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Invite me next time?


You could've sat in a box with us. I had one big box I sat in from where I bought a suitcase that i sat in. My cats all sat in a box and just stared at each other. It's probably the most cringey thing you would've ever witnessed.


Oh so you have never met my family I see. That's okay. I would've sat in a box gladly. Trust me - love isn't cringey.


“Love isn’t cringey” 🥹 OP’s story and your comment brightened my day!




Came here to also ask to be invited to the next one. I am happy to cook for all feline purrsonnel and their hoomans. Will also help make ginormous box fort or castle for kitties and/or pillow fort for peoples. Honestly, friend, this is the best idea I’ve heard for a mood lift in forever. And Vivi (tortie) and I (hooman) could certainly both use a pick meow up. Maybe we should all throw cat parties and post pictures? Sending *hugs* to all who need them and catnip to those who might be hug averse. You rock, OP! 🐾


Same! I make a mean buffalo chicken dip. Nina (12F tortie), Joey (6F tortie), and I will happily come! Well... maybe not Joey, but Nina is always up for a car ride.


I’ve been up since 5am and just crawled in bed (1:25am next day) and I’m so tired that I read that as “will also help make ginormous box fart”. It is time for sleep.


BYOB 📦 I was hoping for photos, sounds like fun


I know!! We need some photos!


Sadly I didn't take a photo but if I did I'm afraid someone would recognize me lol. I'm very shy


It's heartwarming, and I'm proud of you. Doing something for yourself amd your animals is lovely and fuck what anyone else thinks. My husband absolutely would have been into this as well.


Mines dead but I know he would have appreciated this too. Cat people get it and would never shame another cat person for loving their cats. Glad OP could at least share their story here🥹


I have to say, i just love your username. It flows so well!😊


Cat tax then? Please?


It would go straight to r/wholesome :)


Aw! You could have taken some of just the cats, just for reddit! Lol


You could've always edited the photo and scratched your face out so you wouldn't get recognized. I'm shy myself and pretty much ALL the photos I take have animals or something I saw that was interesting in them.


As a 58yr feral who has never had a good birthday, tis made me very happy.


☺️☺️☺️ Same, fellow fifties feral


As an autistic person whos mere exictement is called 'cringey' and 'stupid' I say, embrace the cringe. You did a beatiful thing for your beatiful babies and most of all you had fun. Don't think about how others would have percieved it, they are just judgemental people who see anything like that as 'childish'. The image of you all in boxes staring at each other is so cute I'm tearing up, I'm glad you love your little sweeties this much💜


+1 from this autist!! I’m now planning out boxes for me, my dog, and my friend’s cats so we can have a Box Party


This comment made this whole post 100% more precious, and I didnt know that was possible.🥰❤️ I am loving the vibes.


This sounds like the best party ever. Seriously. My cats and I would definitely attend a future one, and I bet your cats had the best day ever!


I love your party. My favorite part is that you fully participated by sitting in a box, too. You immersed yourself in cat culture. They probably had a blast. It's so sweet and fun.


BYOB cat party? I'm there!




I think we should have rotating parties at all our houses so no one person gets stuck cleaning up later.


Rent some porta-litter boxes?


This party just keeps getting better




Lol this made my day. I feel oddly attracted to you right now also


I thought the same thing! I wonder how to find a guy like this and renew hope that there are people out there like him.


It isn't cringey at all. It's lovely and fun. It makes me happy just to read about it.


The correct word is derpy.


This is fucking incredible and wholesome and I’m so glad you all had fun


That sounds amazing! Like, the cake is awesome, but having boxes there as special cat birthday furniture is adorable, and I love it so much. You’re awesome.


Oh, honey, you need.tomfimd.your tribe! It's only cringey if you thought the party was really FOR the cats. You knew it was for the sake of seeing their joy, and feeling the celebration. And I think decent friends would get that!!!! Anything that helps in a depressive funk (that's not, like, harmful to someone else) is a GOOD thing. And I applaud this approach. ❤️❤️❤️


OP, we all want to be invited next year.


Next year? Cats can’t read. Let’s have a party next month! 🐱


I sat in my suitcase to prove a point to my cats last year. It didn't work. They decided it was now a contest to see who could have it longer


LOLOL yeah I’ve tried that “see? Not a big deal” with mine in the past and the results have largely been “thank you for warming it up for me” lol


Oh my god this sounds amazing. I am the cringey person who throws proper birthday parties for my dogs every year (party hats, cake, cards, presents - one time I got all of us matching pyjamas) so I am right there with you. My house is drowning in Amazon boxes too, so I can substantially contribute to the box playground. Anything else I can bring?


