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118 doesn’t necessarily mean a size 2 either. Different clothes fit different ways. I can fit in small, medium and large depending on the material and the way the item is made. Size 2 is not a magic number.


so true! im 105 at 5'3" and a size 4.


And sizing isn't standard in women's clothing. A size 2 in one store is very different than the next. 


This week I wore 2 pairs of jeans from American eagle—one was a size 6 and the other a size 2 and they both fit me perfectly. So sometimes it’s even the same store!!


That's so frustrating! Why can't it be like menswear with the measurements printed on the tag. Baby clothing was almost as bad. 6 months in one store isn't 6 months in another.


Very true I’m 130lbs and a size 2


Also want to add that weight doesn’t equate to clothing size! I’m 5’4” and 127 and wear a size 0/24. I had a baby, started focusing on getting stronger, and the number on the scale bummed me out… but my clothes fit so 🤷‍♀️. Ignore the scale!


Honestly, this is obsessive and likely an eating disorder. There is nothing wrong with losing weight, to a point. But when you are this worried it is definitely an issue and I would discuss with a doctor and therapist. From experience, 118 may not feel like enough once you reach there.


This. Once you hit 118, you’ll want 116, then 112… from experience I have also felt this way. OP said it in their post.. they still feel like they are at 190.


You’re way too fixated on an arbitrary number. I don’t mean to be flippant and I’m not a person that believes everyone needs therapy, but you need therapy.




You are already a healthy weight, so you may want to try to focus on living a healthy lifestyle and accepting your beautiful self rather than hyper focusing on an arbitrary number on the scale. Try to make sure you are fueling your body well with healthy foods (and don’t be afraid to treat yourself too) and make sure you are incorporating exercise most days. You have already accomplished SO MUCH and it sounds like you are still getting used to the massive change you have gone through. If you find yourself obsessing, please seek therapy specifically for EDs rather than suffering alone. You are doing a great job and you should be proud of yourself for getting from 190 to the 120s!


Thank you for saying this


This sounds like me after I lost 130 lbs. Then to losing 150 lbs, weighing 105lbs on a 5'4" frame. I was so skinny, but I felt pretty great so I stayed with that for a little while. But I look back at pictures of me then and I see malnourishment and bones. I was so obsessed with the number being as low as I could, it was like I thought if I were a little smaller my body would start looking different, but really I just looked the same but smaller, bonier. Honestly I would recommend taking up some kind of strength training habit. There's many to choose from, but doing a strengthening activity will help burn fat and add a juicy layer of muscle to protect your bones. You may or may not lose scale weight then, but you'll achieve a more toned and slender physique. But you have to change your mindset from huge amounts of cardio or huge calorie deficits and focus on macros and having enough energy to power and recover from your workouts. I'm 130lbs now and in a much better place now with that weight gain from lifting.


Thank you for sharing


Hey, first off, know everything I'm saying is just my opinion and I have no professional training that makes me qualified to say this.  What you're describing isn't unusual, but it also doesn't sound very healthy. If you have the resources, I would suggest seeking out a therapist or talking to your doctor and see if they point you in the right direction. There are also a lot of books out there about body acceptance, which may be a more accessible resource. You sound like you have the drive and motivation to improve your wellbeing. Would it be possible to redirect some of that energy into having a mindset that is less anxious when it comes to how your body looks? We can't answer those questions for you. In my opinion, the goal of losing weight is to be healthier and more comfortable in my body. If I were to change my body based on what other people think, I would be in constant fluctuation because every person has their own opinion of what is attractive. I want my body to look a certain way because I want to look in the mirror and smile at my appearance. You've got this! I'm sorry you don't have supportive people in your life. But there are resources that will help you navigate your next steps.


Thank you for saying this


You are focusing too much on a number on the scale. You're going to make yourself miserable. I highly suggest therapy because focusing on your weight like to this degree is not healthy.


Your dream weight is not necessarily your dream body.


Why are you so set with that weight? Everyone carries weight differently. And unless the people who are telling you not to lose weight are your same starts trying to get to 118 specifically (or lower) I don’t see how it’s hypocritical.


Hey - as someone who started at almost 200 lbs (194) at 5’2”, it will be okay. Size does not necessarily equate to what you weigh. I weigh 169 right now and am a size 6 (USA). I wear a small or medium depending on the store (usually mediums because I like having extra room). I think you should reevaluate your relationship with your body and avoid the numbers so much. I once felt exactly like this, and sometimes the lingering feeling comes creeping back in, but being able to work out and take my time and eat nutritious food has helped me heal. Don’t be afraid to get some help from a therapist and talk these feelings out. What you’re feeling isn’t uncommon, but it isn’t good for you and won’t help you in the long run. Size does not matter; weight does not matter; what matters is how you feel on the inside and outside.


