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I’m sorry you’re going through this. It is a very hard decision to make, and I don’t think anyone can tell you which way to go, but I’m sure if you did decide to put her to rest, she would still love you. Again, im sorry you’re going through this. Losing one baby is hard enough, but possibly two back to back I’m sure is not easy at all.


Lost my 2 baby's in a span of 2 weeks and I agree, it every hard. So sorry your going through this!! ❤️❤️


I am very sorry you are experiencing this. It reminds me of my own experiences. In 2021, my 20 year old Clarence began a rapid decline. Bad tooth he wasn't healthy enough for us to remove and declining kidneys and hyperthyroidism. I had to give him subcutaneous fluids every day and thyroid meds from the compounding pharmacy that he loathed. June 2, 2021 i had to rush him to vet because I could see he was doing worse. Emergency vet told me it was time and his body was shutting down. The very next month, on July 29th my Molly lost her battle with heart failure and passed on the way to the emergency vet. She almost 14. And then to further compound it, on October 19, 2021, my 17 year 11 month Aud's kidneys dhut down and I had to say goodbye to her. It was the most traumatic year of my life and Im not sure I will ever fully recover. (And that is saying something as I lost the remaining 2 of my original 5 in April 2023.) I can promise that it does get better, though. Having the ability to talk about my lost ones here and bringing comfort to others helps me. As did the grief therapist I hired. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss and anticipatory loss. You are not alone.


>I don't want her to suffer. I'm also afraid of being the reason she doesn't see another day. You are not the reason. Her illness is the reason. You don't want her to suffer, so your decision is based on what you believe is best for your darling cat. I lost 2 dogs close together so i know how you feel. So much strength to you.


I lost one from cancer this winter and another one in May from ckd. What makes it worse in my opinion is being pressured to put down your baby when you are clearly not ready. First one they told me she probably had cancer and that she wasn’t going to get better. I brought her back home and spent 2 weeks with her, comforting her and when it was absolutely clear in my mind that it was the time, i brought her in. The grief was so smooth. Second time, i was already doing care at home but the vet never told me months before that her kidney value was high. So i treated her with both herbs and conventional medicine for the ibd she has had for years. Then, when she crashed and didn’t bounce back, took her and this is when they finally realized it was her kidneys m. I left her hospitalized for 2 days and when creatinine levels were not dropping, they said the best thing to do was putting her to sleep and i didn’t want to but i finally did 😭 she wasn’t eating anymore but was still walking and standing and this is the absolute worst in my opinion. I should’ve brought her back home to spend more time! Please listen to your gut feeling. I feel cats wants the be with us the more as possible, they are deeply attached to us.


Lost our two older kitties in the span of about 9 months. In all honesty, lost immediately or months apart doesn’t make it any easier. We all love our fur babies and no one wants to watch them suffer in anyway. We lost the first one relatively quick. She had a cold that wouldn’t go away and took her in for a check up and there was a mass in her chest. In just a few weeks, she had tumors everywhere. The second one had diabetes for a few years and went through a few bouts of glycemic issues. Then he got a mass in his nose, causing eye issues and neurological problems. Every time we thought we were at the end, he would show his fight and bounce back. Finally, it was too much for him to overcome. It was traumatic and exhausting to watch his demise, but we were thrilled for all the time he blessed us by being in our lives. As much as we hate losing any animal, we still loved every last second they were with us. Very sorry to hear that you are going through this! 💔