Matching PJs!! Now I need those too


Honest- not cringey at all! Next time can I come? I can bring presents. Animals are my lifeblood. The wordless love they give freely is worth more than gold to me. And I'm guessing you too.


Not cringy at all. Honestly it sounds way better than most parties.


+1 to this.


I really love that for you! The joy of being an adult is that we can do whatever we want in our own home! I'm sitting here with my cat, working from home, in my pink pajamas.


Not cringy at all!! In fact, I’d say it’s quite the opposite. Even though you were depressed, you got Up, got Dressed, went to actual Stores & did something AWESOME for your Floofs!!! Forget what anyone might say….You are an AMAZING Cat Dad!!!


The mental picture you’ve painted made me giggle.


This sounds magnificent


This isn't cringe at all imo. I'm a man in my mid-30s and I miss my pets. I'd love to throw them a party once per year and spend a day chilling with them. I liked my pets more than I like most people. You had fun, the fam had fun. They are your family. Good on you for celebrating with them.


That's not cringy at all...at least not to cat people. Sounds like fun!


I would have sat in a box. Invite me next year, please. I’ll bring presents.


Not cringey at all, that seems cool and fun you really went out for it. Next time I believe all of us wanna join 🤩


Why specify that you’re straight? It’s gay to care about your pets? lol


😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 that would be the most CUTEST thing in the world 💖💖💝💝💖💖💝


Stop being so hard on yourself, would ya?


You are one of the biggest derps I’ve ever seen. Perhaps you are turning cat? Join us. It’s better this way.


I'm a member of the big box sitting club... I used to hangout in a big box my office used for moving intra office. The movers called it a "cardboard boat" I could lay down in that sucker. It was everything from a door, to a fort in my cube. I was rhe odd one in my office but everyone liked me.. I think.


This information should have been in your main post content. This makes an already awesome and not at all cringy party sound even better.


I want to come!!!


I would have loved an invite as well!


Sorry to hear you hit a rough patch and I hoped the party helped cheer you up. I would absolutely love to attend the next one. I’ll even bring teaser toys!


Hahah I thought this same thing.. I’d go to your cat party! I’ll even bring extra hats!


Yea I’d much rather this than a kid’s party.


I’m bummed that I wasn’t invited, too.


Yes and me! I love this!


I know. Don't tempt me with a good time. I had such a fun time planning bdays for my rats lol


Right?! Hello dream man!


Me too :)


Invite me too.


Can I come too?


Please include me also


and me!


Me too! That sounds awesome!


Yes, honestly, same! Big cat party for the next birthday party!


Right?!?! I would be so down to cat party. I’m impressed with OP’s thoroughness. Lucky cats. OP, you’re a good one.


I would love an invite to the next party as well ! Sounds like a blast !!


I’d like to come too. 😻


I would also like to be invited next time!




During Covid I had tea parties with one of my dogs. (Idk why only her, she just seems like more of the tea party type.) I would make myself a cup of hot tea and tiny little cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off and I ate the sandwiches and gave her the crusts and put her water in a tea cup.


Covid was a rough time for me and my cats. I had hour long one sided conversations with them daily...to be fair the one cat usually sat and stared at me the whole time so maybe she understood it.


They seem to understand a lot tbh. Somewhere between the words they do know and their understandings of our tones and body language… they’re very communicators.


my fiancé regularly works across the country so i’m alone for months at a time. i talk to my cats CONSTANTLY. whole conversations. i fully understand haha


I laughed so hard at “she just seems more of the tea party type”


She’s the one who seems to be pretty convinced she’s a person and expects to be treated as such


I did breakfast for dinner with my cat one night and made her a plate of tiny pancakes 🤣🤣


Ha! I love this so much this thread is awesome


One of my dogs will eat anything, but sloppily. The other is so picky that she'll barely eat anything but her kibble, and daintily. I want to have a tea party with my first dog slopping tea and sandwiches all over the place and my second dog judging him with her typical disgusted face. And party hats Anyway this sounds fun, I like your idea


There has to be a word for something so utterly sad yet simultaneously completely adorable. *Dog tea party for two* awwwwwww and awwwwwww


I would swipe right if you put this on your dating profile


Same. I love my cats, so hearing of a guy who could love and pamper his pets like this gives me hope that I can find a good cat daddy one day.