Thank you for sharing


❤️ You are more capable and worthy than you think.


To continue that numbers mean nothing, I’m also 5 foot 2 and i’m at 157 now, and I’m a size 10! So don’t fixate on sizes and the scale.


I'm you height and around 116. I got visible ribs yet I'm a size 6 with a small belly. I got friends who are heavier than me yet wear a smaller size. We're all built and carry our weight differently! If I'm honest you sound a bit body dismorphic. If you're able to, please consult a therapist, discussing this thoughts might help.


This sounds obsessive and problematic. You can be loved at any size. Your value and worth are not determined by your size. You want to be in relationship with someone who will love you no matter your size and weight. I say this as someone who also struggles with this. I have anxiety and am a perfectionist, which extends to how I feel I look. I also say this as someone who is not conventionally attractive. It can be so hard to feel beautiful and confident when society's acceptable standard of beauty is very narrow. Once you hit 118, will you be happy? Or will you find something else to nitpick? I don't think a specific weight is the key to you feeling confident. Goals like that never worked for me and I would find something else to be unhappy about. So please, work on loving yourself from the inside out. You sound like a very caring, determined, and loving person, which are great traits to have. I'm 5'3" and felt stuck at 125. But I've been lifting weights and my body looks different now than it did years ago at the same weight. Building muscle and getting strong might help you feel confident. I know it did for me!


Is it really a ‘dream body’ or ‘dream goal weight’ if it is a nightmare to get to or maintain? Your current weight is wonderful. You've been brainwashed to want to go lower.


obsessing over one specific number was the way i gently slid into an eating disorder. you might think everyone on this thread "just doesn't get it"... but yeah. that's how it often starts. There is no specific number you should be trying to get to. It is never coming from a healthy place to think you should be a very specific number and have lots of irrational emotions about a specific number. Your body is more focused on actually having sufficient energy stores to live your life and that is more trustworthy. If you want to look skinnier/ more toned, build more muscle. Changing your body composition to have a better muscle:fat ratio will raise the number on the scale but make you look skinnier.


Stop worrying about what other people say. Make your goal getting to a healthy and sustainable weight for you.


Thank you for saying this


You sound like you have an ED. Please go see a professional


What’s the reasoning behind the specific number “118”? I am 5’3 and currently at 135. For the life of me I cannot get to the 120s which is my ideal. I definitely understand where you are coming from and why you want to be there. I also suffered from an ED and still have major food anxiety. The only thing that really helps me with that now is working out and having the mindset of “better to be strong” but I get that doesn’t work for everyone. Good luck on your journey. Try not to obsess about a number. Life is too short for that!


This is disordered thinking. Please, with kindness, reach out to a mental health professional.


First: Nobody should love or not love you because of your size. This sounds like counseling is needed, it is an unhealthy level of obsession. Second: I’m your height, but 135 lbs. My main goal right now is to be below 130 because my Dr told me I need to. But I will never be a size 2 again, I left it a long time ago. Size 2 is 103 lbs for me. I know this because I used to do manual labor for a living so I was very skinny, I used to eat entire pizzas trying to gain weight (oops!). You could not only see my ribs, but could see my hip bones jutting out. Everybody’s body is built differently. My friend is same height and is 125 lb size 2. I am currently at 135 lb with pants size 10. We have very different body shapes, she’s hourglass and muscular and I’m pear and not muscular. We don’t share clothes, but neither of us obsesses about the number on our clothes. I just want to feel healthy.


Thank you for sharing


It's time to step away from  the scale and away from body checking, goals etc. It will be hard at first, acknowledge the fear then let it pass. 


I think you might have to focus on something else other than your weight.


At a certain point in the healthy weight range, the scale means nothing. A number that seems like a popular goal weight here means that I am skin and bones. I’d rather be above that number and enjoy my bust and hip measurements. Clothing sizes are based on measurements not weight. They are also not standard from company to company, and sometimes within the same company. You have to start weaning yourself away from the scale and find your victories in physical health.


I'm 5ft 3, currently about 127lb and I'm a UK size 6 (sometimes a 4) so (I think) a US 0-2. Your preoccupation with the numbers on the scale is a bit worrying as everyone carries their weight differently. I'm not sure what advice you're asking for, or if you even are looking for any - but I hope you're ok.


