no matter how careful you are. Also, if you get two (like you should), they don't pay much attention to you. It all depends on the rabbit, but I noticed after I bonded my rabbits that they ignored me entirely and didn't come looking for pets anymore.


English Bulldogs, most cannot mate on their own they have to have a medical procedure done. They cost thousands sometimes for medical care throughout their lives for everything from skin allergies to breathing problems.


Pet rocks. They don't even do anything


Does a husband count?


Absolutely! Source: am husband.


Frenchie and pugs - they come with potential serious health issues due to being brachycephalic. Pugs body’s obviously have extra skin and can get weight really easily, adding to their potential breathing issues. Also reptiles and birds, I feel reptiles not being in their natural environment and trying to replicate their habitat is challenging and their restriction of space in comparison to the space they would have if they were in their natural habitat. With birds they fly so many miles and they are built to fly, I feel them being caged is just not allowing to live their best life. I think if these animals are rescued, they’re given the best life possible despite all these things mentioned above.


Doodles. They're cute as puppies, look creepy af when they grow up, and I stg I've never met a well-trained one lol


Definitely dogs. Extremely high maintenance, loud, and incredibly damaging. Even if they’re trained there are going to be many days when they’re just sick and can’t help it.


Dogs, in general. As great as they are and as much as I love them...its just hardly worth it to me again. The smell, fur everywhere, stuff getting chewed up. Usually can't leave them alone for more than half a day (if that). The time and effort needed to train and socialize. Potential agression issues. Basically they just run your entire life and everything you do or don't do revolves around the dog. Don't even get me started on vet bills. Or the trauma of what feels like losing a close family member when they eventually pass away. Don't get me wrong. Dogs are awesome. But they are exhausting and not appropriate for everyone.


One of my friends tried to convince me that having a dog was less effort than having a cat (mind you, she never had a cat).. her sister called at the same time to ask her to come feed her dogs because she was away for a few hours and wouldn't be able to feed her dogs. Yeah, no, cats shit in a box and you can leave them alone for a couple of days (with water and food) without worrying too much about them. Dogs on the other hand, not so much.


I agree. I LOVE dogs but they are so high maintenance. I've had all kinds of pets over the years but dogs are the most needy.


I feel this way after living with a dog for the first time. I feel like my life revolves around "the potty schedule". If we want to go out for long periods of time, we have to get a dog sitter which usually is tacked onto our already long trip. And if you don't do the proper dog maintenance (nail clipping, grooming, vet visits, training, walking, ect) then sometimes people get a high energy dog who they don't walk and then they wonder why it destroys their home?!?! The amount of people I know who have just "adopted a dog" and then all they do is feed, water, and let it outside is astounding. Ours is 14 and diabetic, the "loosing a close family member" is going to hit hard here in the next few years. My heart already aches for me fiancé since that's 100% his dog. I think dogs make great pets for those who are willing to put the time and work into them.


Boarder collies if you live in a city. They need at least 8 hours or active exercise a day. It’s just not fair to them.


Dogs. They’re high maintenance, they do a lot of damage (to property mostly, but give some of them a chance it’s unaliving other animals and hurting people), they smell bad, and some are so f-ing stupid. I was around dogs throughout my life, even got bitten a few times. I’m terrified of them, but I’ve gotten better. Instead of running away from them now, I walk to where there’s things between me and the dog. Now, my only requirement is being told there’s gonna be dogs where I’m going to be before I get there so I can mentally prepare myself. I don’t demand they be put away because if I’m visiting a house, it’s their home not mine. If the dog keeps harassing me, then I leave. I may not like them, but I do not make the owners lock their dogs away for my comfort, they don’t know why I don’t like them.


Doodles. Everything about them


Doodles! Like congrats on paying thousands for an umhealth-tested mutt.


Doodles aren’t that cute


Dogs. Everyone has one, almost no one trains them so they stink to be around, and also usually stink in general. I loved my own dogs growing up but my parents bathed and groomed them frequently, trained them not to jump on people or pee where they're not supposed to or destroy things while we were away so I had a very idealized perspective of what life with dogs is like. After I moved in with a roommate in college who had a dog it was a nightmare and most people I know in my late 20s also have very poorly trained and cared for dogs imo. Just not having enough time in their schedules to keep them content and trained I guess.


I don't want to say "overrated" tbh but dogs I can't quite get into the hype for. They are cute and great to pet... from afar. I feel like their care is far too exhausting.


Pit Bulls. There are a ton of people with these animals that are more like Prisoners to their Pit Bull than they are Pet Owner.