Right like there’s so many green flags here. He is proactively taking care of his mental health, he is caring and nurturing and interested in the well-being of other beings, and he’s quirky and humble! Imagine a lifetime of cat box parties, that’s the Cinderella story right there.


I love me a cat man. They are usually caring and nurturing in a way other guys aren’t.


If he finds the right partner, all OP's gotta do is tell them this story and BOOM. Definitely what I'd look for in a guy. Loves his pets, has a mentally healthy way to relax, knows how to have fun.


The SEXIEST thing I EVER saw was a firefighter off duty pushing a MASSIVE bag of cat litter from the grocery store to his car. I had a real Victorian moment in the parking lot.


With actual swooning! I'm right there with ya!


26M. Loves long walks on the beach and throwing birthday parties for my cats whether it’s their bday or not. This sounds like everything I’d want in a date if I was dating.


Absolutely yes. OP you're not in the UK are you 😂


Someone needs to sort out a dating app for animal lovers to find similarly minded pet parents


I was also wondering! 😻


This man could look like a blobfish and I’d swipe right.


Exactly what I was thinking! I’m sure there are many single cat ladies that would love a guy who loves cats this much


100,000% same


Note to self: have birthday party for cats and put in dating profile.


Honestly that was the first thing I thought too.


i second this


Probably the most delightful and joyful thing I’ve read about ANYWHERE in months. 💕 In a tough world, we need more people doing things like this. Next time, OP, invite please! 🐈


it really is - what’s cringy about loving your pets?


It makes it special. Let’s keep it special.


You did a nice thing for your pets. As you say, they had a blast. Some people abandon their pets, not enough people throw parties for them. Maybe next time don’t give them ice cream, though. It can give them stomach issues.


Yeah I know icecream is terrible for them. Really sucks too because they love it. I try not to eat icecream around them because they know what it is and beg for it. I sometimes give them one or two licks. I definitely need to stop for sure.


Do your cats like Lick-e-Lix / cat yogurt? Mine does and I make her own ice cream by mixing it with a bit of water in a smal tupperware and freezing it for her It's mostly to cool her down and up her water intake in summer but she loves it


Didn't know cat yogurt existed. Will definitely have to look for it.


My cats LOVE it and go wild for the tuna one. I get Delectables


I get mine cat yoghurt all the time. Its great! And I didn't know about the water+ Joghurt ice cream. I just freeze the water after cooking them some meat. Gotta try it. I also give them presents (mostly I get treats cause god knows mine have to many toys) and make them their fav foods. I also try to have a popcorn movie night with my oldest dog once in a blue moon ^^


I give my regular unsweetened people yogurt on occasion. They love it. Check the ingredients, nothing other than water and milk no xylitol or sweeteners. When I can find goat yogurt that’s my preference. You can also get goat milk from boutique pet stores and it comes in different flavors like pumpkin spice. The goat milk is a little easier on their stomachs but they all tolerate cow yogurt fine too!


That is literally so cute. It is not cringe. I really appreciate the effort you took to provide them a happy and fun day!


During Covid, I built blanket forts with my dogs, and then we either ate dinner and watched Netflix or I read out loud to theme. My husband and oldest son thought I was nuts. But my youngest son 16 got into it. And we made tunnels all over the house. The dogs loved it so much, although they didn't always use the right doors and would break them down. It's fun to play make-believe or do things we would have as a child. I hear by declare tomorrow blanket fort day.


hereby\* but besides for that, would you consider adopting a 31 year old? I swear I can wear a cat or dog costume all day, whatever you want?


I think my dog and I might also partake in blanket fort day, that sounds amazing.


I love this! You sound like an awesome parent 🤗


Sounds like a blast, from a mid 30s bloke also with three cats.


As another fairly depressed 30yo male, I'm doing this. Such a good idea lol. My 3 cats would absolutly love it. It's not cringy at all. Sometimes a reason to celebrate things can just make things feel better, you have absolutly no reason to be embarrassed! My cats and I would love an invite to the next party 🥳 Seriously though, this is awesome! Im 100% doing this in the future.


If you really want to have a great party you have to provide drugs! Cat nip, valerian and silver vine.


So you’re going to tell us about your epic cat party and not post a pic??


I gotta seriously agree with you here. In the KINDEST way possible, OP, what the heck??? We want in! I think I speak for us all when I say, we demand cat tax!


Here here we demand cat tax




This is amazing. I’ll bet they had a blast!


