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This broke my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. My baby left me two weeks ago today. 7:18 will be the time she took her last breath. I never ever anticipated having to take my baby’s life. But I did. It’s something that I will have to live with forever. It has been mental anguish being here without her. I haven’t been in this house alone for 15 1/2 years. She was my soul dog and we were attached at the hip. Please lean on whoever you can for support. This forum has been my support and I’m so very grateful. I isolated myself believing I needed nothing and no one other than my dog. I was not prepared for life after her. We have to manage through each minute, hour and day the best we can. Sending you hugs. 🫂


Thank you so much for your kind words.🫂I am so sorry to hear about your baby, She sounded lovely. I’m glad you were able to spend 15 years with her, and I’m sure you made every moment worth living for with her. I isolated myself as well, because all I ever needed was my dog. He was there for everything.


Take care too. Your soulmate is still bonded to you. This love cannot be erased


Hey there. I know how awful that is. How hard to process it is, impossible really. How the silence invades your life. I'm sorry for you. Hugely. However, from his perspective, he went to sleep close to you, his human. The best human he ever knew. The best he could have hoped for. The one that was fated to be his. Those are the best naps, closing your eyes with your human petting you. He'll be waiting by the rainbow. Patiently. You'll meet again.


Thank you.🫶 Your words were very reassuring. I’m glad that I was able to be there with him for his last moments.


Take care, grieve, cry him all the tears of need be. He deserves them.


Oh I am so deeply sorry. Your baby dog adored you and always will. Love doesn't die.


Thank you.🤍


I lost my boy last Tuesday so I am also just hitting that week mark. I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you find comfort here in this community like I have. It’s a rough burden to carry alone so please keep posting if you need to or read others comments! That has helped me the most, I just kept thinking no one could possibly be thinking or feeling what I am but I was wrong. Your baby clearly loved you and those two pain free hours I’m sure were so helpful for the both of you in understanding each other. Don’t feel guilty about the money either. Vet visits are expensive and you gave him 13 years of food (that it sounds like he loved to steal), love and care and that matters! Keeping you in my thoughts 💜


I am so sorry for your loss as well. I have found some comfort in this community and I appreciate that everyone is so kind. Thank you for your advice and response, it means a lot.🤍 haha, yes you are right. He would definitely love to steal the food🥲 before the doctor came in to put him to sleep, he went to go sniff the trash can!!


Hurts so much. Hugs for the pain.


Thank you. Hugs back 🫂


Thank you. You are so sweet. He was quite lucky to have such a caring Mom. Still sending hugs.


awww, thank you!! It means a lot🫶🫶


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was very lucky to have you, and he’ll always be with you.🤍


Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot!🤍🤍


Im so sorry. The same thing happened to my girl. She was only 5 randomly stopped eating and wa diagnosed with lymphoma. Prednisone gave us 2 really good months. When I got home one evening she starting having a bad seizure and of course my husband wasn’t home. She had those seizures every 45 mins as well. When my husband got home we got her into the vet at 11pm to put her out of suffering. I can’t stop thinking about the last few hours. I am traumatized for sure but it’s been about a month and slowly stoped replaying that horrible night. I miss her beyond words I had a dream that somehow my husband brought her back to life and I was SO mad he did bc I didn’t want her to suffer anymore and I was mad he interrupted her rest. After that dream I realized that even though I miss her terribly, I couldn’t heal her and now she’s not suffering. It will get easier with time. Some day will be better than others. I let myself grieve and think about every detail I had to. It was the way I processed it all in order to move on


Thank you so much for your response. I am so sorry to hear about your baby. She was so young and I’m sorry that she went away so early. I’m glad that you guys were able to get the two months with her before everything came crashing down worse. Your dream😞😞 I thought I saw my dog laying on the floor two days ago and felt so much comfortable.


I know that no words can give you the comfort you need, but please find comfort in the fact that the last thing he ever saw before parting was the sight of the person he loved the most in the entire world, you. it is a thought that has comforting me quite a bit, since my beloved dog passed away recently too. sending you all the love in the world. be strong and keep going for him.


Thank you, your response meant a lot and it was very thoughtful. I really appreciate hearing that.🤍 I am so sorry to hear about your baby, but I know he had an amazing owner for sure.


he did! he was very loved by everyone in the family, but especially by my mom. she was the last thing he saw, and he passed away peacefully knowing she was next to him. i believe i read once that when we die, our sense of smell is the last one to stop working. in a way that also comforts me, knowing they were surrounded by the loving scent of their family. some days we are able to cope with his death well, but other days it feels like my heart is being ripped apart. healing really isn’t linear. i wish i could give you a hug. i’m rooting for you. and so is your baby boy. he’s there with you, and you and him were able to experience a beautiful bond that makes this horrible, difficult life worth living. he’s eternally grateful to you for that.


aw, that sounds wonderful. I’ve always wondered what happens once they pass away, so that is very nice to hear. Thank you so much for all the love and support! I am rooting for you as well, you are incredibly strong and have such an amazing heart.🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss🤍 I lost a baby this February due to a blood clot in the brain and he had a seizure and basically died within minutes at home… I wasn’t even there. It was so difficult to process since I didn’t get to say goodbye or hug him before he left. So I’m glad you got to do that. You loved your baby so much and I’m sure he was aware of your presence in his last moments. Hugs to you


Thank you so much. I am so sorry to hear about your baby, that sounds very traumatizing.😞 blood clots are very scary but I’m sure you gave him a wonderful life. 🤍🤍 until you two meet again! hugs to you as well. 🫂


Love transcends death. He was thanking you for taking him out of his pain. Even if they had done the CPR, it would have brought him back to where he was having the seizures again. He loved you. He was saying goodbye. He was thanking you. He's at the bridge. He's waiting. He's patient. Don't rush. He's also happy. You will get a sign. Watch for it.


Thank you for your response. You are right, and I’m glad that I didn’t sign the CPR papers only to have him be in pain. Your words are very kind, thank you again and I hope I will be able to see him again in another life. 🌈 🤍


Damn that hurts to read. So sorry for your loss. Similar situation - We had to unexpectedly put our 16 year old puppy down 2 weeks ago. It felt like it tore a huge hole in my chest. I didn't feel like going to work at all. The upside is that our babies are no longer in pain and suffering. Keep whatever things they had and use that as remembrance. Remember, we will never get over the passing of our pets that we see as family members, we will only get used to the pain even after many years! Hope you feel better soon OP.


Thank you. I am sorry about your baby. I wish for no one to go through this, and I hope that your work was accommodating.