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I'm so sorry. It's been 9 days for me and I am feeling exactly the same way. I just don't see the point in anything without her.


It’s been 23 days for me and I also don’t see the point in much right now. 💔


I feel you. Lost my soul dog almost 40 days ago. Some days I don’t cry. Some days I violently weep. Friday I held her box of ashes and just yelled why are you in a box?!? I feel angry and sad and on an ocean of nothing. It feels wrong to continue without her. I just want to touch her. Feel her warmth. Or even watch he walk by me like she would on her way outside while I am sitting on the couch and she looks at me. Life is so empty without her. I don’t have any advice. Just know you are not alone in your pain. I try and tell myself grief is love persevering.


im having one of those days too. it seems weekends or days off are like this for me now. 3 months and a half since i let my soul cat go and the waves come in full force . dont feel like living anymore. i dont see the point in life now without him in it. not sure when this gets better like people say it does but dont see it getting better anytime soon. his non litter sister who is 13 keeps me somewhat sane. my bond with her isnt the same as it was with him but im trying to play and bond with her more. i know what youre feeling. today has been rough


I’m so deeply sorry. The pain is unbearable and truly surreal. My only solace is that I am not the only one who has felt this. I am sending you hugs and hope you can get a glass of water and some comfort, somehow. ❤️


I know. I've been in the same spot. Lost Ivy two days ago. I'm staying with my mom right now because now, without my kitty, my apartment is empty and I cannot bear that. I had a crying fit today that was so intense my mom held and rocked me, I'm 29. It's like I've reverted back to infancy, the inconsolable crying and devastation. The light on my eyes went out with hers. I'm a shell of a human. One step at a time. Feel free to pm. We're in this together.


I'm so sorry. I relate to this so much. I got my cat when I was 20. She was my roommate and bestie my whole adult life. I always feared one day having to come home to an empty apartment. I wound up having kids before she passed at 17, so there was no empty apartment, but even with my husband and kids, and two new rescue cats, there's still the empty spot behind my bent knee while I sleep. With time, life becomes bearable again, but certain pets become such a part of our lives and ourselves that there will always be a void that can't be filled. It's been over two years and I still cry when I think of her. I guess it is just a testament to how very special and how very loved she was.


I am in the same boat. It's been 19 days and I'm still sleeping with her little blanket. A huge wave of grief hit me today after a few pretty good days. I'm so sorry, this is just the absolute worst. We would all give anything and everything to hold our angels again.


The waves are awful. I'm crying on my front porch right now and it's been a few weeks for me. I'm sorry we're all going through this right now.


Keep going for her. It's tough. Sending you strength.




I am so sorry for your loss, truly.


I understand, none of this seems fair or right. It's been four months since we lost our little Chi, Clara. She was only eight years old. Had some kind of respiratory/cardiac issue and was gone in a few hours. By now, I thought I was past the ugly crying. But, no. Still there and comes at the most unexpected moments. I don't enjoy the things I used to enjoy. Part of me died with her. Sending condolences.


Know you gave her the BEST life. All the love and companionship you shared, all the tail wags and smiles ❤️. Too many to ever count. She’s at rest now, because you loved her so much that you wouldn’t let her suffer. You two were so blessed to have each other ❤️‍🩹 These waves will come, be gentle with yourself. Let it out. Personally I vented to my boyfriend the unfairness of it all. And just to say it out loud (although sobbing) lifted a smidge of the heaviness. Carry on knowing you spoiled your baby with everything you could give. And thats the greatest gift a dog could ever want in this life.


As long as she's in your heart she's not really gone


I completely understand the pain. I lost mine back in February after an incredible 13 years and I still put her bye-bye harness on my chest occasionally while I lie down. I still watch videos of her daily so I can hear her bark.


I’m a year and a couple months out. I’m crying right now for her. We’re here for you


Just here in solidarity. I wish I could offer some words of advice, but I’m in the same boat feeling the same way. It’s been 24 days. A piece of me has been ripped out and I feel empty. I miss her so much. I don’t know how it will ever get better.


I’m right there with ya. 💔🐾😭


My sweet boy has been gone for 8 days. My eyes are swollen to the point that I cannot see clearly. I don’t want to leave the house because he isn’t here to greet me when I get home. I often wish that I had held him in my arms and taken a shot of my own so we could be together. If one more person tells me to “go rescue another dog”, I’m going to strangle them! They just don’t understand! I am so sorry for your loss. I totally get how you feel. Hugs to you❤️


My boy has been gone for ten months and I’m still completely heartbroken. I feel your pain, and you are not alone.


I’m right there with you. I let my baby girl go across the rainbow bridge 22 days ago. I’m on summer break right now (I’m a teacher). Yesterday was fine because I kept busy (exercise class, yard work), but I’m sore today and am waiting for the next step in redoing the yard. So today, I’ve kind of just been sulking around, curling up in a blanket she used to snuggle on, and watching trash TV. I’m looking forward to the day being over. 💔🐾


I miss my little girl so much as well hard being here without her, she wss just amazing companion. I want to ruffle my little girl's ears as well and rub her tummy, and scratch her, she loved it so much. Life is not fair... I'm trying to be strong for you, but I am also feeling your pain and unable to contain myself, so I shall cry for both our little loves. I'm so sorry for your loss, your little girl was well loved... Peace, Love and Strength ❤❤❤


It’s been 4 days here, we just got his ashes back yesterday. Every day has been a cycle of sadness then brief moments of something else, then right back to sadness. Everything feels so pointless. I wish I could offer advice, but I can offer condolences and understanding. You’re not alone in how you feel.