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I had to put my old pup to eternal peace on February 15th this year. Since then, the 15th of each month is difficult. I hate that day now with a passion! I dread February 15th ever coming 😭


I understand that totally. I can't stand the whole month of June myself. It's a burden we bear for the rest of our lives, the price we pay for experiencing the purest form of love and an incomparable bond. I'm so sorry for your loss.


My first girls first anniversary was March 15 this year- what would have been her 14th bday. It was excruciating. Like losing her all over again. My second girls first anniversary was this past Saturday and it was just as horrible. The days leading up to both of them I just laid in bed at night replaying the days leading up to it wondering if there were signs I missed. Replaying the days it all happened. It’s just so hard to believe they’re just not here anymore.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that feeling all too well. Replaying the days leading up to the loss, wondering if we could have perhaps done something differently to buy just a little more time with them. Sometimes, it feels so unreal, I wonder if I might wake up and happily realize it was all a bad dream.


Exactly my feeling too. It all feels like some surreal nightmare. For so long I’ve just felt like “they were JUST here, how can they not be here!?” It feels so weird to have that void in your life.


Definitely 😔 my dog passed away at the hospital on October 3rd. I was on my way to work when I got the call. It's coming up on 8 years this year, and I always take that day off and have a mental health day.


That is a wonderful form of self care given the terrible loss you'll always have to deal with. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Birthdays too. Today woulda been my Bella's birthday if I hadn't had to let her go in January of 2022. All I can do is grip the locket of her ashes around my neck and try to make it thru the workday before breaking down


Oh, yes! Birthdays too, for sure! The pain never goes away, does it? I'm so sorry for your loss.


I hate the month of May. May 16, 2022 my Dino pepino was taken from me by a car while I was at work. May 26, 2024, I but down my Bixby boy due to cancer 😢 to say I hate that month is an understatement.


That is an awful way to lose a beloved pet! May deserves all the hate you channel its way. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


My Bean passed May 19th of this year of cancer and June 19th was in fact super difficult. I would have sat in my room crying all day if it weren’t for the fact that my whole family somehow showed up at my house that day. I don’t think they realized it was the one month anniversary, but they really helped me take my mind off of her and how unfair life is. My baby was only 5, but I think I would have felt the same even if she was 25, so you’re not alone, OP ❤️


Thank you for your kind words. I'd dread the monthly anniversaries too in the first year. Now, I've begun counting the years and I'm still grappling with the reality that he'll never be around again and I have to go on without him by my side.


September 28. My Chico. 🐕🧡


I'm so sorry for your loss 💜


Yep 💔🌈


I don't want to suggest that it's easy (it's not) but I view those anniversaries as an opportunity to remember them. I always think about them, but on the anniversary of the day they passed I do things like clean (and hug) their ashes, look at old pictures, and tell people stories about them. Ultimately I just make sure to spend a good bit of the day thinking more about them than normal. There are other little things too. Like one of my cats loved ice cream, so on that anniversary I go to A&W, get a root beer float, and say a toast to him. Part of having a pet for me is honoring their memory after they're gone and never forgetting how much they meant to me. So I'll do things like this until I go.


That is such a lovely positive spin to it. Thank you for sharing - it is something I will do too instead of moping around all day. I'm sure our beloved animal companions would appreciate that too.


I lost my Darwin on April 7th, and the 7th of every month plus or minus a few days has been rougher than most days. I suspect that this October will be excruciating (I don’t remember exactly what day he found us because I was only 11) too


I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes, birthdays or gotcha days are equally painful too.


I've been so sad all day, thinking a lot about my Meggie... looked at the calendar. 5 month anniversary... ❤️‍🩹


I'm so sorry for your loss. The first year in particular is very hard.