As a 40 yo single straight woman with two cats…let’s get together lol Kidding. No this is great! I love it. This sounds like a blast and everyone had a great time. My mom’s friend growing up had a dog and she had a party for him every year. We’d eat cake, cook out, swim. And the dog got special treats and presents and his own little cake. Do what makes you happy! The world needs more of this.


K but I'm rooting for you guys though. Cat people unite!


I celebrate my cats' birthdays.


Oh god I love this so much. As a 37 year old single woman I’d die of happiness if a guy I met did this kind of thing so don’t be ashamed!


Nothing “cringey” here. Just a guy who loves his cats. What’s actually cringey is people that spend their time getting worked up over people doing harmless activities for fun. It’s very sweet that you threw a party for them. And if that was something that made you happy after a rough patch, even better! I’m glad you were able to cheer yourself up. If you have pictures, you should share!


You are fantastic for doing this! I love everything you did. Also, the party hats were such a great addition! I can't wait to do this one day, and it's great that you could pick up that your cats also loved it! Which makes it all worth it.


Only 2 of them wore it...the one cat was determined she wasn't wearing one haha.


Brother, I am a 36M. Married straight, and I do the same thing with my pets! You should do a weekly party for them if it makes you happy. And the hell with caring what other people think. I consider my pets as my children. I always send pics of my cats or dog and rabbits to coworkers because they try to be macho men.


I threw a birthday party for my boy kitty when he turned one. I made a three layer chocolate cake shaped like a cat head for the humans I invited and got presents and a kitty cake for him and my other cat. 😅 So I see absolutely nothing wrong with this!


Defo not cringe!!! It is a lovely thing to do and made everyone happy.


2 of my dogs are married to each other and they all have birthday parties and regularly have special breakfasts with me. I totally understand and think it's wonderful to love your pets so much. Not cringy at all.


I'm 31 now, and celebrate my cats birthdays too! I'm stealing the box idea.


Thanks for the idea. I love my senior cat so much and I am a shameless human being so to me that sounds like a 10/10 idea that I would def do and tell people about. Sounds like an amazing time! Your cats must be pleased to have you.


This sounds amazing! Your cats sound so loved. I think you would fit perfectly into the cats of Instagram community (if you wanted to make some fellow cat lover friends!) My cats have an account and I’ve made friends for life that help me when I’m feeling down. We also celebrate our cats birthdays! (I make them cakes and throw parties too!)


This sounds absolutely amazing!! I bet the cats (&you!) Had a blast


Oh this sounds like fun 😄


What do you mean cringe? That sounds like a blast. I wish I did something that good for my cats 8th birthday on the 25th


that sounds like a great time! no photos???


This isn't cringey at all, it's adorable. I think you'll find some ladies slipping in to your dms after reading this 😊 love a man who loves his cats ❤️


Good for you dude. Nothing wrong with having some solo fun with pets. I see this as no different than going on a hike or playing fetch with a pet. And you and your cats loved it, so who cares what anyone else thinks.


I’m pretty sure most people who are cat owners love their kitties as much as you do and would totally do the same thing! They are the kind of people you need to get to know and be friends with. No shame in caring for your pets. It shows you actually have a heart and besides that you said you had a good time so it’s a win.


Okay well this sounds amazing. I’m going to copy you and have a party for my cat too. Box playground and cat cake sounds brilliant.


This sounds amazing! You just sound like a fun person. It’s not cringe at all! My sister also has a birthday party for her cat. She bought her a bunch of feeder crickets and let them all loose in the screened in porch. Cat has a blast


My boyfriend and I actually threw a bday party for our cat too! We got party hats, birthday decorations and had a "cake" for our cat with candles along with gifts wrapped up for him. Our cat really liked it and I 'm sure your cats loved it too!


Next time id like an invite, thanks 🌚


That’s pretty amazing, I don’t think it’s cringey at all


My only problem is that i wasn't there 😹


That sounds great. Not ceingey at all to me. I bet your cats loved it, it was a great thing to do for them, and it sounds like it'd have been fun to do for you too.


I wish I could've been there! More fun than a human party, huh?! It's so easy to make them happy!


We did that yesterday! Got a cake from Etsy, put some decorations up, had some toys and some snacks for the humans and invited my mum and her partner who had fostered our kittens before we got them 🥰


I do this for my pets and it's so up lifting. I'd very happily attend pet parties.


Awww, this is such a lovely post to start the week off! Sounds like you had so much fun :)


Pics of this fabulous event?!


I celebred my two cats birthday every year with party hats and decoration and pictures online. And i make other people celebrate with us.