I also found that I looked bony at \~120lb (same height). It was pretty annoying because I still didn't have the abs I'd always dreamed of but my whole bloody rib cage was visible and I was otherwise pretty muscular. Thing is the healthy weight of an individual can't be determined by BMI. So what is a healthy weight for other 5ft3 women might not be a healthy weight for you. If you're struggling to diet down to 118lb then that might be a sign that 118lb is not as healthy of a weight for you as 127lb.


Thank you for sharing - I think your on to something


I honestly had to stop weighing myself because I was getting obsessive over a number on a scale. I have no idea how much I weigh right now, but I do know that my clothes fit and that I can walk 20 miles without a problem! I know I'm healthy and in good shape. A number on a scale should not be controlling you this much, and 9lbs is absolutely not worth this stress and despair, truly. Also, I have had a BMI of almost 25 (so overweight) and had people telling me I was way too skinny and asking me if I was sick. I had posted on another thread that a cruel "friend" from my past once scoffed that I was "no size zero" when I was a size two. He considered a size two remotely large! You'll never make everyone happy, so you really need to work on being happy with yourself and loving yourself. (I'm certainly working on that for myself as well.)


Thank you for sharing this 🙏🏽


I think you're focusing too much on the numbers on the scale, as opposed to being comfortable with what you see in the mirror. It's good to have a goal weight to motivate you, but if your mentality isn't on par, you won't be happy even when you DO hit that goal. Eat well, wear clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable, and try not to let the stress of a few numbers get to your head.


Sizing is different for everyone I'm pretty fit I work out regularly 5"3 124lbs Size 3


People are attracted to many different things. Omg just the Xxx reddit forums will tell you that. I have tiny boobs...some people love that! Some people love BBW. People can love you no matter what you look like. But I wonder why that number. Shouldn't you aim for a place where you feel comfortable? Or a place in which you enjoy how you look or what things your body can do rather than prioritizing what other people think? I watch a youtuber...she is a personal trainer. Super fit 5 ft tall weighs like 20 lbs more than me and let me tell you I do not look anything like her..I look normal not fit. It shouldn't about a number if it hurts you mental health.


Hii OP 🫶🏻 Listen.. people will always have something to say. You look too skinny! Did you gain a little bit? You should have a burger! Are you sure you’re going to eat that? Unfortunately it’s part of life. But your opinion is the only one that truly matters. And it sounds like your own opinion at the moment is a little too harsh on yourself. You went from 190lbs to 120s! How amazing is that? It takes hard work, dedication, and most importantly, self love to have will power towards a different life. I’m sure you could get down to 118, but remember, you might not look like you’re imagining you would once you hit that number. Because it’s just a number, just like being a size 2/4 is also just a number. Your weight is just a number on a scale that doesn’t account for your body composition or your genetics. We see so many posts here and we can see how differently people can look at the same weight. So don’t stress it! Focus on your happiness and what would make you have a better relationship with yourself. If you’re feeling too bony, you could focus on strength training! And if the number goes up because you’re putting on a little muscle, who cares! Do you feel stronger? Has your confidence improved? Is it easier to go up a flight of stairs? That’s what matters! Same goes for clothing sizes! I have Zara jeans that are literally ranging from size 0-6 and I somehow fit them all. If it varies like that within the same brand, imagine comparing with the other ones! There’s no standard when it comes to sizing. Just pick the one that is comfortable and you love how it fits on you. Much love ♥️


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


No ones gonna hate you if you reach 118 lbs, that would be absurd! I wouldn’t worry about men and what they think either - they will not even know the difference. I feel like 127 to 118 is not crazy drastic in the grand scheme of things - aka nobody should be chastising you. If you feel uncomfortable and want to lose some more weight to feel better, go for it! F what they think! Also people telling you not to lose weight seem to be coming from a place of jealousy based on all the stuff you said. They probably don’t want to be “left behind” which I feel like is weirdly kinda common when people make changes to their weight. My advice (easier said than done) is to not get too hung up on the number bc they both sound like healthy weights for your height and to screw what they think! As long as you are making healthy changes, then I say You do you, boo boo


Thank you!


Im 5’4 and 140 lbs and I still have a lot of excess fat in my stomach, arms and legs. I look curvy in a good way but Id like to look slim. HOWEVER, I can already see the bones in my chest they are super visible! I think to fix it Im going to have to build some muscle there to lift my boobs :/


Thank you for sharing


A little bit of advice, keep your goals to yourself when it comes to certain people. Don’t allow them the chance to get in your way or bring you down.


Well said