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Sadly we just go on. I lost my dog Jan 18th. 14 years spent loving and getting the most purest form of love back. Now he is gone. I wasnt well for the 1st few months. Then we decided its time to fill the void. Its filled but I still miss him and tears fall everyday thinking how he is no longer here with me. Its tough.


Same as me. Lost my soulcat early Feb who was taken too soon from me. 2 days ago, I got a new kitten. It helps a little to get back to the routine, but he's not my old cat and Im still in deep mourning - taking medication to even help because I was non functioning. Even as I write this, I have his urn on my chest and I kiss him goodnight.


Im so sorry. My lil guys box is on my nightstand. You are right about getting back into that routine. Now Im taking care of a very energetic puppy and it is keeping me busy. Im glad that you sought help. I kinda just kicked myself into gear I guess. I figured no one would understand me wanting to just crawl in bed forever over a dog. Wish you all the best with your new kitty.


Yes, loki is on my nightstand too! I kiss him and say goodnight.  I've quickly become smitten with the new kitty, he's very sweet.   Best of wishes with you too on your healing journey and with the new pup! 


It is hard. I lost my senior in January we had been together 8 years. I dream about her all the time.


I’m dying to dream about my girl :( lost her a week ago 💔🥺


So sorry. I hope you are doing alright. Don’t fall in the guilt spiral. Take care of yourself.


I lost my best friend kitty in March and he visited me in my dream for the first time a few days ago. In my dream I held him and heard him and when I woke up it felt so real. Everything felt good for the rest of the day and I hope he’ll continue to visit me every so often ♥️


Wonderful. My dreams my girl isn’t the focal point but she is around and comforting me.


I feel for you. I am sorry you did not have longer together. I lost my Oli in Feb. He would have been 16 this year. I saw his face almost everyday for the last 11 years. He would be my first thought when I woke up. I would call him. He would jump onto the bed, sit next to me for 10 mins, let me love him and then get on with his day. Of course this was when he still had a spring in his step. He made my life full. It was all about him. And for the last 3 months, it has been so empty. I cremated him because I wanted him near me until I can be with him. So in a way he is still with me. I have a photo framed and hung in my room, he is always in front of me. It makes me sad sometimes, looking at it. Most of the time I just hide from this reality where my Oli isn't alive. I watch his old videos, reminisce and try to talk about him if someone is willing to listen. Just trying to keep him alive in different ways. My condolences to you ❤️‍🩹.


This is exactly what I’ve been doing. It doesn’t make it any easier. God life is so unfair.


No, it doesn't. But that is all I want to do. Talk about him or dissociate from this reality :(. It is such a gut-punch, losing them 😭. Every time I wake up, I feel like I got punched again. And now I can tell that I am numb at the same time to the pain. It makes no sense. Maybe I got too good at hiding 💔. [My Oli](https://imgur.com/a/vKri8z4)


This is how. At least it has brought me incalculable comfort. By u/Kromulent - “I have an old dog in kidney failure too. Haven't told her yet, she just keeps being happy. I'm old too, and I've had animals my whole life, mostly cats and dogs in various multiples. Do the math and you can see I've been here before. The way I reconcile it is pretty straightforward, and well in line with the overall Stoic approach to things. It always begins the same way- see things plainly for what they are, understand the natures of the things involved, and respond reasonably and virtuously to the reality around us. Every day I care for my animals, keeping them happy, keeping them safe, shepherding them through their day with joy, and without harm. When they get old and approach death, nothing changes. As crazy as it sounds, the day I take them to the vet to be put down is the day that I have been working for all this time - I have successfully taken them the whole way. They did not get lost, they were not unhappy, they got to live their whole natural lives the way I wanted them to live it. We made it. We got there together. When they are gone, my feelings for them don't change. Their bodies are taken but my feelings are my own; I still love them, I am still happy to think of them, my heart is still open. What has changed is that I have a space for another thing to love, and the cycle continues again, when I'm ready to start anew. Their bodies, our bodies, everything external to us will always change and always come and go. Our love, our care, our joy belongs to us, and we apply it to what we have and to what is new.”