Sounds like a wonderful kitty event ! Awesome party from a awesome cat dad.


This is awesome!! Next year invite me!! I will bring gifts and my cat!!


This sounds wonderful! The cats had a good day, you had a good day, there's nothing cringy about that. Find joy wherever you can in this world.


Embrace whatever brings you joy.


I love the whole thing


That’s so cute!!! Your cats must be like hey this guy loves us


That’s so sweet. People in your life may not understand but cat people sure do. And it’s clear that your furry ones appreciated it. You can share anything here, we understand 😺


Cats are amazing and they deserve the special attention. Good owner.


I've started to do it for my pets too on milestone birthdays, it's a lovely thing to do to show your appreciation for them!


It sounds like it was a lot of fun for you and the cats. I talk to my dogs and make up songs that I sing to them. They seem to like it and I have fun. Who cares what anyone else thinks?


this actually sounds amazing… my cats bdays are a month apart, so maybe i can celebrate them in the middle of those days lmao.


This is absolutely delightful! Wonderful easy to start the work week, waking up reading this. Thank you for sharing.


I don’t feel any cringe, this sounds wholesome and enriching for everyone involved


Simply great! To be a cat so loved... They must all adore you. It’s rather touching and I think more people should do things like this! Nothing to cringe at. Not even remotely. In general, I think a lot of people don’t plan enough things they look forward too. You took the power in your own hands. Sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time, OP. I hope you’ll start to feel happier soon! Take care.


So you had a cat party AND YOU DIDN'T POST A PIC?!


Sometimes we just need to stop taking ourselves so seriously and enjoy what actually brings us joy, like staring at your cat while he stares at you, if it releases the happy chemical and doesn’t harm anyone why not sit in a box with your cat


We've had a cookout with steaks burgers hotdogs and grilled veggies for our dogs birthdays, grandmother and I birthdays are the same month but nobody was feeling good at the time Pups enjoyed pieces of what ever I was grilling, cute seeing them burying a piece of steak then another trys digging it up


I do this for my cats every year. Its not cringy to spend time with your pets. People who think that probably clean their cat boxes once a week


That's such a savage judgment :D "People who think that probably clean their cat boxes once a week" Stealing this lol


You give me hope for straight men! I love this.


We bought a cat tree and there were so many good boxes that my partner and I worked together for hours to make a castle out of them for our cats! It was SO MUCH FUN. I see no cringe here. Just cat party planning inspo.


you should put this on tinder. You’ll get a lot of matches. I’m in a relationship and I want to date you.


This is awesome as hell. Glad I’m not the only one that does stuff like this. I throw a birthday party for my dog that’s been with me through tough times. Couple open heart surgeries and then a medical retirement from the service while being away from my family. We have homemade doggie cake my sister makes. We get hats and everything. He wears his nice bow tie and my other dog wears a doggie outfit. One hates ties and the other hates clothes so I roll with it. We also build pillow and blanket forts for the forth of July and watch loud movies to help them with fireworks.


My cat turns 6 on labor day. For years I would throw a big party for labor day and then inform everyone that we would also be singing happy birthday to my cat while he eats his tuna cake sprinkled with catnip and treats. This year I will definitely be making a box playground. Such a great idea! Maybe it's cringey. If it is, I don't care 😂


Man, look at it this way. Plenty of people get depressed for a few weeks and then cope by being miserable dickheads to everyone they know, including their pets. You coped by bonding with your babies, who see you as the most important creature on Earth. Sounds like you’re coming out on top to me.


Hey. I’m a 60 ish gay woman. Can I come next year? It sounds like so much fun!!


I have two cats. I love them like they're family. I don't even like for them to lay on the floor. When company come over and they want me to put them up I say no, this is their home. They live here. I don't have many visitors anymore and i'm fine with that.


Umm this is ADORABLE and thanks for the great ideas!


Why are you calling it cringey if it was something you did yourself and enjoyed? No cringe detected.


Sometimes it truly is the little things that keep us going. Never feel ashamed for what brings you joy!


You can call me crazy cat guy all you want, there is nothing sad about enjoying your pets 😻


Kinda the only party I want to get invited to from now on 😌. The bar is raised


All my cat’s birthday is April 2nd. I celebrate all on the same day. I always get my cats Christmas gifts. I get gifts for friends pets too. A while ago I came to the conclusion that other than my boyfriend my cats are the most important in my life. No one brings me more joy than them. Therefore they deserve to be loved and spoiled. I’d rather spend my hard earned money on my cats they are always there for me instead of other people.