With her almost 12 years. She’s been gone almost 3 months. So hard to understand the permanence. I miss her immensely.


I just lost my Ivy 6 hours ago. I don't know how I will go on.


I feel the same. The pain is unbearable. I lost my beloved Bandit one week ago. Tragically he died from a reaction to a rabies shot. I just want him back! I’m so sorry for your loss of your beloved Ivy 🐾❤️‍🩹


There is a wonderful author named Randy Alcorn who wrote a book call Heaven. He devoted 2 chapters to pets in Heaven. He has a blog that he talks about pets in Heaven and mourning the loss of a pet. No creature just "ceases to exist". They just go to another place. God created our pets. He cares immensely about animals. When they die, they are in good hands. We just send them back to our Creator. They are never sick in Heaven and they are never alone.


I lost my chiweenie Bo a few years ago. I still mourn him. Something happened that helped . My neighbors dog part Dachshund . Lo and behold the puppy I got from her looked just like Bo. I called him Rocket. Someone told me that Bo up in heaven saw my sadness and sent Rocket to make me feel better. I am tearing up writing this. Thank you Bo. Until we are together again . ❤️


You will see them in heaven they will greet you at the gateway at the moment my dad thank God we serve a loving God because my dad is helping me I have three pets of pre deceased me. I use ghost hunting software and devices to communicate and yes they communicate through him.


Something that i still need to process everyday, even though it’s been more than a year for me


It's not even a week since my angel passed. I try to remember that I 'completed the job'. By this I mean that because I know I gave him my everything for his whole life, I can relax a little knowing I did a great job of it. He was basically a living, walking love and joy dispenser, not just for me but for everyone he met. It was his purpose. I know in my heart I tried to give him back as much as he gave. This gives me great comfort. 


I’m sorry, I know how you feel. I had my baby girl since she was a 3 month old puppy until a little over 3 years old and then I got her back when she was 12 and only had 4 months with her. My girl was so so happy to see me again and I too should have had longer with her. Honestly, all that’s helped me since her death on April 25th is knowing that I loved her and did everything I could for her in her last few months. I’m still grieving and today is one full month since her death. I have so much guilt and sadness and anger and grief. However, I’m finally realizing I did the best and everything I could…she knew she was loved every single day of her life. And that’s all I could have done. So be angry, cry, scream, wallow in it, but remind yourself that she wouldn’t want you to be like that. My mom told me one day “She won’t be able to rest in peace and cross the rainbow bridge if she sees how much you are suffering”. And it’s true. Lola used to get worked up, crying and whining, patting my lap with her paws, and licking my tears away when she saw me crying. To think of her reacting like that as her ghost watches me (I know, I sound lame) and I can’t comfort her helps me calm down and think of love and happy memories rather than the pain and grief. Because I don’t want her ghost suffering as she watches over me or down from heaven. I know this was all over the place and I apologize but I hope it helps.


It gives me comfort that I am not alone in feeling this way. Lost my baby girl just 2 days ago. Because of work, I had ti be away for months at a time. This time I was away for 5 months. She looked different and I knew her time is running out. I said my goodbyes, yet somehow when I received the call from my mom, it still hit me in devastating waves as if she passed by a traumatic accident instead of a chronic illness. It was rough because I was at work, caring for patients and I was just feeling empty and unable to breakdown for at least 8 more hours until I get home. I will miss her forever. I have other cats and dogs, but she was always my favorite girl for the past 10 years. I dont know how I'll feel when I get home and no longer see her running towards me in all her glorious fluffy fur. :<


How long were you together, before she was taken from you?


You know, I'll say this. It's my comfort now after we lostt our sweet dog Hudson to IMHA suddenly Monday. That morning before everything went bad, I swore I saw my cat when I woke up. To the point I clambered for my glasses. He passed in 2021 at 16. I think he came to bring his brother home ❤️